Puritan Reprints

 click for details |  | OF DOMESTICAL DUTIES: The Classic Puritan Treatise on the Christian Family William Gouge

 "We are grateful for this new reprint of Gouge's classic on family living titled, Of Domesticall Duties (1622), last printed by Walter Johnson in facsimile in 1976. This penetrating analysis of the godly household for which Gouge became best known in his own day, is divided into eight sections dealing with the duties of family life. In the first part, Gouge explains the foundation of family duties, based on Ephesians 5:21- 6:9. The second part deals with the husband-wife relationship. The third focuses on the duties of wives, and the fourth with the duties of husbands. The fifth examines the duties of children, and the sixth, the duties of parents. The final parts examine the relationships and duties of servants and their masters.
 While some of Gouge's material is outdated, his emphasis and advice are timeless on the whole. Usher claims that Gouge is finally being 'recognized as one of the subtlest of early modern writers to articulate the concept of companionable marriage' (his own was regarded as exemplary) and of considerate, rather than merely prescriptive, parenthood. His psychological insights into the nature of childhood and adolescence can be breathtaking in their modernity. He even touches on the question of child-abuse, a subject effectively taboo until the 1970s (Oxford DNB, 23:38).
 Gouge is a skilled expositor who draws practical applications from the Epistles in instructing families how to walk in a manner worthy of their Lord. As a father of seven sons and six daughters, Gouge knew whereof he spoke. - Joel Beeke, taken from the Introduction
 Biographical Introduction by Dr. Joel Beeke
 The First Treatise: An Exposition of That Part of Scripture out of which Domestical Duties Are Raised
 The Second Treatise Part 1 - Of Husband and Wife, who are so to be Accounted
 The Second Treatise Part II - Of common-mutual duties betwixt Man and Wife
 The Third Treatise: Of Wives' Particularities
 The Fourth Treatise: Husbands Particular Duties
 The Fifth Treatise: Duties of Children
 The Sixth Treatise: The Duties of Parents
 The Seventh Treatise: Duties of Servants
 The Eighth Treatise: Duties of Masters
 Puritan family classics
 Nearly 30% Discount
SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $50.00) Large Hardcover Volume
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 click for details |  | A GOLDEN CHAIN: The Description of Theology Containing the Order of the Causes of Salvation & Damnation, According to God's Word WILLIAM PERKINS
 **SPECIAL BONUS - Inserted into the volume is a large color-copy of the famous Perkins' Chart which summarizes the book.
 A GOLDEN CHAIN, or The Description of Theology Containing the Order of the Causes of Salvation & Damnation, According to God's Word
 To the Christian Reader
 Christian Reader, there are at this day four several opinions of the order of God's predestination. The first is of the old and new Pelagians; who place the cause of God's predestination in man; in that they hold that God did ordain men either to life or death, according as he did foresee, that they would by their natural freewill, either reject or receive grace offered. The second of them, who (of some) are termed Lutherans; which teach, that God foreseeing, how all mankind being shut up under unbelief, would therefore reject grace offered, did hereupon purpose to choose some to salvation of his mere mercy, without any respect of their faith or good works, and the rest to reject, being moved to do this, because he did eternally foresee that they would reject his grace offered them in the Gospel. The third, of Semipelagian Papists, which ascribe God's predestination, partly to mercy, and partly to men's foreseen preparations and meritorious works. The fourth, of such as teach, that the cause of the execution of God's predestination, is His mercy in Christ, in them which are saved; and in them which perish, the fall and corruption of man: yet so, as that the decree and eternal counsel of God, concerning them both, hath not any cause beside his will and pleasure. Of these four opinions, the three former I have labored to oppugn as erroneous, and to maintain the last, as being a truth, which will bear weight in the balance of the sanctuary.
 A further discourse whereof, here I make bold to offer to thy godly consideration: in reading whereof, regard not so much the thing itself, penned very slenderly, as mine intent and affection: who desire among the rest, to cast my mite into the treasury of the Church of England, and for want of gold, pearl and precious stone, to bring a ram's skin or twain, and a little goats' hair to the building of the Lord's tabernacle, Exodus 35:23
 The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ grant that according to the riches of His glory, thou mayest be strengthened by his Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in thy heart by faith; to the end that thou being rooted and grounded in love, mayest he able to comprehend with all saints, what is the breadth and length, and height thereof; and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that thou mayest he filled with all the fullness of God. Amen. Farewell, July 23rd, the year of the last patience of the saints, 1592.
