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THE BACKSLIDER: His Nature, Symptoms and Recovery
Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) with a Biographical Sketch by Dr. Michael Haykin



Biographical Sketch of Fuller by Dr. Michael Haykin

Original Introduction by John Angell James

Preface by Andrew Fuller

1. On the General Nature of Backsliding

2. The Symptoms of a Backsliding Spirit

3. The Injurious and Dangerous Effects of Sin Lying upon the Conscience Unlamented

4. On the Means of Recovery

"Andrew Fuller was, in my opinion, one of the greatest theologians, which modern times, or any times have produced, and his writings are an almost inexhaustible mine of doctrinal, practical, and experimental truth, which every Christian and especially every minister, would do well to explore. No man better understood the bible, or the human heart both in its un-renewed and its regenerate state. Among all his various practical treatises, there are few, if any, of greater value than that on BACKSLIDING. Like a most skillful physician, he explains, with singular ability, the nature of the disease, lays down the symptoms of it, and prescribes the method of recovery." - John Angell James

"Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) was an outstanding figure with qualities that make him one of the most attractive figures in Baptist history. Many in his day could echo the words of his very close friend William Carey , 'I loved him.' The Backslider: or an Inquiry into the Nature, Symptoms, and Effects of Religious Declension, with the Means of Recovery was originally published in 1801. Fuller's work, though, has stood the test of time and well merits the description by John Ryland as 'an invaluable piece of practical divinity.'" - Michael Haykin

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HELP HEAVENWARD: Guidance and Strength for the Christian's Life Journey

Admission to heaven is promised and guaranteed to all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ but they all need help to get there.

Sin, suffering, death and Satan obstruct the believer’s progress in faith and obedience. But God’s grace, his Son’s merit and the Spirit’s might, all cooperate to direct, uphold, encourage and restore the believer who persevered on the holy pilgrimage.

Help Heavenward, a practical handbook on sanctification with heaven ever in view, is devotional writing at its finest. I know of no better book to give to Christians as they struggle in this sinful world to live in obedience to their Saviour. Use this book to become acquainted with those sacred truths of Scripture that the Spirit uses to mould our thoughts, words, and actions for Christlike living.



Author’s Preface

1 The Ransomed Returning Home

2 Progressive Meetness for Heaven

3 The Burdened Gently Led by Christ

4 The Clouds of the Christian, the Chariot of God

5 Trial, a Help Heavenward

6 Bonds Loosed

7 Human Care Transferred to God

8 Self-Communion

9 Backsliders Returning

10 The Swelling of Jordan

11 Our Father’s House

‘Help Heavenward – that is the strength of the Christian life journey. Chapter two of this book is on progressive sanctification – about the only thing I’ve ever read on it that is well-balanced and makes sense. . . . That alone is worth the price of this book. Winslow is very warmly experiential in all that he writes, and you’ll just find, whatever he does . . . meets the needs of the soul.’ — JOEL R. BEEKE

Octavius Winslow (1808-78) was born in Pentonville, a village near London. He was the eighth of thirteen children. Though he grew up in New York, he spent most of his life in England. Winslow was one of the best-known Nonconformist ministers of the 19th century in England, and held pastorates at Leamington Spa, Bath and Brighton. He was one of the preachers at the opening of Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle.

Winslow pastored a Baptist church on Warwick Road in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire (1839-1858) and in 1858, become the founder and first minister of Kensington Chapel, Bath. In 1865, the church became a Union Church (a mixture of credobaptist and paedobaptist). This may mark a change in attitude in Winslow who in 1867 left the Baptist Pastorate and was ordained an Anglican deacon and priest in 1870. For his remaining years, he served as a minister of Emmanuel Church, Brighton. In 1868 he had produced hymn book for this very congregation. He died in 1878 after a short illness.

Winslow’s many writings include The Work of the Holy Spirit; Help Heavenward; Personal Declension and Revival of Religion in the Soul; No Condemnation in Christ; and Soul-Depths and Soul-Heights, all reprinted by the Trust.


