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Spurgeon Titles

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SUSIE: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon, Wife of Charles H. Spurgeon
Ray Rhodes


While many Christians recognize the name of Charles H. Spurgeon, the beloved preacher and writer, few are familiar with the life and legacy of his wife, Susie. Yet Susannah Spurgeon was an accomplished and devout woman of God who had a tremendous ministry in her own right, as well as in support of her husband. Even while dealing with serious health issues, she administered a book fund for poor pastors, edited and published her husband's sermons and other writings, led a pastor's aid ministry, wrote five books, made her home a hub of hospitality, and was instrumental in planting a church. And as her own writing attests, she was also a warm, charming, and fascinating woman.

Now, for the first time, Susie brings this vibrant woman's story to modern readers. Ray Rhodes Jr. examines Susannah's life, showing that she was not only the wife of London's most famous preacher, but also a woman who gave all she had in grateful service to the Lord.

Susie is an inspiring and encouraging account of a truly remarkable woman of faith that will delight Spurgeon devotees and fans of Christian biographies alike.

“I am writing in my husband's study, where he thought, and prayed, and wrote. Every inch of the place is sacred ground. Everything remains precisely as he left it. His books (now my most precious possessions), stand in shining rows upon the shelves, in exactly the order in which he placed them, and one might almost fancy the room was ready and waiting for its master. But oh! That empty chair! That great portrait over the door! The strange, solemn silence, which pervades the place now that he is no longer on earth! I kneel sometimes by his chair, and laying my head on the cushioned arms, which so long supported his dear form, I pour out my grief before the Lord, and tell Him again that though I am left alone, yet I know that 'He hath done all things well'"

ISBN: 978-0-8024-1834-0

Publish Date: September 2018

Number of Pages: 304

Dimensions: 6.25 x 9.5

Format: Paperback

RAY RHODES, JR. serves as founding pastor of Grace Community Church of Dawsonville, GA and as president of Nourished in the Word Ministries. He has served four congregations over three decades of pastoral ministry and for fifteen years, he has led Nourished in the Word. Ray has published several books and holds theological degrees from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.) and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min.). He is married to Lori and they are blessed with six daughters and four grandchildren. Ray has long been a Spurgeon enthusiast, and his doctoral thesis focused on the marriage and spirituality of Charles and Susannah Spurgeon.

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SUSIE: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon, Wife of Charles H. Spurgeon (Nearly 40% Off)
SGCB Price: $10.00 (list price $16.00)

ORDER ALONG WITH 'YOURS, TILL HEAVEN: The Untold Love Story of Charles and Susie Spurgeon'
SGCB Price: $18.00 (list price $32.00)
Charles H. Spurgeon

Five double volumes of Spurgeon Sermons in hardcover.

Tap into the wealth of life-changing words from the Prince of Preachers, Charles Spurgeon. Featuring over 250 of Spurgeon's finest sermons, this comprehensive collection also includes indices of texts and subjects, so you can easily find what he had to say on a particular verse or topic.

The sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon were the pinnacle of preaching in mid-nineteenth-century England. They are still powerful and widely influential today. This five-volume set is a compilation of Spurgeon's best sermons, covering topics from Israel in Egypt and confession of sin to justification by grace and Paul's first prayer. Originally published in ten volumes in 1883, it is now a five volume set with two volumes in each book.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) served for 30 years at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. It is estimated that during his lifetime he spoke to 10 million people, and he became known as the 'Prince of Preachers.' His works fill over 60 volumes; and more than a century after his death, his sermons and devotional texts continue to challenge and touch Christians and non-Christians alike with their biblical grounding, eloquent text, and simple encouragement. Among his published books are Lectures to My Students (Hendrickson); The Treasury of David (Hendrickson), a devotional commentary on the Psalms; All of Grace, the first Christian pocket-paperback published in the United States; numerous volumes of topical sermon collections; and the best-selling Morning and Evening.


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SGCB Price: $79.95 (list price $200.00)
4328 Pages in Five Double Volumes - HARDCOVER

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A Memorial of Charles H. Spurgeon
New Introduction by Erroll Hulse

This impressive volume is a true celebration of the life of "The Prince of Preachers" with special focus on the last months of his life, his death and the twelve remarkable days which followed. This rare volume contains the very last addresses delivered by Spurgeon in the last month of his life. Also included are the following:

- More than a dozen rare photographs

-Complete accounts of Memorial Meetings held for

Members of the Church

Ministers and Students

Christian Workers

General Public

Sunday School Children and Orphans

The Complete Funeral Service

The Complete Sermons of A.T. Pierson on the mornings and evenings of Feb. 7th and 14th preached to the mourning congregation at the Metropolitan Tabernacle

The Complete Text of Four CHS sermons, including the last ones preached at Met Tab

"Many will be happy to know this long-unobtainable volume on Spurgeon is to be available again. I have collected such books for years but not yet owned this rare book. May the recovery of Spurgeon's memory lead many to the devotion to Christ which so marked his life!" Rev. Iain H. Murray

"The final days of C H Spurgeon's life were difficult ones, not only because of various physical complaints and the fog of depression that sometimes clouded his days, but also because of the fact that there seemed far too few who saw the dangers of liberalism eating away at the heart of evangelical witness. Spurgeon had fought a royal battle against this soul-destroying heresy in the Down-grade controversy, but it appeared that the battle had been a losing one. In all of this, though, Spurgeon never shifted from the great hope that the kingdom of Christ would ultimately triumph. This new book deals with these final days of this great Christian warrior's life and it is thus of great encouragement for God's people in this day, for we too live in extremely difficult and trying times. Surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, like the ever-faithful Spurgeon of this book, may we stand fast." - Dr. Michael Haykin

