Bavinck Titles
 |  | REFORMED DOGMATICS: The Complete Four Volume Set Herman Bavinck
 In partnership with the Dutch Reformed Translation Society, Baker Academic is proud to offer in English for the very first time the fourth and final volume of Herman Bavinck's complete Reformed Dogmatics, now also available as a four-volume set. This volume includes the combined indexes for all four volumes. In addition, editor John Bolt introduces each chapter and has enhanced the footnotes and bibliography. This masterwork will appeal not only to scholars, students, pastors, and laity interested in Reformed theology but also to research and theological libraries.
 "Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics has been the fountainhead of Reformed theology for the last hundred years. It is by far the most profound and comprehensive Reformed systematic theology of the twentieth century. The reader will be amazed by Bavinck's erudition, creativity, and balance. Bavinck is confessionally orthodox, but he recognizes the need to rethink the traditional formulations from Scripture in the context of contemporary discussion. I hope these volumes will have a large readership and will bring forth much theological and spiritual fruit."--John M. Frame, professor of systematic theology and philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary
 "Bavinck's Dutch masterwork was the Everest of which the textbooks by Louis Berkhof and Auguste Leoerf were foothills and Berkouwer's studies in dogmatics were outliers. Like Augustine, Calvin, and Edwards, Bavinck was a man of giant mind, vast learning, ageless wisdom and great expository skill. Solid but lucid, demanding but satisfying, broad and deep and sharp and stabilizing, Bavinck's magisterial Reformed Dogmatics remains after a century the supreme achievement of its kind."--J. I. Packer, professor of theology, Regent College
 "Despite all the important contributions that Dutch Calvinists have made to North American Protestantism, Herman Bavinck remains an obscure figure, lagging behind the influential Abraham Kuyper. With the translation and republication of Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics, this unfortunate situation should change for the better. These four volumes demonstrate the importance and mastery of Bavinck's own contribution to Reformed theology, while providing a useful and striking point of comparison with the best-known twentieth-century Reformed dogmatics, that of Karl Barth. At a time when the scholastic nature of systematic theology has come under serious criticism, Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics reveals the advantage of careful and sustained reflection on Christian truth that is both faithful to the church and engaged with the academy. Readers will discover more than Bavinck the theologian in these volumes; they will learn about the God whom he worshiped and served."--D. G. Hart, author of The Lost Soul of American Protestantism
 cw3 rdx hb3 l2o LDAY BDS CLST
SGCB Price: $40.00 (list price $65.00)
SGCB Price: $40.00 (list price $65.00)
SGCB Price: $40.00 (list price $65.00)
SGCB Price: $40.00 (list price $65.00)
SGCB Price: $155.00 (list price $250.00) SAVE $95.00
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 click for details |  | REFORMED ETHICS: Volume One - Created, Fallen, and Converted Humanity HERMAN BAVINCK
 Authored by the acclaimed Calvinist scholar Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics is one of the most important theological works of the 20th century. This recently discovered companion work to his masterpiece mines the moral teachings of the early church, as well as medieval and Puritan spirituality, to offer Bavinck's mature reflections on ethical issues. 608 pages, hardcover from Baker.
 Herman Bavinck's four-volume Reformed Dogmatics is one of the most important theological works of the twentieth century. Leading Bavinck expert John Bolt edited that work, which has received wide acclaim. Now Bolt has edited a recently discovered manuscript from Bavinck, in print for the first time, which serves as a companion to Reformed Dogmatics. Reformed Ethics follows the same method and explores the ethical and spiritual dimensions of key doctrines beyond those of Reformed Dogmatics. It mines the moral teachings of the early church and medieval and Puritan spirituality while addressing a variety of topics, offering scholars, pastors, and students Bavinck's mature reflections on ethical issues. This book is the first of three planned volumes.