SGCB Price: $10.99 (list price $14.00)

SGCB Price: $32.00 (list price $54.00)
'STEPPING HEAVENWARD' (by Prentiss), 'HEAVENWARD' (by Cole) and 'HELP HEAVENWARD' (by Winslow)

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SCATTERED AND KEPT: 28 Lost Sermons of Rev. Thomas Boston
THOMAS BOSTON (1676-1732)



"You hold in your hands a precious book. On three accounts the sermons published in this book are highly valuable.

Firstly, they are sermons by a man who has been described as ‘one of the most remarkable and godly ministers to adorn the church of Christ since the days of the apostles.’ Thomas Boston (1676-1732) was the godly pastor of two remote parishes in the Scottish Borders. He served first at Simprin, from 1699 to 1707, and then at Ettrick, from 1707 till his death in 1732. Boston was indefatigable in his pastoral labours – he ploughed and sowed the gospel seed in soil that lesser men would have given up on. But his labours bore fruit, both within the bounds of his parishes, and eventually throughout the world, as the sermons he preached to his humble congregations were committed to the press to become some of the best-known books in the annals of Christian publishing – titles such as Human Nature in its Fourfold State and The Crook in the Lot...

Within the church Boston stood for truth – at times the lone voice in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. He sighed and cried for the abominations done in the land, but more especially within the church, and in the hearts of the Lord’s backsliding sheep. The labours of a pastor’s heart are evident in these sermons. Indeed, they would be valuable simply on the account of the love for souls with which they are saturated, without any of the other reasons for which their author should have our attention.

Secondly, the sermons deal with the sins of the church and nation, issuing a call to repentance, and a promise of mercy to returning backsliders. They seem particularly pertinent to the situation we find ourselves in today, and their rediscovery is timely. The church is, and has been, under the judgement of God. We have become materialistic and lukewarm, doctrinal fidelity is at a low ebb, low views of God have led to innovation and worldliness in worship, we hold the Word of God with a loose hand. God is dealing with us as he dealt with his people in the kingdom of Judah when he scattered his people under his judgements. But that was not the end of them. He still had a purpose of grace towards them – thoughts of peace – and to that end, when his chastising hand had produced good fruit, he gathered his people back to himself once more. All his dealings with them ensure and reflect the fact that they are kept (1 Peter 1:5). Readers today must confront the same question as Thomas Boston put to his hearers: is the response of our souls to God’s judgements one of repentance and seeking his mercy?

Although Boston’s sermons in this book were preached at different times and on different occasions, when collected together they seem to provide an extended commentary on the church’s timeless confession about our Saviour: ‘He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd does his flock’ (Jeremiah 31:10). These sermons clearly expose the reasons for God scattering his people,

and the solemnity of experiencing God’s displeasure. They also preach the means of God gathering his scattered people – the glorious message of the gospel. And they proclaim the faithfulness of God who keeps his once straying and now recovered sheep. Such preaching is very much needed in the church today.

Thirdly, despite Boston’s ‘complete’ or ‘whole’ works being published in the past (the former in twelve volumes, at least three times in the last 170 years), the sermons reprinted here have not been republished in the last 250 years. This fact is quite astounding, given the high value placed on all of Thomas Boston’s writings by the Lord’s people. We can discern no significant difference in the quality of

these sermons, compared to those published in Boston’s Complete Works. "