"Like many of us who have valued his life and teaching, I've visited Charles Spurgeon's gravesite. Thousand stood there on the actual day of his burial, just as I stood, full of amazement for such a life. This book, a rare one indeed, takes us back to those memorial days and will help us feel their beauty and significance. I'm thankful for such a book. We should remember our heroes as a way of exalting Christ. And, we must imitate their faith." - Jim Elliff, Christian Communicators Worldwide

"Collectors of Spurgeonalia will be delighted to have access to this once inaccessible volume. More importantly, because of the funerary contents, it will provoke reflection on the life and ministry of a choice servant of God, which may in turn prove to be of profound assistance to us as we assess the substance, faithfulness and intensity of our own Christian life and service." - Ligon Duncan

"When a book of such rare quality is republished it must be read, not just for the sake of reading it, but for the purpose of the enormous spiritual enrichment it will give to anyone who take the time to get into it's wealth of content. To read this gem will leave the reader moved to worship the source of all truth, God Himself." - Pastor Martin Holdt

"Spurgeon lovers, and what Christian minister is not, will find great satisfaction in this volume. That even after his misrepresentation by his peers, Spurgeon generated such amazing response even in his death bears testimony to the power and depth of his influence. This volume shows that the power of the gospel is pervasive in every area of life and pursued with faithfulness will change the landscape of culture and Christian ministry." - Dr. Tom Nettles

This extremely rare volume is an amazing triubute to a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. No one can read this and not be moved to love the Lord whom Spurgeon loved and served to the very last breath.

Spurgeon Special

40% Discount
SGCB Price: $15.00 (list price $25.00)
Save: $10.00

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Charles H. Spurgeon



Though best remembered as the most popular preacher of the Victorian era, C. H. Spurgeon was also founder and president of the Pastors College in London. He supervised the training of over 800 students, presided at an annual conference for ministers, and, on Friday afternoons, delivered regular lectures on every aspect of pulpit ministry.


Now you can read clearly what the Prince of Preachers had to say about connecting with God! Reset in easy-to-read type and reader-friendly format, this collection of Spurgeon's messages shows how he focused on the very personal act of praying and its impact; and also features examples of prayer in Scripture. 504 pages, hardcover from Hendrickson.

TREASURY OF DAVID (Three Volume Set on the Psalms)

Spurgeon's own commentary on every verse of the Psalms is extremely insightful, and by itself it quite rich. In The Treasury of David you will also find a wealth of illuminating extracts and quotes from hundreds of commentators, contemporaries of Spurgeon as well as the great Puritan expositors of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Homiletical hints on almost every verse, concise sermon outlines, provocative seed thoughts as well as useful bibliographies and an index of authors offer practical help for preaching and teaching. Whether you are teaching on the Psalms, studying them for personal devotions, or simply intrigued by the writings of Spurgeon, you'll enjoy this splendid classic.


A classic devotional for more than one hundred years is now wrapped ina beautiful soft leather-like tan cover that makes it the perfect gift. Andf this price is spectacular!


SGCB Price: $15.95 (list price $26.95)

SGCB Price: $15.95 (list price $26.95)

THE TREASURY OF DAVID - Three Volume Set on the Psalms
SGCB Price: $49.95 (list price $79.95)

SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $24.95)

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Charles H. Spurgeon

Considering Christ and the Comforter

Since the days he shook the pulpits of Victorian London with Christ-centered passion, each succeeding generation seems to discover Charles Spurgeon anew. And this splendid collection is the ideal place to start. Featuring stirring sermons on the birth of Jesus, on his astounding love, and on his promised second coming, as well as comforting meditations on the work of the Holy Spirit; it offers over 40 homiletic gems from the Prince of Preachers.

In sermons as timeless as their topics, Spurgeon combines keen intellect, scriptural truth, and a zeal for making God known to a world in darkness. With insightful truths gleaming from every page, readers will find devotional treasure whenever they sample Spurgeon's gifted exposition, and will be drawn closer to the God who came, who will come again, and who sends his Spirit as a promise of his presence.

Size: 6 x 9 inches

Binding: Hardcover

Pages: 650

SGCB Price: $21.95 (list price $25.00)

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Charles H. Spurgeon

Experience Jesus' death and resurrection with Charles Spurgeon, one of the nineteenth century's greatest preachers. In this collection of over forty sermons, Spurgeon takes us through The Last Supper, Jesus' passion and death, including Christ's cries from the cross, up to his glorious resurrection.Drawing us into the scripture text for each sermon, Spurgeon uses vivid word pictures and thought-providing concepts to make his points.His direct, practical style,wide choice of topics, and biblically-saturated discussions offer a wealth of wisdom that is still dynamic and relevant today. Both lay readers and clergy will find treasures here in Lent and Easter; and throughout the year.

Size: 6 x 9 inches

Binding: hardcover

Pages: 604


SGCB Price: $15.00 (list price $25.00)
COME YE CHILDREN: A Book for Parents and Teachers on the Christian Training of Children
Charles H. Spurgeon

"Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord." Psalms 34:11. Subtitled, "A Book for Parents and Teachers on the Christian Training of Children," this is one of the most valuable books ever written on this subject. Although a great preacher to adults, Spurgeon was not a whit less impressive as a minister to youth. He built an orphanage for boys and girls and they were happy attendants at the Tabernacle services. The converts were quite numerous. Spurgeon's own twin sons became notable preachers, emphasizing the influence of their father over the young. For many years this volume has been used in university and seminary classes for instruction on the training and conversion of children.