 Thine in Christ Jesus, William Perkins
 Chapter 1 - Of the Body of Scripture
 Chapter 2 - Of God and the Nature of God
 Chapter 3 - Of the Life of God
 Chapter 4 - Of God's Glory and Blessedness
 Chapter 5 - Concerning the Persons of the Godhead
 Chapter 6 - Of God's Works, and His Decrees
 Chapter 7 - Of Predestination and Creation
 Chapter 8 - Of Angels
 Chapter 9 - Of Men and the Estate of Innocence
 Chapter 10 - Of Sin, and of the Fall of Angels
 Chapter 11 - Of Man's Fall and Disobedience
 Chapter 12 - Of Original Sin
 Chapter 13 - Of Actual Sin
 Chapter 14 - Of the Common Punishment of Sin
 Chapter 15 - Of Election, and Jesus Christ the Foundation Thereof
 Chapter 16 - Of the Union of the Two Natures in Christ
 Chapter 17 - Of the Distinction of Both Natures
 Chapter 18 - Of Christ's Nativity and Office
 Chapter 19 - Concerning the Outward Means of Executing the Decree of Election and the Decalogue
 Chapter 20 - Of the First Commandment
 Chapter 21 - Of the Second Commandment
 Chapter 22 - Of the Third Commandment
 Chapter 23 - Of the Fourth Commandment
 Chapter 24 - Of the Fifth Commandment
 Chapter 25 - Of the Sixth Commandment
 Chapter 26 - Of the Seventh Commandment
 Chapter 27 - Of the Eighth Commandment
 Chapter 28 - Of the Ninth Commandment
 Chapter 29 - Of the Tenth Commandment
 Chapter 30 - Of the Use of the Law
 Chapter 31 - Of the Covenant of Grace
 Chapter 32 - Of the Sacraments
 Chapter 33 - Of Baptism
 Chapter 34 - Of the Lord's Supper
 Chapter 35 - Of the Degree of Executing God's Decree of Election
 Chapter 36 - Concerning the first Degree of the Declaration of God's Love
 Chapter 37 - Concerning the second Degree of the Declaration of God's Love
 Chapter 38 - Concerning the third Degree of the Declaration of God's Love
 Chapter 39 - Of Repentance and the Fruits Thereof
 Chapter 40 - Of Christian Warfare
 Chapter 41 - Of the First Assault
 Chapter 42 - Of the Second Assault
 Chapter 43 - Of the Third Assault
 Chapter 44 - Of the Patient Bearing of the Cross
 Chapter 45 - Of the Calling Upon God
 Chapter 46 - Of the Christian Apology and Martyrdom
 Chapter 47 - Of Edification, and Alms Among the Faithful
 Chapter 48 - Of the Fourth Degree of the Declaration of God's Love; and of the Estate of the Elect After This Life
 Chapter 49 - Of the Elect at the Last Day of Judgment
 Chapter 50 - Of the Estate of the Elect After Judgment
 Chapter 51 - The Causes of Salvation and Damnation According to Rome's Doctrines
 Chapter 52 - Concerning the Decree of Reprobation
 Chapter 53 - Concerning the Execution of the Decree of Reprobation
 Chapter 54 - Concerning a New Devised Doctrine of Predestination, Taught by Some New and late Divines
 Chapter 55 - Of the State and Condition of the Reprobate When They Are Dead
 Chapter 56 - Of the Condemnation of the Reprobate at the Last Judgment
 Chapter 57 - Of the Estate of the Reprobate in Hell
 Chapter 58 - Of the Application of Predestination
 "Nearly one hundred Cambridge men who grew up in Perkins's shadow led early migrations to New England, including William Brewster of Plymouth, Thomas Hooker of Connecticut, John Winthrop of Massachusetts Bay, and Roger Williams of Rhode Island. Richard Mather was converted while reading Perkins, and Jonathan Edwards was fond of reading Perkins more than a century later. Samuel Morison remarked that "your typical Plymouth Colony library comprised a large and a small bible, Ainsworth's translation of the Psalms, and the works of William Perkins, a favorite theologian" (The Intellectual Life of New England, 2nd ed., p. 134).
