Banner of Truth Titles
![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE MYSTERY OF PROVIDENCE JOHN FLAVEL
![](art/px_trans.gif) Do we believe that everything in the world and in our own lives down to the minutest details is ordered by the providence of God? Do we ever take time to observe and meditate on the workings of Providence? If not, are we missing much?
![](art/px_trans.gif) It should be a delight and pleasure to us to discern how God works all things in the world for His own glory and His people’s good. But it should be an even greater pleasure to observe the particular designs of Providence in our own lives. ‘O, what a world of rarities’, says John Flavel, ‘are to be found in Providence…With what profound wisdom, infinite tenderness, and incessant vigilance it has managed all that concerns us from first to last’. It was to persuade Christians of the excellency of observing and meditating upon this that Flavel first published his Mystery of Providence in 1678.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Since then the work has gone through many editions. Based on the words ‘God that performeth all things for me’ (Ps. 57 v 2) this work shows us how Providence works for us in every stage and experience of our lives. The book is richly illustrated from the lives of believers and from the author’s wide reading in church history. There are avenues of spiritual knowledge and experience opened to the Christian in this work which he probably never knew existed.
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘It is a wonderful book, the Banner serves us all by keeping it in print. Flavel does a wonderful job of helping you to meditate on how God’s sovereign kindness is seen even in the strangest circumstances…he knew suffering himself, and he was faithful.’ — MARK DEVER
![](art/px_trans.gif) "Of all books written upon providence, apart from the Bible of course, this must be regarded as the classic treatment of the subject. It is not hard to see why. Very warmly recommended." — BRIAN GARRARD
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Publishers’ Introduction 7
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introduction 15
![](art/px_trans.gif) PART ONE
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE EVIDENCE OF PROVIDENCE
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 The Work of Providence for the Saints 27
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 Our Birth and Upbringing 43
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 The Work of Conversion 60
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 Our Employment 75
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 Family Affairs 81
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 Preservation of the Saints from Evil 90
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 The Work of Sanctification 99
![](art/px_trans.gif) PART TWO
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 The Duty of Meditation on Providence 113
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 How to Meditate on the Providence of God 117
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 The Advantages of Meditating on Providence 143
![](art/px_trans.gif) PART THREE
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 Practical Implications for the Saints 181
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 Practical Problems in Connection with Providence 185
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13 The Advantages of Recording our Experiences of Providence 219
![](art/px_trans.gif) 'THE MYSTERY OF PROVIDENCE' by John Flavel
![](art/px_trans.gif) 'MYSTERIOUS WAYS: The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph' by David Kingdon
![](art/px_trans.gif) 'THE HISTORY OF PROVIDENCE: As Manifested in Scripture' by Alexander Carson
![](art/px_trans.gif) pbs mop BOTPROV BOTCLN
![](art/px_trans.gif) BRAND NEW PURITAN REPRINT
SGCB Price: $8.25 (list price $11.00) GREAT PRICE FOR A PRICELESS GEM
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | LEAHY FIVE-PACK: THE CROSS HE BORE; IS IT NOTHING TO YOU?, THE VICTORY OF THE LAMB; SATAN CAST OUT & THE HAND OF GOD Frederick Leahy
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) THE CROSS HE BORE: Meditations Upon the Sufferings of the Redeemer by Frederick Leahy
![](art/px_trans.gif) Frederick Leahy spent a lifetime in the ministry of the Word. In these pages, preacher, pastor and theologian come together in a happy unity. No words are wasted. There is nothing of the frothy and insubstantial. Here is satisfying truth, painstakingly quarried and crafted for the needs of God’s people. A judicious selection of gems from the writings of others provides further enrichment and stimulus to thought.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TIM CHALLIES wrote the following helpful commendation of this small book-
![](art/px_trans.gif) "Sometimes I read a book that has come with such numerous and lofty recommendations that really it can only be disappointing. Having heard so much about how the book will change my life and cause my faith to grow in leaps and bounds, I have often found the reality to be disappointing. Conversely, sometimes a book comes unhyped and unheralded and takes my heart and mind by storm. Such is the case with 'The Cross He Bore' by Frederick Leahy.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Truthfully, I do not remember where I first heard of this book. I was surprised one day to see it turn up in the mail and I soon realized that at one point I had added it to my Amazon wish list. I knew nothing about it other than what the cover told me: “Meditations on the sufferings of the Redeemer.” Edward Donnelly writes in the Foreword that this book has three virtues: it provides solid instruction; gives full play to a disciplined and sanctified imagination; and it recalls the neglected art of meditation. He says further that “in rereading these chapters, I found myself more than once compelled by emotion to stop – and then to worship. I cannot help feeling that this is exactly how they were written and that the author’s chief desire is that each of us who reads should be brought to gaze in fresh understanding and gratitude upon ‘the Son of God,’ who loved me and give himself for me.” As with Donnelly, I was often compelled to stop and worship, to stop and meditate, or to stop and dry my eyes, thanking Christ for His immeasurable sacrifice.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The book is comprised of thirteen chapters, each of which is a short meditation or reflection on a different aspect of Christ’s sacrifice, from the close of the Last Supper to the blotting of the sun from the sky while He hung on the cross. It truly strikes to the very heart of the Gospel.
![](art/px_trans.gif) But I hesitate to say more. Perhaps part of the beauty and significance of this book, was that it came unannounced. There was no lofty position for it to attain to. And perhaps it is best that way. And so I will leave it with merely my wholehearted recommendation and the knowledge that I will return to it often. This short book is an invaluable treasure and I am certain that the reflections it contains will stay with me and come to heart and mind whenever I meditate upon the cross of Christ."
![](art/px_trans.gif) ONE READER SAID-
![](art/px_trans.gif) "A great short book that focuses on the sacrifice of Christ. Leahy gives insights that I have not heard before. The line that touched my heart the most was “Lord, forgive us for the times we have read about Gethsemane with dry eyes.” This book cannot be read with dry eyes. Highly recommended."
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Foreword
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introduction
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 MAN OF SORROWS
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 PRAYERFUL SUBMISSION
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 STRENGTHENED TO SUFFER
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 SATAN’S HOUR
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 THE DUMB LAMB
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 TAKING THE OATH
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 SENTENCED TO DEATH
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 THE BUTT OF MOCKERY
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 THE CROWN OF THORNS
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 OUTSIDE THE GATES
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 SATAN’S CUP REFUSED
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 THE KING AMONG BANDITS
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13 OUTER DARKNESS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epilogue
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) IS IT NOTHING TO YOU? The Unchanging Significance of the Cross by Frederick Leahy
![](art/px_trans.gif) The cross of Jesus Christ proclaims a powerful and timeless message to all men and women everywhere. Through careful and patient explanation, Fred Leahy convinces us of its relevance for life in the twenty-first century. Here is a man who has good news to share with others. His book draws our attention to some of the events surrounding the death of Jesus. Every chapter highlights what is central and most significant about the passion of the Christ, calling on us to stop and think about issues we cannot afford to ignore.
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Is is nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow, which was brought upon me, which the Lord inflicted on the day of his fierce anger’ (Lam. 1:12).
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Foreword
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introduction
![](art/px_trans.gif) What Is the Shepherd Worth?
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Crucial Vote
![](art/px_trans.gif) Nailed to the Cross
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Father, Forgive Them’
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Soldier Speaks His Mind
![](art/px_trans.gif) Winners and Losers at Calvary
![](art/px_trans.gif) Looking on the One We Pierced
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Crucified, Dead, and Buried’
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Sign of the Rent Veil
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Sign of the Opened Graves
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epilogue: Is It Nothing to You?
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendix A: Dispensationalism and the Gospel
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendix B: ‘Righteousness Exalts a Nation’
![](art/px_trans.gif) (3) THE VICTORY OF THE LAMB: Christ's Triumph Over Sin, Death and Satan by Frederick Leahy
![](art/px_trans.gif) At Calvary, the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, was not a victim of circumstances but a victor over circumstances: ‘The conflict at Calvary was the crucial and determining encounter between the Lamb of God and Satan…At the cross, Christ won and Satan lost, and Satan and his fellow-spirits knew it…There is liberation. Christ has won. Actual victory! That is something to preach!’
![](art/px_trans.gif) This is the theme which thrills all the redeemed in heaven. Frederick Leahy believes that it should also be their constant study while on earth. In this book he traces the theme of Christ’s triumph over sin, death and Satan from the first promise of redemption in Genesis 3:15 to the shout of triumph in Revelation 5:12 ‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain…!’
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Victory of the Lamb is a companion volume to Satan Cast Out, the author’s much-appreciated study of the biblical teaching on Christ’s victory over all the powers of darkness.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introduction
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 The Creation Kingdom
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 The Black Banner of Rebellion
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 Victory Foretold
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 The Protracted Struggle
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 The Antagonists Meet
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 Picking Up the Gauntlet
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 Sifting: Satanic and Divine
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 Victory Achieved
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 The Woman and the Great Dragon
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 The Consequences of Christ’s Victory
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 Victor Emmanuel
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epilogue
![](art/px_trans.gif) (4) SATAN CAST OUT: A Study in Biblical Demonology
![](art/px_trans.gif) Leahy presents a lucid, biblical account of Christian teaching on such issues as the existence of angels – good and evil; the present position and strategy of Satan; the witness of Old and New Testament to demonic activity; the demonic in church history; and the challenge of the demons to the church of Christ, especially on the mission field.
![](art/px_trans.gif) While taking our ‘adversary the devil’ seriously, Leahy constantly emphasizes the victory of Christ over him, and the fact that, in the words of John Calvin, ‘The whole of Satan’s kingdom is subject to the authority of Christ.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) Table of Contents:
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. Angels: Good and Evil
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. Satan’s Present Position
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. The Strategy of the Enemy
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. Our Adversary the Devil
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. The Witness of the Old Testament to Demonic Activity
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. The Witness of the New Testament to Demonic Possession
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. Christ and the Demons
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. Demonic Activity Since New Testament Times
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. Demon-Possession and the Authority of Scripture
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10. Christianity and Occultism
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11. The Challenge of the Demons to the Church of Christ
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendices
![](art/px_trans.gif) A. The use of the word ‘Satan’ in Psalm 109
![](art/px_trans.gif) B. Self-induced Symptoms of Demon-possession
![](art/px_trans.gif) (5) THE HAND OF GOD: The Comfort of Having a Sovereign God
![](art/px_trans.gif) Foreword by Geoff Thomas
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introduction
![](art/px_trans.gif) Frederick S Leahy, 1922–2006: A Brief Tribute
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 The Hand that Creates
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 The Hand that Governs
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 The Hand that Provides
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 The Hand that Redeems
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 The Hand that Keeps
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 The Hand that Guides
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 The Hand that Chastens
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 The Hand that Blesses
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 The Hand that Enables
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 The Hand that Judges
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epilogue: Comfort
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendix A: The Historicity of the Genesis Account
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendix B: The Baneful Influence of Evolutionary Theory
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendix C: ‘The Open View of God’
![](art/px_trans.gif) A REVIEW
![](art/px_trans.gif) "The aim of this book is to show the relevance of the Bible’s teaching on the sovereignty of God to our daily lives. In 10 chapters Fred Leahy shows how the sovereign Lord is the hand that creates, governs, provides, redeems, keeps, guides, chastens, blesses, enables and judges.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Mr. Leahy writes in an accessible, yet deep way. He grounds all he says in the scriptures and then brings it to life with anecdotes from the lives of famous Christians, illustrations from daily life and quotations from other men and women. He has also made the book up to date by referring to current events and today’s religious fads.
![](art/px_trans.gif) There have been many good books written on the sovereignty of God, notably that by A W Pink. Where this book excels is in making this wonderful doctrine so practically helpful for the Christian walk. This is not a dry scholarly work of a theologian, but a lively read by a mature Christian and experienced pastor.
![](art/px_trans.gif) When the author went to post the manuscript of this book to the publisher his wife asked him if he would like to buy a new notebook to begin his next work. The 83 year old man paused for a moment and then said “I think I have said all I want to say.” That evening he passed from this world. I am so glad that the Lord spared him to finish this book. It is a treasure that I am sure I will refer to again and again."
![](art/px_trans.gif) pbs CX JCSP
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) THE CROSS HE BORE: Meditations Upon the Sufferings of the Redeemer
SGCB Price: $6.95 (list price $9.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) IS IT NOTHING TO YOU? The Unchanging Significance of the Cross
SGCB Price: $6.95 (list price $9.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) (3) THE VICTORY OF THE LAMB: Christ's Triumph Over Sin, Death and Satan
SGCB Price: $6.95 (list price $9.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) (4) SATAN CAST OUT: A Study in Biblical Demonology
SGCB Price: $10.95 (list price $13.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) (5) THE HAND OF GOD: The Comfort of Having a Sovereign God
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $12.00)
SGCB Price: $38.95 (list price $52.00) 25% OFF WHEN ORDERING ALL 5 LEAHY TITLES
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | BANNER OF TRUTH TITLES IN STOCK I.D.E. Thomas, Thomas Brooks, Thomas Watson, Alexander M. Stuart, Hugh Martin, John Hurrion, David McKay, Peter Barnes, EJ Young
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) THE GOLDEN TREASURY OF PURITAN QUOTATIONS selected by I.D.E. Thomas
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Golden Treasury of Puritan Quotations does not belong to the ordinary run of anthologies but is a masterful selection by an author who has given many years to his work. The 1500 quotations from a wide range of Puritans have been chosen with great care, and arranged under topical headings. They form an ideal introduction to the writings of the great and godly men of the 17th century, and will prove to be devotional reading of the highest quality. Those who are already familiar with the Puritan writings will find the ‘Treasury’ to be a perfect stimulus to further reading.
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) MYSTERIOUS WAYS: The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph by David Kingdon
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Kingdon combines the ability to understand the text of Scripture with the sensitive heart of a pastor well prepared to be our friend and guide in this area of spiritual experience.’ — SINCLAIR B FERGUSON
![](art/px_trans.gif) Book Description
![](art/px_trans.gif) To know that God wisely governs all His creatures and all their actions is one thing, but to apply this truth in our own lives is quite a different matter, especially when our hopes are disappointed and providence seems to frown.
![](art/px_trans.gif) With great insight and pastoral wisdom, David Kingdon helps us to apply lessons from the life of Joseph to our own lives in this book, Mysterious Ways. He shows that God’s people are not lost in a meaningless maze, but are safe in the hands of a loving Father. However ‘mysterious’ His ways seem at present, He has purposed good for His people, and will ‘make it plain’ in His own time. Even when we feel most at a loss about God’s dealings with us, He is teaching us lessons which could be learned in no other way.
![](art/px_trans.gif) (3) THE LORD'S SUPPER: The Mystery of the Lord's Supper Briefly Explained by Thomas Watson
![](art/px_trans.gif) To Thomas Watson, the Lord’s Supper was a visible sermon, a mirror in which to gaze on the sufferings and death of Christ. ‘God, to help our faith, does not only give us an audible Word, but a visible sign.’ But more than this, the Supper was a time in which to partake of the benefits of Christ’s death by faith, to be fed and cherished by the Lord in his own banqueting house, and to obtain a foretaste of the glory which will be fully realized only in heaven. Watson’s aim was to stimulate greater love to Christ in His people, and to enhance their appreciation of the Supper as a spiritual feast for all believers. His fine exposition shows the rich provision made in the Supper for all who love the Lord, while it also lays bare the emptiness of all mere sacramentalism.
![](art/px_trans.gif) (4) THE THREE MARYS: Learning from the Lives of Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany, and Mary the Mother of Jesus by Alexander Moody Stuart
![](art/px_trans.gif) Mary, the mother of Jesus; Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus; and Mary Magdalene all feature prominently in the gospel narrative. But what can Christians learn from the faith displayed by these women?
![](art/px_trans.gif) In these moving and engaging chapters, Alexander Moody Stuart draws out their characters and helps readers learn from each one’s relationship to Jesus. Perhaps too often known only at the surface-level, these three women, brought into sharper focus by Moody Stuart’s reflective and often vivid portrayals, have much to teach us about the faithful Christian life.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Moody Stuart’s preaching and teaching were marked by a keen sensitivity to the human condition and its needs, combined with challenging practical application. This, linked with a deep tenderness and love, well-qualified him to write The Three Marys.
![](art/px_trans.gif) (5) PARTICULAR REDEMPTION: The End and Design of the Death of Christ by John Hurrion (1675-1731)
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Christ gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) In Particular Redemption, taking up these words of Titus 2:14, John Hurrion expounds the doctrine of redemption, focusing attention especially on the end and design, extent and importance of the death of Christ. There is a peculiar importance attached to a man’s last words. That is especially true of John Hurrion. As his life was ebbing away, his mind was flooded with thoughts about his Saviour, Jesus Christ, as he prepared the four addresses found in this book for the press. ‘The delight he took in his subject’, his editor wrote, ‘carried him above his great pain and weakness’, and in dying he confessed: ‘The death of Christ being the fountain of our life, there is nothing more necessary, pleasant, or useful to the Christian, than a right apprehension and remembrance of it.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘I believe, with certainty, that there is no other view of the doctrine of Redemption able to satisfy the soul…In this doctrine my soul finds the means of life and the means also of dying in comfort.’ — From the Preface by John Elias
![](art/px_trans.gif) (6) THE MILK OF THE WORD: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Peter Barnes
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Though this book is called Milk of the Word there is much strong meat here, explained very simply and practically and applied personally.’ — EVANGELICAL ACTION
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Solid and simple…an excellent outline of truth, with relevant Scripture references.’ — EVANGELICAL TIMES
![](art/px_trans.gif) Book Description
![](art/px_trans.gif) In clear, simple terms, and with constant appeal to Scripture, Peter Barnes gives an introduction to fundamental truths of the Faith. There is much strong meat here, explained very simply and practically and applied personally.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) PREFACE 7
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE WORD OF GOD 9
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE TRIUNE GOD 25
![](art/px_trans.gif) JESUS CHRIST: GOD AND MAN 36
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE ATONEMENT 49
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE PERSON AND WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 66
![](art/px_trans.gif) (7) REPENT AND BELIEVE by Thomas Brooks
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but also in abundance.’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON
![](art/px_trans.gif) Book Description
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Puritans believed in the reality of devil and in his deadly antagonism to the souls of men. To keep us in our lost and condemned state he employs two devices against us: he persuades us that repentance is easy and believing in Christ is impossible. In Repent and Believe! Brooks masterfully uncovers Satan’s devices and skillfully prescribes the Bible’s remedies against them.
