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click for details | | THE INFINITE MERIT OF CHRIST The Glory of Christ's Obedience in the Theology of Jonathan Edwards Craig Biehl
From the Abstract: "Historically, the tendency of scholars to modernize and distance Edwards from his biblicist, exclusivist, evangelical and Reformed tradition has resulted in relatively little attention being given to the importance of the person and redemptive work of Christ in Edwards' Trinitarian thought. The contention of this study is that the foundation, center, and unifying thread of Edwards' thought is the person and work of Christ in accomplishing God's ultimate purpose to display and communicate His glory to unworthy sinners by perfect obedience to God's unchanging rule of righteousness. Edwards' theology cannot be properly understood in abstraction from the person and redemptive work of Christ as revealing and communicating the glorious perfections of the Trinity, nor can revisionist interpretations of Edwards' soteriology as inclusivistic or Catholic be tenable without an overthrow and re-write of the entirety of Edwards' theology. Salvation of a single soul apart from perfect conformity to God's rule of righteousness would render God unrighteous and prohibit the fulfillment of His ultimate purpose to display and communicate His glory. Indeed, God could not be God."
"Among its other strengths this book is helpful in questioning the view that Edwards has compromised the Reformation doctrine of justification with legalistic accents and by basing it in part on the change that takes place within the believer. Biehl's love is as evident as Edwards' for the subject matter he considers in Edwards. A welcome read for anyone wanting to grow in understanding and appreciation of this remarkable thinker." - Dr. Richard Gaffin
"Craig Biehl provides a thorough, detailed, and well written treatment of Edwards' view of divine merit. He places Edwards convincingly within the theocentric metaphysical tradition, emphasizing his trinitarianism and christocentrism, as well as his biblically based exclusivism, weighing in on the current interpretive struggle against those who wish to portray Edwards as inclusivistic, philosophical, and proto-transcendental. His reading of the role of Christ in Edwards's thought as the typological, experiential, and salvific hinge on which telos depends presents an important counterbalance." - Dr. Ken Minkema
"While setting the record straight on Edwards's theology through leaning heavily on his own writings (800 quotes from Edwards!), Biehl's work is also a tour de force for the confirmation of Reformed orthodoxy in the midst of ongoing debates about justification today." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke
"Craig Biehl's work offers just what is needed today - a comprehensive treatment of Edwards' understanding of Christ and His saving work of redemption. Few of the leading Edwards scholars know Reformed theology well, or understand the significance of Edwards' soteriology." - Dr. Doug Sweeney
"Biehl's careful hand skillfully guides us through these writings, even leading us to offer words of praise for what Christ has done for us - a rare and admirable feat for a piece of scholarship." - Dr. Stephen J. Nichols
BRAND NEW EDITION OF THIS GREAT WORK SGCB Price: $18.75 (list price $25.00)
Order THE BIEHL TRILOGY with "The Box" and "On Reading Religious Affections" SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $55.00) THIS PRICE INCLUDES ALL THREE TITLES
| | | | THE TRUE DOCTRINE OF THE SABBATH or, Sabbathum Veteris et Novi Testamenti Nicholas Bownd
No book had more influence in confirming a Sabbatarian 'heart' to Puritanism than that of the parson of St. Andrews, Norton, Suffolk, Nicholas Bownd. 'The True Doctrine of the Sabbath' was the first scholarly treatment defending the concept of the Christian Sabbath or Lord's Day, later embodied in the Westminster Standards. Not reprinted since 1606, this influential work is presented afresh in a new critical edition.
BOOK ONE: The Ancient Institution and Continuance of the Sabbath
1. The Difference of the Fourth Commandment
2. The Sabbath Ought to Be Continued
3. Sundry Objections against the Sabbath Propounded and Answered
4. The Day to Be Kept as the Sabbath
5. The Change of the Day from the Seventh to the First
6. The Name of the Day Changed
7. The First Part of the Commandment Is Resting
8. The Reasons for Resting on the Sabbath Day
9. All Degrees of Men are Commanded to Rest
10. Six Days Work Sufficient & The Sabbath Day's Journey
11. All Bodily Labor Is not Forbidden
12. Works of Necessity and Mercy on the Sabbath
13. Christians as Strictly Bound by This Law as Were Jews
14. Resting from Lawful Recreations
BOOK TWO: The Sanctification of the Sabbath
1. The Second Part of the Command: Sanctifying the Day
2. There Is to Be a Precise Keeping of the Sabbath
3. Public Worship on the Sabbath
4. Public Worship: The Ordinances Thereof
5. Public Worship: From the Heart for Our Salvation
6. Public Worship: Collections for the Poor
7. The Sabbath Is a Whole Day
8. Private Worship: Preparing for Public Worship
9. Private Worship: Meditating & Conferring on God's Word
10. Private Worship: Meditating on God's Works
11. Private Worship: Singing of Psalms
12. Works of Mercy
13. The Keeping of the Sabbath to Be Urged by Superiors
14. Conclusion
"It is astonishing that the Puritan Nicholas Bownd's famous work on the Sabbath, which greatly influenced later Puritanism and the Westminster Assembly, and by extension, Western Christendom for centuries, has not been printed in a critical edition with modern typeface long ago. Not reprinted since 1606, this classic work emphasizes the fourth commandment's morally binding character, the divine institution of the entire Sabbath as the Lord's Day set apart to worship God, and the cessation of non-religious activities that distract from worship and acts of mercy. I am so grateful that it is back in print, and pray that it will do much good to restore the value and enhance the joy of the Lord's Day for many believers around the world." - Joel R. Beeke
"Those with an interest in developments leading up to the formulation of the Sabbath doctrine taught in the Westminster standards will benefit from this careful documentation and analysis of the views of Nicholas Bownd." - Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.,
Nicholas Bownd (1551?-1613) was the pastor of a country parish in rural England. Judging from the sermons he published, his ministry exhibited the practical divinity taught by his stepfather, Richard Greenham, which focused on the means of grace. The crucial æmean of the meansÆ whereby all these means of grace were made available to the people of God was the weekly gatherings on the Christian Sabbath or Lord's Day. In 1595, Bownd published True Doctrine of the Sabbath, which derived from sermons preached about 1586. This book embroiled him in a singular controversy with a troublesome neighbor, which resulted in the first Sabbatarian controversy in England, and also led to a vindicating expanded edition in 1606. For the last two years of his life he ministered at St. Andrew in Norwich, the highest call a man of his Puritan convictions could have attained in those days.
BRAND NEW 592 PAGE HARDCOVER VOLUME SGCB Price: $21.50 (list price $30.00)
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click for details | | UNION WITH THE RESURRECTED CHRIST: Eschatological New Creation and New Testament Biblical Theology Greg Beale
Union with Christ is an important theological and practical concept that has received considerable attention in recent years. But not much consideration has been given to this union and its benefits in light of Jesus’s resurrection and ascension.
In this follow-up to his monumental A New Testament Biblical Theology, G. K. Beale summarizes and expands on that work with an eye to fleshing out the theological implications of the resurrection and ascension. Beale explains that Christ’s resurrection and ascension place him as the beginning of the eschatological fulfillment of the new creational kingdom. Specifically, Christ is the fulfillment of a cluster of nineteen Old Testament end-time expectations. These eschatological realities attributed to Christ are imprinted on believers through their dynamic union and identification with him. Through careful exegesis, Beale explores these facets and deliberately draws out important practical applications for everyday Christian living in the overlap of the old creation and the new.
Students of the New Testament will benefit from this important contribution to New Testament theology.