1. "Feed My Lambs" - How to do it

2. Do Not Hinder the Children

3. The Disciples and the Mothers

4. The Children's Shepherd

5. Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven

6. As a Little Child Luke 18:17

7. Feed MY Lambs

8. The Child Timothy and his Teachers

9. "What Mean ye by this Service?" Exodus 12:26

10. Samuel and his Teachers

11. Instructions for Teachers and Parents

12. A Model Lesson for Teachers

13. "Come, ye Children" - Three Admonitions

14. "Come, ye Children" - The Psalmist's Invitation Psalms 34:11

15. King David's Two Encouragements to Parents and Teachers

16. Childhood and Holy Scripture 2 Timothy 3:15

17. Witnesses for God converted in Youth 1 Kings 18:12

18. Obadiah's Early Piety

19. Obadiah and Elijah

20. Abijah's "Some Good Thing" 1 Kings 14:13

21. Abijah's "Some Good Thing," Part 2

22. The Shunammite Woman's Son

23. The Shunammite Woman's Son, Part 2

Spurgeon Special

25% Off
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $13.00)

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THE SOUL WINNER: Advice on Effective Evangelism
Charles H. Spurgeon

"This is probably the best book available on the subject of Soul-Winning and is heartily recommended." - Reformation Review

"There is not a better source for the inspiration and guidance of a minister today than to sit at the feet of such a great soul winner as Charles Haddon Spurgeon and learn from him the essentials of evangelism." - Evangelism

"I can highly recommend this book, and would urge every pastor and leader in the congregation to read it." - Covenanter Witness

"If you are eager for real joy, such as you may think over and sleep upon, I am persuaded that no joy of growing wealthy, no joy of increasing knowledge, no joy of influence over your fellow-creatures, no joy of any other sort, can ever be compared with the rapture of saving a soul from death, & helping to restore our lost brethren to our great Father's house." - C. H. Spurgeon pg. 213

C. H. Spurgeon was strongly committed to definite doctrinal positions, yet he was one of the foremost soul winning and evangelistic pastors of Christian history. His converts numbered into the thousands under his preaching at the Tabernacle and multitudes more were converted thru reading the printed sermons and other publications. The Soul Winner is a practical book on "How to Lead Sinners to the Saviour." Many were won by Spurgeon as a personal witness, and this book reveals the characteristics of being a soul winner whether in the pulpit or outside of it. Some have used the book as a "manual" for class study.

This volume is issued in accordance with a plan formed by Mr. Spurgeon; indeed, he had already prepared for the press the greater part of the material here published, and the rest of his manuscripts have been inserted after only slight revision. It was his intention to deliver to the students of the Pastors' College a short course of Lectures upon what he termed "that most royal employment" 'SOUL-WINNING' and, having completed the series, he purposed to collect his previous utterances to other audiences upon the same theme, and to publish the whole for the guidance of all who desired to become soul-winners, and with the hope also of inducing many more professing Christians to engage in this truly blessed service for the Saviour.

This explanation will account for the form in which the topic is treated in the present book. The first six chapters contain the College Lectures; then follows four Addresses delivered to Sunday-school teachers, open-air preachers, and friends gathered at Monday evening prayer-meetings at the Tabernacle; while the rest of the volume consists of sermons in which the work of winning souls is earnestly commended to the attention of every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.

For more than forty years, Mr. Spurgeon was, by his preaching and writing, one of the greatest soul-winners; and by his printed words he still continues to be the means of the conversion of many all over the world. It is believed, therefore, that thousands will rejoice to read what he spoke and wrote concerning what he called "the chief business of the Christian minister."


1. What is it to Win a Soul?

2. Qualifications for Soul-Winning Godward

3. Qualifications for Soul-Winning Manward

4. Sermons Likely to Win Souls

5. Obstacles to Soul-Winning

6. How to Induce our People to Win Souls

7. How to Raise the Dead

8. How to Win Souls for Christ

9. The Cost of Being a Soul-Winner

10. The Soul-Winner's Reward

11. The Soul-Winner's Life and Work

12. Soul-Winning Explained

13. Soul-Saving our One Business

14. Instruction in Soul-Winning

15. Encouragement to Soul-Winners


(1) ACCORDING TO PROMISE: God’s Promises to Every Christian



(4) MOTHER, SISTER AND FOLLOWER: Mary the Mother of Jesus, Mary of Bethany, Mary Magdalene

(5) NO TEARS IN HEAVEN: Spurgeon on the Glories of Heaven


(7) THE SOUL WINNER: Advice on Effective Evangelism

(8) SPURGEON'S PRAYERS: Including Advice on How to Improve Prayer Meetings


Spurgeon Special



SGCB Price: $8.95 (list price $13.00)

SGCB Price: $55.00 (list price $88.00)
THE GOSPEL FOR THE PEOPLE: Sixty Short Sermons for Personal, Family or Corporate Worship
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Selected by Thomas Spurgeon


Sixty Short Sermons, with a 34 page Skech of Mr. Spurgeon's Life, and Fourteen Portraits and Engravings, with a Preface by Pastor Thomas Spurgeon.