Thomas Boston’s Portrait



1. The Duty of Redeeming the Time in Evil Days, Illustrated and Enforced (Ephesians 5:16)

2. Passing Under the Rod, a Means of a People's Being Brought into the Bond of the Covenant (Ezekiel 20:37)

3. An Untoward Generation Characterized, with the Means to be Saved from it (Acts 2:40)

4. Israel’s Sin and Judgement, with Regard to Abused Mercies, Described (Hosea 2:8-9)

5. God’s Dispensations Towards a Froward Generation Described (Deuteronomy 32:20)

6. The Certain, Though Slow, Accomplishment of Threatened Judgements (Ezekiel 12:23)

7. A Caveat Against Seeking Great Things in an Evil Day (Jeremiah 45:5)

8. Mercy Often Interposes to Prevent the Execution of Judgements (Hosea 11:8)

9. The Duty of Owning God in our Civil Affairs Recommended and Urged (Joshua 9:14)

10. Resolute Cleaving to the Lord Jesus Illustrated and Enforced (Acts 11:23)

Appendix: The Great Sin and Chief Guiltiness of Scotland

11. The Straying State and Condition of Mankind Sinners (1 Peter 2:25)

12. The Fulness of the Godhead Dwelling in Christ by an Act of the Father's Good Pleasure (Colossians 1:19)

13. The Care of the Chief Shepherd in Returning Straying Sinners (1 Peter 2:25)

14. Help for Ruined Sinners Laid on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mighty One (Psalm 89:19)

15. God’s Glory Repaired in the Way of Salvation by Jesus Christ (Luke 2:14)

16. God’s Glory Shines Forth in the Contrivance of Salvation by Jesus Christ (Luke 2:14)

17. Peace for Rebel Sinners by Jesus Christ (Luke 2:49)

18. Believers Not Under the Law, but Under Grace (Romans 6:14)

19. Spiritual Mourning Issuing in Joy; or, The Spiritual Sower in Tears Reaping a Harvest of Joy (Psalm 126:5)

20-23. Temple Ordinances Precious to the Saints on Earth (Revelation 21:22)





24, 25. The People of God in the World, a People Dwelling Alone (Numbers 23:9)



A conversation becoming the gospel recommended (Philippians 1:27)

**Three Previously Unpublished Sermons


26. The Hearing of the Gospel (Ephesians 1:13)

27. The Best Security in Evil Times (Job 22:21)

28. The Believer’s Rock (Psalm 18:46)

Complete Textual Index to Boston’s Sermons


"Years ago one of my university professors handed me an old notebook. ‘This,’ he said, ‘is one of Thomas Boston’s sermon manuscript notebooks.’ The sense I had then of handling undiscovered treasure returns now with the publication of these long out-of-print (and some unpublished) sermons of a great pastor-theologian." — Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries

"There is a certain searcher’s delight in uncovering long hidden treasure in which those with whom he shares his discovery get to participate. I have no doubt this will be the case for readers of this substantial volume of forgotten and newfound material from the pen of Thomas Boston. One would think with twelve volumes making up the published works that not much would remain to uncover from such a well-known author. Such is clearly not the case. Most of this volume contains little-known printed material that for some reason never made the collected works. This would make a notable contribution on its own account, but also in this volume are three sermons taken from a manuscript collection in Boston’s own hand. Hopefully this book is the first of more to come from what appears to be a surprisingly large store of material that remains in manuscript by this great gospel light of the Scottish Presbyterian Kirk. I commend the publishers for their work in uncovering and presenting this treasure to the world." — Chris Coldwell, Naphtali Press

"These rediscovered sermons are an invaluable providential gift to the church. We sorely need their refreshing Christ-centred gospel truth. Many of them also cast light from unusual texts on times very like our own." —Matthew A. Vogan, General Manager, Reformation Scotland

"This excellent book is a treasury of truths which Christians today would do well to read." —Maurice Roberts, Former editor, The Banner of Truth

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SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $35.00)

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Adolphe Monod, with New Translation by Constance K. Walker, Editor


"Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness is Adophe Monod at his best. It is a masterpiece, bringing together profound comfort, realistic understanding, practical wisdom, and heavenly glory for every believer and, in a special way, for those who are preparing for or are working directly in some ministry. By the Spirit's grace, if you digest Monod's book slowly, seriously, and prayerfully, you will make great spiritual gain as you engage in holy warfare against your own temptations and lusts. You really must read this book." - Joel Beeke