 Introduction to Herman Bavinck's Reformed Ethics by Dirk van Keulen and John Bolt
 §1 Historical Overview of Christian Ethics
 §2 Terminology
 §3 Division and Organization of Ethic
 §4 Foundation and Method of Ethics
 Book I: Humanity before Conversion
 1. Essential Human Nature
 §5 Human Beings, Created in God's Image
 §6 The Content of Human Nature
 §7 Human Relationships
 2. Humanity under the Power of Sin
 §8 The Devastation of the Image of God in Humanity
 §9 The Organizing Principle and Classification of Sins
 3. The Self against the Neighbor and God
 §10 Sins of Egoism in the Narrow Sense
 §11 Sins against the Neighbor
 §12 Sins against God
 4. The Fallen Image of God
 §13 The Image of God in Fallen Human Beings
 5. Human Conscience
 §14 The Conscience
 6. The Sinner and the Law
 §15 The Law
 §16 Natural Morality
 Book II: Converted Humanity
 7. Life in the Spirit
 §17 The Nature of the Spiritual Life
 §18 The Origin of the Spiritual Life
 §19 The First and Basic Activity of the Spiritual Life
 8. Life in the Spirit in the Church's History
 §20 Mysticism, Pietism, and Methodism
 9. The Shape and Maturation of the Christian Life
 §21 The Shape of the Christian Life: The Imitation of Christ
 §22 The Growth of the Spiritual Life
 10. Persevering in the Christian Life
 §23 Security and Sealing
 11. Pathologies of the Christian Life
 §24 Diseases of the Spiritual Life and Their Roots
 12. Restoration and Consummation of the Christian Life
 §25 Means of Restoration
 §26 Consummation of the Spiritual Life; Meditation on Death
 "What a treasure! John Bolt has done the church a tremendous service in translating and editing this first volume of Bavinck's Reformed Ethics. It shares all the hallmarks we have come to associate with Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics, offering a formidable, astute account of the Reformed approach to ethics. We have long needed a work like this! Bavinck's Reformed Ethics offers pastors, students, theologians, ethicists--and Christians who would like to wrestle more deeply with the nature of the Christian life--a rich introduction to moral theology in all its contours. On the one hand, Bavinck sets forth a Christ-centered, Spirit-focused paradigm for ethics that accounts for the complexities of human nature amid the great story of creation, fall, and redemption. On the other hand, he manages to provide immensely practical and even devotional insights into dimensions of the Christian life that rarely receive the treatment they deserve, including the conscience, spiritual and moral pathologies, and practices of restoration and communion. I am grateful to have this tremendous resource in my hands, and I eagerly anticipate the next two volumes!" -Matthew J. Tuininga, assistant professor of moral theology, Calvin Theological Seminary
 hb3 lvs 319 svs l3 l2o bant hbre
SGCB Price: $38.95 (list price $60.00) THIS IS A 608 PAGE HARDCOVER VOLUME
SGCB Price: $75.00 (list price $120.00)
 |  |  |  | SAVED BY GRACE: The Holy Spirit's Work in Calling and Regeneration Herman Bavinck, translated by Nelson Kloosterman
 In the late nineteenth century, two distinct reform movements coming out of the Dutch State Reformed Church (the Afscheiding of 1834 and the Doleantie of 1886) merged to form The Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (De Geereformeerde Kerken in Nederland). While both groups had much in common, there remained fundamental points of disagreement, which erupted into controversies over such doctrines as immediate regeneration and presumptive regeneration.
 In Saved by Grace, Herman Bavinck discusses God's gracious work in bringing fallen sinners to new life and salvation. He gives a careful historical analysis that shows how Reformed theologians have wrestled to understand and express the Holy Spirit's work in calling and regeneration since the seventeenth century. Bavinck also brings exegetical precision and theological clarity to the discussion, carefully avoiding the errors of undervaluing and overvaluing the use of means in work of salvation. This book, therefore, takes up questions with which every new generation of Reformed writers must grapple.
 l2o HBRE
SGCB Price: $15.00 (list price $20.00)
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 click for details |  | REFORMED DOGMATICS: Abridged in One Volume Herman Bavinck

 "After bringing Bavinck's magisterial Reformed Dogmatics to an English-speaking audience, John Bolt has crowned the effort with this abridgment that will surely make the work accessible to a wider audience. This volume is a gift and a treasure."--Michael Horton, Westminster Seminary California
 Herman Bavinck's four-volume Reformed Dogmatics is one of the most important theological works of the twentieth century. The recently completed English translation has received wide acclaim. Now John Bolt, one of the world's leading experts on Bavinck and editor of Bavinck's four-volume set, has abridged the work in one volume, offering students, pastors, and lay readers an accessible summary of Bavinck's masterwork. This volume presents the core of Bavinck's thought and offers explanatory material, making available to a wider audience some of the finest Dutch Reformed theology ever written.