These Short Sermons were selected by Thomas Spurgeon (his son) from the Series with a view to their being used in Mission Halls, and other similar places. They are about half the length of the ordinary Sermons.

496 Page Large Paperback Volume

1) Jesus, the Substitute for His People - Romans 8:34

2) Jesus, the Stumbling Stone of Unbelievers - 1 Peter 2:7,8

3) Jesus, the Delight of Heaven - Revelation 5:9,10

4) This Year Also - A Short Sermon for the New Year - Luke 13:8

5) The Covenant Pleaded - Psalm 74:20

6) The Empty Seat - A Sermon When Away from his People - 1 Samuel 20:27

7) The Poor Man's Prayer - Psalm 106:4,5

8) Every Man's Necessity - John 3:7

9) Satan's Punctuality, Power & Purpose - Luke 8:12

10) The Dual Nature and the Duel Within - Romans 7:23

11) The Meat and Drink of the New Nature - John 6:55

12) The Seven Sneezes - 2 Kings 4:34

13) Eyes Opened - Genesis 21:19

14) The Roes and the Hinds - Song of Solomon 2:7

15) The Risen Sun - Malachi 4:2

16) The Oil and the Vessels - 2 Kings 4:6

17) Two Sorts of Hearers - James 1:22-25

18) The Best of all Sights - Hebrews 2:9

19) The Hunger-Bite - Job 18:12

20) Questions which Ought to be Asked - Job 35:10,11

21) Loyal to the Core - 2 Samuel 15:21

22) Beloved, and yet Afflicted - Preached before invalid ladies - John 11:3

23) At School - Psalm 143:10

24) Pressing Questions of an Awakened Mind - Acts 9:5,6

25) A Plain Answer to an Important Inquiry - John 6:29

26) Expected Proof of Professed Love - 2 Corinthians 8:24

27) Men Bewitched - Galatians 3:1

28) Samuel and the Young Man Saul - 1 Samuel 9:27

29) John and Herod - Mark 6:20

30) Taught that we may Teach - Ezekiel 40:4

31) Roads Cleared - Isaiah 57:14

32) An Indictment of Four Counts - Zephaniah 3:2

33) Till We Meet Again - Revelation 22:21

34) Two Good Things - Psalm 119:71; Psalm 73:28

35) Four Choice Sentences - Genesis 28:15; 31:3-5; 48:21

36) The History of Sundry Fools - Psalm 107:17-20

37) An Inscription for the Mausoleum of the Saints - Hebrews 11:13,14

38) The Horns of the Altar - 1 Kings 2:30

39) All or None; or, Compromise Refused - Exodus 8:25,28; 10:8,24,26

40) Smoking Flax - Isaiah 42:3

41) Elijah's Plea - 1 Kings 18:36

42) But a Step - 1 Samuel 20:3

43) Love's Transformation - A Communion Meditation - John 14:28

44) My Comfort in Affliction - Psalm 119:50

45) Where are the Nine? Or, Praise Neglected - Luke 17:15-19

46) The Unkept Vineyard; or, Personal Work Neglected - Song of Solomon 1:6

47) A Mingled Strain - Psalm 51:7

48) Grace for Communion - Song of Solomon 4:16

49) Salt for the Sacrifice - Leviticus 2:13

50) Love Joying in Love - Song of Solomon 5:1

51) Might Have Been, or May Be - John 11:37

52) The Heart a Gift for God - Proverbs 23:26

53) Public Testimony; or, A Debt to God and Man - 2 Kings 7:9

54) God's Longsuffering: An Appeal to the Conscience - 2 Peter 3:15

55) The Miracles of our Lord's Death - Matthew 27:50-53

56) The Messages of our Lord's Love - Mark 16:7

57) The Evidence of our Lord's Wounds - John 20:27

58) Witnesses Against You - Nehemiah 5:7

59) Help for your Sickness - Matthew 8:16,17

60) Hope for your Future - Ezekiel 36:11

"Spurgeon was the consummate preacher and his sermons were mightily used of God in converting sinners and blessing his people. His sermons are the most reprinted and read in history, and justly so. This collection, selected by his son Thomas, will be a valuable addition to any family's library." - Dr. Robert P. Martin, Pastor, Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church, Seattle, WA, and author of A Guide to the Puritans

"Spurgeon was anointed by the Holy Spirit with such an extraordinary anointing that he was always a fountain of life in opening up the Scripture. He loved the Puritans and dug gold galore out of their writings." - Erroll Hulse, Pastor and Author of numerous books

"Something 'new' by Spurgeon. What else do you need to know? And Spurgeon on the gospel? That should seal the deal for anyone. Sometimes it is difficult to get people who are skeptical of the Reformed faith to read someone of whom they might be suspect due to ignorant associations. "By MacArthur? By Sproul? I've heard that they believe______." But no one is doubtful about Spurgeon. They will get the biblical gospel, and Spurgeon is a name people trust. Don't miss the opportunity to obtain this scarce volume." - Dr. Don Kistler, founder of Northampton Press