![](art/px_trans.gif) (8) THE WAY EVERLASTING: A Study in Psalm 139 by E.J. Young
![](art/px_trans.gif) True wisdom, wrote John Calvin, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves. With an eloquence which is itself awe-inspiring, Psalm 139 shows us how such true wisdom is discovered. Its magnificent statement of the glorious majesty, omniscience, and omnipresence of God combines with its profound and penetrating descriptions of the experiences of the children of God.
![](art/px_trans.gif) In this small volume, these biblical truths are given clear and satisfying exposition in the hands of one of the great modern masters of the Old Testament.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The late E.J. Young, for many years Professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, was widely acknowledged as the prince of conservative Old Testament scholars. His combination of deep personal devotion with meticulous scholarship, and love for God’s Word with humble faith in God’s Son, left an abiding impression both on his students and on the many Christians who were privileged to hear his more popular expositions of the Scriptures. In this exposition of Psalm 139 the legacy of his ministry lives on.
![](art/px_trans.gif) (9) PHILIP AND THE REVIVAL IN SAMARIA by Geoffrey Thomas
![](art/px_trans.gif) What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit and is this something that is true of all Christians? What kind of person does God delight to use in the work of his kingdom? What is revival? Is it a sovereign work of God by his Spirit or merely the result of evangelistic activity on the part of zealous Christians? Is God as concerned to save a single individual as a whole city of people? These are just some of the issues Geoff Thomas deals with in this popular, thought-provoking, and soul-stirring study of Philip the Evangelist and the great Samaritan awakening, recorded in Acts chapter 8.
![](art/px_trans.gif) (10) HELP HEAVENWARD: Guidance and Strength for the Christian's Life Journey by Octavius Winslow
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Help Heavenward – that is the strength of the Christian life journey. Chapter two of this book is on progressive sanctification – about the only thing I’ve ever read on it that is well-balanced and makes sense. . . . That alone is worth the price of this book. Winslow is very warmly experiential in all that he writes, and you’ll just find, whatever he does . . . meets the needs of the soul.’ — JOEL R. BEEKE
![](art/px_trans.gif) Help Heavenward, a practical handbook on sanctification with heaven ever in view, is devotional writing at its finest. I know of no better book to give to Christians as they struggle in this sinful world to live in obedience to their Saviour. Use this book to become acquainted with those sacred truths of Scripture that the Spirit uses to mold our thoughts, words, and actions for Christlike living.
![](art/px_trans.gif) (11) THE HISTORY OF PROVIDENCE: As Manifested in Scripture by Alexander Carson
![](art/px_trans.gif) Alexander Carson lived in an age that was turning away from the revelation of God in Scripture. The dominant philosophy of the times sought to replace the knowledge of the personal, sovereign and provident God of Scripture with a ‘more intelligent belief’ in the impersonal laws of nature (which are, of course, nothing but the physical laws by which God usually conducts his government of the world). If God exists – and that was a big ‘if’ – then he is a God who is far removed from the events of every-day life.
![](art/px_trans.gif) But truth and Scripture teach that all physical laws have their effect from the immediate agency of God’s almighty power. In his works of providence God preserves and governs all his creatures and all their actions. ‘In him we live, and move, and have our being’ (Acts 17:28).
![](art/px_trans.gif) (12) THE GOSPEL DEFENDED: Volume 12 of The Works of John Owen
![](art/px_trans.gif) Despite his other achievements, Owen is best famed for his writings. These cover the range of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects. They are characterized by profundity, thoroughness and, consequently, authority. Andrew Thomson said that Owen ‘makes you feel when he has reached the end of his subject, that he has also exhausted it.’ Although many of his works were called forth by the particular needs of his own day they all have a uniform quality of timelessness. Owen’s works were republished in full in the nineteenth century. Owen is surely the Prince of the Puritans. ‘To master his works’, says Spurgeon, ‘is to be a profound theologian.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) (13) THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY: with an Inquiry into the Causes of its Inefficiency by Charles Bridges (1794-1869)
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘This book has been my companion for almost fifty years. First published in 1830, it is arguably more needed now than then. It is a classic, serving as a guide to all who are aware of the perils and privileges of pastoral ministry.’ — ALISTAIR BEGG
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘People ask me, “What’s the very best book for Ministers?” Overall for the ministry, and for passionate preaching, and how to preach to different kinds of people – there’s nothing like The Christian Ministry.’ — JOEL BEEKE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) THE GOLDEN TREASURY OF PURITAN QUOTATIONS selected by I.D.E. Thomas
SGCB Price: $7.00 (list price $11.00) JUST 3 COPIES AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) MYSTERIOUS WAYS: The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph by David Kingdon
SGCB Price: $7.00 (list price $11.00) JUST 1 COPY AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (3) THE LORD'S SUPPER: The Mystery of the Lord's Supper Briefly Explained by Thomas Watson
SGCB Price: $5.00 (list price $8.00) JUST 2 COPIES AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (4) THE THREE MARYS: Learning from the Lives of Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany, and Mary the Mother of Jesus by Alexander Moody Stuart
SGCB Price: $7.00 (list price $11.00) JUST 2 COPIES AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (5) PARTICULAR REDEMPTION: The End and Design of the Death of Christ by John Hurrion (1675-1731)
SGCB Price: $7.00 (list price $11.00) JUST 3 COPIES AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (6) THE MILK OF THE WORD: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Peter Barnes
SGCB Price: $3.00 (list price $6.00) JUST 1 COPY AT THIS PRICE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (7) REPENT AND BELIEVE by Thomas Brooks (Pocket Puritan Series)
SGCB Price: $2.50 (list price $5.00) JUST 1 COPY AT THIS PRICE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (8) THE WAY EVERLASTING: A Study in Psalm 139 by E.J. Young
SGCB Price: $6.00 (list price $9.00) JUST 1 COPY LEFT AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (9) PHILIP AND THE REVIVAL IN SAMARIA by Geoffrey Thomas
SGCB Price: $7.00 (list price $11.00) JUST 1 COPY LEFT AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (10) HELP HEAVENWARD: Guidance and Strength for the Christian's Life Journey by Octavius Winslow
SGCB Price: $8.00 (list price $14.00) JUST 1 COPY LEFT AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (11) THE HISTORY OF PROVIDENCE: As Manifested in Scripture by Alexander Carson
SGCB Price: $9.00 (list price $17.00) JUST 1 COPY LEFT AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (12) THE GOSPEL DEFENDED: Volume 12 of The Works of John Owen
SGCB Price: $15.00 (list price $30.00) 50% OFF THIS HARDCOVER VOLUME - JUST TWO COPIES LEFT
![](art/px_trans.gif) (13) THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY: with an Inquiry into the Causes of its Inefficiency by Charles Bridges (1794-1869)
SGCB Price: $16.00 (list price $32.00) 50% OFF THIS HARDCOVER VOLUME - JUST 1 COPY LEFT (this volume is currently out-of-print)
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=150.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | AN EXPOSITION OF HEBREWS (in 7 Volumes) JOHN OWEN
![](art/px_trans.gif) THIS SET IS CURRENTLY BACK IN STOCK!!
![](art/px_trans.gif) John Owen here analyses the text of Hebrews with care and provides a judicious interpretation which shows an impressive familiarity with a wide range of biblical scholarship. He also provides rich practical applications.
![](art/px_trans.gif) John Owen (1616-1683) was probably the greatest systematic theologian of the British Puritans, yet such was his depth of Christian wisdom and discernment that he also excelled in pastoral and spiritual theology. Common to his stature in both of these areas was his understanding of Scripture. While this is evident throughout his writings, it is in his massive exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews that the range of his knowledge and the depth of his exegetical powers are most evident. Here he analyses the text with care and provides a judicious interpretation which shows an impressive familiarity with a wide range of biblical scholarship. In addition, following the classical Puritan method of commentary with its constant concern for Christian living, he provides rich practical applications. Thus in a balanced way, he addresses both mind and heart. Written with the reverent spirit of a scholar-pastor whose stated aim in his ministry was ‘to promote holiness’, Owen's study of Hebrews is one of the great classical commentaries of the Christian Church.
![](art/px_trans.gif) ENDORSEMENT
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘…a work of gigantic strength as well as gigantic size; and he who hath mastered it is very little short, both in respect to the doctrinal and practical of Christianity, of being an erudite and accomplished theologian.’ — THOMAS CHALMERS
![](art/px_trans.gif) WEIGHT 12.08 lbs
![](art/px_trans.gif) DIMENSIONS 8.8 × 5.75 × 10.25 in
![](art/px_trans.gif) PAGE-COUNT 3,966
![](art/px_trans.gif) BANNER PUB DATE - June 1, 1991
![](art/px_trans.gif) BINDING - Cloth-bound
![](art/px_trans.gif) ISBN 9780851516196
![](art/px_trans.gif) ORIGINAL PUB DATE - 1684
SGCB Price: $119.50 (list price $159.00)
SGCB Price: $410.00 (list price $557.00) SAVE OVER $140 WHEN ORDERING THE 23 VOLUME SET
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=151.jpg)
![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE WORKS OF JOHN OWEN (16 VOLS.) JOHN OWEN
![](art/px_trans.gif) ALL 16 VOLUMES ARE BACK IN PRINT AT THIS TIME.
![](art/px_trans.gif) This greatest of all British theologians was incredibly prolific as a writer, with John Owen’s books numbering in the dozens. He was a man of great stature with national influence during his lifetime, preaching before Parliament multiple times and serving as chaplain and advisor to Oliver Cromwell. He also enjoyed some influence with King Charles II. He is best known, though, for his writings that cover subjects ranging from doctrinal explorations to ecclesiastical themes to practical advice. No matter the topic, it was thoroughly explored and presented with authority—and, although he often wrote books to help decipher troubling current issues, they are presented in a way that is timeless. The Works of John Owen is available in a 16-volume set, and is also available in single volumes. Books that continue to be of interest include The Mortification of Sin, Duties of Christian Fellowship, and Indwelling Sin in Believers, among others.
![](art/px_trans.gif) CONTENTS OF THESE VOLUMES
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 1 - THE GLORY OF CHRIST
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 2 - COMMUNION WITH GOD
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 3 - THE HOLY SPIRIT (Currently out-of-stock)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 4 - THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 5 - FAITH AND ITS EVIDENCES
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 6 - TEMPTATION AND SIN
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 7 - SIN AND GRACE
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 8 - SERMONS TO THE NATION
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 9 - SERMONS TO THE CHURCH
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 10 - THE DEATH OF CHRIST
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 11 - CONTINUING IN THE FAITH
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 12 - THE GOSPEL DEFENDED
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 13 - MINISTRY IN FELLOWSHIP
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 14 - TRUE AND FALSE RELIGION
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 15 - CHURCH PURITY AND UNITY
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 16 - THE CHURCH AND THE BIBLE
![](art/px_trans.gif) LVS BOTS lday BOTW BOTS22
SGCB Price: $298.50 (list price $398.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=153.jpg)
![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE COLLECTED WORKS OF J.C. RYLE JOHN CHARLES RYLE
![](art/px_trans.gif) This J.C Ryle 12 volume cloth-bound set from Banner of Truth is an incredible resource not only for pastors but also for those who want to grow in spiritual maturity. Ryle is very practical and easy to read. He writes in a way in which you are confronted with the truth about your sin and yet also reminded of the comforts of the gospel. I have given some small reviews of each book below. As I have mentioned in other posts before, the quality of these cloth-bound books is amazing! They will last a lifetime even if you use them heavily. You can buy these books separately or as a complete set.
![](art/px_trans.gif) In 1837, John Charles Ryle was an outstanding athlete, excelling in cricket and rowing. But, when he became ill with a serious infection, he turned to his long-forgotten Bible and prayed. Then, one Sunday at church, he felt as though God was speaking to him, emphasizing the message that people are saved by grace through faith, which is a gift from God. Ryle ultimately entered the ministry in the Church of England, while also publishing popular tracts and books from a Biblical standpoint. J.C. Ryle’s Holiness is perhaps his best known book, describing the nature of holiness and the challenges of temptation, while Call to Prayer shares with readers the privileges of private prayer. J.C. Ryle’s Thoughts for Young Men offers up what one reviewer calls “true Puritan theology,” while Agency That Transformed a Nation shares timeless lessons gleaned from the 18-century Great Awakening.
![](art/px_trans.gif) For anyone studying or preaching on the Gospels, this has to be one of your go-to sets. Ryle’s commentary is very pastoral and full of practical application. Each section is laid out with the Scripture text, Ryle's pastoral commentary, and then his verse commentary. I normally tend to use exegetical, verse by verse commentaries in my sermon prep, which has led to my preaching being somewhat of a running commentary (which is not good). These pastoral commentaries by Ryle have provided balance in my study and sermon prep.
![](art/px_trans.gif) "J. C.Ryle's 'Expository Thoughts on the Gospels' gleans practical thoughts from every section of the four Gospels. I know of no set of books that is more helpful for private devotions and family worship. We read through Ryle's books when our children were in elementary school. A ten-year-old can understand Ryle, and an eighty-year-old saint is not beyond him; Ryle models simplicity and profundity to all. Ryle's thoughts are also invaluable for ministers and teachers, as they model how to glean applications from the text. Here is practical Christianity at its best." --Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids
![](art/px_trans.gif) This is Bishop Ryle at his very best!
![](art/px_trans.gif) HOLINESS
![](art/px_trans.gif) I believe it is important to go back and read classic Christian works such as Holiness to be reminded that the struggles that we are facing in our own lives and in the church are not new. For Christians, it has always been a struggle to live holy lives. Ryle’s Holiness helps us to be reminded that even though it's hard and may not be the most popular thing, we must be holy, because the voice of God in Scripture plainly commands it, it is one grand end and purpose for which Christ came into the world, because this is the only sound evidence that we have a saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, because this is the only proof that we love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, because this is the only sound evidence that we are true children of God, because this is the most likely way to do good to others, because our present comfort depends much upon it, because without holiness on earth we will never be prepared to enjoy heaven.
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHARGES AND ADDRESSES: Delivered from 1881 to 1900
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Charges and Addresses here brought together show how he laboured to educate the clergy of his diocese in biblical principles and to impress upon them the vast importance of maintaining evangelical doctrine and practice in their varied ministries and contacts.
![](art/px_trans.gif) In England Ryle stands in the foremost rank of those who have held forth the word of life and fought the good fight of faith. He is one of the Lord’s standard-bearers of the late Victorian age. The ‘healthful spirit of God’s grace’ was upon him. Being dead he continues to speak to our backslidden generation.
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE UPPER ROOM: Being a Few Truths for the Times
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘I have reached an age when I cannot reasonably expect to write much more. There are many thoughts in this volume which I do not wish to leave behind me in the precarious form of separate single sermons, addresses, lectures, and tracts. I have therefore resolved to gather them together in the volume I now send forth, which I heartily pray God to bless, and to make it a permanent blessing to many souls.’ — J. C. RYLE
![](art/px_trans.gif) KNOTS UNTIED
![](art/px_trans.gif) This work by Ryle is on how the church should operate. It includes 19 papers on specific subjects relating to the evangelical church practices. Keep in mind when Ryle uses the word evangelical, he means Biblical, unlike the way we tend to think and use the word today. He lays out the beliefs held by Evangelical Churchmen of the day. His arguments are filled with Scriptural proof and explained very carefully and confidently. Some topics include Baptism, Regeneration, The Lord’s Supper, Confession, the Fallibility of Ministers, Idolatry, etc.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Let us always beware of any teaching which either directly or indirectly obscures justification by faith. All religious systems which put anything between the heavy laden sinner and Jesus Christ the Savior, except simple faith, are dangerous and unscriptural. All systems which make out faith to be anything complicated, anything but a simple, childlike dependence — the hand which receives the soul’s medicine from the physician — are unsafe and poisonous systems. All systems which cast discredit on the simple Protestant doctrine which broke the power of Rome, carry about with them a plague-spot, and are dangerous to souls.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Let us remember, not least, the enormous injury we may do to souls if we once allow ourselves to depart in the least degree from the simplicity of the gospel, either in our doctrine or in our worship. Who can estimate the shipwrecks that might occur in a single night, and the lives that might be lost, if a light-house keeper dared to alter but a little the color of his light? Who can estimate the deaths that might take place in a town if the chemist took on himself to depart but a little from the doctor’s prescriptions? Who can estimate the wholesale misery that might be caused in a war, by maps a little wrong, and charts a little incorrect? Who can estimate these things? Then perhaps you may have some idea of the spiritual harm that ministers do by departing in the slightest degree from the Scriptural proportions of the gospel, or by trying to catch the world by dressing the simple old Evangelical faith in new clothes.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Although much has been written on the evangelical revival of the 18th century, J. C. Ryle’s Christian Leaders of the 18th Century remains the best popular introduction to this great spiritual era. With simplicity and vigour, he traces the lives of the eleven Christian leaders who ‘shook England from one end to another’, giving strong reasons for his belief ‘that excepting Luther and his Continental contemporaries, and our own martyred Reformers, the world has seen no such men since the days of the apostles.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) But Ryle does not write to prompt admiration, and his conclusions and applications of his subject are among the most forceful that ever came from his pen. ‘I am obliged to say plainly that, in my judgment, we have among us neither the men nor the doctrines of the days gone by…Once let the evangelical ministry return to the ways of the 18th century, and I firmly believe we should have as much success as before. We are where we are, because we have come short of our fathers.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) At the beginning of last century, Canon A. M. W. Christopher of St. Aldate’s, Oxford, declared that he had turned to Ryle’s book during every summer vacation for thirty years. It is time Christian Leaders of the 18th Century was so read again.