PART 1: The Biblical-Theological Storyline Related to Resurrection, New Creation, and Union with Christ
1. The Biblical-Theological Storyline of the Inaugurated End-Time Resurrection and New-Creational Kingdom as a Framework for New Testament Theology, Part 1
2. The Biblical-Theological Storyline of the Inaugurated End-Time Resurrection and New-Creational Kingdom as a Framework for New Testament Theology, Part 2
PART 2: The Reality and Benefits of Fulfillment in Christ’s Life, Death, and Especially Resurrection as the Beginning of the Eschatological New-Creational Kingdom
3. The Resurrected Christ as the Last Adam, the Son of God, and True Israel Who Is a Corporate Representative for His People, So That They Gain Adamic Sonship and Become True Israel
4. The Resurrected Christ as a Corporate Representative for the Believer as the Temple
5. The Resurrected Christ as a Corporate Representative for the Believer as True Israel
6. The Resurrected Christ as a Corporate Representative for the Believer as Wisdom, Righteousness (Justification), Sanctification, and Redemption
7. The Resurrected Christ as a Corporate Representative for the Believer as a King-Priest Who Endures through Tribulation
8. The Resurrected Christ as a Corporate Representative for the Believer as a Mission-Oriented Returnee from Exile
9. Christ and the Spirit: The Resurrected Christ’s Identification with the Spirit as a Corporate Representative for the Believer’s Spirit-Resurrected Existence
10. Christ and the Spirit: The Spirit’s Work of Bringing People into Union with Christ
11. The Resurrected Christ’s Achievement of Righteousness and the Believers’ Identification with That Righteousness, Part 1
12. The Resurrected Christ’s Achievement of Righteousness and the Believers’ Identification with That Righteousness, Part 2
13. The Resurrected Christ’s Glory and the Believers’ Identification with That Glory, Part 1
14. The Resurrected Christ’s Glory and the Believers’ Identification with That Glory, Part 2: 2 Peter
15. The Believers’ Sartorial Identification with the Resurrected Christ’s Image and Definitive Separation from the World
16. The Believers’ Identification with Christ’s Resurrected New Life and Their Regeneration
17. The Believers’ Identification with Christ’s Resurrected New Life
"This volume captures Beale at his best. He creatively draws connections between texts across the canon to craft an attractive biblical-theological picture of God's revelation in Scripture. His focus on resurrection brings an emphasis much needed in today's theological landscape." -Douglas Moo, Wheaton College
“This volume represents the matured culmination of much of Beale’s decades-long biblical-theological work. Impressive for its comprehensive scope and penetrating insights, it focuses on the climactic centrality of the resurrection and ascension of Christ in the history of redemption and the inseparable and multifaceted saving benefits flowing from union with Christ specifically as resurrected. It is fairly read as providing, as he says, a virtual ‘encyclopedia’ of that union. A valuable feature is the frequent ‘application’ sections throughout. Truly a magnum opus, I commend its careful reading and study.” -Richard B. Gaffin Jr., professor of biblical and systematic theology, emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary
“Beale contributes yet another study that would constitute a magnum opus for most authors—but which for him just adds to a substantial list of groundbreaking publications. Beale approaches union with Christ from fresh angles and with comprehensive breadth, exegetical rigor, and dozens of practical applications. I am not aware of another book that demonstrates so sweepingly the relevance of Christ’s resurrection and ascension to believers’ union with him in its rich benefits and inexhaustible glories.” -Robert W. Yarbrough, Covenant Theological Seminary
“For years now, biblical scholars have stressed the participatory features in the New Testament authors’ understanding of salvation and the Christian life. Building on his biblical theology tome, Beale pulls together the rich diversity of the New Testament to identify the central theme: believers become united with, participate in, identify with, and are incorporated into Christ in his resurrection even as they strive to live consistently with that reality. We fully share in what is his. Ultimately, coursing through the pages of Beale’s study is a sense of the victory that Christ’s own share in the new creation and the Spirit—a timely and powerful message.” -A. Andrew Das, Niebuhr Distinguished Chair and Professor of Religious Studies, Elmhurst University
G. K. BEALE (PhD, University of Cambridge) is professor of New Testament and biblical theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. He is coeditor (with D. A. Carson) of the Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament and the author of numerous books, including A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New, Handbook on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, and commentaries on Colossians and Philemon, Revelation, and 1 and 2 Thessalonians.
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click for details | | REFORMED DOGMATICS: A System of Christian Theology (Single Volume Edition) GEERHARDUS VOS, Translator and editor: Richard B. Gaffin Jr.
A Foundational Work, Now in One Volume
Geerhardus Vos’s Reformed Dogmatics represents the early theological thought of one of the premier Reformed thinkers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Originally self-published in five volumes in 1896 under the title Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, this important work of Reformed theology has never before been available to an English audience.
Geerhardus Vos is perhaps best known to English speakers for his books Pauline Eschatology, published in 1930, and Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments, published in 1948. Vos’s strong grounding in biblical scholarship and biblical theology gives his Reformed Dogmatics a unique, fresh biblical perspective. Though this five-volume set is systematic in nature, Geerhardus Vos brings the skills and acumen of a biblical theologian to the task.
This new edition incorporates the English translations of each of the earlier volumes into a single volume for students of Reformed theology.
"Like books, people can become ‘classics.’ Great in their day, but richer and more fulfilling with time. Not yet a classic, Vos’s never-before-published Reformed Dogmatics is more like a lost Shakespeare play recently discovered. There seems to have been a flurry in recent years of systematic theologians writing with an eye for biblical theology. With this series we now have a biblical theologian writing a systematic theology. Thanks to Lexham Press for giving us such a long-awaited but impressive access to this much-discussed gem." —Michael Horton, Prof. of Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
"The state of access to deep, historic, orthodox Reformed theology has progressed exponentially in the last decade or so. Resources previously inaccessible to many have now become available to a vastly wider audience. In my view, the capstone of this accessibility is in this masterful work of Geerhardus Vos. Vos has the singularly unique acumen and ability to summarize and state concisely some of the deepest truths of Reformed theology. These volumes will now be my first recommendation to anyone who wants to understand the riches of the Bible’s teaching in a compressed and clear way. Thanks to Richard B. Gaffin Jr., to the translators, and to Lexham Press for putting this work into our hands." —K. Scott Oliphint, Prof. of Apologetics and Systematic Theology, Westminster Seminary California
"This translation of Vos’ Dogmatiek is the last link in access to his magnificent oeuvre. English readers will now be able to match the Princetonian’s commitment to historic Reformed doctrinal orthodoxy with his pioneering work in redemptive-historical biblical theology. The interaction is refreshing as well as pace-setting. Kudos to publisher and translator alike for undertaking this project." —James T. Dennison, Jr., Academic Dean and Prof. of Church History and Biblical Theology, Northwest Theological Seminary
Geerhardus J. Vos, born in 1862, was a Dutch American theologian. He was the first alumnus of Calvin College (then Theological School) to earn a doctoral degree. Vos studied Old Testament at Princeton Seminary and graduated with honors. He then went on to do doctoral work in Semitics at the University of Berlin for one year, followed by two years at the University of Strasburg. He returned to teach at Calvin in 1888, but accepted an invitation to hold Princeton's new Chair of Biblical Theology in 1892. He held the chair until his retirement in 1932. During his time at Princeton he taught some of the great Reformed minds of the 20th century, including John Gresham Machen and Ned Bernard Stonehouse. Vos was also an essential catalyst in the establishment of Biblical Theology as a discipline. He passed away in 1949. Vos' thinking and scholarship in theology has influenced Cornelius Van Til, John Murray, Richard B. Gaffin Jr., and Herman Ridderbos.
Richard B. Gaffin Jr. is Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, at Westminster Theological Seminary, where he has taught since 1965. An ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, he has authored and edited a number of biblical and theological works, including Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation: The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos.
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25% NEW PUBLICATION DISCOUNT SGCB Price: $49.95 (list price $65.00) ONE VOLUME EDITION OF 1288 PAGES.
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click for details | | GRACE AND GLORY: Sermons Preached in the Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary Geerhardus Vos with Introduction by R. Scott Clark
Geerhardus Vos (1862-1949) was an American, Reformed theologian and one of the most distinguished representatives of the Princeton Theology. He is sometimes called the father of Reformed Biblical Theology. Vos moved and joined the faculty of the Princeton Theological Seminary, where he became its first Professor of Biblical Theology. At Princeton, he taught alongside J. Gresham Machen and B. B. Warfield and authored his most famous works, including: Pauline Eschatology (1930) and Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments (1948).
These sermons were preached at the chapel of Princeton Seminary and first published in 1922. These are not mere outlines or sketches of sermons, but are full manuscripts of the addresses delivered by the revered professor before his students and fellow faculty members.
John Murray said of him, "Dr. Vos is, in my judgment, the most penetrating exegete it has been my privilege to know, and I believe, the most incisive exegete that has appeared in the English-speaking world in this century."
"If there is one volume (by Vos) that deserves to be read by laity and clergy alike it is this little collection of chapel messages - Read these sermons as illustrations of how Vos read Scripture. Let him take you by the hand, as it were, to the text and through the text of Scripture, to the Word incarnate." - R. Scott Clark, from the New Introduction
"Often more respected than understood, Vos continues to fascinate and enthrall. These sermons reveal the penetrating exegetical insights of some of the most fascinating and powerful sermons ever preached. A century later, they continue to make us gasp in wonder and admiration, driving to read and then re-read these lines to behold the treasure that lies beneath the surface." - Derek W. H. Thomas
"In the words of F. F. Bruce on the cover of The Pauline Eschatology, these sermons, too, are '... indeed outstandingly great ... a rare exegetical feast.' They also remain a source of deep edification for the church today as they will for still future generations." - Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Charles Krahe Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
The uniqueness of Vos's emphasis on the centrality of the covenantal work of Jesus Christ in history and our possession of that work through His mediation draws us back time and again to his powerful and passionate sermons. Translated to the realm of glory itself through the proclamation of the accomplished work of our covenant Lord, and by the gift of His Spirit, we partake of unparalleled communion with God and possess Him as our highest treasure presently in Christ as our covenant God. Short of the consummation we have made His glory and joy in His people our chief end in this pilgrim life.
In his first sermon, "The Wonderful Tree," Vos sets the theme of his entire collection of sermons, the gift of Jehovah to His creatures to be their delight and personal possession through the covenant. In "Heavenly-Mindedness," Vos explicates the nature of true faith as that which lays hold of God Himself in glory, living in the hope of the eternal life of God in the city of God by resurrection.
"In an age rife with practical theology and anti-doctrinal Christianity, Vos calls us back to the Word to allow it to speak for itself. While Vos is perhaps lesser known as a preacher, here in 'Grace and Glory' we get a taste of what one dear saintly lady described as spiritual 'blueberry cheesecake.' Enjoy!!" - R. Daniel Knox, Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Sewickley, PA
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NEARLY 50% DISCOUNT SGCB Price: $8.95 (list price $16.00)
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click for details | | REFORMED DOGMATICS: Deluxe Edition, 4 Volume Set HERMAN BAVINCK translated by John Vriend, Edited by John Bolt
This beautiful deluxe edition of Herman Bavinck’s four-volume masterwork, Reformed Dogmatics, is designed for book lovers.
Special features include luxurious imitation leather covers, custom foil-stamped spines and covers, and classic hubbed spines. The attractive interior features Smyth sewn binding, specially designed printed end-sheets, and elegant ivory paper with an eggshell finish. This exquisite set presents readers with a classic edition of one of the most important theological works of the twentieth century.
