SGCB | AN ORTHODOX CATECHISM: The Particular Baptist Version of the Heidelberg Catechism

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AN ORTHODOX CATECHISM: The Particular Baptist Version of the Heidelberg Catechism
Hercules Collins

This catechism, first published in 1680, is a Particular (seventeenth-century Calvinistic) Baptist revision of the Heidelberg Catechism. The editors slightly revised the original for modern use. The book includes the original Preface by Collins, a Foreword by James M. Renihan, and an Introduction by Michael Haykin and G. Stephen Weaver, Jr.


A. That both in soul and body, whether I live or die, I am not my own, but belong wholly unto my most faithful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By His most precious blood fully satisfying for all my sins, He has delivered me from all the power of the devil, and so preserves me, that without the will of my heavenly Father not so much as a hair may fall from my head. Yes, all things must serve for my safety and by His Spirit, also assures me of everlasting life, and makes me ready and prepared, that from now on I may life to Him.

Here are the chapter titles from the table of contents:


Preface by Hercules Collins

Foreword by James M. Renihan

Introduction by Michael A. G. Haykin and G. Stephen Weaver, Jr.

General Introduction and The First Part: Of Man's Misery

The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (Introductory Questions)

The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (God the Father)

The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (God the Son)

The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (God the Holy Spirit)

The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (The Sacraments)

The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (Baptism)

The Second Part: Of Man's Redemption (The Lord's Supper)

The Third Part: Of Man's Thankfulness (Introductory Questions)

The Third Part: Of Man's Thankfulness (The Law of God)

The Third Part: Of Man's Thankfulness (Prayer)

The Nicene and Athanasian Creeds


"Hercules Collins' An Orthodox Catechism is an important work that is worthy of the attention of modern Baptists. Collins' Baptist emendations to the Heidelberg Catechism resulted in a document that retains all of the first-person warmth and Christ-centered instruction of that older, more widely known document. I am glad to see this work in print (especially with the helpful introductory material) and commend it to Baptists everywhere." -Tom Ascol, Founders Ministries

"This is a much-needed and timely publication of an old catechism. An Orthodox Catechism (a seventeenth-century English Particular or Calvinistic Baptist document) shows fundamental continuity with both Protestant orthodoxy and the catholic tradition of historic Christianity. The document itself shows this as does the fine introduction by Drs. Haykin and Weaver. Collins wrote this as a pastor, desiring that his flock be 'better established, strengthened, and settled on' truth and protected from 'every wind and blast, every puff and breath of Error, and Heresie.' An Orthodox Catechism is, as the author says, an 'Epitome of Law and Gospel, suited to every ones capacity in God's House' and 'Milk for Babes, and Meat for strong Men.' May it strengthen many churches!" - Richard C. Barcellos, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Palmdale, CA

"There was a time when Baptist Christians regularly used catechisms in their homes and local churches. Often Baptists wrote their own catechisms, though they also periodically revised paedobaptist catechisms that were otherwise sound. One famous Reformed catechism, the Heidelberg Catechism, was important enough to be revised by Hercules Collins in 1680 for the use of his fellow Baptists. Contemporary Baptist advocates of catechisms owe Michael Haykin and Steve Weaver a debt of gratitude for making An Orthodox Catechism available once again. May it gain a wide usage in our families and in churches." - Nathan A. Finn, Associate Professor of Historical Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

"Hercules Collins' revision of the Heidelberg Catechism is one of the most valuable and least-known resources in the history of Particular Baptist spirituality. An Orthodox Catechism (1680) combines the vitality of Continental Protestant piety with the clarity of New Testament churchmanship, and invites its readers into those spiritual and theological traditions which will do most to inform our minds, warm our hearts, and shape our practice." - Crawford Gribben, Professor of Early Modern British History, Queen's University, Belfast

"There are few compositions in the history of the Christian church as perspicuous, edifying, and beautiful as the Heidelberg Catechism. It was a deft stroke of denominational ecumenicity when Hercules Collins adapted that catechism for Baptist life. Now An Orthodox Catechism, as Collins named it, is being reprinted with helpful and scholarly introductory material by Michael Haykin, Jim Renihan, and Steve Weaver. I will personally give a hearty welcome to this book and am grateful for its availability. For history, theology, and spiritual nourishment this should be a book of choice." - Thomas J. Nettles, Professor of Historical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

About the author-

Hercules Collins was a leading pastor among the seventeenth-century Particular Baptists. He published An Orthodox Catechism for the people under his pastoral care.


SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $12.00)

SGCB Price: $8.95 (list price $12.00)