"Whenever there is a way to get Charles Spurgeon's writing into the hands of more people there is great reason to rejoice. The treasure that Solid Ground Christian Books is making available is one that Christians everywhere will want to own for themselves and get for others. I have heard of people who read a Spurgeon sermon each morning during their private worship. While a wonderful practice, that task would be daunting to many people. However, 'The Gospel for the People' is just right for such a discipline. Imagine reading a Spurgeon sermon for the next 60 days and taking a summary of that sermon and using for family worship each evening! Well, no need to imagine; just order 'The Gospel for the People' today and you will have such a tool." - Ray Rhodes is a well-known conference speaker and is the author of numerous books including a Family Worship series produced by Solid Ground Christian Books

puritan family classic

Spurgeon New


ISBN: 978-159925-2841

cs2 mds 6-15 os6 ms8 sss fw5 TDM css CHS718

SGCB Price: $18.95 (list price $36.00)

Order with THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL by Spurgeon at 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $70.00)
THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL of the Old and New Testaments
Charles H. Spurgeon, Selected by Sir Robert Phayre

Original Publishers' Note

Only a few days before Sir Robert Phayre received his Lord's summons, "Come up higher," he had completed the selection of Sermons here published, and given instructions for them to be bound in a volume for his own use. He had also chosen the title as printed on the present title-page, and the passage of Scripture (1 Peter 1:18-25) which he wished to have inserted there as a kind of motto for the whole series of discourses. The gallant general was a regular reader and an ardent admirer of Mr. Spurgeon's Sermons, and in his opinion the thirty-six here collected formed by themselves a most timely testimony against many of the prominent and pernicious errors and heresies of the present day. It is thought that many will wish to possess the volume compiled by this eminent Protestant and Evangelical leader so shortly before he went to join the beloved preacher in the presence of their Lord.


1) Foundation Work - 1 Kings 5:17

2) The Serpent's Sentence - Genesis 3:14,15

3) Christ, The Conqueror of Satan - Genesis 3:15

4) The Incarnation and Birth of Christ - Micah 5:2

5) "God With Us" - Matthew 1:23

6) The Great Mystery of Godliness - 1 Timothy 3:16

7) The Hexapla of Mystery - 1 Timothy 3:16

8) The Man Christ Jesus - Hebrews 7:4

9) Found By Jesus, And Finding Jesus - John 1:43-45

10) The Essence of Simplicity - John 9:35,36

11) Salvation By Works, A Criminal Doctrine - Galatians 2:21

12) The Gospel of the Glory of Christ - 2 Corinthians 4:4

13) The Common Salvation - Jude 3

14) Lifting Up The Brazen Serpent - Numbers 21:9

15) The Blood of Sprinkling - Hebrews 12:24,25

16) The Blood of Sprinkling - (2nd sermon) - Hebrews 12:24,25

17) The Teaching of the Foot-Washing - John 13:3-5

18) Jesus, The King of Truth - John 18:37

19) The Indwelling and Outflowing of the Holy Spirit - John 7:38,39; 16:7

20) The Holy Spirit's Chief Office - John 16:14,15

21) The Leading of the Spirit, the Secret Token of the Sons of God - Romans 8:14

22) The Greatest Exhibition of the Age - 1 Corinthians 11:26

23) The Winnowing Fan - Hebrews 12:14,15

24) The Fainting Warrior - Romans 7:24,25

25) Onward! - Philippians 3:13,14

26) The Child of Light Walking in Light - 1 John 1:6,7

27) Walking in the Light, and Washed in the Blood - 1 John 1:7

28) The Ascension and the Second Advent Practically Considered - Acts 1:10,11

29) The Lamb in Glory - Revelation 5:6,7

30) The Heavenly Singers and Their Song - Revelation 5:8-10

31) "The Marriage of the Lamb"- Revelation 19:7,8

32) The Followers of the Lamb - Revelation 14:4,5

33) A Voice from Heaven - Revelation 14:12,13

34) The Barrier - Revelation 21:27

35) Early and Late; or, Horae Gratae - Matthew 20:1,3,5,6

36) Entrance and Exclusion - Matthew 25:10

Spurgeon New

ISBN: 978-159925-2858

cs2 mds 6-15 os6 ms8 sss DTM css CHS718

SGCB Price: $18.00 (list price $34.00)

Order with THE GOSPEL FOR THE PEOPLE by Spurgeon for 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $70.00)

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MORNING AND EVENING: A New Edition of the Devotional Classic for Daily Encouragement
C.H. SPURGEON Revised and Updated by Alistair Begg

For over one hundred years, Christians have gotten up and gone to bed with Charles Spurgeon's devotional Morning and Evening as a companion. With a reading to begin and end each day throughout the year, you will come to appreciate Spurgeon's emphasis on the importance of abiding in Christ and meditating on God's Word. His wisdom and counsel provide a timeless guide through the trials and triumphs of the year. The richness of his biblical understanding offers readers a look into the heart of one of England's foremost pastors and enduring Christian authors.

"Spurgeon’s daily devotional readings have stood the test of time and are unrivaled as an example of deep theological insight and warm pastoral concern. They are so classic that one hesitates to tamper with them.

In revising and updating the material, I have tried to make them more readable without spoiling the splendor of the language. Most of the changes are minor and will go largely undetected. On a few occasions, because of the difference between the King James Version and the English Standard Version, I was forced to take more liberty.

My goal throughout has been to fashion the material in such a way that it will be accessible to a far wider audience than before. Spurgeon’s vocabulary is so vast that the reader may still find himself reaching for a dictionary, but this will surely be an added benefit!