The set includes:
Volume One: Prolegomena
Volume Two: God and Creation
Volume Three: Sin and Salvation in Christ
Volume Four: Holy Spirit, Church, and New Creation
"Arguably the most important systematic theology ever produced in the Reformed tradition. I have found it to be the most valuable. English-speaking theology throughout the 20th century until now has been singularly impoverished by not having at its disposal a translation of Bavinck's Dogmatiek in its entirety. The appearance of these volumes will be an incomparable boon for generations of students, pastors, teachers, and others, serving to deepen understanding and enrich reflection in both historical and systematic theology." --Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., professor of biblical and systematic theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
"Despite all the important contributions that Dutch Calvinists have made to North American Protestantism, Herman Bavinck remains an obscure figure, lagging behind the influential Abraham Kuyper. With the translation and republication of Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics, this unfortunate situation should change for the better. These four volumes demonstrate the importance and mastery of Bavinck's own contribution to Reformed theology, while providing a useful and striking point of comparison with the best-known twentieth-century Reformed Dogmatics, that of Karl Barth. At a time when the scholastic nature of systematic theology has come under serious criticism, Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics reveals the advantage of careful and sustained reflection on Christian truth that is both faithful to the church and engaged with the academy. Readers will discover more than Bavinck the theologian in these volumes; they will learn about the God whom he worshiped and served." --D. G. Hart, author of The Lost Soul of American Protestantism
"Bavinck's Dutch masterwork was the Everest of which the textbooks by Louis Berkhof and Auguste Lecerf were foothills and Berkouwer's studies in dogmatics were outliers. Like Augustine, Calvin, and Edwards, Bavinck was a man of giant mind, vast learning, ageless wisdom, and great expository skill, and to have his first volume now in full English, with a promise of the other three to come, is a wonderful enrichment. Solid but lucid, demanding but satisfying, broad and deep and sharp and stabilizing, Bavinck's magisterial Reformed Dogmatics remains after a century the supreme achievement of its kind." -- J. I. Packer, professor of theology, Regent College
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"The three lectures, here reproduced in slightly revised form, were given under the auspices of the Reformed Fellowship, Inc. in Grand Rapids, Michigan on May 21, 22, 26, 1959 in connection with the commemoration of the four hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of John Calvin and the four hundredth anniversary of the publication of the definitive edition of 'The Institutes of the Christian Religion.' - John Murray
"The commemorative character of the occasion for these lectures, the prevailing keen interest in the subject of the inspiration and infallibility of the Bible, and the fact that Professor Murray is regarded by many as the foremost among living Reformed theologians in America, as well as his thorough acquaintance with Calvin's works, combine to lend special significance to the publication of this material." - the Reformed Fellowship, Inc.
Introduction to New Edition
CHAPTER ONE - Calvin's Doctrine of Scripture
CHAPTER TWO - Calvin and the Authority of Scripture
CHAPTER THREE - Calvin on the Sovereignty of God
The year 2009 marks the 50th anniversary of the delivery of this series of lectures delivered by Professor John Murray of Westrminister Theological Seminary, as well as the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin. We are honored to be able to produce a new edition of this volume which includes, for the first time, a subject and scriptural index.
"John Murray was not only one of the most renowned twentieth-century representatives of classical Reformed theology, but also a highly-respected interpreter of Calvin. Here we have Murray's vigorous refutation of arguments suggesting that Calvin did not teach the inerrancy of Scripture. Murray also demonstrates that Calvin did not consider Christ's identity as the divine Word to be in any way prejudicial to Scripture being the very Word of God as well. There is also a valuable discussion of Calvin's doctrine of divine sovereignty in reprobation and in relation to human sin." - Sherman Isbell
"The republishing of this book is most welcome news. I consider it one of Murray's finest works and for it to reappear in 2009 would be most appropriate." - Dr. Richard Gaffin
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Nearly 40% Discount SGCB Price: $8.50 (list price $14.00)
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click for details | | THE HOPE OF ISRAEL: The Resurrection of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles BRANDON D. CROWE
This volume highlights the sustained focus in Acts on the resurrection of Christ, bringing clarity to the theology of Acts and its purpose. Brandon Crowe explores the historical, theological, and canonical implications of Jesus's resurrection in early Christianity and helps readers more clearly understand the purpose of Acts in the context of the New Testament canon. He also shows how the resurrection is the fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures. This is the first major book-length study on the theological significance of Jesus's resurrection in Acts.
The State of the Questions
"Both Lord and Christ": Peter and the Resurrection
"The Hope of Israel": Paul and the Resurrection
"I Will Rebuild the Tent of David": Other Resurrection Voices in Acts
The Resurrection and the Accomplishment of Salvation (Historia Salutis)
The Resurrection and the Experience of Salvation (Ordo Salutis)
The Resurrection as Apologia Pro Scriptura
The Resurrection and Acts in Early Christianity
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 256
Vendor: Baker Academic
Publication Date: 2020
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches)
Weight: 12 ounces
"The Hope of Israel fills a lacuna in Acts scholarship by arguing that the resurrection of Jesus is the binding theological idea in Luke-Acts. Crowe makes a compelling case for recognizing Acts' contribution to biblical theology and how it connects with other New Testament works to form a cohesive whole. Written in clear prose, this book will be of relevance to scholar and practitioner alike." --Sean Adams, University of Glasgow
"Crowe offers an approach to the resurrection of Christ in Acts that provides a hermeneutic guide for untangling a number of knotty issues in the book. First, he shows how the resurrection is 'a major artery connecting various events and passages in Acts.' Second, he explores the implications of Luke's narrative presentation of this theme for biblical and systematic theology. This is a remarkably helpful resource for reflection on the theology of Acts and its connection with the rest of Scripture." --David Peterson, Moore Theological College, Sydney, Australia (emeritus)
"The Hope of Israel breaks significant new ground with the comprehensive treatment it provides of the central place of Christ's resurrection in Acts. Especially valuable, marked by numerous important insights, is Crowe's substantial discussion of the theological significance of the resurrection. This book is an impressive achievement. I commend it most highly." --Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Westminster Theological Seminary (emeritus)
"With careful exegesis, informed by the salvation-historical framework of Acts, Crowe persuasively demonstrates the centrality and saving significance of the resurrection of Christ in the book of Acts. This wide-ranging study particularly highlights the resurrection of Christ as the fulfillment of the Scriptures in the theology of Acts. Comprehensive, clear, and highly recommended!" --Alan J. Thompson, Sydney Missionary and Bible College, Croydon, Australia
"A most stimulating read. Crowe puts his finger on one of the most salient themes in Acts, if not the entire New Testament. The book of Acts richly demonstrates how a great deal of the history of redemption hangs on Christ's resurrection and subsequent enthronement as cosmic Lord. This crisply written project is theologically informed, exegetically sensitive, and canonically aware. No doubt Crowe's work will serve students, pastors, and scholars for years to come. Excellent work!" --Benjamin Gladd, Reformed Theological Seminary
About the Author
Brandon D. Crowe (PhD, University of Edinburgh) is associate professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Glenside, Pennsylvania. He has written or edited several books, including The Last Adam, and is the book review editor for Westminster Theological Journal.
THE HOPE OF ISRAEL: The Resurrection of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles
WHY DID JESUS LIVE A PERFECT LIFE? The Necessity of Christ’s Obedience for Our Salvation
THE LAST ADAM: A Theology of the Obedient Life of Jesus in the Gospels
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click for details | | COVENANTAL APOLOGETICS: Principles and Practice in Defense of Our Faith K. Scott Oliphint, Foreword by William Edgar
Defending the faith can be daunting, and a well-reasoned and biblically grounded apologetic is essential for the challenge. Following in the footsteps of groundbreaking apologist Cornelius Van Til, Scott Oliphint presents us with an introduction to Reformed apologetics as he sets forth the principles behind a distinctly “covenantal” approach. This book clearly explains the theological foundations of covenantal apologetics and illustrates its application in real-world conversations with unbelievers—helping Christians to boldly, knowledgeably, and winsomely proclaim the gospel.
Foreword by William Edgar
Christian Truth
Required to Respond
What Is Covenantal Apologetics?
The Ten Tenets
Tenets and Texts
"I Am"
Condescension and Apologetics
He Who Is Not with Me
Paul at Athens
Where Shall I Flee?
Proving the Proofs
What a Burden
How Do You Know?