"Here, in this spiritual gem, the greatest French preacher of the nineteenth century, Adolphe Monod, probes the implications of one of the most important of Christianity's mysteries: the terrible reality of the sinless Jesus being tempted in every area of human sin or vice. Firmly rooted in biblical orthodoxy, these three meditations reveal why Jesus was so tempted, how he emerged victorious, and what his victory means for us. These meditations are spiritual food and drink to all seeking to make progress in the Christian life." - Michael Haykin

"No thoughts could penetrate so powerfully as these words about Jesus' temptations and ours. Just when you thought Monod could go no deeper, he takes you into the most inner recesses of the soul, adding comfort and hope to his searing realism about our weaknesses. In Constance Walker's translation, the author's voice is heard clearly again, bringing these messages to us in a life-transforming way." - William Edgar, Westminster Theological Seminary

"I first encountered Adolphe Monod's, 'Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness' at a time in my life when I was battling intense discouragement. Because I was preparing for full-time Christian ministry, I was reluctant, and almost embarrassed to admit my struggle, yet Monod's book proved to be just what I needed. It spoke to the heart of my inner turmoil with all the eloquence of a Christian classic. Monod showed me that all followers of Christ will, like their Master, face temptation, especially during seasons of preparation for ministry. Yet we too can have the hope of victory and can look to Christ to show us 'the means through which we can triumph.' I was so encouraged to find that, ultimately, God used my season of discouragement to build up and strengthen my faith, just as Monod had confidently and carefully assured me that He would.

"More than just a discourse instructing future ministers in how to battle temptation, 'Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness' is a book on how to live the Christian life. Adolphe Monod's careful analysis of the temptation of Christ in Scripture points us to a vibrant faith that can not only survive, but actually thrive amidst the trials and travails that God allows to be placed in our path. It is precisely for such times that Monod offers a warm and gentle reassurance as a fellow sojourner: 'No, no, children of God, your Father has not forgotten you. He is treating you as he treated his only and beloved Son. It is the narrow way through which you must pass to arrive at a more solid faith.' " - A recent college graduate preparing for Christian ministry overseas

"I read the first meditation on temptation, and my heart was strangely touched. Two thoughts came to mind (actually, a host of thoughts, but these are the two most significant thoughts): 1) I never heard anything like that when I was in training for ministry, and 2) I am not sure my students are hearing anything like that today. The first, I cannot change and perhaps it is not yet too late that I have heard these words of encouragement. The second I can correct. There are important warnings and encouragements that every seminary student needs to hear. I finished the other two chapters and found them to be even better. I recognized myself at many points, and was convicted on several points. This is good stuff. I wish I had such a man to be a close friend. Please rush this to print. My appreciation for Monod has grown over the years." - R.J. Gore, ErskineTheological Seminary and U. S. Army Reserve chaplain (Colonel).

"Monod shows that Christ is our Savior because as 'the second Adam' He fulfilled in the desert what the first Adam failed to do in a garden. This book faithfully shows that in Christ we too can have victory over Satan and that it is God's word that is our weapon against the enemy of our souls." - Paul D. Kooistra, Coordinator, Mission to the World (Presbyterian Church in America) and former president, Covenant Theological Seminary

"Adolphe Monod's seminary years and the years immediately following them were times of great spiritual struggle. Perhaps that helps explain his special fondness and burden for young men preparing themselves for gospel ministry. As a seminary professor himself, during the middle part of his career, he took the unheard-of step of inviting students into his home, thus producing strong and enduring bonds of friendship between teacher and pupils.

During those years in academia, Adolphe Monod gave three messages on temptation in the seminary chapel. As was often his custom, he took his lessons primarily from the earthly life of his Savior, in this case from Jesus tempted in the wilderness. Material that was uniquely applicable to the seminary students was removed when the messages were preached in the Paris pulpit but was reinstated when the sermons were published. It is that published form that is presented here, in a new translation. As in my earlier translations of Monod's works, I have attempted to retain his gracious, romantic style while still making the text flow naturally to a modern reader.

