Inventory Reduction Sale
 |  | CHAINS OF GRACE: Peter Jeffery's Story Peter Jeffery
 Chains of grace, the story of Peter Jeffery, is an engaging and insightful account of how God took an ordinary man (who had little knowledge of the Bible) and converted him, even though the very day he was converted, he vowed these words: 'I will never become a Christian!' Commencing his ministry in Wales, he faced challenges and difficulties in his pastorate, but learnt to trust God in all circumstances. His faithful preaching of the Bible led to many people having their lives transformed, and the knock-on effect of God's grace was often like the links of a chain, with one conversion leading to another. Peter's ministry took him to many different parts of the world, including Australia and North America. His writings have been translated into various languages, and he has over forty books in print.
 Enjoy reading all about how God took an ordinary man and used him as an instrument to build his church!
 "Spirit-anointed preachers who are simple, clear, biblically faithful and who aim at conversion is the need of the hour. May our God raise up many more men with Peter's gifts and graces to herald the mercies of Peter's Savior." - Pastor Steve Martin
 "I commend this easy-to-read journey of a man who found Jesus Christ and wants to tell others about him. Peter Jeffery has done that and still is doing it through this book and others. Thrown into the bargain are real questions on true preaching, what it is, and true conversions which are clearly and simply answered and explained." - Neville Rees is a retired pastor, Morriston, Swansea, Wales

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 click for details |  | The New York City Prayer Revival of 1858 and Its Lessons J.W. Alexander
 "The valuable description of the revival of 1858 in this gem of a book is fol1owed by expositions saturated with the Spirit of revival. Here are some notable features: There is fervent prayer in the Spirit which culminates in motivation and effort to reach the lost. Vast harvests require enormous effort and industry. There is a profound sense of sinfulness and the reality of being lost for all eternity together with free grace and a free justification. When revival comes then the gates of iron are penetrated and the very worst of sinners are saved. 'My rule' said John Wesley, 'is to go not only to those who need me but to those who need me most'.
 Through these sermons our hope, vision and confidence are enlarged, 'The genius of Christianity is not simply that of conservation, but of aggression. Christianity must not merely live but increase and cover the earth' (p.179). The revival hymns are a bonus including all nine verses of 'O sacred Head, now wounded' (p. 100). - Erroll Hulse, Reformation Today magazine and Leeds Reformed Baptist Church (U.K.)
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SGCB Price: $10.00 (list price $20.00)
SGCB Price: $22.00 (list price $48.00) Sermons from J.W. Alexander, Theodore Cuyler, George Bethune, Edward Hiscox, William Adams and many more
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 click for details |  | GOLDEN HOURS: Heart-Hymns of the Christian Life Elizabeth Payson Prentiss
 This is a rare glimpse into the heart of a sufferer, as the author of Stepping Heavenward and more love to Thee, O Christ put down her thoughts in verse during the most trying years of her life.
 "I trust that many will be blessed by Prentiss' Heart-Hymns, which were born in the crucible of sorrow. I am one of those who, as she put it, 'cannot trace, but trust in Thee.' Read the poems, ponder them in your heart, be glad that we may deeply learn from her lessons." -Elisabeth Elliot, author of numerous books
 "A favorite hymn of mine is More Love to Thee, O Christ and I am delighted to recommend this entire volume of Elizabeth Prentiss' inspired poetry and hymn writing to you. It will be a wonderful way to enrich your personal worship." - Benjamin Harlan, Dean, School of Church Music, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
 "Elizabeth Prentiss did not squander her suffering. She mined the 'treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places' and she learned that 'I, the LORD, Who call you by your name, am the God of Israel' (Isaiah 45:3). In this gem of a book, she gives us a glimpse not only of the treasures she mined but of her darkness, providing a backdrop against which those treasures sparkle all the more brightly. What a gift!" - Susan Hunt, Women in the Church for the PCA
 "In Golden Hours Prentiss unmasks the secret of suffering: hard providences answer our prayers to see Him face to face. Reprinting this book is a priceless gift to those who find themselves faced with the stewardship of suffering, in the verdant wilderness of sorrow." - Karen Grant, Author and Homemaker
 "I wish I could have known Elizabeth Prentiss and heard her speak of her love for the Lord. Yet, she still does speak to us today through her verse. How wonderful that God is still fulfilling her heart's desire to love Him more and more and more ... and we receive the benefits." - Martha Peace, Author of The Excellent Wife

