 Whenever Professor John Murray of Westminster Seminary was asked by students whom they should read, he had a one word answer, "WARFIELD."
 I have appreciated the counsel of Prof. Murray more and more as the years have gone on, and I have turned back again and again to read Warfield on dozens of subjects. The two articles that make up this new booklet are amongst my favorites. Warfield is never more eloquent than when expounding the truths that magnify God, and no truths magnify God more than the truths of Predestination and Election. Once you sit down and read these two articles you will never view these truths the same. Here is truly life-transforming truth! Doctrine that leads to Devotion. Take up and read. You will never be the same when you do!
 "In his 'Thoughts on Predestination and Election,' Warfield guides us through the wonder-filled landscape of the electing favor of God. In this concise treatment, he investigates the mysteries of election and predestination—the 'first moving of God's grace', 'the firstborn of all God's favors'. Warfield lays before the reader a portrait of God's electing love which establishes an enduring foundation for the Christian's confidence. More than that, he calls for an earnest and whole-hearted response of faith and obedience. His balanced handling of this doctrine removes all place for human boasting as well unbiblical fatalism. Warfield brings the reader to understand how God's electing love not only promises holiness in the Christian; it guarantees it!" -John Snyder, pastor of Christ Church, New Albany, MS, and author of 'BEHOLD YOUR GOD: Rethinking God Biblically' and 'BEHOLD YOUR GOD: The Weight of Majesty'
 "Whether a person likes them or not, the doctrines of predestination and election are unmistakably found in the Holy Bible. What is to be done with these teachings? Some rejoice in them, others hate them, still others distort their clear biblical meaning, and, worst of all, many simply ignore them. Warfield will not allow us to get away with the latter. His clear and simple, yet profound exposition of these truths will challenge the reader, fortify the church, strengthen the Christian's walk, and inflame vision for a world-wide spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Read and rejoice!" - Earl M. Blackburn, Senior Pastor, Heritage Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana
 "I once heard a wise pastor say to a group of fellow ministers, 'In all your labors as Gospel ministers, leave the people with God.' Whenever I read B.B. Warfield's theological writings, this is what I am always left with - I am left with God. And in these present papers on Predestination and Election, the reader is most indeed left with God. Here, on subjects that tend to fuel great controversy, Warfield helps us to look beyond ourselves and behold who God is in predestination and election. He therefore helps us see these doctrines as they're presented in Scripture with the end not leaving us in debate but in worship of the One true and living God. I am grateful that Solid Ground is publishing these papers together in an accessible format for a generation of believers who need to think Godward and thereby biblical over doctrines that should be precious to the church." -Kurt M. Smith, Pastor of Providence Reformed Baptist Church, Remlap, AL and author of 'Holding Georgia for Geneva' and 'Remembering Luther's Fight' both published by Solid Ground
 "When you say, Churchill, no more is needed. There are musicians like that. Take Elvis, for example. In the world today, though Elvis died over 40 years ago, his name is recognized across generational lines. Well, in the theological world WARFIELD is all you have to say and any theologian (or pastor) worth his salt knows what you mean. Here we have some of Warfield's finest pieces of theology drawn together. The master theologian treats these doctrines just as the Westminster Confession advises: 'with special prudence and care.' The results are, likewise, Westminsterian: 'praise, reverence, and admiration of God.'" C. N. Willborn PhD, Senior Pastor-teacher, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Oak Ridge, TN
 "Few have grasped these doctrines more firmly than Warfield, and few have taught them more clearly and more simply. Rich, reverent, plain, precise, and deeply informed." - Fred G. Zaspel, author of "The Theology of B.B. Warfield" and "Warfield on the Christian Life"
 Dr. Benjamin B. Warfield graduated from the College of New Jersey, now Princeton University, in 1871 and after a period of study abroad at Edinburgh and Heidelberg entered Princeton Theological Seminary and was graduated with the class of 1876. Following a year's study at Leipzig, Germany, and a short pastorate in Baltimore he was appointed instructor in New Testament Language and Literature in Western Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh and a year later elected professor. In 1886 he was called to succeed Archibald Alexander Hodge as professor of Systematic Theology in Princeton Theological Seminary—a position which he occupied with great distinction until his death in 1921.
 Dr. Warfield won early recognition as a scholar, teacher and author. He received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from the college of New Jersey in 1880; that of Doctor of Laws from both the College of New Jersey and Davidson college in 1892; that of Doctor of Letters from Lafayette College in 1911; and that of Sacrae Theologiae Doctor from the University of Utrecht in 1913. He was editor of the Presbyterian and Reformed Review from 1890-1903 and until the time of his death, the chief contributor to the Princeton Theological Review.
 Solid Ground has published The Lord of Glory, The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, The Power of God unto Salvation, The Theology of the Reformation and The Ninety-Five Theses in their Theological Significance by Warfield. We have also published works that include contributions by Warfield, such as, Biblical and Theological Studies, Calvin Memorial Addresses and Princeton Sermons from 1891-92
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