“Trivial” Matters
The Good Fight
Negative Apologetics
Positive Apologetics
The Wisdom of Persuasion
The Spirit of Persuasion
Dennett, Dawkins, and Doubt
A Concluding Word to the Wise
Idol Worship
God Is (Not?) Great
General Index
Scripture Index
“A major undertaking in Christian apologetics, this volume makes a most timely and welcome contribution. By labeling the apologetic task ‘covenantal,’ Scott Oliphint highlights throughout that the presuppositions of ‘presuppositional apologetics’ are the clear and indubitable teachings of Scripture and not a postmodern understanding of presuppositions. Comprehensive in its scope, this balanced mix of principles and practice provides valuable instruction to a broad range of readers. I commend it most highly, especially to those concerned with responding to the challenges of unbelief, both present and perennial, in growing fidelity to Scripture as God’s Word.” -Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Emeritus Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
“In a day marked by shallow thinking, weak reasoning, and arguments lacking in both theological and biblical depth, Oliphint offers an arsenal of apologetic insight. His affirmation and exposition of a covenantal apologetic brings a vital biblical and theological dimension to the apologetic task. Believers seeking to give an answer for the hope that is in us will enthusiastically receive this book.” -R. Albert Mohler Jr., President and Centennial Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“K. Scott Oliphint has done a service for the church in wonderfully translating the venerable Van Tillian apologetic approach into more accessible categories. By laying out the principles and practice of covenantal apologetics, Oliphint moves beyond mere description to the actual practice of apologetics in the contemporary world. Grounded in Scripture and Reformed theology, upholding the lordship of Christ in all of life, eschewing neutrality in our thinking, and tackling the hard cases of the problem of evil, naturalistic evolution, and Islam, Oliphint in a step-by-step way teaches us how to defend Christianity in a biblically faithful and persuasive manner. I highly recommend this work for anyone who is serious about engaging people with the truth of the gospel.” -Stephen J. Wellum, Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; author, God the Son Incarnate; Kingdom through Covenant; and Christ from Beginning to End
“Whatever your view and practice of defending your faith, Covenantal Apologetics will both motivate and equip you for the task in a way that is persuasive, winsome, clearly structured, thoroughly biblical, and most importantly, Christ-exalting. Dr. Oliphint explains how much we lose by seeking to engage unbelievers on their own turf of rational skepticism. He compares it to trying to get out of Oz by simply following the ‘Yellow Brick Road’ of unbelief. Rather than giving a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to apologetics, he roots us in the unequivocal authority of God’s existence and his self-revelation, and brings principles down to earth by providing potential conversations with a humanist, an atheist, an evolutionist, and a Muslim. If you want to grow in your confidence in Scripture, your evangelistic fruitfulness, and your love for the Savior, read this book.” -Bob Kauflin, Director, Sovereign Grace Music; author, Worship Matters and True Worshipers
“Engaging unbelief is the work of every believer in a post-Christian culture. In everyday conversations (offline and online) pluralism demands we give equal value to all religious beliefs. To stabilize us in this culture, we turn to God’s revelation in Scripture. Drawing from his own experience and offering concrete dialogues, apologist Scott Oliphint models a Christian response to unbelief and has delivered the type of book we desperately need—biblically grounded, God-centered, jargon-pruned, and clearly written. Covenantal Apologetics is an essential tool to meet unbelief with the hope inside us—the hope of the gospel.” -Tony Reinke, journalist; author, 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You
“With seismic changes in our society’s perception of life—and especially of human rights—the need for Christians to give reason for their faith is even greater today. Scott Oliphint comes to our aid by bringing what is often food that only giraffes can eat (the field technically called apologetics) right down to the grasp of Christ’s lambs. Here is a book that will enable you to argue intelligently from Scripture, in the midst of a plethora of false philosophies and religions, as to why the world needs Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. So come to the table, O lambs of Christ, and enjoy a culinary experience you once only wistfully watched at a distance!” -Conrad Mbewe, Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia
“Covenantal Apologetics places the defense of the Christian faith where it belongs: in a rich texture of appropriate contexts, beginning with the self-revelation of the triune God in the Bible and his created universe, and the covenantal relationship of all people (rebellious and redeemed) with their personal Creator. Instead of offering formulaic arguments to win debating points, Oliphint urges Christians to bring a full-orbed theology of God and humanity, of creation and redemption, along with dependence on the sovereign Spirit of God, as we winsomely and forthrightly engage proponents of unbelief and other beliefs. Especially helpful is the opportunity to hear principles translated into practice by listening in on sample dialogues with spokespersons for humanism, atheism, and Islam.” -Dennis E. Johnson, Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary California; author, Him We Proclaim; Walking with Jesus through His Word; and Journeys with Jesus
“Few people have thought as deeply and carefully as Scott Oliphint about the relationship between confessional Reformed theology and Christian apologetics. There has been much talk in recent years about ‘covenantal apologetics,’ but it has consisted mainly of informal discussions scattered across the blogosphere. What has been sorely needed is a definitive book-length exposition by a well-regarded scholarly advocate. No one is better qualified than Dr. Oliphint to take on that task, and he has not disappointed. This book clearly explains the theological foundations of covenantal apologetics and illustrates its application in real-world conversations with unbelievers.” -James N. Anderson, Carl W. McMurray Professor of Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte
“Oliphint’s refreshingly Christ-centered approach to persuasively engaging unbelievers with the truth of God equips readers not merely for an intellectual contest of demolishing arguments, but also for a spiritual battle against the suppression of truth in the human heart.” -Nancy Guthrie, Bible teacher; author, Even Better than Eden
“I am grateful to see Oliphint taking Reformed apologetics in a more accessible, less technical, and richly biblical-theological direction. His approach to apologetics is uniquely centered on God’s revelation in Christ and emphasizes persuasion aimed at the heart over argumentation targeting the head alone. The book goes beyond merely discussing principles to presenting thorough case studies demonstrating how the principles of covenantal apologetics can be put into practice. As a professor and pastor, I will recommend this to many people and assign it in my apologetics courses.” -Justin S. Holcomb, Episcopal Priest; Adjunct Professor of Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando; coauthor, Rid of My Disgrace and God Made All of Me; editor, Christian Theologies of Scripture
“In attempting to put to rest the term ‘presuppositional,’ Oliphint integrates the best insights from his philosophical expertise in the Westminster Seminary tradition with the best insights from the Westminster Assembly theological tradition. The result: a book that aims at both the mind and the heart. As a pastor, I welcome books that offer a consistently Reformed approach to a defense of Christianity, for they are few and far between. This may be the best one yet.” -Mark Jones, Teaching Elder, Faith Vancouver Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, British Columbia
“Dr. Oliphint has given us a very important presentation of Christian apologetics for our day. His discussions draw heavily from Scripture in ways that are accessible to a wide range of Christian readers. He stands in the stream of presuppositional apologetics, and he makes great strides toward dealing with contemporary challenges to the faith. Followers of Christ who want to reach the lost will find this book invaluable.” -Richard L. Pratt Jr., Cofounder and President, Third Millennium Ministries
K. Scott Oliphint (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and has written numerous scholarly articles and books, including God With Us. He is also the coeditor of the two-volume Christian Apologetics Past and Present: A Primary Source Reader and Revelation and Reason: New Essays in Reformed Apologetics.
NEW REVISED EDITION SGCB Price: $20.95 (list price $30.00)
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click for details | | THE FAMILY TREE OF REFORMED BIBLICAL THEOLOGY: Geerhardus Vos & John Owen: Their Methods of and Contribution to the Articulation of Redemptive History Richard Barcellos
The thesis of this study is that Geerhardus Vos' biblical-theological method should be viewed as a post-Enlightenment continuation of the pre-critical federal theology of seventeenth-century Reformed orthodoxy. Vos wrote in the context of the liberalism of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His biblical-theological methodology was largely a resuscitation of the federal theology of seventeenth-century Reformed orthodoxy adapted to the times in which it was written.
"Those interested in Reformed Theology, in particular issues of theological method, are indebted to Barcellos for this most welcome and helpful study." -Richard Gaffin, Jr.