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SGCB Price: $5.00 (list price $13.00)
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 click for details |  | FOR WHOM DID CHRIST DIE? The Extent of the Atonement John Murray
 "Of all the men I have known John Murray was the man I have judged to be most full of God. To see walking him about the campus set your heart beating faster and you hurried along to join with him, drawn by his love. Then you were careful what words you spoke when you were with him because of his holiness. He would take a class of students into the presence of God and preach his lectures with the deepest earnestness and clarity. He was a fearless Christian whose mind was bound captive to the Bible. Where the Bible went John Murray went and his heart was full of the atoning death of his Saviour as his only hope in life and death." - Geoff Thomas, Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales
 "Did Christ die to save me? Or did he just die so that I may be saved? John Murray addresses these questions in a thoughtful and biblical way. He concludes that 'the atonement is efficacious substitution.' Read this excellent essay and find out what he means." - Dr. Robert Martin, Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church, Seattle, Washington; Editor, Reformed Baptist Theological Review
 "When our Savior offered himself a sacrifice for sin, he acted in redeeming love. Towards whom was that love directed? The cross is the power of God unto salvation, but what was actually accomplished by the crucifixion? A ransom was paid, but what was the effect of it? These questions of deep interest are examined by John Murray through a careful study of the most pertinent passages of Holy Scripture. What emerges is a sense of the omnipotence of Christ's love and the rich and full provision he has made for needy sinners." - Sherman Isbell, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, MD
 "The question of the extent of the atonement is simply: for whom did Christ make atonement? In even simpler language it is: for whom did Christ die? The question is: on whose behalf did Christ offer himself a sacrifice? On whose behalf did he propitiate the wrath of God? Whom did he reconcile to God in the body of his flesh through death? Whom did he redeem from the curse of the law, from the guilt and power of sin, from the enthralling power and bondage of Satan? In whose stead and on whose behalf was he obedient unto death, even the death of the cross? These are precisely the questions that have to be asked and frankly faced if the matter of the extent of the atonement is to be placed in proper focus." - John Murray

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 click for details |  | BEHIND THE BIBLE: A Primer on Textual Criticism Jeff Johnson
 Did the multitude of Biblical scribes who copied the Scriptures by hand throughout the centuries do so with absolute perfection? If not, how can we know that what we now possess is (word for word) what was originally penned by the Biblical authors themselves? 'Behind the Bible' spotlights the divine preservation of Scripture to show that it is not by chance God's Word 'will never pass away.'
 "Jeff Johnson has provided a helpful and clear discussion of the key issues behind the 'whys' and 'wherefores' of how we got our New Testament text. In light of the frontal assaults upon the integrity of the text of the New Testament pervasive in our day, it is important for believers to have a knowledge of these matters, and Johnson's work is a useful addition to the introductions available on the subject." - James R. White, author or PULPIT CRIMES
 "One of the most difficult areas of Biblical study is the matter of textual criticism. Obviously, this is not something which can be done with perfection, but Jeffrey Johnson has in this book, 'Behind the Bible', shown not only how it is done, but also that it can, when done properly, arrive with a great certainty of the original Biblical text.This book, because of its clarity and helpfulness in the area of textual criticism, is a must read for all pastors and students of the Bible in our day!" - Dr. Richard P. Belcher, Author of Diagramming the Greek New Testament
 1. The Need for Textual Criticism
 2. Paleography
 3. Textual Faithfulness
 4. Methods of Textual Criticism
 5. History of the Greek New Testament Text
 Appendix: Answering Bart Ehrman
 author of The Church: Why Bother?
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