![](art/px_trans.gif) lvs BNS BOTW BOTS22
![](art/px_trans.gif) EXPOSITORY THOUGHTS ON THE GOSPELS (in 7 Volumes)
SGCB Price: $124.00 (list price $161.00) Matthew & Mark (1 vol each); Luke (2 vols); John (3 vols) - 2400 PENETRATING PAGES
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHARGES AND ADDRESSES: Delivered from 1881 to 1900
SGCB Price: $21.95 (list price $29.00) 464 PAGE HARDCOVER VOLUME
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE UPPER ROOM: Being a Few Truths for the Times
SGCB Price: $21.95 (list price $29.00) 424 PAGE HARDCOVER VOLUME
SGCB Price: $21.95 (list price $29.00) 488 PAGE HARDCOVER VOLUME
SGCB Price: $21.95 (list price $29.00) 424 PAGE HARDCOVER VOLUME
![](art/px_trans.gif) ORDER ALL 12 VOLUMES AND SAVE EVEN MORE
SGCB Price: $227.00 (list price $307.00) SAVE $80 BY PURCHASING THE ENTIRE HARDCOVER SET
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=308.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | MEMOIR AND REMAINS OF ROBERT MURRAY M'CHEYNE ANDREW BONAR
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOTB
SGCB Price: $24.95 (list price $35.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=410.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | EXPOSITION OF ROMANS: Complete 14 Volume Set Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
![](art/px_trans.gif) THIS SET IS FINALLY BACK IN STOCK
![](art/px_trans.gif) This is the complete 14 volume set of sermons on Romans by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. All over the world in the most diverse situations are to be found Christian men and women who owe an incalculable debt to the ministry of Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones who for thirty years was the minister of Westminster Chapel, London. His longest series of expositions was this 14 volume set of Romans, the greatest of New Testament Epistles.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Just as Lloyd-Jones’ public ministry stood out as widely different from contemporary preaching, so his Romans came into bookshops with an appeal that took many by surprise. Not a few thought that the nature of his pulpit ministry would inhibit its continuance on paper – ‘He needed to be heard, not read.’ But those of that opinion were mistaking where his real strength lay. First of all, it lay in the truth he was speaking, not in its delivery. Further, his whole view of preaching meant that he addressed himself to the heart and conscience, as well as to the mind, and sermonic material of that kind has never failed to hold readers as well as hearers. Time was to prove that his message would reach far larger numbers by his books than had ever been possible even in his widespread ministry. The books would also go into any languages and his Romans would be read by thousands, in nations from Brazil to Korea.
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 1: THE GOSPEL OF GOD (chapter 1)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 2: THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT OF GOD (2:1 - 3:20)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 3: ATONEMENT & JUSTIFICATION (3:21 - 4:25)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 4: ASSURANCE (chapter 5)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 5: THE NEW MAN (chapter 6)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 6: THE LAW, ITS FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS (7:1 - 8:4)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 7: THE SONS OF GOD (8:5-17)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 8: FINAL PERSEVERANCE (8:17-39)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 9: GODS SOVEREIGN PURPOSE (chapter 9)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 10: SAVING FAITH (chapter 10)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 11: TO GODS GLORY (chapter 11)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 12: CHRISTIAN CONDUCT (chapter 12)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 13: LIFE IN TWO KINGDOMS (chapter 13)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 14: LIBERTY AND CONSCIENCE (chapter 14)
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE AUTHOR-PREACHER
![](art/px_trans.gif) Born and raised in Wales, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones served as the chief clinical assistant to London’s royal physician before sensing a call to return to Wales to preach. He served as the associate pastor and then sole pastor of Westminster Chapel before retiring in 1968 because of illness. He then spent the rest of his life editing his sermons for publication, counseling other pastors, and attending church conferences. D. Martyn-Lloyd Jones’ Romans insights, material gleaned from decades of preaching, are captured in a 14-volume set, as well as being available individually. The publication of this material has spread his faith-based wisdom far beyond what his spoken word ever could. Additional Martyn Lloyd-Jones books include Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, where this 20th-century pastor persuasively presents the unchanging natural of the Gospel, and Born of God, based on his sermons about the Gospel of John, Chapter 1.
![](art/px_trans.gif) lvs CLST romcom botn1023 MLJROM
![](art/px_trans.gif) NEARLY 20% DISCOUNT (BACK IN STOCK )
SGCB Price: $300.00 (list price $378.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=425.jpg)
![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | MAJESTY IN MISERY: Sermons on the Passion and Death of our Lord. CHARLES H. SPURGEON
![](art/px_trans.gif) In the first volume, Spurgeon takes the reader to Gethsemane, to remind us of the matchless love of Jesus,..’that for your sakes and mine he would not merely suffer in body, but consented to bear the horror of being accounted a sinner, and coming under the wrath of God because of our sins: though it cost him suffering unto death and sore amazement… Can we not cheerfully endure persecution for his sake? Can we not labour earnestly for him? I charge you by Gethsemane, my brethren, if you have a part and lot in the passion of your Saviour, love him much who loved you so immeasurably, and spend and be spent for him.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) In the second volume, Spurgeon bids us follow Christ into The Judgment Hall and to look on as the Man of Sorrows is despised and rejected by men – first, by Annas and Caiaphas, the religious leaders of the Jewish nation, then Herod Antipas, the puppet prince of Galilee, and finally Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. Spurgeon’s great gifts of passionate and persuasive preaching are clearly in evidence in these fine sermons, which include Christ in Bonds, The King in Pilate’s Hall, and Majesty in Misery.
![](art/px_trans.gif) In the third volume, Spurgeon takes us to Calvary’s Mournful Mountain, there to view afresh the last moments of Christ’s earthly life. In these sermons (which have been completely reset in a readable modern format) Spurgeon fixes our eyes upon our glorious Saviour, whose amazing grace and dying love are eloquently described and vividly portrayed by ‘the prince of preachers’. As you read these sermons, including, The Procession of Sorrow, Christ’s Determination to Save His People, and Christ’s Dying Word for His Church, you will begin to understand just why Spurgeon was so loved by Christians the world over.
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOTW
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=428.jpg)
![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE WORKS OF JOHN FLAVEL (6 Volume Set) JOHN FLAVEL (1630–1691)
![](art/px_trans.gif) JUST BACK IN PRINT AGAIN IN OCTOBER 2023. These are always of the highest quality, and you are guaranteed to be satisfied.
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE WORKS OF JOHN FLAVEL (6 VOLUME SET)
![](art/px_trans.gif) Flavel’s complete works had long been unobtainable until reprinted by the Trust in 1968. His six volumes are in themselves a library of the best Puritan divinity and a set will be a life-long treasure to those who possess it. He is one of that small number of evangelical writers who can by their lucidity and simplicity help those at the beginning of the Christian life and at the same time be a strong companion to those who near its end.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) *VOLUME 1: The Life of John Flavel
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Fountain of Life: A Display of Christ in His Essential and Mediatorial Glory
![](art/px_trans.gif) *VOLUME 2: The Method of Grace in the Gospel Redemption
![](art/px_trans.gif) Pneumatologia: A Treatise of the Soul of Man
![](art/px_trans.gif) *VOLUME 3: Pneumatologia: A Treatise of the Soul of Man (continued)
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Practical Treatise on Fear: Its Varieties, Uses, Causes, Effects and Remedies
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Righteous Man's Refuge
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Occasions, Causes, Nature, Rise, Growth and Remedies of Mental Errors
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendices
![](art/px_trans.gif) Gospel Unity Recommended to the Churches of Christ
![](art/px_trans.gif) *VOLUME 4: England's Duty under the Present Gospel Liberty (1689)
![](art/px_trans.gif) An Appendix to the Foregoing Treatise
![](art/px_trans.gif) Mount Pisgah: A Sermon preached at the Public Thanksgiving, February 14, 1688-9, for England's Delivery from Popery, etc. (Including an Epistle Dedicatory)
![](art/px_trans.gif) Divine Conduct or the Mystery of Providence: A Treatise upon Psalm 57.2
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Narrative of some late and wonderful Sea Deliverances
![](art/px_trans.gif) Antipharmacum Saluberrimum : A Serious and Seasonable Caveat to all the Saints in This Hour of Temptation
![](art/px_trans.gif) Tidings from Rome or England's Alarm
![](art/px_trans.gif) *VOLUME 5: Husbandry Spiritualized: The Heavenly Use of Earthly Things
![](art/px_trans.gif) Navigation Spiritualized: A New Compass for Seamen
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Caution to Seamen: A Dissuasive against Several Horrid and Detestable Sins
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Seamen's Companion: Six Sermons on the Mysteries of Providence as relating to Seamen; and the Sins, Dangers, Duties and Troubles of Seamen
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Saint Indeed, or The Great Work of a Christian Explained and Applied
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Touchstone of Sincerity, or The Signs of Grace and the Symptoms of Hypocrisy
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Token for Mourners
![](art/px_trans.gif) *VOLUME 6: Preparation for Suffering, or the Best Work in the Worst Times
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Balm of the Covenant Applied to the Bleeding Wounds of Afflicted Saints: II Samuel 23.5
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Sermon Preached at the Funeral of John Upton, of Lupton (Devon): II Chronicles 35.24-5
![](art/px_trans.gif) An Exposition of the (Westminster) Assembly's Shorter Catechism
![](art/px_trans.gif) Vindiciae Legis et Foederis, or A Reply to M, Philip Cary's Solemn Call in which He Contends Against the Right of Believers' Infants to Baptism
![](art/px_trans.gif) Twelve Sacramental Meditations
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Familiar Conference between a Minister and a Doubting Christian Concerning the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Hymn upon Romans 5. 6-11
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Reasonableness of Personal Reformation and the Necessity of Conversion
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Coronation Sermon
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Character of an Evangelical Pastor drawn by Christ
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Two-column Table of the Sins and Duties attaching to Church Membership
![](art/px_trans.gif) Index of Texts
![](art/px_trans.gif) Index of Subjects
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOTS SET lvs botw BOTS22
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE WORKS OF JOHN FLAVEL (6 VOLUME SET)
SGCB Price: $128.00 (list price $180.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=429.jpg)
![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | LECTURES ON REVIVALS OF RELIGION William B. Sprague
![](art/px_trans.gif) "I have a large collection of books on revival. Among them is a dated copy of 'Lectures on Revival' by Sprague. I have often told people that this was one of the top books on the subject if they were somehow able to procure a copy from a used book list. Of special importance are the letters at the end of the book where Christian leaders write of their experience in the Second Great Awakening and the insights gained. This is a valuable book. You will find the material amazingly pertinent." - Jim Elliff
![](art/px_trans.gif) Sprague's experience of genuine revivals, his faithfulness to Biblical theology and his balanced view, eminently fitted him to write what Dr Lloyd-Jones describes as "The outstanding classic on this vital and urgently important matter". The chapters cover such themes as The Nature of a Revival, Obstacles to Revivals, Divine Agency in Revivals, General Means of Producing and Promoting Revivals, Treatment due to Awakened Sinners, Evils to be Avoided in connection with Revivals, etc. There is also a large and excellent Appendix comprising letters on revivals by various North American evangelical leaders of the last century.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Charles Simeon wrote on the flyleaf to his personal copy: "A most valuable book. I recommend my Executor to keep it, as there are few, if any, others in this kingdom. I love the good sense of Dr Sprague."
![](art/px_trans.gif) 25% Discount
SGCB Price: $22.50 (list price $30.00) NOW AVAILABLE IN HARDCOVER
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | GENEVA OLD TESTAMENT COMMENTARIES VARIOUS AUTHORS
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Geneva Series of Commentaries include historic commentaries on biblical books written by some of the great theologians in the history of the church. Commentators like Thomas Manton and John Calvin are represented in this series. For a biblical, reformed, and historic collection of commentaries, the Geneva Series is unsurpassed. Notable titles in this series include Psalms by William S. Plumer (CURRENTLY OUT-OF-PRINT) and Proverbs by Charles Bridges (CURRENTLY OUT-OF-PRINT).
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON GENESIS by John Calvin
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON LEVITICUS by Andrew Bonar
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY OF JUDGES by Andrew Fausset
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON THE PSALMS by David Dickson
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON DANIEL by John Calvin
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON DANIEL by E.J. Young
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON JONAH by Hugh Martin
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![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON GENESIS by John Calvin
SGCB Price: $28.50 (list price $39.00) 1088 PAGE CLOTH-BOUND VOLUME
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON LEVITICUS by Andrew Bonar
SGCB Price: $21.00 (list price $28.00) 544 PAGE CLOTH-BOUND VOLUME
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON JUDGES by Richard Rogers (1615 Facsimile Edition)
SGCB Price: $52.00 (list price $70.00) 990 page over-sized volume - 11.5 × 7.5 × 2.25
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON JUDGES by Andrew Fausset
SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $25.00) GENEVA COMMENTARY SERIES
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON THE PSALMS by David Dickson
SGCB Price: $28.00 (list price $38.00) 1064 PAGE CLOTH-BOUND VOLUME
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON DANIEL by John Calvin (BACK IN STOCK)
SGCB Price: $26.50 (list price $36.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON DANIEL by E.J. Young (BACK IN STOCK)
SGCB Price: $22.50 (list price $30.00) 332 PAGE CLOTH-BOUND VOLUME
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON JONAH by Hugh Martin
SGCB Price: $19.50 (list price $25.00) 384 PAGE CLOTH-BOUND VOLUME
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THOMAS MANTON (COMPLETE 22 VOLUME SET) Thomas Manton
![](art/px_trans.gif) "A MOUNTAIN OF SOUND THEOLOGY." - C.H. Spurgeon on The Works of Manton
![](art/px_trans.gif) "The renowned Thomas Manton (1620-1677), whose writings have long been prized by thousands, was known first and foremost as a great preacher. In a day when good preaching is sorely lacking, we need the reprint of his Complete Works, in which twenty of his twenty-two volumes are sermons. These sermons are the legacy of a powerful preacher devoted to the systematic teaching and application of God's Word. Whether he is expounding the Lord's Prayer, Psalm 119, Isaiah 53, James, or Jude, Manton presents us with the best that English Puritans had to offer in careful, solid, warmhearted exposition of the Scriptures." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke, author of MEET THE PURITANS
![](art/px_trans.gif) "The publication of a complete and uniform edition of Manton's works is a great boon to the readers of English theology. Many of his best writings have been hitherto inaccessible to all who have not long purses and large libraries. The few who know him would gladly testify, I am sure, that Thomas Manton was one of the best authors of his day, and that his works richly deserve reprinting." -J.C. Ryle, from his Introduction called An Estimate of Manton (Found in Volume 2)
![](art/px_trans.gif) "One way to get comfort is to plead the promise of God in prayer, show Him His handwriting; God is tender of His Word."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "When we make self the end of prayer, it is not worship but self-seeking."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "Excess in meat and drink clouds the mind, chokes good affections, and provokes lust. Many a man digs his own grave with his teeth."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "If you yield to Satan in the least, he will carry you further and further, till he has left you under a stupefied or terrified conscience: stupefied, till thou hast lost all thy tenderness. A stone at the top of a hill, when it begins to roll down, ceases not till it comes to the bottom. Thou thinkest it is but yielding a little, and so by degrees are carried on, till thou hast sinned away all thy profession, and all principles of conscience, by the secret witchery of his temptations."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "What is the reason there is so much preaching and so little practice? For want of meditation. Constant thoughts are operative, and musing makes the fire burn. Green wood is not kindled by a flash or spark, but by constant blowing."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "First we practice sin, then defend it, then boast of it."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "Divisions in the church always breed atheism in the world."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "Men in general do not live as if they looked to die; and therefore do not die as if they looked to live."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "The more affected we are with our misery, the fitter for Christ's mercy."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "We know God but as men born blind know the fire: they know that there is such a thing as fire, for they feel it warm them, but what it is they know not. So, that there is a God we know, but what He is we know little, and indeed we can never search Him out to perfection; a finite creature can never fully comprehend that which is infinite."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "If a man would lead a happy life, let him but seek a sure object for his trust, and he shall be safe: "He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord." He hath laid up his confidence in God, therefore his heart is kept in an equal poise."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "We know God but as men born blind know the fire: they know that there is such a thing as fire, for they feel it warm them, but what it is they know not. So, that there is a God we know, but what He is we know little, and indeed we can never search Him out to perfection; a finite creature can never fully comprehend that which is infinite."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "The end of study is information, and the end of meditation is practice, or a work upon the affections. Study is like a winter sun that shines, but warms not: but meditation is like a blowing upon the fire, where we do not mind the blaze, but the heat. The end of study is to hoard up truth; but of meditation to lay it forth in conference or holy conversation."