"Congratulations and gratitude are due to Dr. Richard Barcellos for giving us this wide-ranging, detailed study of the history of biblical theology. With this substantial contribution Dr. Barcellos has put both the academy and the pulpit deeply in his debt." - Sinclair B. Ferguson
" For those who love Reformed biblical theology and Reformed systematic theology, this is a satisfying, happy book, providing us a family tree of continuity from the prince of the Puritans, John Owen, to the father of Reformed biblical theology, Geerhardus Vos." - Joel R. Beeke
Paperback: 340 pages
Publisher: Reformed Baptist Academic Press (March 20, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0980217954
ISBN-13: 978-0980217957
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.7 inches
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click for details | | A NEW TESTAMENT BIBLICAL THEOLOGY: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New G.K. BEALE
"Beale's volume is far reaching, written at a high scholarly level, and conversant with a wide range of scholarship. Even where one may disagree, Beale's treatment is always informative and at times even provocative. A very important contribution to biblical theology that deserves to be widely read." --Andreas J. Kostenberger, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
"Biblical scholars and theologians, after long separation and now perhaps with a healthier sense of their own historical location, have recently found themselves engaged on a common project: what is it that binds the church's canonical texts together? Reflecting its author's situatedness within the evangelical Reformed tradition and firm commitment to exegetical integrity and the priority of the biblical storyline, Beale's extensive and detailed new book is a most welcome addition to the ongoing discussion." --Rikk Watts, Regent College
"In your hands is a gold mine of biblical scholarship, a distillation of a lifetime of study by one of the most respected New Testament scholars of our day. Beale's arguments and conclusions are presented with such clarity and force that any interested reader, whether pastor, layperson, or professional scholar, will be able to benefit from the rich insights that appear on almost every page." --Gordon P. Hugenberger, Park Street Church, Boston; Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
"Beale has been harvesting the fields of biblical theology in major biblical commentaries and exegetical/theological studies for many years. Here now is his biblical theology magnum opus. As with all of Beale's works, this volume is brimming with rich and deeply satisfying redemptive-historical exegesis. This provides an enormous feast for anyone wishing to understand in greater detail the thrust of the Bible's saving story, but it also results in a great contribution to scholarship." --Charles E. Hill, Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando
"This volume, impressive for its massive sweep, is the matured fruit of the author's extensive work over several decades in New Testament theology. Especially those with interests in biblical eschatology, with some attention to the role of the church and Christian living 'between the times,' as well as in the New Testament use of the Old will profit from the characteristically sound and often stimulating instruction Beale provides." --Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
"A New Testament Biblical Theology takes Beale's years of study, teaching, and research and presents his readers with the most thorough and mature work of New Testament biblical theology yet seen in the English language. He has structured the massive volume in a beautiful fashion, focusing nearly half of the work on the eschatological storyline of the Old Testament then moving to the story of the already-not yet latter-day resurrection and new-creational kingdom of the New." --Richard C. Gamble, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
"The canonical scope and focus on the biblical storyline give Beale's New Testament Biblical Theology a unique place among the many New Testament theologies now available. The book is vintage Beale, creatively making connections between Old Testament and New Testament and pursuing a definite vision of how the Bible hangs together." --Douglas J. Moo, Wheaton College
"Certainly Beale has written his magnum opus, in which he deftly integrates the Scriptures via the new creation theme. The use of the Old Testament in the New Testament forms the backbone of this work so that readers grasp how the storyline of Scripture coheres. We stand in debt to the author for his detailed and profound unfolding of New Testament theology." --Thomas R. Schreiner, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"A magnificent achievement! Rarely does a volume in biblical studies come along with such breadth, depth, insight, and specificity. It is a brilliant reconstruction of themes that are central to Christian faith. This is a landmark accomplishment." --David F. Wells, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
"Reflecting thirty years of research, this volume is unique in our time and in fact without close parallel in a discipline (biblical theology) that split the Old Testament off from the New over two hundred years ago. Beale has brought them back together in a creative and methodical way." --Robert W. Yarbrough, Covenant Theological Seminary
"Drawing on decades of exegetical research and teaching, A New Testament Biblical Theology exists at the intersection of biblical studies and theology. Carrying on the tradition of Geerhardus Vos, Beale has raised the bar for biblical theology in our day. We will be digesting this volume for many years to come." --Michael Horton, Westminster Seminary California
"A stimulating read. Readers will find the emphasis on the already-not yet end-time new creation and kingdom very enriching and insightful. What we have in this new biblical theology is an appreciation for the biblical story as a whole, an appreciation that provides a much-needed counterweight to the atomistic tendencies in much of our exegetical and theological work. Beale's book will make an important contribution." --Craig A. Evans, Acadia Divinity College
"Beale demonstrates new creation as an umbrella category covering all of the other major motifs not only in the New Testament but also in the relevant Old Testament and Second Temple Jewish background material. Along the way, readers are treated to outstanding up-to-date discussions of most of the main topics they have come to expect and some new ones. Throughout, Beale is thoroughly evangelical and thoroughly scholarly. This work is a true tour de force." --Craig L. Blomberg, Denver Seminary
Hardcover: 1072 pages
Publisher: Baker Academic (December 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0801026970
ISBN-13: 978-0801026973
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.2 x 2.5 inches
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NOW AVAILABLE TO SHIP SGCB Price: $44.95 (list price $65.00) Nearly 40% Discount
| | | | THE FAITH ONCE DELIVERED Essays in Honor of Dr. Wayne Spear Edited by Anthony Selvaggio, Foreword by W. Robert Godfrey
In this book, the reader will be exposed to theological topics that are at the core of the Westminster Confession's theology, topics such as justification, adoption, the kingship of Christ, the doctrine of Scripture, the Lord's Day, covenant theology, the atonement, and Christian liberty.
1. The Vitality of Reformed Systematic Theology by Richard Gaffin
2. A Tract for the Times: James Buchanan's 'The Doctrine of Justification' in Historical and Theological Context by Carl Trueman
3. Transforming Power and Comfort: The Puritans on Adoption by Joel R. Beeke
4. The Benefits of Christ: Double Justification in Protestant Theology before the Westminister Assembly by R. Scott Clark
5. From Popery to Principle: Covenanters and the Kingship of Christ by David McKay
6. Good and Necessary Consequence in the Westminster Confession by C.J. Williams
7. The Lord's Day and the Westminster Confession by Rowland Ward
8. Unity or Disunity? Covenant Theology from Calvin to Westminster by Anthony Selvaggio
9. The Doctrine of the Atonement from Westminster to the Twentieth Century by Richard Gamble
10. The Use and Abuse of Christian Liberty by D.G. Hart
Ligon Duncan wrote, "It is a special privilege and pleasure to commend this delightful set of essays penned in Dr. Spear's honor. He is a master Reformed systematic theologian, and so this volume appropriately contains a theological feast by leading Reformed scholars. Read, learn, and enjoy."
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click for details | | FROM HEAVEN HE CAME AND SOUGHT HER: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological and Pastoral Perspective Edited by David Gibson and Jonathan Gibson
There is a palpable sense of confusion, and sometimes even embarrassment, with regard to so-called Limited Atonement today, pointing to the need for thoughtful engagement with this controversial doctrine. Incorporating contributions from a host of respected theologians, 'From Heaven He Came and Sought Her' stands as the first comprehensive resource of Definite Atonement as it examines the issue from historical, biblical, theological and pastoral perspectives.
1. Sacred Theology and the Reading of the Divine Word: Mapping the Doctrine of Definite Atonement (David Gibson and Jonathan Gibson)
2. "We Trust in the Saving Blood" - Definite Atonement in the Ancient Church (Michael Haykin)
3. "Sufficient for All, Efficient for Some" - Definite Atonement in the Medieval Church (David Hogg)
4. Calvin, Indefinite Language, and Definite Atonement (Paul Helm)
5. Blaming Beza: The Development of Definite Atonement in the Reformed Tradition (Raymond Blacketer)
6. The Synod of Dort and Definite Atonement (Lee Gatiss)
7. "Controversy on Universal Grace": An Historical Survey of Moise Amyraut's 'Briief Traitte de la Predestination (Amar Djaballah)
8. Atonement and the Covenant of Redemption: John Owen on the Nature of Christ's Satisfaction (Carl Trueman)
9. "Because He Loved Your Forefathers": Election, Atonement and Intercession in the Pentateuch (Paul Williamson)
10. "Stricken for the Transgression of My People": The Atoning Work of Isaiah's Suffering Servant (J. Alec Motyer)
11. For the Glory of the Father and the Salvation of His People: Definite Atonement in the Synoptics and Johannine Literature (Matthew Harmon)
12. For Whom Did Christ Die? Particularism and Universalism in the Pauline Epistles (Jonathan Gibson)
13. The Glorious, Indivisible, Trinitarian Work of Godin Christ: Definite Atonement in Paul's Theology of Salvation (Jonathan Gibson)
14. 'Problematic Texts' for Definite Atonement in the Pastoral and General Epistles (Thomas R. Schreiner)
15. Definite Atonement and the Divine Decree (Donald Macleod)
16. The Triune God, Incarnation and Definite Atonement (Robert Letham)
17. The Definite Intent of Penal Substitutionary Atonement (Garry J. Williams)
18. Punishment God Cannot Twice Inflict: The Double Payment Argument Redivivus (Garry J. Williams)
19. The New Covenant Work of Christ: Priesthood, Atonement, and Intercession (Stephen J. Wellum)
20. Jesus Christ the Man: Toward a Theology of Definite Atonement (Henri A. G. Blocher)
21. Slain for the World? The 'Uncomfortability' of the 'Unevangelized' for a Universal Atonement (Daniel Strange)
22. 'Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine? Definite Atonement and the Cure of Souls (Sinclair B. Ferguson)
23. 'My Glory I Will Not Give to Another': Preaching the Fullness of Definite Atonement to the Glory of God (John Piper)
“A massive product of exact and well-informed scholarship . . . with landmark significance. . . . I give this book top marks for its range of solid scholarship, cogency of argument, warmth of style, and zeal for the true glory of God. I recommend it most highly.” -J. I. Packer, Late Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College
“I cannot imagine that this book could have been published twenty-five years ago: there were not at that time enough well-informed theologians working in the Reformed heritage to produce a volume of such clarity and competence. Whatever side you hold in this debate, henceforth you dare not venture into the discussion without thoughtfully reading this book, which, mercifully, makes argument by stereotype and reductionism a great deal more difficult. Above all, this book will elicit adoration as its readers ponder afresh what Jesus achieved on the cross.” -D. A. Carson, Theologian-at-Large, The Gospel Coalition
“The topic is worthy enough. Yet the lineup of contributors to this volume makes this, in my view, the most impressive defense of definite atonement in over a century. Beyond rehearsing traditional arguments, first-rate historical, biblical, and systematic theologians bring fresh angles and exegesis to bear. From Heaven He Came and Sought Her is a gift that will no doubt keep on giving for generations to come.” -Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
“This is the definitive study. It is careful, comprehensive, deep, pastoral, and thoroughly persuasive.” -David F. Wells, Senior Distinguished Research Professor of Theology, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
“There is a conventional wisdom that seems to believe definite atonement is the weakest of the five heads of doctrine confessed at the Synod of Dort. But you may come away from this book believing it is the strongest, in its historical attestation, biblical basis, and spiritual blessing. Written by first-rate exegetes and theologians, this book covers all the difficult issues and emerges with a highly persuasive and attractive case. Highly recommended!” -John M. Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary
“For whom did Christ die? This volume makes a fresh and impressively comprehensive case for definite atonement as the answer true to Scripture. It shows convincingly, through multi-authored contributions, (1) that the issues of the extent of the atonement and its nature cannot be separated—penal substitution, at the heart of why Christ had to die, stands or falls with definite atonement; and (2) how definite atonement alone provides for a gospel offer of salvation from sin that is genuinely free. In engaging various opposing views on this much-disputed topic, the editors seek to do so in a constructive and irenic spirit, an effort in which they and the other authors have succeeded admirably.” -Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
“This book is formidable and persuasive. Those familiar with the terrain will recognize that the editors know exactly the key issues and figures in this debate. And none of the authors who follow disappoint. The tone is calm and courteous, the scholarship rigorous and relentless, the argument clear and compelling. This penetrating discussion takes into account the major modern academic criticisms of definite atonement (Barth, the Torrances, Armstrong, Kendall, and others) as well as more popular critiques (Clifford, Driscoll and Breshears). An impressive team of scholars adorns this subject and aims to help Christians toward a deeper gratitude to God for his grace, a greater assurance of salvation, a sweeter fellowship with Christ, stronger affections in their worship of him, more love for people and superior courage and sacrifice in witness and service, and indeed to propel us into the global work of missions with compassion and confidence.” -Ligon Duncan, Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary
“Whether you are sympathetic to or suspicious of definite atonement, this book will surprise you. Here are historical details, exegetical links, theological observations, and pastoral perspectives that are fresh and fascinating, even though there is also plenty that will prove controversial. 'From Heaven He Came and Sought Her' offers the fullest and most nuanced treatment on definite atonement I know, and will richly add to the substance and quality of future conversations about the intent of the atonement. Whether you think that you agree or disagree with the authors, wrestling with these essays is well worth your time.” -Kelly M. Kapic, Professor of Theological Studies, Covenant College; author, You’re Only Human
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BRAND NEW HARDCOVER TITLE - Nearly 50% Off SGCB Price: $28.00 (list price $55.00) MORE THAN 700 PAGES
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click for details | | PERFECT PRIEST FOR WEARY PILGRIMS: A Theology of Hebrews DENNIS E. JOHNSON, Series edited by Thomas Schreiner and Brian Rosner
An Introduction to the Biblical Theology of Hebrews
The book of Hebrews can be intimidating for modern-day Christians due to its connection to Old Testament text. However, once understood, this New Testament epistle offers great insights into the superiority and sufficiency of Jesus—rightly justifying his place as high priest.