Since I did not have the opportunity to ask Spurgeon’s permission, when I meet him I will seek his forgiveness if in attempting to bring clarity I have clouded the issue. The reader must judge. My prayer is that another generation will emerge thankful to God for the work of Spurgeon, whose memory we revere and whose example of godly devotion we seek to follow." -Alistair Begg

JANUARY 1 - MORNING - Text: Joshua 5:12

"Israel’s weary wanderings were all over, and the promised rest was attained. No more moving tents, fiery serpents, fierce Amalekites, and howling wildernesses: They came to the land that flowed with milk and honey, and they ate the old corn of the land. Perhaps this year, beloved Christian reader, this may be your case or mine. Joyful is the prospect, and if faith be in active exercise, it will yield unalloyed delight. To be with Jesus in the rest, which remains for the people of God, is a cheering hope indeed, and to expect this glory so soon is a double bliss. Unbelief shudders at the Jordan that still rolls between us and the goodly land, but let us rest assured that we have already experienced more ills than death at its worst can cause us. Let us banish every fearful thought and rejoice with exceeding great joy in the prospect that this year we shall begin to be “forever with the Lord.”

Some of the company will this year remain on earth, to do service for their Lord. If this should fall to our lot, there is no reason why the New Year’s text should not still be true. “We who have believed enter that rest.” The Holy Spirit is the earnest of our inheritance; He gives us glory begun below. In heaven believers are secure, and so are we preserved in Christ Jesus; there they triumph over their enemies, and we have victories too. Celestial spirits enjoy communion with their Lord, and this is not denied to us. They rest in His love, and we have perfect peace in Him; they sing His praise, and it is our privilege to bless Him too. We will this year gather celestial fruits on earthly ground, where faith and hope have made the desert like the garden of the Lord. Man ate angels’ food of old, and why not now? O for grace to feed on Jesus, and so to eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan this year!"

JANUARY 2 - MORNING - Text: Colossians 4:2

"It is interesting to consider how large a portion of the Bible is occupied with the subject of prayer, either in furnishing examples, enforcing precepts, or pronouncing promises. We scarcely open the Bible before we read, “People began to call upon the name of the Lord;”1 and just as we are about to close the volume, the “Amen” of an earnest supplication meets our ear. Instances are plentiful. Here we find a wrestling Jacob—there a Daniel who prayed three times a day—and a David who with all his heart called upon his God. On the mountain we see Elijah; in the dungeon Paul and Silas. We have multitudes of commands, and myriads of promises. What does this teach us, but the sacred importance and necessity of prayer? We may be certain that whatever God has made prominent in His Word, He intended to be conspicuous in our lives. If He has said much about prayer, it is because He knows we have much need of it. So deep are our necessities that until we are in heaven we must not cease to pray. Do you need nothing? Then I fear you do not know your poverty. Have you no mercy to ask of God? Then may the Lord’s mercy show you your misery! A prayerless soul is a Christless soul. Prayer is the lisping of the believing infant, the shout of the fighting believer, the requiem of the dying saint falling asleep in Jesus. It is the breath, the watchword, the comfort, the strength, the honor of a Christian. If you are a child of God, you will seek your Father’s face and live in your Father’s love. Pray that this year you may be holy, humble, zealous, and patient; have closer communion with Christ, and enter more often into the banqueting-house of His love. Pray that you may be an example and a blessing to others, and that you may live more to the glory of your Master. The motto for this year must be, “Continue . . . in prayer.”

CHARLES H. SPURGEON (1834-1892) was an English Baptist pastor at New Park Street Chapel, London (which later became the Metropolitan Tabernacle), for thirty-eight years. As the nineteenth century's most prolific preacher and writer, his ministry legacy continues today.

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THE GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD: Sermons Delivered at the Metropolitan Tabernacle During His Father's Illness
Thomas Spurgeon, with a Preface by C.H. Spurgeon

This precious little volume was published in 1884 with the hearty approval of all those who heard the sermons preached by Thomas Spurgeon (son of Charles H. Spurgeon) during an illness of his father. The Publishers asked Charles to write a Preface to help the circulation of the work, and he wrote the following:

"These sermons have given great delight to the friends at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. Their pastor was laid low by that painful infirmity that often attacks him, and his son occupied the pulpit, to his father's great comfort. When the father expressed in public his hearty thanks to Almighty God that his lack of service had been so well supplied by his own son, there was a general assent to the thanksgiving. The verdict of the church was unanimous: the people of God had been fed, and there were not lacking testimonies that sinners had been converted. Old believers, who know the taste of heavenly food, declared that they had been well fed; while the younger folk, with their natural enthusiasm, expressed their delight at what they had heard. The praise rendered unto the Lord by many was an offering of sweet savour. So precious a result made it good to have been afflicted, good to have received help from the Lord out of one's own house, and, best of all, to have kindled thousands of hearts with the fire of holy praise and sympathetic gratitude.

Precious things will sell themselves; and all that is required of us is just to say, -- here are pearls, examine them and estimate them after the worth of merchants who care for nothing but intrinsic worth. Yours truly, C.H. Spurgeon, Westwood, September 1884


1) "IF THOU CANS'T" - Mark 9:23


3) LYDIA AND THE JAILOR - Acts 16:13-34

4) COMING TO JESUS - John 6:37

5) A WHITE STONE - Revelation 2:17


7) A FAIR WIND - Acts 28:13

THOMAS SPURGEON (1856-1917) was a British Reformed Baptist preacher of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, one of two non-identical twin sons of the famous Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892).

Thomas and his twin brother were born a month before the tragedy at the Royal Surrey Gardens Music Hall of 19 October 1856 while their father was preaching. Their mother, Susannah became an invalid at the age of 33 while the boys were still in their teens.