We will all be tempted at some point - no, at many points - and we are most likely to face severe temptation when we begin a new work for the Lord. This was Monod's conviction as he addressed his mid-19th-century students, and it is the common experience of Christians today. Adolphe Monod's burden was to warn us all, pastors and laity alike, to be on our guard. But expecting the attacks is not enough. He also wanted us to be wise in knowing how to counter them and confident of gaining a firm victory - the victory that Jesus won for us. By carefully studying how Jesus faced the devil's temptations in the wilderness, every serious and fruitful Christian will be better equipped for his own spiritual battles." - Constance K. Walker, from the Translator's Preface


Biographical Sketch

Translator's Preface


Scripture Text

First Meditation: THE BATTLE


The Measure of Jesus' Temptation

The Nature of Jesus' Temptation

The Timing of Jesus' Temptation

The Reason for Jesus' Temptation

Second Meditation: THE VICTORY

Jesus' Victory, Our Guarantee

Victory in His Human Nature

Overcoming Doubts

Victory in Our Grasp

The Value of a Single Victory

Third Meditation: THE WEAPONS

Preparing for Battle

The Sword of the Spirit

The Temptation to Distrust

The Temptation to Unfaithfulness

The Temptation to Presumption

Satan's Use of Scripture

Possessing the Scriptures



Part of the TEMPTATION TRILOGY with -


THE BACKSLIDER by Andrew Fuller



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Order with MONOD SIX-PACK which includes "Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness"
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Nearly 55% Discount When Ordered as a SIX-Pack (Plus Bonus Biography of Monod for FREE)

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THE PRECIOUS THINGS OF GOD: Devotional Studies on the 12 Things Scripture Call 'Precious'
Octavius Winslow

(1) THE PRECIOUS THINGS OF GOD: Devotional Studies on the 12 Things Scripture Call 'Precious'

We are pleased to announce our newest offering from the Northampton Press, "The Precious Things of God" by Octavius Winslow (1808-1878). Of this book John MacArthur said, "Octavius Winslow's The Precious Things of God is a profound study of twelve things Scripture calls 'precious.' They happen to be twelve foundational aspects of Christian faith and experience. So this book is essentially a handbook for faithful Christian living. Written in a simple, compelling, devotional style, it's a wonderful tool that will encourage young Christians and mature saints alike. Very highly recommended."

These pages address themselves pointedly and strongly to that essential principle of vital religion; the experimental. We really know as much of the gospel of Christ, and of the Christ of the gospel, as by the power of the Holy Ghost we have the experience of it in our souls.To apprehend, in some measure, the value, the glory, and the preciousness of the Lord Jesus, and, as a consequence, to esteem Him above all good, to reflect His image, to labor in His service; this is spiritual life.

The author elucidates such 'precious' things as Christ, faith, trials, God's thoughts, divine promises, the blood of Christ, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, God's children, God's Word, prayer, Christ's sympathy with our infirmities, and the death of the saints.

This is a wonderful devotional manual on experiential Christianity. This book is the first modern edition of this title. It has been retypeset and slightly modernized. The last edition published prior to this was a lithograph of a 19th century copy. This is a completely new edition.

"For several years, I have kept an old used copy of "The Precious Things of God" near my desk, often using it as a devotional to stir up my heart to treasure those sacred truths of Scripture which are to mold our thoughts, words, and actions if we aim to live Christ-like. As is true of all of Dr. Winslow's writings, this volume is a precious gem about precious truths, replete with memorable statements and written for spiritual edification." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke

"Winslow's 'The Precious Things of God' is a profound study of twelve things Scripture calls 'precious.' They happen to be twelve foundational aspects of Christian faith and experience. So this book is essentially a handbook for faithful Christian living. Written in a simple, compelling, devotional style, it's a wonderful tool that will encourage young Christians and mature saints alike. Very highly recommended." - John MacArthur


The Preciousness of Christ

The Preciousness of Faith

The Preciousness of Trial

The Preciousness of God's Thoughts

The Preciousness of the Divine Promises

The Preciousness of Christ's Blood

The Precious Anointing

The Preciousness of God's Children

The Preciousness of God's Word

The Preciousness of Prayer

The Preciousness of Christ's Sympathy With Our Infirmities

The Death of the Saints Precious

(2) HELP HEAVENWARD: Guidance and Strength for the Christian's Life Journey

Admission to heaven is promised and guaranteed to all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ but they all need help to get there.