In this addition to the New Testament Theology series, scholar Dennis E. Johnson highlights the main biblical-theological themes of Hebrews. Johnson explores how Jesus fulfills perfect priesthood by becoming the covenant mediator and the trailblazer who leads his people into a better inheritance. Hebrews calls Christian believers, both of the early church and today, to hold fast to their faith even when faced with persecution and exclusion. It reminds us to cling to the eternal Son who offered his body and blood as the everlasting sacrifice for our sin.
Ideal for Anyone Wanting to Study the Bible More Deeply: Perfect for pastors, seminarians, college students, and laypeople.
Series Preface
Introduction: Truth-Driven Transformation in Troubled Times
Chapter 1: The Wilderness Pilgrimage of the People of God
Chapter 2: The Historical Trajectory of Redemption and Revelation
Chapter 3: The Interpretation of Ancient Scripture
Chapter 4: The Divine-Human Mediator
Chapter 5: Jesus’s Priestly Qualifications and Tenure
Chapter 6: Jesus’s Once-for-All, Conscience-Perfecting Sacrifice
Chapter 7: Persevering Faith through Congregational Solidarity
Recommended Resources
General Index
Scripture Index
“Dennis Johnson joins exegetical skill, theological acumen, and pastoral care to give his readers a rich treatise on Hebrews. His analysis of the genre and purpose of Hebrews leads to a portrait of Jesus that encourages weary pilgrims of every era.” -Dan Doriani, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Covenant Theological Seminary
“Drawing on more than forty years of study, Dennis Johnson skillfully summarizes the main message of Hebrews with the precision of a scholar, the knowledge of a theologian, and the concern of a pastor. This volume is both profound, reflecting the central message of Jesus’s superiority, and accessible, dealing with the text at a practical level. As weary pilgrims, we all need to be reminded of our perfect priest. So read this book and be greatly encouraged.” -Benjamin L. Merkle, Dr. M. O. Owens Jr. Chair of New Testament Studies and Research Professor of New Testament and Greek, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Hebrews is a master class in how to read the Bible. It shows us how all of Scripture points to Christ, explaining what God has done in Christ to save his people. Dennis Johnson is the ideal teacher to help us mine the many riches that God has given us in this ‘word of exhortation.’ Drawing from half a century of deep reflection on the teaching of Hebrews and from decades of pastoral ministry in the church, Johnson is a skilled and experienced guide to this biblical book. He helps us to see from Hebrews the unity of Scripture, the majesty of Christ, and the salvation that is ours in Christ, and he does so in such a way as to lead us to adore and praise our great God. Whether you have never really studied Hebrews or have been poring over Hebrews your whole life, Perfect Priest for Weary Pilgrims will stir you to know better that ‘great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God.’” -Guy Prentiss Waters, James M. Baird Jr. Professor of New Testament and Academic Dean, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson
“Dennis Johnson does a masterful job of making the daunting book of Hebrews accessible and clear. As an expert exegete, he connects the message of Hebrews to us today through a redemptive-historical lens. The fruit of reading this book is not only greater knowledge of our perfect high priest but also greater love and affection for him. I highly recommend this life-giving resource for weary pilgrims!” -Lloyd Kim, Coordinator, Mission to the World, Presbyterian Church in America
“Dennis Johnson’s treatment of the theology of Hebrews by focusing on its central theme of the (high) priesthood of Christ makes a most welcome contribution. Written out of his careful study of many years, it serves a broad audience. Both those with a beginning interest in what Hebrews has to teach about the person and work of Christ and those who have long treasured this teaching will read this book, as I did, with great profit.” -Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
“The book of Hebrews is a difficult nut to crack. The contemporary church often struggles with making sense of a book that is so steeped in Old Testament language and imagery. Dennis Johnson is a gifted communicator—incisive and elegant—and every time I read his writing, I learn a great deal. Perfect Priest for Weary Pilgrims captures the complex theology of Hebrews yet never loses sight of the book’s exhortation for believers.” -Benjamin L. Gladd, Executive Director, Carson Center for Theological Renewal; series editor, Essential Studies in Biblical Theology
“As a New Testament scholar, a homiletics professor, and a seasoned pastor, Dennis Johnson is ideally equipped to explore the exhortatory sermon we call Hebrews. Like the unknown author of Hebrews, he delights in exploring theology for the sake of practical application in the daily life of the Christian. In so doing he unlocks the treasures of Hebrews in a most helpful manner, giving special attention to the Christological interpretation of the Old Testament. Johnson wonderfully reveals the beauty and brilliance of Hebrews and will bring about a new appreciation of a much-neglected New Testament book.” -Donald A. Hagner, George Eldon Ladd Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary
(1) THE BEGINNING OF THE GOSPEL: A Theology of Mark by Peter Orr
(2) FROM THE MANGER TO THE THRONE: A Theology of Luke by Benjamin L. Gladd
(3) THE MISSION OF THE TRIUNE GOD: A Theology of Acts by Patrick Schreiner
(4) MINISTRY IN THE NEW REALM: A Theology of 2 Corinthians by Dane Ortlund
(5) CHRIST CRUCIFIED: A Theology of Galatians by Thomas Schreiner
(6) UNITED TO CHRIST, WALKING IN THE SPIRIT: A Theology of Ephesians by Benjamin Merkle
(7) HIDDEN WITH CHRIST IN GOD: A Theology of Colossians and Philemon by Kevin McFadden
(8) TO WALK AND TO PLEASE GOD: A Theology of 1 & 2 Thessalonians by Andrew S. Malone
(9) PERFECT PRIEST FOR WEARY PILGRIMS: A Theology of Hebrews by Dennis E. Johnson
(10) THE GOD WHO JUDGES AND SAVES: A Theology of 2 Peter & Jude by Matthew Harmon
(11) THE JOY OF HEARING: A Theology of the Book of Revelation by Thomas Schreiner
BRAND NEW TITLE - SEPTEMBER 2024 SGCB Price: $12.50 (list price $25.00)
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click for details | | THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS: An Exegetical Commentary JOHN MURRAY (1889-1975) with a New Introduction by Sinclair Ferguson
Careful exegetical attention, a robust knowledge of Reformed systematic theology, and an acute awareness of our spiritual needs all mark this staggering work of profound scholarship. In stunning detail, Murray leads us through the traditional landscape of a Roman’s commentary (authorship, purpose, structure, verse-by-verse exposition), engaging with leading scholars and theologians of his time. But he adds to this discussion his own depth of understanding based on years of teaching and studying the text. In this volume, Murray long-debated issues that remain relevant to the church: the nature of justification, the relationship between Adam and Christ (Rom. 5), and the identity of the “weak” and the “strong” (Rom. 14). Now offered to readers for the first time in a single-volume format with updated indexes, The Epistle to the Romans features a new and and instructive introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson that illuminates the context of Murray's timeless commentary with insight into how and why it came to be a landmark volume both academically and pastorally. The Epistle to the Romans is sure to find space once again on the shelf of every pastor, teacher, and theologian.
"I don't think any commentary has surpassed Murray in theological depth and precision on the book of Romans. The sentences are complex and carefully crafted, and they are penetrating in the depth and scope of their theological richness." - John Piper
"This has been my favorite commentary on Romans for the past 47 years. It is a must for every serious student of the Bible." - Alistair Begg
"Of the numerous fine commentaries there are on Romans, over the years Murray's and Calvin's have been my go-to-ones. This re-publication is most welcome." - Richard Gaffin
This brilliant commentary is made even more enticing by the Introduction added by modern theologian par excellence Sinclair Ferguson. It is strongly recommended that the reader take a few minutes to read his words before moving into the actual commentary. His words will whet the appetite of the reader and prepare him for the feast that awaits.
Introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson
688 pages
New single-volume format
Cloth over board with dust jacket
Updated index
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click for details | | REDEMPTION, ACCOMPLISHED & APPLIED (2024 Hardcover Edition) JOHN MURRAY (1898-1975) w/ New Foreword by Richard Gaffin and New Afterword by David Gibson
Originally published in 1955 and reprinted dozens of times over the years, John Murray’s Redemption Accomplished and Applied systematically explains the two sides of redemption-its accomplishment through Christ’s atonement and its application to the lives of believers.
In this theological classic Murray first explores the necessity, nature, perfection, and extent of the atonement. He then goes on to expound the biblical teaching about calling, regeneration, faith and repentance, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, union with Christ, and glorification.
"The accomplishment of redemption or, as it has frequently been called, the atonement, is central in our Christian faith. It is no wonder therefore that the Christian church should have in its possession a rich repertory of literature on this subject. It is with some misgiving that I have ventured to offer for publication the following attempt to deal with an aspect of the divine revelation that has been explored to such an extent. This present study cannot pretend to be in the same class as many of the superb contributions of both the more remote and the more recent past. I can only claim that I am presenting what has passed through the crucible of my own refection. I am conscious of the profound debt I owe to numberless theologians and expositors. Acknowledgment in details would be impossible. Other men have labored and we have entered into their labors. However, there are certain facets of this great truth which I have sought to bring into clearer focus. Perhaps some neglected factors have received an emphasis which our present-day theological situation demands.
On so great a theme as Christ’s redemptive accomplishment I am profoundly conscious of the limitations that encompass our attempts at exposition. Thought and expression stagger in the presence of the spectacle that confronts us in the vicarious sin-bearing of the Lord of glory. Here we must realize that we are dealing with the mystery of godliness, and eternity will not reach the bottom of it nor exhaust its praise. Yet it is ours to proclaim it and continue the attempt to expound and defend its truth.
The material in Part II of this volume, dealing with the application of redemption, was written for The Presbyterian Guardian at the request of the editor, the Rev. Leslie W. Sloat, and was published in twenty-two articles from October 1952 to August 1954. I wish to express my indebtedness to The Presbyterian Guardian and to Mr. Sloat in particular for the courtesy of publication and for permission to reprint these articles in the present form. Any difference there may be in the mode of treatment between Part I and Part II of this volume is explained by the original purpose of what is comprised in the latter...
I can only hope that the reader will find these studies consonant with the witness of Holy Scripture as the only infallible rule of faith and that by God’s grace what is accordant with Scripture will elicit the response of faith and conviction."
Philadelphia, May 24, 1955
Features for this new edition include:
Beautifully Produced: Cloth over board and smyth-sewn binding
New Foreword: Written by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., especially for this 2024 edition
New Afterword: A pastoral afterword written by David Gibson
Foreword to the 2024 Edition, by R. Gaffin, Jr.
Preface to the First Edition
I. The Necessity of the Atonement
II. The Nature of the Atonement
III. The Perfection of the Atonement
IV. The Extent of the Atonement
V. Conclusion
I. The Order of Application
II. Effectual Calling
III. Regeneration
IV. Faith and Repentance
V. Justification
VI. Adoption
VII. Sanctification
VIII. Perseverance
IX. Union with Christ
X. Glorification
Pastoral Afterword, by David Gibson
Index of Subjects
Index of Scripture References
“This is one of those genuinely life-changing books. I know from personal experience. 'Redemption Accomplished and Applied' played a crucial role in my coming to understand the doctrines of grace. With his rigorously scriptural yet warmly accessible style, Professor Murray leads us to grand peaks where we catch a breathtaking view of God’s mercies in Christ.” Michael S. Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
“A Scottish-born pastor and professor, Murray originally wrote this work of soteriology as a series of articles for ordinary church members. You would be hard pressed to find a more succinct and readable theological exploration of the work of Christ and the salvation of sinners.” -Kevin DeYoung, Senior Pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, NC; Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC
“Among his published works, invariably marked by his characteristic clarity and precision of expression, Redemption Accomplished and Applied has proven to be the most widely read. With good reason. For in it he addresses a broad audience in a most helpful and edifying manner regarding matters that, as the title indicates, are of paramount doctrinal concern, especially within the tradition of biblical and confessional Reformed orthodoxy in which he stands.” -Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
“Amongst my five favorite of all books, Murray's Redemption Accomplished and Applied is one of them. ” -Peter Jensen, Archbishop of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, Australia
“It’s not a large book and it’s not a new book,, but it’s the wonderful fruit of a first-rate theologian.” -Tony Reinke, Author, God, Technology, and the Christian Life
“Murray’s distinctive… is his careful exegesis of Scripture passages, so that his theological assertions come straight from the Word of God with all the authority which that gives them. His treatment of the order of application of redemption is masterly… one of the greatest theological books written in the last hundred years.” -Free Church Witness
“The author never wastes a word: there is no flab in his writing, which makes it brief and clear and crisp (a tonic for the mind) but also means that concentration and acuity are required for reading. Some will appreciate this, others will find it more difficult. For all willing and able to penetrate to the substance, this volume will prove a rich treat, a draught of pure, cold water when there is so much brackish fluid swilling around. Murray reaches the heart by way of the mind: here we see that the truth makes us free indeed, free not least to honor and adore the God of our so great salvation. This ought to be required reading for all who desire to know the how and why of God’s gracious dealings with sinners, and this newly reset edition will make it all the more accessible and attractive. If you already have it, consider investing afresh in this clear and readable edition. If you do not have it, you have no choice: go and get one.” -Jeremy Walker, Author, Called to Be Holy
“More than any other book the one that transformed my life as a young Christian was John Murray's Redemption Accomplished and Applied. I happily recommend this book to all kinds of people...with this one proviso: that they want to grow up into Christ.” -Ian Hamilton, The Banner of Truth Trust
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click for details | | REFORMED DOGMATICS: Volume 4- Holy Spirit, Church, and New Creation Herman Bavinck
In partnership with the Dutch Reformed Translation Society, Baker Academic is proud to offer in English for the very first time the fourth and final volume of Herman Bavinck's complete Reformed Dogmatics, now also available as a four-volume set. This volume includes the combined indexes for all four volumes. In addition, editor John Bolt introduces each chapter and has enhanced the footnotes and bibliography. This masterwork will appeal not only to scholars, students, pastors, and laity interested in Reformed theology but also to research and theological libraries.
"Bavinck's Dutch masterwork was the Everest of which the textbooks by Louis Berkhof and Auguste Leoerf were foothills and Berkouwer's studies in dogmatics were outliers. Like Augustine, Calvin, and Edwards, Bavinck was a man of giant mind, vast learning, ageless wisdom and great expository skill. Solid but lucid, demanding but satisfying, broad and deep and sharp and stabilizing, Bavinck's magisterial Reformed Dogmatics remains after a century the supreme achievement of its kind."--J. I. Packer, professor of theology, Regent College
"Arguably the most important systematic theology ever produced in the Reformed tradition. I have found it to be the most valuable. English-speaking theology throughout the 20th century until now has been singularly impoverished by not having at its disposal a translation of Bavinck's Dogmatiek in its entirety. The appearance of these volumes will be an incomparable boon for generations of students, pastors, teachers, and others, serving to deepen understanding and enrich reflection in both historical and systematic theology."--Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., professor of biblical and systematic theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
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Order the Complete Four-Volume Set SGCB Price: $150.00 (list price $250.00) SAVE $100.00 WHEN ORDERING THE COMPLETE SET
| | | | THY WORD IS STILL TRUTH: Essential Writings on the Doctrine of Scripture from the Reformation to Today Edited by Peter A. Lillback and Richard B. Gaffin
This new collection of Reformed thinkers' writings from the Reformation to today brings together key documents on the inerrancy of Scripture in one readable volume.
One of the hallmarks of Westminster Theological Seminary since its beginning in 1929 has been a high view of Scripture that reflects the historic Reformed theological and confessional tradition. Thy Word Is Still Truth confirms that Westminster still holds this high view.
The book's title builds on the important influence of E. J. Young's classic book on inerrancy, 'Thy Word is Truth.' This current anthology unapologetically borrows that title, emphasizing an abiding commitment to the entire truthfulness of the Holy Scriptures as well as a deep indebtedness to Reformed thinkers from the past to the present.
