BETTER THAN THE BEGINNING: Creation in Biblical Perspective Richard Barcellos
 "Creation is controversial, and truly we need to defend biblical doctrine concerning the origin of all things. Yet sometimes in the midst of controversy we can lose sight of the purpose of creation itself. Richard Barcellos uses the creation of the world like a great telescope to look up at the beauty of the Creator. His book focuses our attention on the triune God in Christ. He draws his doctrine from a careful exposition of the Bible, applies it to our practical lives, and calls us to sing the praises of Him who is worthy, 'for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created' (Rev. 4:11). This is an edifying book, and I hope that many will read it." - Joel R. Beeke
 "Although many Christians have been engaged in a life-or-death battle to defend the truth of creation against evolutionary attacks coming from inside and outside the church, there has been little exploration of the doctrine of creation in all its glorious height, depth, width, and length. Richard Barcellos has begun to remedy this neglect with a God-glorifying, soul-edifying, life-transforming survey of this majestic and practical subject." - David P. Murray, Ph.D.
 "Christ brings the creation train derailed by Adam to its original glorious destination! This insight is vital to an understanding of the gospel and the vital, scriptural distinction between the law and the gospel. May God give this volume great usefulness!" - Samuel E. Waldron, Ph.D.
 1. The Ultimate Reason for Creation: Creation for the Glory of God
 Exposition of Romans 11:36
 Implications of Romans 11:36
 2. The Divine Agents of Creation: Creation by the Triune God
 Defining our Terms
 Three Persons yet One Essence
 The Act of Creation and the Three Persons of the Godhead
 Practical Considerations
 3. The Son-Tilted Focus of Creation: Creation for the Son of God
 Context of Colossians 1:16
 Content of Colossians 1:16
 Consequences of Colossians 1:16
 4. The Revelatory Function of Creation (I): Creation tells of His Glory
 Structure of Psalm 19
 Exposition of Psalm 19:1-6
 Implications of Psalm 19:1-6
 5. The Revelatory Function of Creation (II): Creation testifies of His Existence
 Romans 1:20 in Context
 Explanation of Romans 1:20
 Practical Observations from Romans 1:20
 Acts 14:17 -God's Patience and Goodness in the Teeth of Idolatry
 Context of and Brief Observations from Acts 14:8-18
 Some Practical Implications
 6. The Initial Act of Creation: Creation out of Nothing
 Explanation of Genesis 1:1
 The Bible and Genesis 1:1
 Brief Interaction with Those who Differ
 7. The Six Days of Creation: Creation 'in the space of six days'
 Views on the Length of the Days of Creation
 Duration of the Six Days of Creation
 Why in the Space of Six Days?
 Three Final Observations
 8. The Image-Bearing Apex of Creation (I): Creation in the Image of God
 High-Level Observations Indicating that Man is the Apex of Creation
 Exegetical and Theological Considerations Indicating that Man is the Apex of Creation
 Brief Excursus on ManĘs Body and God's Image
 Some Implications of Man Created in the Image of God
 9. The Image-Bearing Apex of Creation (II): Creation in the image of God
 Observations upon Adam's Identity and Calling
 GodĘs Remedy for Adam's Failure
 10. The Sabbath Rest of Creation (I): Creation's Coronation and Goal
 The Bible's Diversity
 The Bible's Unity
 Seven Observations Tying the End of the Bible with the Beginning of the Bible
 How Does all this Relate to the Creator's Sabbath?
 11. The Sabbath Rest of Creation (II): Creation's Coronation and Goal
 The Context of Genesis 2:1-3
 The Elements of Genesis 2:1-3
 The Bible on Genesis 2:1-3
 12. Conclusion: Better than the Beginning
 Scripture Index
 Name and Subject Index
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