Sin, suffering, death and Satan obstruct the believer’s progress in faith and obedience. But God’s grace, his Son’s merit and the Spirit’s might, all cooperate to direct, uphold, encourage and restore the believer who persevered on the holy pilgrimage.

Help Heavenward, a practical handbook on sanctification with heaven ever in view, is devotional writing at its finest. I know of no better book to give to Christians as they struggle in this sinful world to live in obedience to their Saviour. Use this book to become acquainted with those sacred truths of Scripture that the Spirit uses to mould our thoughts, words, and actions for Christlike living.



Author’s Preface

1 The Ransomed Returning Home

2 Progressive Meetness for Heaven

3 The Burdened Gently Led by Christ

4 The Clouds of the Christian, the Chariot of God

5 Trial, a Help Heavenward

6 Bonds Loosed

7 Human Care Transferred to God

8 Self-Communion

9 Backsliders Returning

10 The Swelling of Jordan

11 Our Father’s House

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(1) THE PRECIOUS THINGS OF GOD: Devotional Studies on the 12 Things Scripture Call 'Precious'
SGCB Price: $17.50 (list price $25.00)

(2) HELP HEAVENWARD: Guidance and Strength for the Christian's Life Journey
SGCB Price: $10.50 (list price $14.00)

SGCB Price: $26.00 (list price $39.00)

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A Simple, Proven Method for Memorizing Long Passages of Scripture

When God’s word abides in believers, it overflows with blessings for everyday life. Many Christians have individual Scripture verses “stored up” in their hearts, but there can be even greater spiritual benefit to memorizing long passages—even entire books—of the Bible. Unfortunately, this is often dismissed as impossible or too time consuming.

Andrew M. Davis helps readers commit to extended Scripture memorization so they may grow in holiness, resist temptation, and share the gospel with others. In this brief guide, he offers an accessible, time-tested pattern for studying Scripture that includes simple daily procedures and tips for long-term retention. By building up a storehouse of biblical truth in their hearts, readers will strengthen their prayer life and intimacy with Christ as they prepare to share God’s truth with others.



1 Scripture Memorization Commanded

2 The Benefits of Scripture Memorization

3 Overcoming Excuses for Not Memorizing

4 Memorizing Individual Verses and Memorizing Books

5 Getting Started

6 Daily Procedures

7 Dealing with Challenges

8 Kissing the Book Goodbye . . . to Learn Other Books

9 Memorizing Long Books and Memorizing Faster


Appendix 1 Number of Chapters and Verses in Each Biblical Book

Appendix 2 Ephesians Memorization Plan


“I cannot recommend this book highly enough! I wish that every Christian would read this book and do what it says, because I am confident that doing so would transform our lives, families, churches, and the world around us for our good and God’s glory in ways far beyond what we could ask or imagine.” David Platt, Pastor, McLean Bible Church, McLean, Virginia; Founder, Radical; author, Don’t Hold Back

“This may prove to be the most important book you read this year. For if you put it into practice, you will find yourself on a long-term course of Scripture memorization that will fructify your mind and heart for the rest of your life, and for all eternity.” D.A. Carson, Theologian-at-Large, The Gospel Coalition