![](art/px_trans.gif) "Faith is the fountain of prayer, and prayer should be nothing else but faith exercised."
![](art/px_trans.gif) “You would think it strange of two people who conversed every day for forty or fifty years, but all this while did not know one another; yet this is the case between us and our souls; we live a long time in this world but are strangers to ourselves.”
![](art/px_trans.gif) "Works before conversion cannot engage God, and works after conversion can not satisfy God - all the endeavor and labor of the creature will never procure it."
![](art/px_trans.gif) You can view the contents of the volumes by looking at the bottom of this page: Index for the Original 22 Volumes. bfs TMV anmtm BNS BOTS22 CLST
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=650.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ELIZABETH PRENTISS: "More Love to Thee" Sharon James
![](art/px_trans.gif) Do you sometimes feel that you would be able to grow in love for God and others; if only your circumstances were different? Maybe you find that the sheer demands of everyday life squeeze out time for God? Perhaps a terrible tragedy has made you doubt the goodness of God? Read this true story to find out how one woman discovered that the most difficult circumstances are 'God's school' to teach us more about his grace; the very busy times are precisely those times when we need (and can find) God's strength; the worst of tragedies can draw us closer to God. Elizabeth Prentiss is best known as the author of the popular novel Stepping Heavenward (first published 1869) and the well-loved hymn, 'More Love to Thee.' The difficult things she experienced equipped her to minister to others through her letters, books, and poetry. To grow in love for God was the one great passion of her life: many have testified that her writings continue to inspire them with that same passion.
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SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $26.00) HARDCOVER VOLUME
![](art/px_trans.gif) Order with STEPPING HEAVENWARD - The Deluxe Paperback Edition
SGCB Price: $30.00 (list price $48.00) THIS PRICE INCLUDES BOTH TITLES
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE WORKS OF JONATHAN EDWARDS: 2 Volume Hardcover Set (Over 950+ Double Column Pages Each) Jonathan Edwards
![](art/px_trans.gif) Widely recognized as a great theologian, an influential preacher and a prolific writer, Jonathan Edwards played a prominent role in helping to spark the spirit of revivalism known as the Great Awakening in the eighteenth-century America. Edwards' sermons, while intellectually engaging, were also accessible to the common people and often generated highly emotional responses. His foremost desire was to help people transform from mere believers in Christian doctrine to converted Christians who were moved to action by the principles of their belief. This two-volume collection of Edwards' works features important sermons of the Great Awakening as well as Edwards' memoirs and other essays. First published in 1834, here is what makes this new edition of The Works of Jonathan Edwards the best available:
![](art/px_trans.gif) More readable. This edition has larger, more readable type than previous editions.
![](art/px_trans.gif) More complete. This edition contains all matter included in the first collected American edition, various original extracts from the diary and papers of Edwarads, several smaller pieces printed originally in a separate form, and a memoir by descendant Sereno E. Dwight.
![](art/px_trans.gif) "Jonathan Edwards . . . was among the noblest and ablest Christians of his age, and can now be seen, two centuries after, as one of the greatest theologians ever given by God to his church. As a saint and scholar, evangelist and educationalist, pastor and teacher, missionary and metaphysician, he showed a grasp of the grandeur of God's sovereignty and the glory of divine grace equaled only by men of the caliber of John Owen and John Calvin." - J. I. Packer
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME TWO
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS ?
![](art/px_trans.gif) I TWO SERMONS 2
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) God Glorified in Man's Dependence (1 Cor. 1:29-31)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (Deut. 32:35)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) A Divine and Supernatural Light, Immediately Imparted to the Soul, by the Spirit of God (Matt. 16:17)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) The Church's Marriage to her Sons, and to her God (Isa. 62:4,5)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3) True Saints, When Absent from the Body, are Present with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4) God's Awful Judgment in the Breaking and Withering of the Strong Rods of a Community (Ezek. 19:12)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5) True Grace Distinguished from the Experience of Devils (James 2:19)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) The Manner in which the Salvation of the Soul is to be Sought (Gen. 6:22)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) The Unreasonableness of Indetermination in Religion (1 Kings 18:21)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3) Unbelievers Contemn the Glory and Excellency of Christ (Acts 4:11)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4) The Folly of Looking Back when Fleeing out of Sodom (Luke 17:32)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5) The Folly of Looking Back when Fleeing out of Sodom (Luke 17:32) - Part two
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6) The Warnings of Scripture are in the Best Manner Adapted to the Awakening and Conversion of Sinners (Luke 16:31)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7) Hypocrites Deficient in the Duty of Prayer (Job 27:10)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8) Hypocrites Deficient in the Duty of Prayer (Job 27:10) Part two
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9) The Future Punishment of the Wicked Unavoidable and Intolerable (Ezek. 22:14)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10) The Future Punishment of the Wicked Unavoidable and Intolerable (Ezek. 22:14) Part two
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11) The Eternity of Hell Torments (Matt. 25:46)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12) The Peace which Christ Gives His True Followers (John 14:27)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13) The Perpetuity and Change of the Sabbath (1 Cor. 16:1,2)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14) The Perpetuity and Change of the Sabbath (1 Cor. 16:1,2) Part two
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15) The Perpetuity and Change of the Sabbath (1 Cor. 16:1,2) Part three
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) God the Best Portion of the Christian (Psalm 73:25)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) The Sole Consideration, that God is God, Sufficient to Still All Objections to His Sovereignty (Psalm 46:10)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3) Great Guilt No Obstacle to the Pardon of the Returning Sinner (Psalm 25:11)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4) The Most High a Prayer-Hearing God (Psalm 65:2)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5) The Nature and End of Excommunication (1 Cor. 5:11)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6) When the Wicked shall have Filled Up the Measure of their Sin, Wrath will come upon them to the Uttermost (1 Thess. 2:16)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7) Wicked Men Useful in their Destruction Only (Ezek. 15:2-4)
![](art/px_trans.gif) V MISCELLANEOUS DISCOURSES 130
![](art/px_trans.gif) Men Naturally Enemies Of God 130
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Wisdom Of God Displayed In The Way Of Salvation 141
![](art/px_trans.gif) Christian Knowledge 157
![](art/px_trans.gif) Christian Charity 163
![](art/px_trans.gif) Christian Cautions 173
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Warning To Professors 185
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Final Judgment 190
![](art/px_trans.gif) Sinners In Zion Tenderly Warned 201
![](art/px_trans.gif) The End Of The Wicked Contemplated By The Righteous 207
![](art/px_trans.gif) Christ Exalted 213
![](art/px_trans.gif) Self-Flatteries 217
![](art/px_trans.gif) Dishonesty; Or The Sin Of Theft And Injustice 220
![](art/px_trans.gif) Temptation And Deliverance 226
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Preciousness Of Time 233
![](art/px_trans.gif) Procrastination 237
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Christian Pilgrim 243
![](art/px_trans.gif) Man’s Natural Blindness In Religion 247
![](art/px_trans.gif) Mr Brainerd’s Journal In Two Parts 387
![](art/px_trans.gif) XI MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS 604
![](art/px_trans.gif) XII TYPES OF THE MESSIAH 642
![](art/px_trans.gif) XIII NOTES ON THE BIBLE 676
![](art/px_trans.gif) XIV SEVENTEEN OCCASIONAL SERMONS 817
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) Sermon on Acts 16:29,30
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) Sermon on Hosea 5:15
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3) Sermon on Hosea 2:15
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4) Sermon on Romans 9:18
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5) Sermon on Philippians 3:17
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6) Sermon on Luke 22:44
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7) Sermon on Romans 2:8,9
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8) Sermon on Romans 2:10
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9) Sermon on Matthew 5:8
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10) A Thanksgiving Sermon, Nov. 7, 1734 on Revelation 14:2
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11) A Sermon on Matthew 11:16-19
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12) A Sermon on Isaiah 32:2
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13) A Sermon on 1 Peter 2:9
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14) A Sermon on Hebrews 13:8
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15) The True Excellency of a Gospel Minister (John 5:35)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16) Christ the Example of Ministers (John 8:15,16)
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17) The Sorrows of the Bereaved Spread Before Jesus (Matt. 14:12)
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | JOHN G. PATON: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE PIONEER MISSIONARY TO THE NEW HEBRIDES John G. Paton, edited by his brother James Paton
![](art/px_trans.gif) The autobiography of John G. Paton contains everything necessary to make it a missionary classic. Born into a Christian family near Dumfries in 1824, Paton’s early years were marked by a struggle against poverty. He was self-educated, and the training ground for his life’s work was the slums of Glasgow where he laboured with success as a city missionary. With ‘the wail of the perishing heathen in the South Seas’ continually sounding in his ears, he prepared himself to serve overseas and was ordained as a missionary to the New Hebrides in 1858. This group of thirty mountainous islands, so named by Captain Cook, with its unhealthy climate, was then inhabited by savages and cannibals. The first attempt to introduce Christianity to them resulted in John Williams and James Harris being clubbed to death within a few minutes of landing in 1839. The difficulties that confronted Paton were accentuated by the sudden death of his wife and child within months of their arrival. Against the savagery and the superstition, despite the trials and the tragedies, Paton persevered and witnessed the triumph of the gospel in two of these South Sea islands. His life is almost without parallel in missionary annals and his account of it is moving and gripping.
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Early in my life I was enduringly impacted by Paton’s autobiography edited by his brother, James. The story was a stunning account of dedication, desperation, sacrifice at the most extreme level, and selfless love to Christ. I was marked for life by the amazing missionary adventure and the far reaching and lasting gospel impact of that one man empowered and protected by the Holy Spirit.’ — JOHN MACARTHUR
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘What sustained John Paton in his missionary zeal? No doubt he had a love for the people. He was certainly burdened for them and had compassion on their souls, knowing that without Christ they were certain to go to hell. As important as compassion is for those who do not know God, I suggest this will not sustain a missionary zeal, whether it be for missionaries serving on the field or for Christians in western churches who pray and support various missionaries. Something more is needed…Only a zeal for the true and living God to receive his due, to receive the glory and commitment in a local church.’ — ALLEN M. BAKER
![](art/px_trans.gif) PART FIRST
![](art/px_trans.gif) INTRODUCTORY NOTE 2
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER I. THE HOME LIFE 3-18
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER II. SCHOOL AND EARLY COLLEGE DAYS 19-31
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER III. IN GLASGOW CITY MISSION 32-51
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER IV. FOREIGN MISSION CLAIMS 52-61
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER V. THE NEW HEBRIDES 62-69
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER VI. LIFE AND DEATH ON TANNA 70-85
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER VII. MISSION LEAVES FROM TANNA 86-108
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER VIII. MORE MISSION LEAVES FROM TANNA 109-148
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER IX. DEEPENING SHADOWS 149-185
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER X. FAREWELL SCENES 186-224
![](art/px_trans.gif) CONCLUDING NOTE 225
![](art/px_trans.gif) PART SECOND
![](art/px_trans.gif) PRELIMINARY NOTE 228
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER I. THE FLOATING OF THE “DAYSPRING” 229-258
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER II. THE AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES 259-275
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER III. TO SCOTLAND AND BACK 276-293
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER IV. CONCERNING FRIENDS AND FOES 294-308
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER V. SETTLEMENT ON ANIWA 309-325
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER VI. FACE TO FACE WITH HEATHENISM 326-359
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER VIII. PEN PORTRAITS OF ANIWANS 388-416
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER IX. SECOND VISIT TO BRITAIN 417-442
![](art/px_trans.gif) CLOSING TESTIMONY 443-444
![](art/px_trans.gif) PART THIRD
![](art/px_trans.gif) PRELIMINARY NOTE 446
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER I. ROUND THE WORLD FOR JESUS 447-471
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHAPTER II. THE HOME-LANDS AND THE ISLANDS 472-496
![](art/px_trans.gif) FAREWELL TO THE READER 497
![](art/px_trans.gif) APPENDICES
![](art/px_trans.gif) A. A WHITE-SOULED PEASANT 501-503
![](art/px_trans.gif) B. NOTES ON THE NEW HEBRIDES 503-506
![](art/px_trans.gif) C. THE PRAYER OF THE TANNESE 506-508
![](art/px_trans.gif) INDEX 509-524
![](art/px_trans.gif) A 540 PAGE HARDCOVER VOLUME
SGCB Price: $24.95 (list price $33.00)
SGCB Price: $46.00 (list price $63.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH HARDCOVER TITLES
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE COLLECTED WRITINGS OF JOHN MURRAY John Murray
![](art/px_trans.gif) THERE ARE FOUR VOLUMES
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME ONE: THE CLAIMS OF TRUTH
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preface xi
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE HOLY SCRIPTURES
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 The Study of the Bible 3
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 The Infallibility of Scripture 9
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 The Finality and Sufficiency of Scripture 16
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 The Unity of the Old and New Testaments 23
![](art/px_trans.gif) JESUS CHRIST
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 The Redeemer of God’s Elect 29
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 The Death of Christ 36
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 The Living Saviour 40
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 The Heavenly, Priestly Activity of Christ 44
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 The Atonement and the Free Offer of the Gospel 59
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 The Advent of Christ 86
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 The Banner of Westminster Seminary 99
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 Greeting to Entering Students, 1944 104
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13 Charge to Edmund P. Clowney 107
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14 Greeting to Entering Students, 1966 110
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15 Edward J. Young: An Appreciation 113
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16 The Grace of God 119
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17 The Message of Evangelism 124
![](art/px_trans.gif) 18 The Propagation of the Reformed Faith in New England 135
![](art/px_trans.gif) 19 The Power of the Holy Spirit 138
![](art/px_trans.gif) 20 Some Necessary Emphases in Preaching 143
![](art/px_trans.gif) 21 Co-operation in Evangelism 152
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE CHRISTIAN LIFE
![](art/px_trans.gif) 22 Worship 165
![](art/px_trans.gif) 23 Christian Doctrine and Life 169
![](art/px_trans.gif) 24 The Christian Ethic 174
![](art/px_trans.gif) 25 Adorning the Gospel 182
![](art/px_trans.gif) 26 The Guidance of the Holy Spirit 186
![](art/px_trans.gif) 27 The Sanctity of the Moral Law 193
![](art/px_trans.gif) 28 The Sabbath Institution 205
![](art/px_trans.gif) 29 The Pattern of the Lord’s Day 219
![](art/px_trans.gif) 30 The Relevance of the Sabbath 225
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE CHURCH
![](art/px_trans.gif) 31 The Church: Its Definition in Terms of ‘Visible’ and ‘Invisible’ Invalid 231
![](art/px_trans.gif) 32 The Church: Its Identity, Functions and Resources 237
![](art/px_trans.gif) 33 The Church and Mission 245
![](art/px_trans.gif) 34 The Relation of Church and State 253
![](art/px_trans.gif) 35 Government in the Church of Christ 260
![](art/px_trans.gif) 36 The Biblical Basis for Ecclesiastical Union 269
![](art/px_trans.gif) 37 Corporate Responsibility 273
![](art/px_trans.gif) 38 The Creedal Basis of Union in the Church 280
![](art/px_trans.gif) HISTORICAL
![](art/px_trans.gif) 39 Reformation 291
![](art/px_trans.gif) 40 The Crux of the Reformation 298
![](art/px_trans.gif) 41 Calvin as Theologian and Expositor 305
![](art/px_trans.gif) 42 A Notable Tercentenary 312
![](art/px_trans.gif) 43 The Importance and Relevance of the Westminster Confession 316
![](art/px_trans.gif) 44 The Significance of the Doctrine of Creation 325
![](art/px_trans.gif) 45 The Relevance of the Historical 330
![](art/px_trans.gif) 46 William Barclay and the Virgin Birth 340
![](art/px_trans.gif) 47 God and the War 344
![](art/px_trans.gif) 48 The Christian World Order 356
![](art/px_trans.gif) 49 Christian Education 367
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preface vii
![](art/px_trans.gif) SECTION I
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 The Origin of Man 3
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 The Nature of Man 14
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 Trichotomy 23
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 Man in the Image of God 34
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 The Adamic Administration 47
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 Free Agency 60
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 The Fall of Man 67
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 The Nature of Sin 77
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 Inability 83
![](art/px_trans.gif) SECTION II
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 Common Grace 93
![](art/px_trans.gif) SECTION III
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 The Plan of Salvation 123
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 The Person of Christ 132
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13 The Atonement 142
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14 The Obedience of Christ 151
![](art/px_trans.gif) SECTION IV
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15 The Call 161
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16 Regeneration 167
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17 Justification 202
![](art/px_trans.gif) 18 Adoption 223
![](art/px_trans.gif) 19 Faith 235
![](art/px_trans.gif) 20 The Assurance of Faith 264
![](art/px_trans.gif) SECTION V
![](art/px_trans.gif) 21 Definitive Sanctification 277
![](art/px_trans.gif) 22 The Agency in Definitive Sanctification 285
![](art/px_trans.gif) 23 Progressive Sanctification 294
![](art/px_trans.gif) 24 The Pattern of Sanctification 305
![](art/px_trans.gif) 25 The Goal of Sanctification 313
![](art/px_trans.gif) SECTION VI
![](art/px_trans.gif) 26 The Nature and Unity of the Church 321
![](art/px_trans.gif) 27 The Government of the Church 336
![](art/px_trans.gif) 28 The Form of Government 345
![](art/px_trans.gif) 29 Arguments against Term Eldership 351
![](art/px_trans.gif) 30 Office in the Church 357
![](art/px_trans.gif) 31 The Sacraments 366
![](art/px_trans.gif) 32 Baptism 370
![](art/px_trans.gif) 33 The Lord’s Supper 376
![](art/px_trans.gif) 34 Restricted Communion 381
