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Solid Ground Christian Books Celebrates
Seven Years of Serving the Lord

I am very thankful for the excellent publishing work that Solid Ground is doing. Not only has my library been enlarged but my life and ministry have been greatly helped by many of the books they have made available.
— Tom Ascol. Pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Cape Coral, FL, Editor of The Founder's Journal

Solid Ground Christian Books provides a great service. Their work is much needed in our day. It is filling a gap in the publishing world. For those of us that more often than not prefer that which is old, Solid Ground is the place to go. Their reprints are handsomely done, but the most important element is their content. For pastors and their sheep, parents and their children, I recommend SGCB, without qualification.
— Richard Barcellos, Pastor, Free Grace Church: Lancaster, CA, Managing Editor, Reformed Baptist Theological Review

Solid Ground Christian Books has provided Still Waters Revival Books with a number of excellent Reformed works which we know have been of great benefit to our customers. The reprinting and distribution of classic Puritan and Reformation books is as much (if not more) needed in our generation as in any before. In this, we are thankful for the help we have received from Solid Ground and we believe that SGCB has been used to bless many with affordable Christian resources.
— Reg Barrow, President of Still Water Revival Books

I deeply appreciate the ministry of Solid Ground Christian Books in resurrecting long-forgotten literature that ministers to the mind and soul and fosters what John Murray called "intelligent piety" for every sphere of Christian living.
— Joel R. Beeke, Pastor and President of Puritan Reformed Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI

I thank God for the work of Solid Ground Christian Books in making books of extraordinary value available to readers at extraordinarily low prices, often after they have been long out of print. I have bought quite a few books from SGCB myself and have always been delighted with them.
— E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Historical Theology & Social Ethics, Knox Theological Seminary, FL

John Ruskin once observed, "All books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hour, and the books of all time." I am grateful to Solid Ground Christian Books for reprinting great books from the past for today's generation.
— Timothy K. Beougher, Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism and Associate Dean, School of Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY

Solid Ground books has brought to the fore books that, otherwise, may never have seen the light of day--and in which case would never have given their edifying light to many Christian readers. Solid Ground is filling a void in today's sometimes "lightweight" Christian publishing industry.
— Joseph M. Bianchi, Executive Director, Calvary Press Publishing

In a day when many Christian books are being published, it is a great pleasure to recommend a publisher that is more concerned with quality than quantity - Solid Ground Christian Books. The books they publish not only stimulate the mind, but warm the soul and motivate to action. Purchase them and you will not be disappointed.
— Earl M. Blackburn, Pastor, Trinity Reformed Baptist Church - La Mirada, CA
Chairman, ARBCA Administrative Council

Solid Ground Christian Books in just seven years has made a solid contribution to the availability of outstanding Christian literature. I especially appreciate the appearance of a good number of titles from the Old Princeton Seminary professors. Modern Christians need these books. They feed the mind and soul and help us "to glorify God and enjoy Him."
— David B. Calhoun, Professor of Church History, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri

Though it is not wise to live in the past, it is foolish to forget it. Solid Ground Christian Books performs a most valuable service by providing resources for keeping contemporary Christians connected to great works from the Reformed tradition. I am grateful to SGCB for making such rich materials available to the reading public.
— R. Scott Clark, D.Phil., Associate Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology, Westminster Seminary, California

In much of today's impotent Christendom with its' easy-believism and mega church mentality, true seekers need to 'ask for the old paths, where is the good way.' Solid Ground Christian Books is providing a much needed service in "uncovering buried treasures'" helping the saints 'to walk therein, and to find rest for their souls.'
— Shirley Cole, At What Price Truth?

In a day in which the church has lost its way in the quagmire of postmodernism and pragmatism, Solid Ground Christian Books provides a much-needed resource, offering Christians the wisdom of earlier generations whose feet were on firmer biblical and theological ground than many of the popular Christian writers of today. It is to be hoped that more of God's people will look upon these authors as treasured family sages whose spiritual insight can guide us through these confusing times.
— Steven B. Cowan, Associate Director of the Apologetics Resource Center, Birmingham, Alabama

In the superficial atmosphere of our day it has been encouraging to note a revival of interest in long buried literary treasures of the past. This interest has largely been due to the vision of publishers like Solid Ground Christian Books who saw in the writings of authors of past generations help for our confused times.
— Richard Denham, missionary to Brazil for over 50 years, founder of FIEL Literature Ministry in Portuguese