After serving some time to an engraver, Thomas Spurgeon, like his brother Charles, decided to give his life to preaching the gospel. But his health prevented him from remaining in England. While he was still young he sailed to Australia, and spent one year in evangelistic labors there. After his return to England it was decided that he must return to a better climate for his health. During the early 1880s he preached in many places in Australia, as well as in New Zealand ; and finally he decided to accept the pastorate of a Baptist church in Auckland, the Auckland Baptist Tabernacle, where his influence was already becoming widely felt.

Thomas returned to England after the death of his father and succeeded him in his pulpit ministry after a brief period under Arthur Tappan Pierson. During Thomas' fifteen-year pastorate, the Tabernacle burned in 1898 and was rebuilt along similar lines. His brother Charles was pastor of the Greenwich Baptist Church.



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SIN, AND THE UNFOLDING OF SALVATION: The Three Year's Course of Theological Lectures Delivered at Spurgeon's Pastor's College
David Gracey, Introduction by Thomas Spurgeon

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to attend the famous Pastor's College founded by Charles H. Spurgeon? We have had a good taste of that privilege as we have read and delighted in LECTURES TO MY STUDENTS by Spurgeon himself. But what about the other classes? What were they like? Thankfully, with this reprint of SIN, AND THE UNFOLDING OF SALVATION by David Gracey we are finally able to see and hear what the students were taught about the Doctrine of Systematic Theology, the Doctrine of Sin, the Doctrine of Christ, and the Doctrine of Salvation.

In the words of the Preface, "We are persuaded that the volume will be a valuable contribution to the Christological literature of the day. Mr. Gracey ever gives prominence to the Person and Work of the Saviour; though unfolding fully the dark and doleful character of sin, he does so under the light of the Gospel, and with the hope of the Gospel shining clear in view. Theology, in his treatment of it, is never a dry science, but a vital, palpitating reality, fresh and beautiful, attractive and inspiring. Having strong convictions, based upon the Word of God, which he hesitates not to express in clear and convincing language, he necessarily exposes and opposes with all his force the erroneous opinions which meet him in the way. He always, however, deals in a courteous and Christian spirit with those from whom he differs; always stating their case fairly, while with strong though gentle hand he demolishes their arguments." - Archibald McCaig

"I am absolutely shocked that this volume has been buried for more than 100 years. David Gracey was a man greatly gifted by God to train men for the ministry, and his passion for the Lord and for the lost pours forth on every page. His opening lecture to his students masterfully introduces the men to the significance of both Theology and Religion, and the intimate relationship they bear to each other. His survey of the intellectual movements which have acted and re-acted upon Christianity through the centuries is absolutely breathtaking. Upon completing the lecture, having read it aloud, I sat stunned. WHAT A TREASURE!! His lectures on Sin (of which there are seven) and Salvation (of which there are nine) are steeped in Scripture. What a distinct privilege to introduce this man and this volume to the people of God in such a dark and needy time. May the Lord use Professor Gracey once again to equip the saints for the works of service to the eternal good of their souls, and the everlasting blessing of lost sinners." - the Publisher


Introduction by Thomas Spurgeon

Preface by Archibald McCaig

Lecture I - Introduction to Theology

Lecture II - System, Method and Order in Theological Study

Lecture III - The Aim and Spirit of Theological Study

Lecture IV - Sin

Lecture V - Nature of Sin

Lecture VI - Sin in its Relation to the Law

Lecture VII - Sin in Man

Lecture VIII - The Cause of Total Depravity

Lecture IX - Imputation of Sin

Lecture X - The Outlook of Sinners

Lecture XI - Salvation

Lecture XII - Scriptural Expressions Relating to Salvation

Lecture XIII - The Unforlding of Salvation in Prophecy

Lecture XIV - The Saviour

Lecture XV - Ancient and Modern Views as to the Person of the Saviour

Lecture XVI - The Work of the Redeemer

Lecture XVII - The Relation Between Christ's Engagements

Lecture XVIII - The Effects of Christ's Reconciliation upon Men

Lecture XIX - The Aspects of the Atonement

DAVID GRACEY (1841-1893) was brought to the Lord during the great revival of 1859, and shortly entered Glasgow University, with a view of preparing himself for the work of the ministry. While studying at the university, and working as a city missionary, he had the privilege of hearing Mr. Spurgeon, on his visit to Glasgow, in 1861, and at once came under the spell of the great preacher, and rested not till be became associated with him in his noble work. Coming to the Pastor's College, as a student and assistant tutor, he soon became fully engaged in tutorial work, and upon the retirement of the late venerable George Rogers, in 1879, he became Principal and Theological Tutor, in which capacity he continued to serve the College with credit to himself, and untold benefit to the students, until his lamented death on February 9th, 1893.



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The Doctrine of God's Covenants Expounded and Applied
Charles H. Spurgeon


The Doctrine of God's Covenants Expounded and Applied

By Charles H. Spurgeon

This never-before-published volume contains the sermons preached by "The Prince of Preachers" on the foundational subject of GOD'S COVENANTS. You will be taken on a journey from the earliest days of his ministry until his latter days and see the growth and development of Spurgeon's understanding of Covenant Theology. Not only will your mind be enlightened on this glorious theme, but your heart will be enlarged as these truths are applied to the life of the believer in Christ.