![](art/px_trans.gif) SECTION VII
![](art/px_trans.gif) 35 The Interadventual Period and the Advent: Matthew 24 and 25 387
![](art/px_trans.gif) 36 The Last Things 401
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preface xi
![](art/px_trans.gif) I LIFE OF JOHN MURRAY
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. The Youngest Son of Badea 3
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1924-1927 17
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. By Ways Not Known 32
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. Alongside Gresham Machen 46
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. The Struggles of the Later Thirties 66
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. Events in the War Years 79
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. The Seminary Professor 91
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. Glimpses of Personal Life 107
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. The Wider Influence 122
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10. ‘The New Work’ 138
![](art/px_trans.gif) II SERMONS
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. The Mystery of Providence, Job 23:10-12 161
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. Prayer, Psalm 116:1-2 168
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. The Call to the Ministry, Jeremiah 1:5-7 172
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. The Name ‘Jesus’, Matthew 1:21 178
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. Divine Thanksgiving for Divine Sovereignty, Matthew 11:25-28 185
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. A Lesson in Forgiveness, Matthew 18:15-17 190
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. Christ in All the Assemblies of His People, Matthew 18:20 194
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. The Bridegroom’s Friend, John 3:29 199
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. The Father’s Donation, John 6:37 204
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10. The Power of the Holy Spirit and the Christian Ministry, John 16:7-13 210
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11. The Father’s Love, Romans 8:32 215
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12. Love to Christ Indispensable, 1 Corinthians 16:22 222
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13. The Riches and the Poverty of Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 8:9 226
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14. The Mystery of Godliness, Philippians 2:5-9 236
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15. The Death of the Godly, 1 Thessalonians 4:13, 14 242
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16. Paul an Example, 1 Timothy 1:12-16 247
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17. Holy Scripture, 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 256
![](art/px_trans.gif) 18. The Pilgrimage to Perfection, 1 John 3:1-3 263
![](art/px_trans.gif) 19. God’s Love and Our Life, 1 John 4:9, 10 268
![](art/px_trans.gif) III AT THE LORD’S TABLE
![](art/px_trans.gif) Fencing the Table 275
![](art/px_trans.gif) Table Addresses 280
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV REVIEWS 1939-1953
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. S. W. Carruthers: The Westminster Confession of Faith 291
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. John Baillie: Our Knowledge of God 295
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. J. S. Whale: Christian Doctrine 301
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. Floyd E. Hamilton: The Basis of Millennial Faith 304
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. W. E. Sangster: The Path to Perfection. An Examination and Restatement of John Wesley’s Doctrine of Christian Perfection 307
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. Henry W. Clark: The Cross and the Eternal Order. A study of Atonement in its Cosmic Significance 311
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. S. W. Carruthers: The Everyday Work of the Westminster Assembly 317
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. Guy Franklin Hershberger: War, Peace, and Nonresistance 320
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. Henry W. Clark: The Cross and the Eternal Order. A Study of Atonement in its Cosmic Significance 324
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10. Geoffrey F. Nuttall: The Holy Spirit in Puritan Faith and Experience 324
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11. Samuel G. Craig: Christianity Rightly So Called 329
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12. E. L. Mascall: Christ, the Christian and the Church. A Study of the Incarnation and its Consequences 333
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13. Athanasius: The Incarnation of the Word 336
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14. John Calvin: Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans 337
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15. Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield: The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible 339
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16. D. M. Baillie: God was in Christ: An Essay on Incarnation and Atonement 340
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17. Auguste Lecerf: An Introduction to Reformed Dogmatics 345
![](art/px_trans.gif) 18. Abraham Booth: The Reign of Grace from its Rise to its Consummation 349
![](art/px_trans.gif) 19. Anders Nygren: Commentary on Romans 450
![](art/px_trans.gif) 20. Henry Clarence Thiessen: Introductory Lectures in Systematic Theology 356
![](art/px_trans.gif) 21. Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield: The Person and Work of Christ 358
![](art/px_trans.gif) 22. William Croft Dickinson (ed.): John Knox’s History of the Reformation in Scotland 361
![](art/px_trans.gif) 23. J. M. Bates: A Manual of Doctrine 362
![](art/px_trans.gif) 24. Alan Richardson (ed.): A Theological Word Book of the Bible 367
![](art/px_trans.gif) 25. Leonard Hodgson: The Doctrine of the Atonement 371
![](art/px_trans.gif) 26. Geerhardus Vos: The Teaching of Jesus Concerning the Kingdom and the Church 375
![](art/px_trans.gif) L. Berkhof: The Kingdom of God
![](art/px_trans.gif) 27. Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield: Biblical and Theological Studies 376
![](art/px_trans.gif) 28. Edward A. Dowey, Jr: The Knowledge of God in Calvin’s Theology 377
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME FOUR: STUDIES IN THEOLOGY
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preface vii
![](art/px_trans.gif) I STUDIES IN THEOLOGY
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. Systematic Theology 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. Inspiration and Inerrancy 22
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. The Inspiration of the Scripture 30
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. Jesus the Son of God 58
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. Who Raised Up Jesus? 82
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. The Reconciliation 92
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. The Free Offer of the Gospel 113
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. Paul’s Use of ‘Nomos’ 133
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. The Weak and the Strong 142
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10. Calvin’s Doctrine of Scripture 158
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11. Calvin and the Authority of Scripture 176
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12. Calvin on the Sovereignty of God 191
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13. Calvin, Dordt and Westminster on Predestination – A Comparative Study 205
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14. Covenant Theology 216
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15. The Theology of the Westminster Confession of Faith 241
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16. Tradition: Romish and Protestant 264
![](art/px_trans.gif) II REVIEWS 1954-1967
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. Claude Welch: In This Name. The Doctrine of the Trinity in Contemporary Theology 277
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. Steven Barabas: So Great Salvation. The History and Message of the Keswick Convention 281
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. Anton Fridrichsen et al.: The Root of the Vine. Essays in Biblical Theology 286
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. G. C. Berkouwer: Studies in Dogmatics. Faith and Justification. 288
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. John Christian Wenger: Introduction to Theology. An Interpretation of the Doctrinal Content of Scripture, Written to Strengthen a Childlike Faith in Christ 292
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. Emil Brunner: Eternal Hope 296
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. John Frederick Jansen: Calvin’s Doctrine of the Work of Christ 302
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. Harry Buis: The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment 304
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. C. K. Barrett: A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans 306
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10. Paul van Buren: Christ in our Place. The Substitutionary Character of Calvin’s Doctrine of Reconciliation 310
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11. B. B. Warfield: Biblical Foundations 314
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12. Karl Barth: Christ and Adam. Man and Humanity in Romans 5 316
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13. Dwight Hervey Small: The Biblical Basis for Infant Baptism. Children in God’s Covenant Promise 321
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14. G. C. Berkouwer: Studies in Dogmatics. Divine Election 323
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15. Bernard Ramm: The Witness of the Spirit. An Essay on the Contemporary Relevance of the Internal Witness of the Holy Spirit 331
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16. Bernard Ramm: Special Revelation and the Word of God 334
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17. Andre De Bovis, S. J.: What is the Church? 339
![](art/px_trans.gif) 18. A. Berkeley Mickelsen: Interpreting the Bible 342
![](art/px_trans.gif) 19. G. C. Berkouwer: Studies in Dogmatics. The Work of Christ 345
![](art/px_trans.gif) 20. Gustaf Aulen: The Faith of the Christian Church 349
![](art/px_trans.gif) 21. Herman N. Ridderbos: When the Time Had Fully Come: Studies in New Testament Theology 355
![](art/px_trans.gif) Bibliography 361
![](art/px_trans.gif) Index of Names 379
![](art/px_trans.gif) Index of Subjects 382
![](art/px_trans.gif) Professor John Murray, born shortly before the cusp of the 20th century in Scotland, was considered a leading Reformed theologian. He served in France in World War I and then pursued studies at the University of Glasgow and then Princeton Theological Seminary. He briefly taught at the latter school before teaching at Philadelphia’s Westminster Theological Seminary. He taught there through his retirement, also being ordained in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. John Murray books include the Collected Writings of John Murray, a four-volume set that contains the best of his wisdom, along with a detailed account of his life; Redemption Accomplished and Applied, in which he distills information about the concepts of regeneration, justification, adoption, sanctification and glorification for Christians, and stresses the importance of union with Christ; and Free Offer of the Gospel, which shares how people who embrace Jesus will enjoy the marvelous gift of salvation.
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![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME ONE: THE CLAIMS OF TRUTH
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![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME THREE: LIFE; SERMONS; BOOK REVIEWS 1939-1953
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![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME FOUR: STUDIES IN THEOLOGY; REVIEWS 1954-1967
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE BRUISED REED RICHARD SIBBES
![](art/px_trans.gif) ENDORSEMENT
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘I shall never cease to be grateful to Richard Sibbes who was balm to my soul at a period in my life when I was overworked and badly overtired, and therefore subject in an unusual manner to the onslaughts of the devil. I found at that time that Richard Sibbes, who was known in London in the early seventeenth century as “The Heavenly Doctor Sibbes” was an unfailing remedy. 'The Bruised Reed.' quieted, soothed, comforted, encouraged and healed me.’ — D. MARTYN LLOYD-JONES
![](art/px_trans.gif) "In his book The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax, the Puritan preacher Richard Sibbes provides a tenderhearted, Christ-exalting exposition and application of Isaiah 42:1-3. Since its initial publication in 1630, The Bruised Reed1 has been a source of encouragement to dejected sinners and struggling saints alike.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Sibbes follows Matthew’s interpretation of this text, seeing it to be fulfilled in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ (Matt. 12:18-20). His exposition breaks down into three basic parts: (1) Christ will not break the bruised reed; (2) Christ will not quench the smoking flax; (3) Christ will not do either of these things until he has sent forth judgment into victory. Sibbes explains the main text under these three headings and then intersperses searching application throughout the book.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Why should the busy pastor spend time reading a book written by a preacher in London nearly four centuries ago? Well, Sibbes did know a thing or two about preaching. He regularly wrote out his sermons and at the time of his death in 1635 he left over two million words on paper. The Bruised Reed is still considered to be a classic of Puritan devotion. Sibbes became known as the ‘heavenly Doctor Sibbes,’ due in part to his God-honouring preaching and God-fearing manner of life. A couplet was written about Sibbes after his death that captures this well:
![](art/px_trans.gif) Of that good man let this high praise be given:
![](art/px_trans.gif) Heaven was in him before he was in heaven.
![](art/px_trans.gif) According to Richard Baxter, the reading of The Bruised Reed was instrumental in his own conversion to Christ. The ‘heavenly Doctor Sibbes’ was also used of God to be an ‘unfailing remedy’ and balm to the soul of an overworked and overtired Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Lloyd-Jones wrote that during a particularly gruelling season of pastoral ministry, ‘The Bruised Reed quieted, soothed, comforted, encouraged and healed me’ (x).
![](art/px_trans.gif) I trust that you too will find The Bruised Reed to be a feast for your own soul. Richard Sibbes is a gift from Christ to his church in the way he models affectionate, Christ-centred preaching and application. What a joy it is to keep his company through his writings and to learn from him to love our Saviour more deeply and proclaim his gospel more faithfully." - NICK ROARK
![](art/px_trans.gif) "I was first introduced to Richard Sibbes’s The Bruised Reed in 2005. I’d been slowly but surely coming out of a sustained battle with spiritual depression—a five-year season of intense inward struggle over sin, faith, and assurance—and the light was beginning to dawn. But I was experiencing particularly acute ministerial trials at the time that were threatening to overthrow the progress I’d made. I can’t recall exactly how I was introduced to it, but The Bruised Reed seemed a promising place to turn.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Known for his warm, Christ-centered preaching, Richard Sibbes (1567–1635) published The Bruised Reed in 1630 to help struggling Christians behold their Savior as the tender shepherd he truly is. An uncompromising minister—he was sentenced to banishment for speaking against the doctrinal indifference that had infected the Church of England—Sibbes is best remembered for his little book that draws from Isaiah’s description of the coming Messiah who will not break a bruised reed nor snuff a faintly burning wick (Isa. 42:1–4).
![](art/px_trans.gif) Many Christians have found abiding comfort in Sibbes’s exposition and application of this passage from Isaiah. Richard Baxter (1615–1691) said he found spiritual relief from reading The Bruised Reed. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981) tells of a time when, due to exhaustion, he was “subject in an unusual manner to the onslaughts of the Devil” (1972: 175). Lloyd-Jones names The Bruised Reed as the means by which God “soothed, comforted, encouraged, and healed” him (175).
![](art/px_trans.gif) Similar testimonies could be multiplied. And though there has been some recovery of Sibbes’s work among evangelicals, I would—for the comfort and perseverance of Christians the world over—like to see a renewed engagement with this little volume.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Sibbes was known in his time as the “Heavenly Dr. Sibbes.” After reading this little book, you’ll understand why. He knows how easy it is for the believing heart to turn in on itself and become blinded to the flicker of grace Christ has placed there. He recognizes we’re too easily fooled into thinking Jesus would rather take a sickle to a bruised reed than carefully attend to its restoration.
![](art/px_trans.gif) But Sibbes doesn’t merely diagnose; he prescribes the medicine. The Bruised Reed is a treasure of spiritual remedies, full of applications. I commend it to you for your progress and joy in the faith (Phil. 1:25)." - DEREK J. BROWN
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOOK DESCRIPTION
![](art/px_trans.gif) Richard Sibbes (1577-1635), one of the most influential figures in the Puritan movement during the earlier years of the seventeenth century, was renowned for the rich quality of his ministry. The Bruised Reed shows why he was known among his contemporaries as ‘the sweet dropper’.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Of all Richard Sibbes’ works, The Bruised Reed has probably had the most enduring impact. It is an exposition of Matthew’s application to Jesus of the description of the Servant of the Lord in Isaiah 42:3 (Matt. 12:20). Sibbes’ wonderfully sensitive treatment has ministered to generations of Christians since its first publication in 1630.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Publishers’ Foreword
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 The Reed and the Bruising
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 Christ Will Not Break the Bruised Reed
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 The Smoking Flax
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 Christ Will Not Quench the Smoking Flax 20
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 The Spirit of Mercy Should Move Us
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 Marks of the Smoking Flax
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 Help for the Weak
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 Duties and Discouragements
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 Believe Christ, Not Satan
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 Quench Not the Spirit
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 Christ’s Judgment and Victory
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 Christ’s Wise Government
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13 Grace Shall Reign
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14 Means to Make Grace Victorious
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15 Christ’s Public Triumph
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16 Through Conflict to Victory
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE WORKS OF ROBERT TRAILL (2 Volume Set) ROBERT TRAILL (1642-1716)
![](art/px_trans.gif) BACK IN PRINT AGAIN!!
![](art/px_trans.gif) Friend of William Guthrie of Fenwick, attendant of James Guthrie of Stirling on the scaffold, son of the Greyfriars Church manse where the 1638 National Covenant was signed, Scot ordained in England, exile in Holland, prisoner on the Bass Rock, scholar, preacher, and saint — Robert Traill lived to span the ripest period of the Puritan age. Distinguished in the classes of Edinburgh University, Traill early felt the inner constraint to preach Christ. Too intimate an association with the younger John Welsh drew the swift displeasure of the civil arm upon him. Denounced as a ‘Pentland Rebel’ he fled in 1667 to join the bright galaxy of British divines weathering the storm of Stuart absolutism in the Low Countries. Traill’s literary output began there. Assistant to Nethenus, professor at Utrecht, he prepared Samuel Rutherford’s Examination of Arminianism for the press. Back in London in 1692 he took up his pen, as Isaac Chauncy (Owen’s successor) and the younger Thomas Goodwin were having to do, to defend the doctrine of Justification against the new Legalism. After serving Presbyterian charges in Kent and London, he died at the age of 74.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Robert Traill was endowed with a first-class mind and had enjoyed a very complete theological education. Nevertheless, his sermons were not meant to appeal to the learned. He strove throughout to promote practical godliness. Every reader who shares his outlook will find him warm, instructive, and encouraging.
![](art/px_trans.gif) J.C.Ryle, who frequently quotes from Traill in his writings, introduces one lengthy extract with the words, ‘It has done me good and I think will do good to others.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) This edition contains ten additional sermons not included in the 1975 Banner of Truth edition, which are appended to volume 2.