There are but a very few who reprint old, orthodox, sound, solid, godly works. Solid Ground Christian Books stands at the very front of this list--and this, after only seven short years! Hardly a week passes that we do not order books for our personal libraries and study center.
— W. R. Downing, Pastor, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, Morgan Hill. CA

Truth is unto godliness, and the goal of apostolic preaching and teaching is "love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." Solid Ground Christian Books is providing sound and healthful truth for the edification of the church and ministry, by uncovering these buried treasures and making them available to us today. For this, we are all thankful.
— Ligon Duncan, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi

Solid Ground Christian Books is a breath of fresh air in Christian publishing. The rest of the evangelical world seems to have its feet planted in mid-air, but Solid Ground lives up to its name. Mike Gaydosh has a rare gift for finding gems that need to be reprinted. Mike has been a close friend for years, and I cannot but rejoice at the evident success of a new publisher worthy of our support.
— David Dykstra, Pastor of the Reformed Baptist Church of Lafayette, NJ

Solid Ground Christian Books has become an important tool for many leaders around the country by reprinting books at affordable prices that are difficult for us to locate. My library is fairly extensive, but I'm always amazed how SGCB keeps coming up with these outstanding titles from the past. This preservation of great works is a boon to the Christian community that I, for one, deeply appreciate.
— Jim Elliff, President, Christian Communicators Worldwide

The motto of Solid Ground Christian Books says it all. For their passion, endeavor, and accomplishment are indeed "Uncovering Buried Treasure to the Glory of God." The riches they have unearthed, and again made available to the church, are an enormous blessing to all who desire a deeper understanding of God and a more Christ-centered life.
— Ric Ergenbright, photographer and author of The Art of God

It is a great blessing to have good books reproduced in our day setting forth the gospel of God's free and sovereign grace in Christ. Thank you, Solid Ground Christian Books, for these seven years of excellent service to the cause of Christ.
— Donald S. Fortner, Pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Danville, KY, author of Discovering Christ in Genesis

Solid Ground Christian Books are to be commended for their discriminating and judicious selection of spiritually reward-ing Christian literature from the 19th century. Through their efforts works of abiding theological value have been reprinted and made available for contemporary Christians. Pastors and sheep alike will benefit from the wise and seasoned insights found in the pages of these books. Reprints of the literary legacy of godly men and women who faithfully ran the Christian race and have now entered into their rest are one of the great privileges that today's Christians enjoy through company's like SGCB.
— James M. Garretson, author of Princeton and Preaching: Archibald Alexander on the Christian Ministry

Since Solid Ground Christian Books began publishing seven years ago, I have been constantly amazed at the Christ-honoring, literary gems they have uncovered for the benefit of today's Christian reader. Add to this a true heart for the gospel and for the building up of the Lord's people and you will understand why Evangelical Press is privileged to be the UK distributor of this wonderful material - Keep digging brother!
— Anthony Gosling, General Manager, Evangelical Press

As we enter the 21st century, we thank God for raising up the pioneering efforts of SGCB in locating many missing gems of Biblical exposition and bringing them back into print. It reminds me of the Lord's work in the 1950's when the Banner of Truth began, and the English-speaking world was changed from having a dearth of Puritan and Reformed literature to having an abundance of the same. Solid Ground is continuing to build on that good work and heritage!
— Dennis Gundersen, Senior Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Tulsa, OK, President, Grace & Truth Books

By bringing back into print classic Christian titles, Solid Ground Christian Books is providing an invaluable service to the church. A new generation of Christians is now reading and enjoying titles that otherwise would have been largely unavailable to them. May the Lord continue to bless this ministry.
— Tim Harrelson, Lifeway Academic Book Buyer

"Every Christian ought to be a good historian." These words of the 18th century Baptist Caleb Evans are as true now as they were when he first uttered them. But where to go for solid Christian literature of the past? Over the past few years, Solid Ground Christian Books has been providing excellent resources from the past, truly "buried treasure," so enabling Christians to be good historians--and in turn, good Christians.
— Michael A. G. Haykin, Principal, The Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College

Solid Ground has in a short time made a wonderful contribution in publishing so many truly spiritually edifying books in attractive format.
— Erroll Hulse, Editor of Reformation Today, author of numerous books, including Who Are the Puritans?