(1) God in the Covenant - Jeremiah 31:33 (August 3, 1856)

(2) Christ in the Covenant - Isaiah 49:8 (August 31, 1856)

(3) The Holy Spirit in the Covenant - Ezekiel 36:27 (in 1856)

(4) Covenant Blessings - Psalm 111:5 (summer of 1858)

(5) The Blood of the Everlasting Covenant - Hebrews 13:20 (September 4th, 1859)

(6) Messenger of the Covenant - Malachi 3:1 (September 7, 1862)

(7)The Blood of Christ's Covenant - Zechariah 9:11 (November 12, 1863)

(8) David's Sublime Consolation - 2 Samuel 23:5 (May 23, 1867)

(9) Justification, Propitiation, Declaration - Romans 3:24-26 (October 9, 1870)

(10) Covenant Blessings - Ezekiel 36:26,27 (April 14, 1872)

(11) Blood of the Covenant - Hebrews 13:20,21 (August 2, 1874)

(12) Diamond hinges 'As' and 'So' - Isaiah 54:9 (August 1, 1875)

(13) The Covenant Pleaded - Psalm 74:20 (January 1879)

(14) Taking Hold of God's Covenant - Isaiah 56:4,6 (October 5, 1879)

(15) The Blood of the Covenant - Hebrews 9:20 (November 14, 1880)

(16) The Priest Ordained by the Oath of God - Hebrews 7:20-22 (May 1, 1881)

(17) The Perpetuity of the law of God - Matthew 5:18 (May 21, 1882)

(18) The Law Written on the Heart - Jeremiah 31:33 (October 29, 1882)

(19) The Bond of the Covenant - Ezekiel 20:34-38 (May 10, 1885)

(20) God's Remembrance of His Covenant - Psalm 106:44,45 (Feb. 14, 1886)

(21) Cleansing: A Covenant Blessing - Ezekiel 36:25 (September 19, 1886)

(22) The Covenanter - Psalm 25:10 (July 31, 1887)

(23) Twelve Covenant Mercies - Isaiah 55:3 (June 30, 1889)

(24) The Covenant - Psalm 111:5

(25) The Wondrous Covenant - Hebrews 8:10

(26) Private and Confidential - Psalm 25:14

(27) The Heavenly Rainbow - Revelation 4:3


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Contain 27 Classic Spurgeon Expositions on God's Covenants

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COMMENTING ON COMMENTARIESA Reference Guide to Buying the Best Books
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

"New commentaries on the Bible abound, but often the cutting edge is dull. With few exceptions, the old works are better by far. Spurgeon's Commenting and Commentaries is invaluable for identifying the best works of past generations, many of which have been reprinted in our day." - Dr. Robert P. Martin

"In this catalogue Spurgeon lists and evaluates some 1400 commentaries on Books of the Bible. All is done with inimitable Spurgeonic frankness, wit and wisdom. Of one poor commentator he writes, 'The proverbs themselves are plainer than this author's exposition of them.' On another writer he comments, 'Does not err in excessive spirituality.' A delight to go through to get honest evaluation and common sense." - Maurice Roberts

"Commenting and Commentaries is a guide for buying and using Bible commentaries of many kinds, made entertaining by the pungent good humor of the author, Charles Haddon Spurgeon. It is an invaluable resource for ministers and theological students, as well as all Bible students, introducing them to the riches of the best of what has been written about the Bible in past generations. Let Commenting and Commentaries be your key to unlock the world of pre-twentieth-century evangelical Bible commentaries. You will find the key tried and true!" - Joel Beeke

The student or pastor with a small but growing library, as well as the pastor possessing an extensive one, will welcome the opportunity to secure this reprint of Spurgeon's catalog of Biblical commentaries and expositions. Once you begin to dip into this volume it will become a faithful friend by your side. Pure gold!

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A Book for Young Men and Young Women
Charles H. Spurgeon

The decisions that we make early in life affect and help determine everything that follows. As such, it is vital that young people know how to make wise and God-honoring decisions. This book contains thirty-four sermons by Charles Haddon Spurgeon calling young people to heed the Word of God.

One couple who read this book said: "We bought it to have our children read, but before we were 2 chapters into it, we found that it cut to the heart of the matter. Spiritual parenting, can only begin when the parents themselves are spiritually reformed. A definite read for parents, grandparents and even high-schoolers who are serious about getting not just a good start but having a great finish. Praise the Lord for Spurgeon's insight.Definitely a re-read."

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C.H. Spurgeon

JOHN BUNYAN [1628-1888] was C. H. Spurgeon's favorite author and his legendary work, THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, is the most popular book ever written apart from Holy Scripture. Spurgeon loved reading and re-reading this work, claiming to have read it over 100 times! many times with his wife reading it to him in afternoon relaxation and meditation. He often quoted Bunyan in his sermons declaring, "Though his writings are charmingly full of poetry, yet he cannot give us his Pilgrim's Progress, that sweetest of all prose poems, without continually making us feel and say, 'Why, this man is a living Bible!' Prick him anywhere; his blood is Bibline, the very essence of the Bible flows from him. He cannot speak without quoting a text, for his very soul is FULL of the Word of God."

Spurgeon first became enthralled with this classic when but a small child, in the attic of his grandfather's manse. The old wood-cut illustrations were especially interesting to the young lad, and later his sermons were quite saturated with references to the characters and events in the story. Thomas Spurgeon, one of his twin sons, wrote the preface to these articles which were first published in The Sword and the Trowel Magazine after C. H. Spurgeon's death.

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