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘I know no true religion but Christianity; no true Christianity but the doctrine of Christ— of his divine person; of his divine office; of his divine righteousness; and of his divine Spirit. I know no true ministers of Christ, but such as make it their business, in their calling, to commend Jesus Christ, in his saving fulness of grace and glory, to the faith and love of men; no true Christian, but one united to Christ by faith, and abiding in him by faith and love, unto the glorifying of the name of Jesus Christ, in the beauties of gospel-holiness.’ — Robert Traill in his Preface to Sermons Concerning the Throne of Grace (in vol. 1)
![](art/px_trans.gif) Table of Contents:
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Letter from the late Mr James Hervey to a Relation of Mr Traill’s
![](art/px_trans.gif) Recommendation to the Sermons on Stedfast Adherence
![](art/px_trans.gif) An Account of the Life and Character of the Author
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Throne of Grace: Thirteen Sermons on Hebrews 4:16
![](art/px_trans.gif) By What Means May Ministers Best Win Souls? A Sermon on 1 Timothy 4:16
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Vindication of the Protestant Doctrine concerning Justification, and of Its Preachers and Professors, from the Unjust Charge of Antinomianism
![](art/px_trans.gif) Sermons concerning the Lord’s Prayer: Sixteen Sermons on John 17:24
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 2
![](art/px_trans.gif) Steadfast Adherence to the Profession of Our Faith, Recommended in Twenty-one Sermons, on Hebrews 10:21-24
![](art/px_trans.gif) Eleven Sermons on Important Subjects, from 1 Peter 1:1-4
![](art/px_trans.gif) Six Sermons on Galatians 2:21
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Letter from the Author to His Wife, and One to His Children
![](art/px_trans.gif) Ten Additional Sermons
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![](art/px_trans.gif) MORE THAN 25% OFF THIS BRAND NEW SET
SGCB Price: $47.50 (list price $65.00)
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | SEVEN BANNER OF TRUTH PAPERBACKS Iain Wright, John Hurrion, Thomas Watson, Maurice Roberts, Horatius Bonar, Thomas Brooks, Octavius Winslow
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) GOD IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN WE CAN IMAGINE: Thirty-one Meditations on the Greatness of God by Iain Wright
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Right away as I began reading these devotionals it struck me that they are much like Spurgeon’s, and that for one simple reason: Iain (like Spurgeon) has a mind and heart saturated with the whole content of Scripture.’ — G.I. WILLIAMSON
![](art/px_trans.gif) How much can we know about God?
![](art/px_trans.gif) By definition, the finite mind cannot comprehend the infinite. As soon as we begin to think we have understood something of the love and grace of God we soon learn from Scripture that his love and grace are even greater.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The meditations in God is Always Better Than We Can Imagine are intended to help us come to Scripture with the mindset that, no matter how much we have learned in our private studies, or heard in sermons and lectures, God is always immeasurably greater than our imagination has allowed.
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) PARTICULAR REDEMPTION: The End and Design of the Death of Christ by John Hurrion (1675-1731)
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Christ gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) In Particular Redemption, taking up these words of Titus 2:14, John Hurrion expounds the doctrine of redemption, focusing attention especially on the end and design, extent and importance of the death of Christ. There is a peculiar importance attached to a man’s last words. That is especially true of John Hurrion. As his life was ebbing away, his mind was flooded with thoughts about his Saviour, Jesus Christ, as he prepared the four addresses found in this book for the press. ‘The delight he took in his subject’, his editor wrote, ‘carried him above his great pain and weakness’, and in dying he confessed: ‘The death of Christ being the fountain of our life, there is nothing more necessary, pleasant, or useful to the Christian, than a right apprehension and remembrance of it.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘I believe, with certainty, that there is no other view of the doctrine of Redemption able to satisfy the soul…In this doctrine my soul finds the means of life and the means also of dying in comfort.’ — From the Preface by John Elias
![](art/px_trans.gif) (3) THE LORD'S SUPPER: The Mystery of the Lord's Supper Briefly Explained by Thomas Watson
![](art/px_trans.gif) To Thomas Watson, the Lord’s Supper was a visible sermon, a mirror in which to gaze on the sufferings and death of Christ. ‘God, to help our faith, does not only give us an audible Word, but a visible sign.’ But more than this, the Supper was a time in which to partake of the benefits of Christ’s death by faith, to be fed and cherished by the Lord in his own banqueting house, and to obtain a foretaste of the glory which will be fully realized only in heaven. Watson’s aim was to stimulate greater love to Christ in His people, and to enhance their appreciation of the Supper as a spiritual feast for all believers. His fine exposition shows the rich provision made in the Supper for all who love the Lord, while it also lays bare the emptiness of all mere sacramentalism.
![](art/px_trans.gif) (4) THE GREAT TRANSFORMATION: The Sanctification and Glorification of the Believer by Maurice Roberts
![](art/px_trans.gif) The eight chapters of The Great Transformation bring before the reader the sanctification and glorification of the believer in Jesus. The author, a pastor of many years, explains, illustrates and applies these doctrines with fresh insights into the daily experiences and struggles of the Christian. He shows how they are a great encouragement to God’s beloved people especially when living in sad and difficult times in which sin and evil abound. While it is true that God’s children must go through many trials and discouragements in this world, it is also true their ‘light affliction is but for a moment.’ All true believers have left behind the state of sin and death; what they now look forward to is the blessed change — the great transformation — from grace to glory.
![](art/px_trans.gif) It is the author’s wish and prayer that readers of this book will be refreshed in their souls, encouraged in their faith, and reinvigorated in their service as they lift up their eyes to future comforts and joys in eternity.
![](art/px_trans.gif) (5) THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS: How Shall a Man be Just with God? by Horatius Bonar
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Written in 1874 and republished by The Banner of Truth in 1993, The Everlasting Righteousness stands (in my opinion) as the greatest book on the importance of the Cross and our imputed righteousness. It is clear, concise, devotional and beautifully written…. If you are looking for a readable book that exalts the Cross-centered life, relishes in the righteousness found only in the substitution of the Lamb, and magnifies the worth and beauty of Christ, turn to a talented hymn writer. Horatius Bonar has given us a clear book of great value on the central doctrine of the church. His poetic style will warm the heart after multiple readings and his clarity will equip the preacher with a lifetime of precious quotes.’ — TONY REINKE
![](art/px_trans.gif) How Shall Man Be Just with God? asks the subtitle of The Everlasting Righteousness. Here, indeed, is the greatest question a man may ask, and in this brief devotional study Horatius Bonar gives us the answer, an answer not to be found in man himself, but in God and the provision he has made in the Lord Jesus Christ.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Here is a book which delights in ‘the righteousness found only in the substitution of the Lamb, and magnifies the worth and beauty of Christ… Horatius Bonar has given us a clear book of great value on the central doctrine of the church. His poetic style will warm the heart…and his clarity will equip the preacher with a lifetime of precious quotes.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. GOD’S ANSWER TO MAN’S QUESTION, 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. GOD’S RECOGNITION OF SUBSTITUTION, 14
![](art/px_trans.gif) V. RIGHTEOUSNESS FOR THE UNRIGHTEOUS, 68
![](art/px_trans.gif) VII. NOT FAITH, BUT CHRIST, 107
![](art/px_trans.gif) IX. THE PARDON AND THE PEACE MADE SURE, 142
![](art/px_trans.gif) X. THE HOLY LIFE OF THE JUSTIFIED, 175
![](art/px_trans.gif) (6) AN ARK FOR ALL GOD'S NOAHS: IN A GLOOMY STORMY DAY by Thomas Brooks
![](art/px_trans.gif) We live in difficult days and in trying times. This book, with its quaint yet vivid title, points us to the One in whom Christian men and women have always found the strength to persevere come what may. Taking Lamentations 3:24 as his starting-point – ‘The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him,’ – Thomas Brooks expounds the attributes of God with the aim of comforting those who have felt not only the stresses and strains of daily life but also the shearing pain of loss in its various forms. God, he says, ‘is a portion that is exactly suited to the condition of the soul in its desires, needs, wants, longings and prayers. All the soul needs is found in God. There is light to enlighten the soul, wisdom to counsel the soul, power to support the soul, goodness to supply the soul, mercy to pardon the soul, beauty to delight the soul, glory to ravish the soul, and fullness to fill the soul.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘All true comfort and happiness is only to be found in having an all-sufficient God for your portion.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) (7) PERSONAL DECLENSION AND REVIVAL OF RELIGION IN THE SOUL by Octavius Winslow
![](art/px_trans.gif) Many who are conscious that their spiritual experience and vitality have sadly declined have only a hazy notion of the nature and causes of their condition. The kind of searching analysis which would help to clarify their thoughts and concentrate their sense of conviction is largely absent from the contemporary pulpit and from the Christian literature of the day.
![](art/px_trans.gif) But such help is available, and can be found in works like Octavius Winslow’s Personal Declension and Revival. It discusses the areas of life in which backsliding takes place, examines the consequences, and in the concluding chapters points to the Lord who is the restorer and keeper of his people.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The passage of time since this book was first published in 1841 has not diminished its value, and the fact that it has been frequently reprinted eloquently testifies to its continuing spiritual usefulness.
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![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) GOD IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN WE CAN IMAGINE: Thirty-one Meditations on the Greatness of God by Iain Wright
SGCB Price: $11.20 (list price $14.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) PARTICULAR REDEMPTION: The End and Design of the Death of Christ by John Hurrion (1675-1731)
SGCB Price: $7.75 (list price $10.00) Introduction by Iain H. Murray
![](art/px_trans.gif) (3) THE LORD'S SUPPER: The Mystery of the Lord's Supper Briefly Explained by Thomas Watson
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![](art/px_trans.gif) (4) THE GREAT TRANSFORMATION: The Sanctification and Glorification of the Believer by Maurice Roberts
SGCB Price: $7.75 (list price $10.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) (5) THE EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS: How Shall a Man be Just with God? by Horatius Bonar
SGCB Price: $8.50 (list price $11.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) (6) AN ARK FOR ALL GOD'S NOAHS: IN A GLOOMY STORMY DAY by Thomas Brooks
SGCB Price: $7.75 (list price $10.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) (7) PERSONAL DECLENSION AND REVIVAL OF RELIGION IN THE SOUL by Octavius Winslow
SGCB Price: $9.50 (list price $12.00)
SGCB Price: $54.00 (list price $76.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL SEVEN TITLES
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | DAILY PRAYER AND PRAISE FROM THE PSALMS (Two Volumes) HENRY LAW
![](art/px_trans.gif) Devotional studies of all 150 Psalms, in easily-managed portions for reading daily. This Volume 1 includes Psalm 1-75. Law both plumbs the depths and soars to the heights of Christian experience. The main glory of this book is its identity with Christ. He brightly shines throughout its varied hymns. He is constantly the speaker, and in these breathings of His Spirit we receive convincing evidence that, without ceasing to be God, He was a perfect man, and pre-eminently a Man of Sorrows.
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SGCB Price: $7.95 (list price $10.00) THIS VOLUME IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | CLASSIC BANNER OF TRUTH TITLES WE ARE NOW CARRYING TEN OF THE BANNER OF TRUTH CLASSIC VOLUMES FOR 30% OFF
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![](art/px_trans.gif) LETTERS OF SAMUEL RUTHERFORD
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | JOHN OWEN PAPERBACK GIFT SET JOHN OWEN
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![](art/px_trans.gif) The Glory of Christ – Paperback
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Holy Spirit – Paperback
![](art/px_trans.gif) Indwelling Sin in Believers – Paperback
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Mortification of Sin – Paperback
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Spirit and the Church – Paperback
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![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=noimage.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | VOICES FROM THE PAST: Puritan Daily Devotional Readings (Two Volume Set of Readings) Compiled by Richard Rushing
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME ONE: 428 Page Beautiful Hardcover with Dust Jacket
![](art/px_trans.gif) TEN YEARS IN THE MAKING! This work has long been anticipated. Glean from the wisdom and spiritual depth of the Puritans during 2010 through these 365 daily readings.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Over the past fifty years there has been a great resurgence of interest in the writings of the Puritans. The reading of their works has brought great benefit to the people of God in many lands. Christians from many different backgrounds and cultures owe a great debt of gratitude to those faithful pastors and preachers who continue to speak through their writings even though they have long since entered into their heavenly reward. The Puritans really knew how to teach and apply God's Word in the Spirit's power!
![](art/px_trans.gif) Richard Rushing has compiled this book of daily devotional readings from his favourite Puritan authors because of the great help he has gained from their Works. 'How thrilling it has been for me to read the Puritans on the glory and attributes of God, divine providence, fellowship with God, holiness of life and the mortification of indwelling sin, heavenly mindedness, prayer, evangelistic zeal, and trust in the Lord during times of affliction. At every turn these truths are eloquently taught, faithfully applied, and kindly offered as the subject of sweet spiritual meditation.'
![](art/px_trans.gif) This book is sent forth with the prayer that it will open a door to the vast stores of treasure to be found in the writings of the Puritans and that it will stimulate further exploration of this rich spiritual inheritance.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Authors cited include:
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Joseph Alleine
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Richard Baxter
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Thomas Boston
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Thomas Brooks
![](art/px_trans.gif) * John Bunyan
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Thomas Case
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Stephen Charnock
![](art/px_trans.gif) * David Clarkson
![](art/px_trans.gif) * William Cooper
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Jonathan Edwards
![](art/px_trans.gif) * John Flavel
![](art/px_trans.gif) * John Gibbon
![](art/px_trans.gif) * William Gurnall
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Ezekiel Hopkins
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Thomas Lye
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Thomas Manton
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Matthew Mead
![](art/px_trans.gif) * John Owen
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Samuel Rutherford
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Richard Sibbes
![](art/px_trans.gif) * George Swinnock
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Samuel Ward
![](art/px_trans.gif) * Thomas Watson
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME TWO: 432 Page Beautiful Hardcover with Dust Jacket
![](art/px_trans.gif) Richard Rushing has compiled a further 365 daily devotional readings to take you through the year with the Puritans. Building on Voices from the Past (volume 1), Voices From the Past 2 is an additional treasury of wisdom from such authors as Stephen Charnock, Thomas Manton, David Clarkson, Thomas Brooks, John Bunyan, and Jonathan Edwards, and others.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The editor has painstakingly selected these readings from their sources, some of which are still widely available in print, others of which are more scarce. Readers will find these choice extracts to be excellent ‘thoughts for the day’, and will frequently find themselves wanting to explore more of the writings of these authors of the past.
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![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME ONE: 428 Page Beautiful Hardcover with Dust Jacket
SGCB Price: $22.50 (list price $30.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME TWO: 432 Page Beautiful Hardcover with Dust Jacket
SGCB Price: $22.50 (list price $30.00)
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE WORKS OF WILLIAM TYNDALE: Two Volume Clothbound Set William Tyndale
![](art/px_trans.gif) Description: William Tyndale is justly best remembered as a Bible translator. During the last eleven years of his short life he published three editions of the complete New Testament, the Pentateuch, the book of Jonah, and a few other parts of the Old Testament. He may well have left behind him in manuscript form a translation of the Old Testament's historical books from Joshua to 2 Chronicles, which was published as part of 'Matthew's Bible' in the year following his martyrdom. In the last letter from his pen, we see him zealous to make progress with the translation of the Old Testament, as languishing in his final imprisonment he requests that his 'Hebrew Bible, Hebrew grammar, and Hebrew dictionary' be granted to him.
![](art/px_trans.gif) There is little doubt that Tyndale could have translated the whole of the Bible into English if he had given himself exclusively to that work. But alongside the work of translation he felt it was necessary to contend earnestly for the Reformed faith and so he threw himself into several of the key theological controversies of the times. For this 'Apostle of England' the Bible must not only be translated, its teachings also must be expounded and applied in a practical way. To such work of exposition and application Tyndale gave himself with a passion, and in so doing not only proved himself a master of true biblical interpretation, but has left to posterity works of lasting value. As F.F. Bruce wrote in another context: A reprint of this kind is no mere archaeological curiosity; one who was so intensely a man of the Bible as Tyndale was speaks to more ages than his own, and in the following pages we shall find that he has much to say to us, if we pay heed to what we read.
![](art/px_trans.gif) -------------------------------
![](art/px_trans.gif) And when the gospel is preached unto us we believe the mercy of God, and in believing we receive the spirit of God, which is the earnest of eternal life, and we are in eternal life already, and feel already in our hearts the sweetness thereof, and are overcome with the kindness of God and Christ and therefore love the will of God, and of love are ready to work freely, and not to obtain that which is given us freely and whereof we are heirs already.
![](art/px_trans.gif) William Tyndale, The Parable of the Wicked Mammon
![](art/px_trans.gif) The gospel signifieth glad tidings, and is nothing but the promises of good things. All is not gospel that is written in the gospel-book; for if the law were away, thou couldest not know what the gospel meant; even as thou couldest not see pardon and grace, except the law rebuked thee, and declared unto thee thy sin, misdeed, and trespass. Repent and believe the gospel, as saith Christ in the first of Mark.