 Table of Contents
 Part I: Prolegomena: Introduction to Dogmatic Theology
 1. Dogmatic Theology as a Science
 2. The History and Literature of Dogmatic Theology
 3. Foundations of Dogmatic Theology
 4. Revelation
 5. Holy Scripture
 6. Faith
 Part II: The Triune God and Creation
 7. Knowing God
 8. The Living, Acting God
 9. The Triune God and His Counsel
 10. Creator of Heaven and Earth
 Part III: Humanity and Sin
 11. The Image of God
 12. The Fallen World
 13. Sin and Its Consequences
 Part IV: Christ the Redeemer
 14. The Only-Begotten Son of the Father
 15. The Servant Savior: Christ's Humiliation
 16. The Exalted Lord Christ
 Part V: The Holy Spirit and Salvation in Christ
 17. The Order of Salvation
 18. Calling and Regeneration
 19. Faith and Conversion
 20. Justification, Sanctification, and Perseverance
 Part VI: The Spirit Creates a New Community
 21. The Church as a Spiritual Reality
 22. The Spirit's Means of Grace
 Part VII: The Spirit Makes All Things New
 23. The Intermediate State
 24. The Return of Christ
 25. The Consummation
 "After bringing Bavinck's magisterial Reformed Dogmatics to an English-speaking audience, John Bolt has crowned the effort with this abridgment that will surely make the work accessible to a wider audience. For his commanding breadth of learning in biblical, systematic, historical, and philosophical theology as well as the rich depth of his exegetical and doctrinal insights, Bavinck stands out as the most important Reformed theologian of the nineteenth century. With Bolt's footnotes, obscure figures and debates are explained and their contemporary significance noted. This volume is a gift and a treasure, offering us one of the richest veins in the history of dogmatics."--Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor, Westminster Seminary California
 "Bavinck was a man of giant mind, vast learning, ageless wisdom, and great expository skill. Solid but lucid, demanding but satisfying, broad and deep and sharp and stabilizing, Bavinck's magisterial Reformed Dogmatics remains after a century the supreme achievement of its kind."--J. I. Packer, Regent College
 cw3 10/3 rdx
 ONE VOLUME HARDCOVER - This is now a Print-on-Demand Title with a Lower Discount
SGCB Price: $49.95 (list price $65.00) NOW AVAILABLE TO SHIP - 25% DISCOUNT!!
 |  |  |  | THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY A Fresh Translation of a Classic Reformed Work Herman Bavinck, Translated by Nelson D. Kloosterman
 A century ago when this book was first published, marriage and the family were already weathering enormous changes, and that trend has not abated. Yet by God's power the unchanging essence of marriage and the family remains proof, as Bavinck notes, that God's "purpose with the human race has not yet been achieved."
 Neither a ten-step guide nor a one-sided approach, this book embodies a Christian theology of marriage and the family. Accessible, thoroughly biblical, and astonishingly relevant, it offers a mature and concise handling of the origins of marriage and family life and the effects of sin on these institutions, an appraisal of historic Christian approaches, and an attempt to apply that theology.
 Aptly reminding Christians that "the moral health of society depends on the health of family life," Bavinck issues an evergreen challenge to God's people: "Christians may not permit their conduct to be determined by the spirit of the age, but must focus on the requirement of God's commandment."
 Introduction by James Eglinton
 "Those who know and love Herman Bavinck as the magisterial theologian and author of the Reformed Dogmatics, will enjoy the change of pace in this biblically rich and historically aware theology of marriage and family. While they might not share all of Bavinck's applications, contemporary readers will be rewarded by a sympathetic reading. They will be challenged on precisely the issues that threaten the family today because Bavinck applied biblical wisdom to his own prescient reading of trends in Western culture and society. They will also be encouraged because Bavinck so obviously loved the family and celebrated it in hope. A great read for those who are married or contemplating marriage and family." John Bolt, Professor of Systematic Theology, Calvin Theological Seminary, Editor, Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics
 "Who should read this book? Those who are tired of the micromanaging trivia of so much of the output of the reformed evangelical 'how to raise your family' industry? Those who are fed up of the cliched writing that dominates the genre today? Those who want insights into how a truly great theologian understood the family? Those who just want some simple, sanctified Christian common sense instead of banal how-to manuals pretending to be pious wisdom? All of the above. This is a good, solid presentation, a little dated in places but on the whole well-worth reading." - Carl R. Trueman
 1- The Origin of the Family
 2- The Disruption of the Family
 3- The Family Among the Nations
 4- The Family in Israel
 5- The Family in the New Testament
 6- Dangers Confronting the Family
 7- Marriage and Family
 8- Family and Nurture
 9- Family and Society
 10- The Future of the Family
 Herman Bavinck (1854-1921), born the second of eleven children, was a husband, father, pastor, professor, and the author of many books, including his four-volume magnum opus, Reformed Dogmatics (Gereformeerde Dogmatiek). As a Dutch Reformed theologian he engaged the fields of politics, philosophy, and education and was a key figure along with Abraham Kuyper in the Union of the Reformed Churches in 1892.
 Puritan family classics
SGCB Price: $10.50 (list price $12.00)
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 click for details |  | Reformed Dogmatics, Volume 1 -Prolegomena Herman Bavinck; John Bolt, ed.; John Vriend, trans
 Theologians have long appreciated Herman Bavinck's four-volume masterpiece, Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, published in 1895-99, for its comprehensive treatment of dogmatic theology. Unfortunately, this magnum opus from the great Reformed theologian has only been available in Dutch, and therefore has been inaccessible to most readers. Now, thanks to the Dutch Reformed Translation Society and the work of translator John Vriend and editor John Bolt, the first volume of Bavinck's magisterial Reformed Dogmatics is available in English for the first time. Bolt's tireless work updating the documentation augments this significant work. 704 page hardcover (Vol. 3 in 2005, Vol. 4 in 2006)

SGCB Price: $39.95 (list price $65.00) Now available at this great price!