Someone once said that 'What is new in theology is not good and what is good in theology is not new.' No doubt such a sentiment is a tad too sweeping, for we can surely expect to see much that is good in the fresh insights that flow from the Holy Spirit's leading us in to the truth of God's Word (John 16:13). Yet, in only seven years of publication, Solid Ground has demonstrated both that there is gold to be mined in the land of forgotten books and that such insight, once resurrected, can be as fresh as the dew to a new generation bombarded on every hand by the jaded arrogance of a modernity that, like the Boubon rulers of pre-revolutionary France, appears determined to 'forget everything and learn nothing.'
— Gordon Keddie, Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, State College, PA, author of He Spoke in Parables

Solid Ground Christian Books is doing the church a great service by making solid Christian material available at such reasonable prices. The materials they are making available to the church are of inestimable value to the cause of Christ. I certainly have benefited by their ministry and commend it to others for their use.
—Wayne Mack, Director of Strengthening Ministries International, author of Strengthening Your Marriage

In just seven years, Solid Ground Christian Books has mushroomed from small beginnings to become one of the leading resources for sound reformed and evangelical books. This is more than a business; it is a burden to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and to edify God's people. The service is great, the prices are great, and the listings are sound theologically. Use them! You will not be disappointed!
—Fred Malone, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Clinton, LA, author of The Baptism of Disciples Alone

We have seen an explosion in reformed publishing the past fifty years with thankfully no end in sight. SGCB has in just a few years become one of the best. I look forward to the many new titles that they are sure to unearth in the years to come for the benefit of us all! May God continue to use you mightily around the globe.
—Jerry Marcellino, Pastor, author and founder of Audubon Press

Solid Ground Christian Books wisely serves Christ's church by bringing back the best of the best of the treasures of the saints from past generations. In a generation that idolizes the "new and improved", Solid Ground Christian Books uncovers the wells that have refreshed believers who have followed Christ on the 'old paths' of gospel truth since the Reformation. Some of the best Reformation, Puritan, Great Awakening and 19th century material make up the Solid Ground. May God fulfill your desire to return the church to the foundational truths of Christ and the Scriptures.
— Steve Martin, Pastor, Heritage Church, Fayetteville, GA

Solid Ground continues to make available works of encouragement, spirituality, theological insight, historical importance, exposition, and biography that are truly built on theological solid ground. Christians at all levels of maturity are far richer in the opportunities for Christian growth due to the abundance of trustworthy and edifying resources published by Solid Ground Christian Books.
— Tom J. Nettles, Associate Professor of Historical Theology and Church History, Southern Seminary, Louisville, KY

I very much appreciate the books that Solid Ground Christian Books is making available for us today. There are only a few books being published today that contain anything more than mere sentimentality. Consequently, Mike Gaydosh's ministry, through republishing doctrinally sound books from the past, is especially a blessing from God for us all.
— Martha Peace, Biblical Counselor and author of The Excellent Wife

The ministry of instruction and edification through the books produced by Solid Ground Christian Books is precisely that. SGCB continues to provide the body of Christ a great service by publishing some of the finest Christian literature with which to teach and build up the saints of God. How I thank God for what materials are being distributed! May it only continue for our good and God's glory.
— Lance Quinn, Pastor-Teacher
The Bible Church of Little Rock, AR

Solid Ground Christian Books has served the church of Christ well by reprinting valuable and often hard-to-obtain books from the past. May the Lord continue to bless these efforts.
— James M. Renihan, Ph.D. Dean, Associate Professor of Historical Theology
Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies, Escondido, CA

Solid Ground Christian Books provides the only firm foundation upon which one might build. That firm bedrock is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. Solid Ground Christian Books provides resources to make the process of building upon that Rock possible, if not likely. The books express concrete realities: they are fixed and anchored in the Word of God, while they provide proven truths that have weathered the trials of time and the attacks of all adversaries. May God make them to endure as a monument to all generations.
— Mike Renihan, Pastor, Heritage Baptist Church, Worchester, MA

All over the world today there has been a resurgence of interest in the doctrines of the Reformation. This is one of the most encouraging signs of the times in which we live. Coming as it does after a century or more of liberal and confused theological teaching it is to be reckoned a true work of God. At the same time there is an urgent need for these good books to be placed into the right hands. Often our brethren in developing countries have not got access to these fine books or else cannot afford them at our Western prices. Solid Ground Christian Books are therefore to be much commended in that they are doing all they can to make these fine books of doctrine and devotion available far and wide at affordable prices and through the internet. The potential for good in this work is incalculable and I wish the project and the friends who have undertaken it every blessing.
— Maurice Roberts, Pastor and author of The Thought of God, Great God of Wonders and others