![](art/px_trans.gif) William Tyndale, Epistle to the Reader, subjoined to his first published version of the New Testament, 1526.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME ONE: ADVERTISEMENT ix
![](art/px_trans.gif) Life of William Tyndale xiii
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Pathway into the Holy Scripture, 1525-32 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Parable of the Wicked Mammon, 1527 29
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Obedience of a Christian Man, 1527-8 127
![](art/px_trans.gif) A brief declaration of the Sacraments, 1536 345
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epistle to the Reader; subjoined to his first published version of the New Testament, 1526 389
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preface that he made before the five books of Moses, 1530 392
![](art/px_trans.gif) Prologue to the book of Genesis, 1530 398
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Table expounding certain words in the first book of Moses, called Genesis 405
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Prologue into the second book of Moses, called Exodus 411
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Table expounding certain words of the second book of Moses 419
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Prologue into the third book of Moses, called Leviticus 421
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Prologue into the fourth book of Moses, called Numeri 429
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Prologue into the fifth book of Moses, called Deuteronomy 441
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Table expounding certain words of the fifth book of Moses, called Deuteronomy 445
![](art/px_trans.gif) Prologue to the Prophet Jonas, 1531 447
![](art/px_trans.gif) Prologue upon the Gospel of St Matthew, 1525 468
![](art/px_trans.gif) Gospel of St Mark 480
![](art/px_trans.gif) Gospel of St Luke 481
![](art/px_trans.gif) Gospel of St John 482
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epistle of St Paul to the Romans, 1526 483
![](art/px_trans.gif) first Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians 511
![](art/px_trans.gif) second Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians 512
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epistle of St Paul to the Galatians 513
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epistle of St Paul to the Ephesians 514
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epistle of St Paul to the Philippians ib.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epistle of St Paul to the Colossians 515
![](art/px_trans.gif) first Epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians 516
![](art/px_trans.gif) second Epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians 517
![](art/px_trans.gif) first Epistle of St Paul to Timothy ib.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Prologue upon the second Epistle of St Paul to Timothy 519
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epistle of St Paul to Titus ib.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epistle of St Paul to Philemon 520
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epistle of St Paul to the Hebrews 521
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epistle of St James 525
![](art/px_trans.gif) first Epistle of St Peter 527
![](art/px_trans.gif) second Epistle of St Peter 528
![](art/px_trans.gif) three Epistles of St John 529
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epistle of St Jude 531
![](art/px_trans.gif) An exposition upon certain words and phrases of the New Testament
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME TWO:PROLOGUE to Exposition of St Matthew’s Gospel 3
![](art/px_trans.gif) Exposition of Chaps. v. vi. and vii. of St Matthew’s Gospel 16
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introductory notice to exposition of first Epistle of St John 133
![](art/px_trans.gif) Prologue to the same 136
![](art/px_trans.gif) Exposition of the first Epistle of St John 145
![](art/px_trans.gif) Marginal notes on first twenty-one chapters of St Matthew’s Gospel 227
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introductory notice to Practice of Prelates 237
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preface to the Practice of Prelates 240
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Practice of Prelates 247
![](art/px_trans.gif) ISBN#: 9781848710740
![](art/px_trans.gif) Binding: Clothbound
![](art/px_trans.gif) Page Count : 1325
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![](art/px_trans.gif) Nearly 30% Discount - Two Volumes 1325 Pages
SGCB Price: $42.95 (list price $59.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=noimage.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | Princeton and the Work of the Christian Ministry: 2 VOLUME SET: A COLLECTION OF ADDRESSES AND ARTICLES BY FACULTY AND FRIENDS OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY edited by James M. Garretson
![](art/px_trans.gif) Established in 1812 by the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, Princeton Theological Seminary was founded as ‘a nursery of vital piety as well as of sound theological learning … to train up persons for the ministry who shall be lovers as well as defenders of the truth as it is in Jesus, friends of revivals of religion, and a blessing to the church of God.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) Committed to the cultivation of ‘vital piety’ and ‘sound theological learning’, the seminary’s founders intended to graduate pious and learned men equally committed to biblical principles of pastoral leadership, preaching, and the confessional convictions of Presbyterian church polity.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Providing a cross-section of sermons, articles, and essays Princeton and the Work of the Christian Ministry brings together for the first time in a single collection a number of valuable out-of-print pieces which highlight the doctrinal convictions that informed and shaped the seminary’s training of men in preparation for Christian service in ministry and mission.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Rooted in the rich confessional heritage that emerged out of the Reformed and Calvinistic branch of the Protestant Reformation, the Princetonians’ profound grasp of Scripture, understanding of the human heart, and devout churchmanship remain of continuing value in providing a biblically-grounded theology of ministry for pastors, teachers, and missionary leaders in today’s churches.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) CONTENTS OF VOLUME 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) Foreword by David B. Calhoun ix
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preface xi
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introduction xiii
![](art/px_trans.gif) Remembrance of Things Past 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) William Buell Sprague 1795-1876 3
![](art/px_trans.gif) Inaugural Addresses at the Opening of Princeton Theological Seminary 85
![](art/px_trans.gif) Archibald Alexander 1771-1851 155
![](art/px_trans.gif) Samuel Miller 1769-1850 383
![](art/px_trans.gif) CONTENTS OF VOLUME 2
![](art/px_trans.gif) Ashbel Green 1762-1848 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) Gardiner Spring 1785-1873 39
![](art/px_trans.gif) J. W. Alexander 1804-1859 51
![](art/px_trans.gif) William S. Plumer 1802-1880 99
![](art/px_trans.gif) Charles Hodge 1797-1878 123
![](art/px_trans.gif) Nicholas Murray 1802-1861 299
![](art/px_trans.gif) Alexander T. M‘Gill 1807-1889 319
![](art/px_trans.gif) William M. Paxton 1824-1904 335
![](art/px_trans.gif) A. A. Hodge 1823-1886 377
![](art/px_trans.gif) B. B. Warfield 1851-1921 399
![](art/px_trans.gif) J. Gresham Machen 1881-1937 529
![](art/px_trans.gif) Geerhardus Vos 1862-1949 565
![](art/px_trans.gif) Maitland Alexander 1867-1940 583
![](art/px_trans.gif) Caspar Wistar Hodge, Jr 1870-1937 589
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Pastors, elders, and seminary students will be inspired and challenged by these books, scholars of Princeton history will find these volumes instructive and insightful. And anyone who loves the church and wants to see it at its best will be encouraged and blessed.’ —DAVID B. CALHOUN
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![](art/px_trans.gif) MORE THAN 25% OFF THIS BEAUTIFUL SET
SGCB Price: $43.50 (list price $59.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=noimage.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | PRINCETON AND PREACHING: Archibald Alexander and the Christian Ministry edited by James M. Garretson
![](art/px_trans.gif) How does one know whether God is calling a man to the pastoral ministry? Are we aware of the moral, intellectual, and physical qualifications needed for the Christian ministry? What are the best methods of sermon preparation and should the preacher pay as much attention to preparing his own heart as to preparing the message he is to preach? On what kinds of subjects should a pastor preach, and how should such preaching be done? What is really involved in being a shepherd of Christ’s flock? Do we know what kinds of discouragements and encouragements face the pastor in his ministry?
![](art/px_trans.gif) These are some of the issues this book addresses. Dr. James Garretson has drawn together wise, practical, and relevant insights into the call, qualifications, and work of the Christian pastor from the extant lecture notes of one of Princeton’s best loved and most respected teachers, Dr. Archibald Alexander. As you read this book you will feel as if you were sitting at the feet of this ‘first-class theologian, mentor and minister of the gospel’, alongside the many students of ‘Old Princeton’ whose lives and future ministries were moulded by Alexander’s inspiring classroom instruction. You will also discover to your lasting profit that Alexander’s wise counsel on pastoral theology, drawn as it was from the ever-fresh spring of Holy Scripture, remains of continuing value for today’s preachers who seek to walk in the sound and fruitful paths of their godly forefathers.
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘From Dr. Garretson comes a first-class account of a first-class delineation of the preaching ministry by a first-class theologian, mentor, and minister of the gospel – the versatile Archibald Alexander, who for its first generation virtually was Princeton Seminary in both its academic and its practical aspects, and who laid the foundation for all its future greatness. Alexander is a neglected figure, and it is high time for someone to begin to do him justice, as Dr. Garretson does. Enrichment and enjoyment in equal parts await the student of this excellent book.’ — DR. J.I. PACKER
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) FOREWORD by Sinclair B. Ferguson ix
![](art/px_trans.gif) PREFACE xiii
![](art/px_trans.gif) INTRODUCTION xv
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. THE MARKING OF A SERVANT 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. THE CALL TO THE MINISTRY 31
![](art/px_trans.gif) Elements of a Call to the Office of Christian Minister 32
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Necessity of Piety 39
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Strong Inclination to Preach 41
![](art/px_trans.gif) Practical Considerations for Determining a Call to the Ministry 43
![](art/px_trans.gif) The External Call to the Ministry 48
![](art/px_trans.gif) Conclusion 52
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE MINISTRY 55
![](art/px_trans.gif) Moral Qualifications 57
![](art/px_trans.gif) Intellectual Qualifications 64
![](art/px_trans.gif) Natural Talents 64
![](art/px_trans.gif) Learning 65
![](art/px_trans.gif) Eloquence 73
![](art/px_trans.gif) Physical Qualifications 77
![](art/px_trans.gif) Conclusion 79
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. SERMON PREPARATION 81
![](art/px_trans.gif) Principles Underlying Careful Sermon Preparation 85
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Role of Logic and Rhetoric and the Function of ‘Truth’ in Sermon Preparation 94
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Introduction or Exordium 98
![](art/px_trans.gif) Arrangement and Division of the Parts of a Sermon 99
![](art/px_trans.gif) Sermon Goals 104
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Conclusion or Peroration 107
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. THE PREPARATION OF THE PREACHER’S HEART 111
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. THE MINISTER AS SHEPHERD 123
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. THE ‘MATTER’ OF PREACHING 133
![](art/px_trans.gif) Some Preliminary Considerations 134
![](art/px_trans.gif) Confronting Controversy in a Christ like Manner 134
![](art/px_trans.gif) Knowledge of the Scriptures 137
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preaching the Truth 139
![](art/px_trans.gif) Categories and Subjects for Biblical Preaching 141
![](art/px_trans.gif) Biblical Apologetics and the ‘Truths’ of Natural Religion 141
![](art/px_trans.gif) Avoiding Human Philosophy and Metaphysical Speculation 146
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Importance of Fundamental Truths 148
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Christ-centred Model for the Interpretation of Scripture 149
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Biblical Theology for Redemptive Preaching 153
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preaching the Gospel from the Old Testament Scriptures 156
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preaching Doctrinally and Systematically 158
![](art/px_trans.gif) Demonstrating the Proper Interrelationship between Law and Gospel 160
![](art/px_trans.gif) Applying the Promises and Threatenings to Their Proper Recipients 167
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Benefits of ‘Characteristical Preaching’ 169
![](art/px_trans.gif) Conclusion 173
![](art/px_trans.gif) Characteristics of a Biblical Manner of Preaching 185
![](art/px_trans.gif) Solemnity 186
![](art/px_trans.gif) Sincerity 186
![](art/px_trans.gif) Affectionate Earnestness and Tenderness 189
![](art/px_trans.gif) Persuasiveness 190
![](art/px_trans.gif) Evangelical Content 193
![](art/px_trans.gif) Authority 194
![](art/px_trans.gif) Impartiality 194
![](art/px_trans.gif) Seasonableness 195
![](art/px_trans.gif) Prayerfulness – Dependence on God 195
![](art/px_trans.gif) Difficulties in Preaching the Truth to Others 201
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Heart of Unbelief 202
![](art/px_trans.gif) Other External Difficulties 203
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Biggest Difficulty: Self 204
![](art/px_trans.gif) Learning 207
![](art/px_trans.gif) Eloquence 207
![](art/px_trans.gif) Authority and Sanctity 209
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11. ‘A SCRIBE WELL INSTRUCTED’ 219
![](art/px_trans.gif) Factors That Shaped Alexander’s Approach to Preaching 220
![](art/px_trans.gif) Alexander’s Style and Manner of Preaching 223
![](art/px_trans.gif) His Natural, Conversational Style 225
![](art/px_trans.gif) His Simplicity in Person and Presentation 227
![](art/px_trans.gif) His Sympathy for His Fellow Men 228
![](art/px_trans.gif) His Gratitude of Heart 229
![](art/px_trans.gif) His Persuasive Proclamation 231
![](art/px_trans.gif) His Spiritual Integrity in the Activity of Preaching 233
![](art/px_trans.gif) His Spirit-Anointed Preaching 235
![](art/px_trans.gif) His Extemporaneous Preaching 236
![](art/px_trans.gif) His Personal Method of Sermon Preparation 239
![](art/px_trans.gif) His Preaching Methods: Experimental Preaching 243
![](art/px_trans.gif) His Preaching Methods: Descriptive and Graphic Preaching 245
![](art/px_trans.gif) His Preaching Methods: ‘Characteristical’ Preaching 247
![](art/px_trans.gif) Important Principles from Alexander’s Model of Preaching 249
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Classical Foundation 249
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Form of Alexander’s Sermons 253
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Importance of Theology for Experimental Preaching 254
![](art/px_trans.gif) Using the Principles of Rhetoric to Deepen Fellowship with God 256
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Importance of Eminent Piety 257
![](art/px_trans.gif) Affection for Christ 258
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preaching as an Act of Worship 258
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Role of Seminaries in Ministerial Preparation 260
![](art/px_trans.gif) Suggestions for a Contemporary Model of Ministerial Instruction 264
![](art/px_trans.gif) BIBLIOGRAPHY 267
![](art/px_trans.gif) INDEX 275
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOTPS
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE WORKS OF JOHN BUNYAN (IN THREE HARDCOVER VOLUMES) JOHN BUNYAN
![](art/px_trans.gif) John Bunyan is best known for his famous allegorical works, Pilgrim’s Progress and The Holy War, his autobiographical Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners and his allegorical novel The Life and Death of Mr. Badman. While justly famous for their literary merit, their real importance lies in Bunyan’s portrayal of the sin of man, the grace of God and the nature of the Christian’s life. These themes were Bunyan’s great passion, and for them he was prepared to suffer the hardship of imprisonment. But his exposition of them was not confined to allegory, and in his many other works, like Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ and An Exposition of the First Ten Chapters of Genesis, we find Bunyan writing as the outstanding pastor-evangelist he was.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Individual volumes of the best-known of Bunyan’s writings have long been available. These three quality volumes, first edited by George Offor (1853 and 1862) constitute the only available standard edition of his works.
![](art/px_trans.gif) BUNYAN’S PRISION MEDITATIONS 63
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE JERUSALEM SINNER SAVED 67
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL 104
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE WORK OF JESUS CHRIST AS AN ADVOCATE 151
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHRIST A COMPLETE SAVIOUR 202
![](art/px_trans.gif) COME AND WELCOME TO JESUS CHRIST 240
![](art/px_trans.gif) OF JUSTIFICATION BY AN IMPUTED RIGHTEOUSNESS; or, No way to heaven but by Jesus Christ 300
![](art/px_trans.gif) SAVED BY GRACE 335
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE STRAIT GATE 363
![](art/px_trans.gif) LIGHT FOR THEM THAT SIT IN DARKNESS 391
![](art/px_trans.gif) A TREATISE ON THE FEAR OF GOD 437
![](art/px_trans.gif) ISRAEL’S HOPE ENCOURAGED 576
![](art/px_trans.gif) A DISCOURSE TOUCHING PRAYER 621
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE SAINT’S PRIVILEGE AND PROFIT; or The Throne of Grace 641
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE ACCEPT ABLE SACRIFICE 685
![](art/px_trans.gif) PAUL’S DEPARTURE AND CROWN 721
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE SAINTS’ KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST’S LOVE; The unsearchable riches of Christ 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) OF ANTICHRIST AND HIS RUIN; and of the Slaying of the Witnesses 41
![](art/px_trans.gif) REPROBATION ASSERTED 335
![](art/px_trans.gif) OF THE TRINITY AND A CHRISTIAN 386
![](art/px_trans.gif) OF THE LAW AND A CHRISTIAN 387
![](art/px_trans.gif) SCRIPTURAL POEMS 389
![](art/px_trans.gif) A HOLY LIFE THE BEAUTY OF CHRISTIANITY 502
![](art/px_trans.gif) CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOUR 548
![](art/px_trans.gif) A CAUTION TO STIR UP TO WATCH AGAINST SIN 575
![](art/px_trans.gif) III PEACEABLE PRINCIPLES AND TRUE; 648
![](art/px_trans.gif) ON THE LOVE OF CHRIST: 657
![](art/px_trans.gif) A CASE OF CONSCIENCE RESOLVED 658
![](art/px_trans.gif) SEASONABLE COUNSEL 691
![](art/px_trans.gif) AN EXHORTATION TO PEACE AND UNITY 742
![](art/px_trans.gif) BUNYAN’S LAST SERMON 755
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE HEAVENLY FOOTMAN 375
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE HOLY CITY, OR THE NEW JERUSALEM, 395
![](art/px_trans.gif) SOLOMON’S TEMPLE SPIRITUALIZED 460
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE WATER OF LIFE 538
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE BARREN FIG-TREE 560
![](art/px_trans.gif) LIFE AND DEATH OF MR BADMAN 586
![](art/px_trans.gif) A FEW SIGHS FROM HELL 666
![](art/px_trans.gif) ONE THING IS NEEDFUL 725
![](art/px_trans.gif) EBAL AND GERIZIM 737
![](art/px_trans.gif) A BOOK FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 746
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SGCB Price: $74.95 (list price $100.00)
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE PASTOR: His Call, Character and Work by Faculty and Friends of Old Princeton Archibald Alexander, J.W. Alexander, Ashbel Green, Charles Hodge, Samuel Miller, Nicholas Murray & William Plumer
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Brilliant and Informative Introduction by Sinclair Ferguson adds to the Value of this Invaluable Work.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The authors of The Pastor: His Call, Character, and Work were all men closely associated, either as students, professors, or in one case a director, with Princeton Theological Seminary, which was established in 1812 by the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America. It was founded as a ‘nursery of vital piety as well as of sound theological learning…to train up persons for the ministry who shall be lovers as well as defenders of the truth as it is in Jesus, friends of revivals of religion, and a blessing to the church of God.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) A sample of the Princeton view of the ministry is contained in this little volume. Taken together its chapters form a small instruction manual on the key elements in the work of a minister of the gospel in any age and place.