 Order the Complete Four-Volume Set
SGCB Price: $150.00 (list price $250.00) SAVE $100.00 WHEN ORDERING ALL FOUR VOLUMES
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 click for details |  | REFORMED DOGMATICS: Volume 2- God and Creation Herman Bavinck, John Bolt, ed.; John Vriend, translator
 "Like Augustine, Calvin, and Edwards, Bavinck was a man of giant mind, vast learning, ageless wisdom, and great expository skill, and to have these volumes now in full English is a wonderful enrichment. Solid but lucid, demanding but satisfying, broad and deep and sharp and stabilizing, Bavinck's magisterial 'Reformed Dogmatics' remains after a century the supreme acievement of its kind." - J.I. Packer
 "Pastors and theologians will welcome the historic first complete translation of Herman Bavinck's 'Reformed Dogmatics' . . . This masterful theological work is now available to passionate students of theology." - R. Albert Mohler

SGCB Price: $39.95 (list price $65.00)
 Order the Complete Four-Volume Set
SGCB Price: $150.00 (list price $250.00) SAVE $100.00 WHEN ORDERING THE COMPLETE SET
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 click for details |  | REFORMED DOGMATICS: Volume 3 - Sin and Salvation in Christ Herman Bavinck
 Reformed Dogmatics, vol. 3: Sin and Salvation in Christ
 Author: Herman Bavinck
 Edition: Hardcover
 Price: 49.99
 Dimensions: 6 x 9
 Number of Pages: 704
 Publication Date: Apr. 06
 Description: Theologians have long appreciated Herman Bavinck's four-volume masterpiece, Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, for its comprehensive treatment of dogmatic theology. Now, thanks to the Dutch Reformed Translation Society, the third volume of Bavinck's magisterial Reformed Dogmatics is available in English for the first time.
 Author Information: Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) succeeded Abraham Kuyper as professor of systematic theology at the Free University in Amsterdam in 1902.
 John Bolt is professor of systematic theology at Calvin Theological Seminary.
 The late John Vriend translated many classic theological works.
 Endorsements: "Bavinck was a man of giant mind, vast learning, ageless wisdom, and great expository skill. Solid but lucid, demanding but satisfying, broad and deep and sharp and stabilizing, Bavinck's magisterial Reformed Dogmatics remains after a century the supreme achievement of its kind."--J. I. Packer, Regent College
 "This magisterial work exhibits Bavinck's vast knowledge and appreciation of the Christian tradition. Written from a Reformed perspective, it offers a perceptive critique of modern theology. . . . Recommended."--Library Journal
 "Pastors and theologians will welcome the historic first complete translation of Herman Bavinck's 'Reformed Dogmatics' . . . This masterful theological work is now available to passionate students of theology." - R. Albert Mohler
SGCB Price: $39.95 (list price $65.00)
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SGCB Price: $150.00 (list price $250.00) SAVE $100.00
 |  | 
 click for details |  | REFORMED DOGMATICS: Volume 4- Holy Spirit, Church, and New Creation Herman Bavinck
 In partnership with the Dutch Reformed Translation Society, Baker Academic is proud to offer in English for the very first time the fourth and final volume of Herman Bavinck's complete Reformed Dogmatics, now also available as a four-volume set. This volume includes the combined indexes for all four volumes. In addition, editor John Bolt introduces each chapter and has enhanced the footnotes and bibliography. This masterwork will appeal not only to scholars, students, pastors, and laity interested in Reformed theology but also to research and theological libraries.
 "Bavinck's Dutch masterwork was the Everest of which the textbooks by Louis Berkhof and Auguste Leoerf were foothills and Berkouwer's studies in dogmatics were outliers. Like Augustine, Calvin, and Edwards, Bavinck was a man of giant mind, vast learning, ageless wisdom and great expository skill. Solid but lucid, demanding but satisfying, broad and deep and sharp and stabilizing, Bavinck's magisterial Reformed Dogmatics remains after a century the supreme achievement of its kind."--J. I. Packer, professor of theology, Regent College
 "Arguably the most important systematic theology ever produced in the Reformed tradition. I have found it to be the most valuable. English-speaking theology throughout the 20th century until now has been singularly impoverished by not having at its disposal a translation of Bavinck's Dogmatiek in its entirety. The appearance of these volumes will be an incomparable boon for generations of students, pastors, teachers, and others, serving to deepen understanding and enrich reflection in both historical and systematic theology."--Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., professor of biblical and systematic theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
SGCB Price: $39.95 (list price $65.00)
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SGCB Price: $150.00 (list price $250.00) SAVE $100.00 WHEN ORDERING THE COMPLETE SET