“I recall listening spellbound to the testimony of a missionary who had recently been freed from prison in a country closed to gospel work and notoriously brutal in its treatment of Christians. Regularly beaten, often deprived of sleep, food, and water, this brother spent more than a year alone in a tiny cell. How did he survive emotionally and spiritually? He testified that it was Scripture that strengthened him and reminded him that he was never alone. Yet, he had no written copy of God’s word. Instead, it was the words written on his mind and heart that carried him, the words he had committed to memory over his years as a disciple. In How to Memorize Scripture for Life, Andy Davis emphasizes the vital importance of Scripture memorization for obedience to the teachings of God’s word and for growth as a disciple. He also provides practical instruction on how to carry out the Bible’s explicit admonitions and encouragements toward memorization of its teachings. In our day, when retained knowledge has been replaced by an online search engine and the discipline of memorization largely forsaken, Davis’s book is a gift to the church. Whether we are alone in a prison cell, standing to deliver a carefully prepared sermon, or doing the hard work of discipling a young believer, the Scriptures we have committed to memory will be the voice of God speaking to us and through us for his glory, our good, and the advance of the gospel.” Paul Chitwood, President, International Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention

“I love Andy Davis and his Scripture-soaked ministry. In this book, he reveals his ‘secret’ behind a lost art in Christian circles—Scripture memorization. He is the right guy to write this book. He loves the Scripture, and he bleeds God’s word in how he preaches, encourages, and talks. Reading this book will make you love the Scripture more too. Davis will show you how to get it in your mind and heart in ways that will transform your life.” J.D. Greear, Pastor, The Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina

“Andy Davis is my Scripture memory hero. He is a devoted husband and father of a large family. He pastors a large church. He writes books. And yet somehow in the midst of his busy life he has managed to memorize (at this writing) nearly the entire Bible. This little book contains his secret. It is life-changing.” - Donald S. Whitney, Professor of Biblical Spirituality and Associate Dean, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; author, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life; Praying the Bible; and Family Worship

“How to Memorize Scripture for Life is soul repair for the weary, battle armor for the war-torn, and a lifeline for backsliders. May the Lord use Andy Davis’s life-changing book to raise up a generation of Christians who defy the trendy lies of the devil with the word hidden in their hearts. All Christians should read this book and practice its wise counsel.” - Rosaria Butterfield, former Professor of English and Women’s Studies, Syracuse University; author, The Gospel Comes with a Housekey and Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age

“Memorizing Scripture takes you deeper in your walk with the Lord and makes you better prepared to point others toward him. There are no shortcuts, but my friend Andy Davis has outlined some principles and suggestions that will help get you started and keep you on track in this profoundly rewarding journey.” - Kevin Ezell, President, North American Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention

“When many of us think of Andy Davis, we think of Scripture memory. Memorizing whole books of the Bible has been momentous for the whole of his Christian life and pastoral ministry, and he has long been a contagious and capable advocate for others doing the same. But perhaps even more impressive, when many of us think of Scripture memory, we think of Andy Davis. Few voices today, if any, rise so clearly to the top as both skilled teachers and practitioners of such an eternally significant topic.” - David Mathis, Senior Teacher and Executive Editor, desiringGod. org; Pastor, Cities Church, Saint Paul, Minnesota; author, Habits of Grace

“Andy Davis is one of the most disciplined men I’ve ever met. So when I learned that he had much of the Bible memorized, I was not surprised. Still, I decided to quiz him. True to form, he went through the Scriptures from memory in a way that made me want to know Scripture like that! What you hold in your hand is what Davis has learned throughout a lifetime of Scripture memory. I can attest that it is helpful. So if you’ve wanted to memorize Scripture in larger portions and in a manner that you will remember, pick up this book and get to work.” - Juan R. Sanchez, Senior Pastor, High Pointe Baptist Church, Austin, Texas; author, Seven Dangers Facing Your Church

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SGCB Price: $18.00 (list price $30.00)
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Accurate Revised Text Edition of Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, edited by Barry Horner $16.00

Addresses to Young Men by Rev. Daniel Baker $16.00

Advice to a Young Christian by Jared B. Waterbury $15.00

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