 "Anyone who reads the writings of early New England learns that Perkins was indeed a towering figure in their eyes," wrote Perry Miller. Perkins and his followers were "the most quoted, most respected, and most influential of contemporary authors in the writings and sermons of early Massachusetts." (taken from Meet the Puritans)
 "Contemporary scholars have called Perkins 'the principal architect of Elizabethan Puritanism,' 'the Puritan theologian of Tudor times,' 'the most important Puritan writer,' 'the prince of Puritan theologians,' 'the ideal Puritan clergyman of the quietist years,' 'the most famous of all Puritan divines,' and have classed him with Calvin and Beza as third in 'the trinity of the orthodox.' He was the first theologian to be more widely published in England than Calvin and the first English Protestant theologian to have a major impact in the British isles, on the continent, and in North America. Little wonder that Puritan scholars marvel that Perkins's rare works remain largely unavailable until now." - Dr. Joel Beeke
 "William Perkins' 'A Golden Chain' is a very important work, not only in English theology but in Early Modern thought as well. Anyone interested in Puritanism must be familiar with its contents. For the benefit of the church, it will serve pastors and people alike. Some may be aware that in the last two decades, a theological break between John Calvin and English Puritanism has been advocated in some circles. William Perkins has been suggested as the chief party guilty of introducing ideas John Calvin did not hold into the stream of Puritanism, thus altering its course in a legalistic direction. This primary source evidence will provide a great deal of information demonstrating that this notion simply is not true. Perkins is full of Christ and the gospel. This is a great work, worthy of all accolades it has received. Take and read--you will be the better for doing so." - James M. Renihan, Ph.D., Dean, Professor of Historical Theology, Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies
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 Smyth-Sewn Clothbound Book with Perkins' Chart on Election & Reprobation
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 Order as PURITAN TRILOGY with "A COMPLETE BODY OF DIVINITY" by Thomas Watson and "EXPOSITION OF JUDE" by William Jenkyn
SGCB Price: $70.00 (list price $170.00) SAVE $100.00 ON THESE THREE VOLUMES
 |  |  |  | THE LIFE OF CHARLES HODGE Archibald Alexander Hodge
 Charles Hodge has in his Systematic Theology provided a storehouse from which succeeding generations have steadily drawn. Warring against a waning Calvinism, a rising Darwinism, and a threatening biblical criticsm, Hodge sought to reassert the biblical faith in a fashion both persuasive and impregnable. This definitive biography has the advantage of being written by a theologian who understood the issues at stake. Also, it was written by a son who understood the man.
 40% Discount
SGCB Price: $32.95 (list price $55.00) Large Hardccover Volume
 |  |  |  | INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC IN PUBLIC WORSHIP John Girardeau with Introduction by R.L. Dabney
 "It is often forgotten that the use of musical instruments in the church's worship is a comparatively recent development among Presbyterians and Baptists, and that it was opposed by Calvin, the Westminster Assembly, Owen and the other Puritans, Gill and Spurgeon, as being out of accord with the simplicity of gospel worship under the new covenant. Girardeau's book is a standard defense of the Puritan view, examining the grounds for discerning what is carried over from the Old Testament and what is not." - Sherman Isbell
 The book opens with the following Statement of the Question:
 "In the discussion of the question, Whether the use of instrumental music in the worship of the church is permissible or not, it must be premised:
 First, that the question is not in regard to private or family worship, or to that of social gatherings which are not ecclesiastical in their nature, nor with reference to the utility or tastefulness of instrumental music, nor in relation to the abuse to which it may be liable; but,
 Secondly, the question is precisely, Is the use of instrumental music in the public worship of the church justifiable? The design of this discussion is, with the help of the divine Spirit, to prove the negative."
 In the Introduction to this new edition of Girardeau's classic R.L. Dabney states:
 "The author in his eloquent conclusion anticipates that some will meet his arguments with sneers rather than serious discussion, which he proposes to endure with Christian composure. It is a reproach to our church, which fills us with grief, to find this prediction fulfilled in some quarters. Surely persons calling themselves Presbyterians should remember that the truths they profess to hold sacred have usually been in small minorities sneered at by the arrogant majorities. So it was in the days of the Reformers, of Athanasius, of the Apostles, and of Jesus himself."
 25% Discount
SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $20.00)
 |  |  |  | THE SERMONS OF TIMOTHY DWIGHT In Two Volumes Timothy Dwight
 Timothy Dwight, D.D. (1752-1817) grandson of Jonathan Edwards and father of Sereno E. Dwight was born in Northampton, Mass. He was reading the Bible at the age of four and began teaching himself Latin at the age of six. Dwight graduated from Yale in 1769, was licensed to preach in 1777, and served as a chaplain in the Continental Army from 1777 to 1778. He pastored the Greenfield Hill Congregational Church in Fairfield, Conn. from 1783-95 and later served as president of Yale College from 1795 to 1817. Dwight suffered from severe vision problems which required the use of an amanuensis for his reading and writing. Dwight is best known for his " Theology Explained and Defended " published in 1818. This two volume selection of his sermons was published in 1828.

SGCB Price: $54.95 (list price $90.00)
 |  |  |  | THE LIFE OF ANDREW MELVILLE Thomas M'Crie
 Andrew Melville is truly one of the neglected heroes of presbyterianism. It was he who, being used of God, and building on the foundation laid by Knox, forged a true presbyterian church in Scotland. His scholarship, faith, zeal, courage, patience and fortitude stand out as an illustrious example of service to Christ. His ability, by faith and grace, to persevere and prevail against stupendous odds is an encouragement to us to be more valiant in the cause of truth. His contributions to presbyterianism, educational philosophy, and church-state relationships are worthy of our study and careful consideration. And to that end we are thankful to a sovereign and gracious divine providence that has enabled us to present this worthy work to the LordĘs people. (Louis F. DeBoer, Editor, The American Presbyterian Press)

SGCB Price: $12.95 (list price $20.00)