In addition to including all the major confessions and catechisms, 'Thy Word Is Still Truth' includes seminal articles on the doctrine of Scripture from the following authors:
Oswald T. Allis, William Ames, Herman Bavinck, Louis Berkhof, Henry Bullinger, John Calvin, Edmund P. Clowney, William Cunningham, Raymond B. Dillard, Jonathan Edwards, Sinclair B. Ferguson, John M. Frame, Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Louis Gaussen, Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg, Archibald Alexander Hodge, Charles Hodge, John Knox, Peter A. Lillback, Martin Luther, J. Gresham Machen, Adolphe Monod, John Murray, John Owen, Vern S. Poythress, MoisTs Silva, Charles H. Spurgeon, Ned B. Stonehouse, Francis Turretin, Zacharias Ursinus, Cornelius Van Til, Geerhardus Vos, Bruce K. Waltke, Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, Robert Dick Wilson, John Witherspoon, Edward J. Young, and Ulrich Zwingli
Table of Contents:
Acknowledgments xiii
Permissions xv
Introduction xix
Abbreviations xxvii
Notes on the Introductions and Bibliographies xxxi
Part One: Sola Scriptura: The Reformers' Rediscovery of the Written Word of God
1. The Bondage of the Will 3 Martin Luther
2. The First Zurich Disputation 10 Ulrich Zwingli
3. The First Decade of Sermons 50 Henry Bullinger
The First Sermon: Of the Word of God; The Cause of It; And How, and by Whom, It Was Revealed to the World 51
The Second Sermon: Of the Word of God; To Whom, and to What End, It Was Revealed; Also in What Manner It Is to Be Heard; And That It Doth Fully Teach the Whole Doctrine of Godliness 65
4. Institutes of the Christian Religion (BookáI) 74 John Calvin
Chapter VI: Scripture Is Needed as Guide and Teacher for Anyone Who Would Come to God the Creator 75
Chapter VII: Scripture Must Be Confirmed by the Witness of the Spirit. Thus May Its Authority Be Established as Certain; and It Is a Wicked Falsehood That Its Credibility Depends on the Judgment of the Church 78
Part Two: The Reformed Confessions
5. The Sixty-seven Articles (1523) 87 Ulrich Zwingli
6. The Ten Conclusions of Berne (1528) 98
7. The First Helvetic Confession (1536) 102
8. The French Confession of Faith (1559) 106
9. The Scots Confession of Faith (1560) 117
10. The Belgic Confession of Faith (1561) 123
11. The Heidelberg Catechism 129
The Heidelberg Catechism (1563) 130
The Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism 143 Zacharias Ursinus
12. The Second Helvetic Confession (1566) 155
13. The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion of the Church of England (1571) 170
14. The Second Scots Confession (1581) 183
15. The Irish Articles of Religion (1615) 189
16. The Canons of the Synod of Dort (1618-19) 193
17. The Westminster Standards 216
The Westminster Confession of Faith (1647) 216
The Westminster Larger Catechism (1648) 223
The Westminster Shorter Catechism (1647) 234
18. The Confession of the Waldenses (1655) 238
Part Three: Early Reformed Interpretation
19. Of the One & Eternal Testament or Covenant of God: A Brief Exposition 245 Henry Bullinger
20. Christ the End of the Law 271 John Calvin
21. The Edwardian Homilies (1547) 283 A Fruitful Exhortation to the Reading and Knowledge of Holy Scripture 284
22. John Knox and the Church in Scotland 290 The Scots Confession 290 The First Book of Discipline 301
23. The Church's Marriage to Her Sons, and to Her God 307 Jonathan Edwards
Part Four: The Doctrine of Scripture in Reformed Orthodoxy
24. William Ames's The Marrow of Sacred Divinity 331 Of the Holy Scripture 332
25. The Divine Original of the Scripture 336 John Owen
26. Francis Turretin's Institutes of Elenctic Theology 345 Second Topic: The Holy Scriptures 346
First Question: The Word of God 346
Second Question: The Necessity of Scripture 348
Third Question 351
Fourth Question: The Authority of the Holy Scriptures 353
Fifth Question 361
Sixth Question 376
Seventh Question: The Canon 385
Eighth Question 388
Ninth Question: The Apocryphal Books 392
Tenth Question: The Purity of the Sources 396
Eleventh Question: The Authentic Version 402
Twelfth Question 406
Thirteenth Question: Versions 412
Fourteenth Question: The Septuagint 416
Fifteenth Question: The Vulgate 420
Sixteenth Question: The Perfection of the Scriptures 424
Seventeenth Question: The Perspicuity of the Scriptures 432
Eighteenth Question: The Reading of the Scriptures 436
Nineteenth Question: The Sense of the Scriptures 438
Twentieth Question: The Supreme Judge of Controversies and Interpreter of the Scriptures 443
Twenty-first Question: The Authority of the Fathers 451
27. The Helvetic Consensus Formula (1675) 457
28. Jonathan Edwards 478 Man's Natural Blindness in the Things of Religion (Psalm 94:8-11) 479 Observations on the Scriptures; Their Authority; And Necessity 483
Part Five: The Doctrine of Scripture in the Scottish and Dutch Legacy
29. The Truth of the Christian Religion in Particular 499 John Witherspoon
30. William Cunningham's Theological Lectures 505
Lecture XXI: Divine Origin and Authority of the Books of Scripture: External Evidence 506
Lecture XXII: Internal Evidence, in Commentary upon Confession, Chapterá1, Sectioná5 514
Lecture XXIII: Different Doctrines as to the Divine Origin of the Scriptures, Or the Amount of Divine Agency in the Production of Them: Principal Authors 521
Lecture XXIV: Difficulties in General: Rational and Spiritual Evidence; Testimony of the Spirit; Romish Scepticism 529
Lecture XXV: Testimony of the Spirit, Following the Confession of Faith 537
31. Richard B. Gaffin Jr. on Old Amsterdam (Abraham Kuyper) 544
32. Herman Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics, Volumeá1, Prolegomena 569
Chapter 13: The Inspiration of Scripture 571
Chapter 14: Attributes of Scripture 619
33. Louis Berkhof's Systematic Theology: The Principia of Dogmatics 656
I. Principia in General 657
II. Religion 661
III. The Principium Cognoscendi Externum (Revelation) 677
IV. The Inspiration of Scripture 700
V. The Principium Cognoscendi Internum 722
Part Six: Other Nineteenth- Century European Contributions
34. Louis Gaussen's Theopneustia 739 Brief Didactic Abstract of the Doctrine of the Divine Inspiration 739
35. Adolphe Monod's Farewell to His Friends and the Church 760 Measureless Word, Measureless God (Everything in Scripture Is Ideal) 761 Scripture's Rewards (Reading the Bible) 763 Feeding on God's Word (A Dying Man's Regrets: 2.á The Study of God's Word) 765 The Two Voices of Scripture (Scripture) 767
36. Importance of the Messianic Prophecies 772 Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
37. How to Read the Bible 782 Charles H. Spurgeon
Part Seven: The Doctrine of Scripture in the Theology of Old Princeton
38. Charles Hodge's Systematic Theology 795 The Protestant Rule of Faith 795
39. Archibald Alexander Hodge's Outlines of Theology 823
Chapter IV: The Inspiration of the Bible 824
Chapter V: The Rule of Faith and Practice 836
40. The Real Problem of Inspiration 847 Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield
41. Old Princeton, Westminster, and Inerrancy 882 MoisTs Silva
Part Eight: The Theology of Scripture of the Founding Fathers of Westminster
42. J. Gresham Machen's Last Words on the Word of God 895 The Living and True God 895 43. Robert Dick Wilson 902 The Study and Defense of the Bible in Westminster Seminary 903 Robert Dick Wilson Groundless Attacks in the Field of Oriental Scholarship 907 Robert Dick Wilson Robert Dick WilsonùDefender of GodÆs Word 912 Oswald T. Allis Tributes to Dr. Wilson 917 44. Nature and Scripture 921 Cornelius Van Til 45. John Murray 942 The Attestation of Scripture 944 Collected Writings of John Murray 967 The Infallibility of Scripture 967 The Finality and Sufficiency of Scripture 971 The Unity of the Old and New Testaments 976 The Importance and Relevance of the Westminster Confession 978
Part Nine: The Birth of Biblical Theology
46. Geerhardus Vos 985 The Idea of Biblical Theology as a Science and as a Theological Discipline 986 The Nature and Method of Biblical Theology from his Biblical Theology 1003 47. The Authority of the Old Testament and the Authority of Christ 1015 Ned B. Stonehouse 48. Preaching Christ from All the Scriptures 1034 Edmund P. Clowney 49. Vern S. Poythress 1052 Divine Meaning of Scripture 1053 The Purpose of the Bible from his God-Centered Biblical Interpretation 1076 50. MoisTs SilvaÆs Has the Church Misread the Bible? 1084 Obstacles in the Study of the History of Interpretation 1085 Clear or Obscure? 1095 51. Contemporary Hermeneutics and the Study of the New Testament 1108 Richard B. Gaffin Jr.
Part Ten: The Authority of the Old Testament and New Testament Canon of Scripture
52. The Authority of the Old Testament 1121 Edward J. Young
53. The Authority of the New Testament 1139 Ned B. Stonehouse 54. The New Testament as Canon 1163 Richard B. Gaffin Jr.
Part Eleven: Challenges to the Reformed Doctrine of Scripture 55. Edward J. YoungÆs Thy Word Is Truth 1179 Chapter 2: The Extent of Inspiration 1180 Chapter 3: The Human Writers of the Scriptures 1195 56. How Does the Bible Look at Itself? 1207 Sinclair B. Ferguson 57. John M. Frame 1223 Scripture Speaks for Itself 1224 God and Biblical Language: Transcendence and Immanence 1241 58. Harmonization: A Help and a Hindrance 1254 Raymond B. Dillard 59. Oral Tradition 1266 Bruce K. Waltke 60. ôThe Infallible Rule of Interpretation of Scriptureö: The Hermeneutical Crisis and the Westminster Standards 1279 Peter A. Lillback
Part Twelve: The Westminster Controversy
61. Statement from the Board of Trustees, Westminster Theological Seminary (September 24, 2008) 1321 62. Affirmations and Denials Regarding Recent Issues 1323
Adopted by the Board of Trustees, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Decemberá3, 2008) 1323
Part Thirteen: Conclusion
63. Peter A. LillbackÆs Introduction to GaffinÆs GodÆs Word in Servant-Form 1337
64. Conclusion and Postscript to GaffinÆs GodÆs Word in Servant-Form 1344
List of Contributors 1349 Index of Scripture and Deuterocanonical Books 1350 Index of Themes and Names 1379
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