As a Christian apologist and teacher I am very appreciative of the work of Solid Ground Christian Books to resurrect some great scholarly works of days gone by. Many of Christianity's finest thinkers have already lived and died, but through the work of SGCB believers today can be challenged and edified by the writings of these gifted and devoted authors. Today's church desperately needs the wisdom and biblical instruction that past Christian thinkers of the Reformed tradition can uniquely provide. I strongly endorse the efforts of SGCB.
—Kenneth Samples, author of Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions (Baker, 2004)

I am very pleased with the kind of works that Solid Ground Christian Books is putting before us. They are Christ-centered and meaty, and they are full of heart religion. May the Lord of Church open many doors for the good treasures of Solid ground Christian Books to be carried through for the extension of His glorious Kingdom.
— Robert B. Selph, Coordinator, Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America, Carlisle, PA

Jer.6:16 says, "Thus says the Lord, 'Stand by the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls'." I give the Lord thanks for the labors of our Brother, Mike Gaydosh, and the ministry of Solid Ground Christian Books. I rejoice with him in the celebration of their fifth anniversary. His has been a labor of love for the church as he has sought to uncover the buried treasures of the "old paths" and make them available to us at affordable prices. Recently, I gave to each of the men in our pastors' fellowship a copy of "The Preacher and his Models." Each of these Brethren spoke of how the Lord used this book to refresh, stir up and challenge their souls. Thank you, Mike. May the Lord continue to bless your labors and encourage you to press on to the glory of His Holy Name.
— Amresh Semurath, Pastor, The Reformed Evangelical Church of Trinidad & Tobago

Solid Ground Christian Books has been so helpful in providing reprints of precious gems that have not lost their luster with age. The reprint of John Stevenson's expositions of Psalms 22 and 23 alone testifies to the fine work of SGCB. With the torrent of new religious titles, so many of which have (at best) questionable worth, it is delightful to be offered refreshing streams from authors whose pens had heavenly ink. Keep up the fine work!
— Bill Shishko, Pastor, Orthodox Presbyterian Church of Franklin Square, NY

Ichabod Spencer's two volumes were an eye-opener to me, so very helpful. How could I have gone for thirty-five years in the ministry and never come across this giant of pastoral evangelism? How helpful those 50 interviews are as Spencer describes vividly the way he directed people to Christ, and how sometimes he succeeded while other times his counsels were rejected. If these were the only two books Solid Ground Christian Books had reprinted then it would have been a marvelous ministry but there have been many others for which we are very grateful.
—Geoff Thomas, Pastor, Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales, author of Philip and the Revival in Samaria

We live in encouraging times as people who are committed to reformed theology. We are blessed by several publishers who are dedicated to publishing and distributing solid unvarnished truth. Solid Ground Christian Books is one of the publishers whose books will deepen and broaden your Christian life and ministry.
— Tedd Tripp, Pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Hazleton, PA, author of Shepherding a Child's Heart

I am so thankful for the ministry of Solid Ground Christian Books and Mike Gaydosh and his staff. Bringing quality, uncompromising Christian literature into churches and into the homes of believers is a valuable ministry to be sure, especially in a day when there is so little concern for content and so much more concern for the bottom line. May God continue to bless Solid Ground in the future.
—James White, Alpha & Omega Ministries, Author The God Who Justifies

In a time when so many books of dubious value are published, the Church should be grateful for ministries like SGCB which distributes treasured books that ought to be made available to every generation of Christians.
— Don Whitney, Professor, Author of Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life

We are so thankful for SGCB. Their labors in retrieving and reproducing quality out-of-print material has been and is good for the Church. When I think of the Collected Writings of James Thornwell (beautifully bound!), various volumes of sermons by J. A. and J.W. Alexander, and John Broadus' Memoir of James Petigru Boyce, I can only stop and thank God for the collective wisdom of the authors, but also the labors of SGCB in bringing these good old books (and many more) back to the table. We look forward to many more good things from your labors and congratulate you on seven years of faithful service to the Church of Christ.
— C. N. Willborn, Ph.D., Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Associate Professor of Church History