![](art/px_trans.gif) These pages combine theological acumen, a high sense of purpose, a vision of the privileges of serving Christ, and a recalibration of our whole vision for ministry.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The chapters in this book have been selected from the two-volume Princeton and the Work of the Christian Ministry, also published by the Banner of Truth.
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SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $20.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) ORDER ALONG WITH 'THE PASTOR'S BOOK' A Comprehensive and Practical Guide to Pastoral Ministry
SGCB Price: $38.00 (list price $70.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH BOOKS
SGCB Price: $55.00 (list price $110.00) 'THE PASTOR' - "THE PASTOR'S BOOK' & 'THE PASTOR'S SKETCHES' (All Hardcover Volumes)
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | GRACE AND GLORY: with Additional Sermons from the Chapel at Princeton Seminary GEERHARDUS VOS edited by James T. Dennison
![](art/px_trans.gif) In possessing a copy of Grace and Glory the reader has in his or her hands a book of sermons which are almost as rare as they are remarkable. Not only so, but in addition to the six sermons which originally constituted the volume Grace and Glory the present edition includes a further nine sermons which Vos preached in the Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary between 1896 and 1913, as well as an undated exposition of Ephesians 2:4, 5 translated from Dutch. This additional material has been provided to the publishers by James T. Dennison, the Librarian of Westminster Theological Seminary in California and the editor of the journal Kerux, in which the bulk of it has already been printed. Mr Dennison originally uncovered Vos’s personal sermon book in 1971 in the Heritage Hall Archive of Calvin Theological Seminary and transcribed the material.
![](art/px_trans.gif) As heirs of his labours the publishers are also indebted to the Heritage Hall Archive of Calvin Seminary for the privilege of reproducing the material in this more permanent form. But the uniqueness of these sermons extends far beyond the difficulty of obtaining the original edition of Grace and Glory or the providences which led to the rediscovery of the manuscript material now in book form for the first time. It is the nature of the sermons themselves which will have a stunning effect on the reader. For they combine such constantly penetrating depths of biblical and theological understanding with such soaring heights of eloquence that it is difficult to imagine their like being heard in any pulpit in the world today. They are at one and the same time intensely demanding on the reader and glorious in their exposition of Scripture. These pages contain a thesaurus of theological riches, a gold mine whose every vein is packed with gleaming insight. Such is the character of these sermons that, to a world which is obsessed with ‘sound-bites’ and in a church which has become unused to concentrated thought, their content and style may seem almost overwhelming…In these pages the reader is invited, almost commanded and certainly demanded, to become a spiritual mountaineer. There are times when many will be left gasping for the higher oxygen levels of the lower slopes. But Vos was aiming for the summit, and those who follow him there will find panoramic views of the wonders of God and his ways which will make the ascent immensely rewarding.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Here, then, is material calculated to enrich the mind, heart, will and emotions; grace and glory indeed.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Table of Contents:
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Wonderful Tree
![](art/px_trans.gif) Hungering and Thirsting after Righteousness
![](art/px_trans.gif) Seeking and Saving the Lost
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Rabboni!’
![](art/px_trans.gif) The More Excellent Ministry
![](art/px_trans.gif) Heavenly-Mindedness
![](art/px_trans.gif) Running the Race
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Christian’s Hope
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Joy of Resurrection Life
![](art/px_trans.gif) Songs from the Soul
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Essence of Christianity
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Eternal Christ
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Spiritual Resurrection of Believers
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Gracious Provision
![](art/px_trans.gif) Christ’s Deliberate Work
![](art/px_trans.gif) Our Holy and Glorious God
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![](art/px_trans.gif) 27% OFF BRAND NEW HARDCOVER TITLE
SGCB Price: $15.95 (list price $22.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=noimage.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | HEROES OF THE FAITH SERIES: Ignatius of Antioch: The Man Who Faced LionsIrenaeus of Lyons: The Man Who Wrote BooksPolycarp of Smyrna: The Man Whose Faith Lasted Sinclair Ferguson
![](art/px_trans.gif) There are lots of 'idols' these days. But do you have any heroes? What's the difference? Idols are people we say we 'adore' because they are famous, or rich, or good looking, or because they have amazing talents, or special abilities perhaps we wish we could have. Heroes are people who are willing to live and die for what they believe.
![](art/px_trans.gif) IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH - THE MAN WHO FACED LIONS is the story of a hero. He was a follower of Jesus Christ. He was prepared to live and die for his Lord. And one day - he faced lions. This large hardback book for children, from the pen of Sinclair Ferguson, is beautifully illustrated by Alison Brown. A wonderful start to a wonderful series.
![](art/px_trans.gif) IRENAEUS OF LYONS: THE MAN WHO WROTE BOOKS tells the story of a hero. He was a follower of Jesus Christ. He served him far away from home. And to help his fellow Christians - he wrote books. This large hardback book for children, from the pen of Sinclair Ferguson, is beautifully illustrated by Allison Brown.
![](art/px_trans.gif) POLYCARP OF SMYRNA: THE MAN WHOSE FAITH LASTED tells the story of a hero. He was a follower of Jesus Christ. He loved and served his Lord for over eighty years. And from the beginning to the end - his faith lasted. This large hardback book for children, from the pen of Sinclair Ferguson, is beautifully illustrated by Allison Brown.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Many of our children enjoy having heroes, but they are living in a world that encourages them instead to have 'idols'. Sometimes, perhaps, the difference is simply a choice of words. But today it is usually more. For the 'idols' our children are encouraged to have - whether by media coverage or peer pressure - are to be 'adored' not because of their character, but because of their image.
![](art/px_trans.gif) By contrast a 'hero' is someone who is much more than a 'personality' about whom we may know little or nothing. A hero is someone who has shown moral fibre, who has overcome difficulties and opposition, who has been tested and has stood firm.
![](art/px_trans.gif) This series is about such people - heroes of the Christian faith - whose lives remind us of the words of Hebrews 13:7: 'Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.'
![](art/px_trans.gif) There are different kinds of heroes. The books in this series reflect the fact that some become heroes by being willing to die for Christ; others because of how they served the church of Christ; yet others because of what they taught about Christ; and others because of where they were prepared to go for Christ.
![](art/px_trans.gif) HEROES OF THE FAITH is also intended to provide a kind of church family album - pictures of those who have been members of the family of God. Many of us who are parents wish we could teach our children more about the story of the church, to help them see the privilege of belonging to a spiritual family that stretches back over the centuries and extends to the ends of the earth. This series aims to cover the centuries-long story of the church and to introduce children to heroes of the faith in every period of history.
![](art/px_trans.gif) None of these heroes was perfect - they all recognised their need of the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. None of them claimed perfect understanding or perfect obedience. But each of them aimed to love the Lord with heart and mind and soul and strength. In that sense they were true heroes. Many of these heroes were ministers and preachers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. But they were not heroes simply because they were ministers. The word 'minister' means 'servant'. They were people who became leaders in the church; they became heroes because they were servants both of the Lord Jesus and of his people.
![](art/px_trans.gif) I count it a privilege to have the opportunity of introducing your family, and especially your children, to many of the "HEROES OF THE FAITH." May they become heroes too!
![](art/px_trans.gif) -- Sinclair B. Ferguson
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![](art/px_trans.gif) ORDER ALL THREE HARDCOVER VOLUMES (33% Off)
SGCB Price: $28.00 (list price $42.00) Ignatius of Antioch, Irenaeus of Lyons and Polycarp of Smyrna
![](art/px_trans.gif) Ignatius of Antioch: The Man Who Faced Lions
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $14.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) Irenaeus of Lyons: The Man Who Wrote Books
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $14.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) Polycarp of Smyrna: The Man Whose Faith Lasted
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $14.00)
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | MYSTERIOUS WAYS: The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph DAVID KINGDON with Preface by Sinclair Ferguson
![](art/px_trans.gif) To know that God wisely governs all His creatures and all their actions is one thing, but to apply this truth in our own lives is quite a different matter, especially when our hopes are disappointed and providence seems to frown.
![](art/px_trans.gif) With great insight and pastoral wisdom, David Kingdon helps us to apply lessons from the life of Joseph to our own lives in this book, Mysterious Ways. He shows that God’s people are not lost in a meaningless maze, but are safe in the hands of a loving Father. However ‘mysterious’ His ways seem at present, He has purposed good for His people, and will ‘make it plain’ in His own time. Even when we feel most at a loss about God’s dealings with us, He is teaching us lessons which could be learned in no other way.
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Kingdon combines the ability to understand the text of Scripture with the sensitive heart of a pastor well prepared to be our friend and guide in this area of spiritual experience.’ — SINCLAIR B FERGUSON
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Foreword by Sinclair B. Ferguson ix
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preface xiii
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. The Big Picture 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. From Potiphar’s House to Pharaoh’s Prison 11
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. In the School of Adversity 21
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. From Prison to Palace 31
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. Physician of Souls 41
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. Testing and Comforting 53
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. Preserver and Provider 65
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. Three Great Truths 73
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. Three More Great Truths 87
![](art/px_trans.gif) Born in the 1930s in London, David P. Kingdon lost his father and was ultimately evacuated during World War II. Sent to Northamptonshire, he was taught the gospel by the couple who took him in during the war. In 1944, he attended Spurgeon’s Orphanage, then Reigate Grammar School, and then Peterhouse, Cambridge to study history. Converted to Christ in 1949, he went to Spurgeon’s College after completing his history degree to train for ministry. He pastored a London church, served as college principal in Belfast, Northern Ireland, co-pastored a South African church, then served a church in Wales. He also worked as editor at theological presses. 'Mysterious Ways: The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph' is a David P. Kingdon book that contains some of his sermons, ones that share how safe we are in the hands of our Father who always loves us.
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SGCB Price: $28.00 (list price $39.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL THREE TITLES
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE HISTORY OF PROVIDENCE: As Manifested in Scripture Alexander Carson
![](art/px_trans.gif) 'The Providence of God in his government of the world is a subject of the deepest interest to the Christian ... '
![](art/px_trans.gif) Alexander Carson lived in an age that was turning away from the revelation of God in Scripture. The dominant philosophy of the times sought to replace the knowledge of the personal, sovereign and provident God of Scripture with a 'more intelligent belief' in the impersonal laws of nature (which are, of course, nothing but the physical laws by which God usually conducts his government of the world). If God exists - and that was a big 'if' - then he is a God who is far removed from the events of every-day life.
![](art/px_trans.gif) But truth and Scripture teach that all physical laws have their effect from the immediate agency of God's almighty power. In his works of providence God preserves and governs all his creatures and all their actions. 'In him we live, and move, and have our being' (Acts 17:28).
![](art/px_trans.gif) Although Christians recognize this doctrine of Providence, they tend to overlook it in practice. In so doing they lose, in a great measure, that advantage which a constant and deep impression of this truth is calculated to give. In this book, Alexander Carson takes the reader through the Scriptures and points to instances of God's providence that will provide comfort for all true believers.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Biographical Sketch of the Author xi
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preface xiii
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 Abraham driven by famine into Egypt 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 Abraham’s victory over Chedorlaomer 5
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 Providence manifested in the fulfilment of prophecy Every step in the accomplishment of the prediction, with respect to the condition of the Israelites in Egypt, was conducted by the hand of an overruling Providence 6
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 Abraham sitting in the door of his tent 9
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 Providential restraints from evil 11
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 The ram caught by the horns in the thicket 12
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 Expulsion of Hagar from the house of Abraham 14
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 Isaac mocked by Ishmael 16
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 The Providence of God prospering the affairs of Abraham 17
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 Abraham informed about the family of his brother Nahor 18
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 Abraham’s purchase of the cave of Machpelah for a burying-ground 19
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 Success of Abraham’s servant in seeking a wife for his master’s son 21
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13 The arrival of Rebekah at the time when Isaac was engaged in communion with God by meditation and prayer 25
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14 The fulfilment of the promise of God to Abraham with respect to Ishmael 26
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15 Jacob’s purchase of the birthright 27
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16 The annoyances of the man of God by the world, under the control of Providence 30
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17 Transference of the blessing of Jacob 31
![](art/px_trans.gif) 18 Jacob’s immediate meeting with Rachel on his approach to Haran 37
![](art/px_trans.gif) 19 Jacob’s prosperity in the service of Laban 39
![](art/px_trans.gif) 20 Jacob’s return to Canaan 40
![](art/px_trans.gif) 21 Jacob’s meeting his brother Esau on his return from Syria 42
![](art/px_trans.gif) 22 Cruelty of the sons of Jacob to the Shechemites 45
![](art/px_trans.gif) 23 Jacob’s escape from the vengeance of the Canaanites, on the murder of the Shechemites by his sons 47
![](art/px_trans.gif) 24 Reuben’s sin 49
![](art/px_trans.gif) 25 The removal of Esau to Mount Seir 50
![](art/px_trans.gif) 26 Judah’s secret sin manifested by Providence 51
![](art/px_trans.gif) 27 The history of Joseph 52
![](art/px_trans.gif) 28 Prosperity of Joseph in bondage 56
![](art/px_trans.gif) 29 Joseph’s beauty 59
![](art/px_trans.gif) 30 Character of Joseph taken away by false accusation 60
![](art/px_trans.gif) 31 Circumstances may be misinterpreted, as well as facts may be forged 61
![](art/px_trans.gif) 32 Imprisonment of the chief butler and chief baker 62
![](art/px_trans.gif) 33 The chief butler remembered not Joseph 63
![](art/px_trans.gif) 34 The same action ascribed to God in one sense, while in another it is the act of man 64
![](art/px_trans.gif) 35 The policy of the king of Egypt to retain the children of Israel, the means of his losing them 65
![](art/px_trans.gif) 36 Moses raised up by Providence as a deliverer to Israel 67
![](art/px_trans.gif) 37 Plagues of Egypt 69
![](art/px_trans.gif) 38 Qualification of Bezaleel and Aholiab for making the tabernacle 70
![](art/px_trans.gif) 39 Readiness of the people to contribute for the making of the tabernacle 71
![](art/px_trans.gif) 40 Request of the Israelites that Moses should receive for them the law from God 73
![](art/px_trans.gif) 41 The hiding of the Israelitish spies by Rahab 74
![](art/px_trans.gif) 42 The punishment of Adoni-Bezek 77
![](art/px_trans.gif) 43 The Kenites inhabit Canaan with Israel 78
![](art/px_trans.gif) 44 The Israelites commanded to extirpate the Canaanites, yet some of them providentially preserved to prove Israel 79
![](art/px_trans.gif) 45 The Midianites providentially invade and waste Israel on account of their sins 80
![](art/px_trans.gif) 46 The dream of the Midianitish soldier 81
![](art/px_trans.gif) 47 Jephthah’s vow 82
![](art/px_trans.gif) 48 Samson married to a Philistine 83
![](art/px_trans.gif) 49 Awful wickedness of the Benjamites 84
![](art/px_trans.gif) 50 The history of Ruth 85
![](art/px_trans.gif) 51 The people of Israel ask a king 86
![](art/px_trans.gif) 52 Loss of the asses of Kish 87
![](art/px_trans.gif) 53 Samuel’s delay in coming to Saul at Gilgal 88
![](art/px_trans.gif) 54 David, as a type of Christ, brought by Providence into the field against Goliath 90
![](art/px_trans.gif) 55 David’s preservation from Saul 91
![](art/px_trans.gif) 56 Doeg present when David came to Ahimelech 92
![](art/px_trans.gif) 57 David put in possession of the kingdom 93
![](art/px_trans.gif) 58 Ill-treatment of the messengers of David by Hanun, king of the Ammonites 94
![](art/px_trans.gif) 59 David’s scheme to hide his crime with respect to Bathsheba providentially defeated 95
![](art/px_trans.gif) 60 Punishment of David’s crime with respect to Uriah providentially executed 97
![](art/px_trans.gif) 61 Ahithophel’s prudent advice providentially rejected by Absalom 98
![](art/px_trans.gif) 62 Solomon’s decision with respect to the mother of the child 99
![](art/px_trans.gif) 63 Rehoboam’s rejection of the old men’s counsel 100
![](art/px_trans.gif) 64 The land of the Shunammite providentially restored 101
![](art/px_trans.gif) 65 Jezebel eaten by dogs 103
![](art/px_trans.gif) 66 Providential preservation of Jehoash 104
![](art/px_trans.gif) 67 Captivity of Israel effected providentially 105
![](art/px_trans.gif) 68 The book of the law found in the temple in the time of Josiah 106
![](art/px_trans.gif) 69 Captivity of Judah 106
![](art/px_trans.gif) 70 Glory and wealth of the kingdom of Israel in the time of Solomon 107
![](art/px_trans.gif) 71 Disasters and miserable death of Jehoram 108
![](art/px_trans.gif) 72 Wicked people—oppressive rulers 109
![](art/px_trans.gif) 73 A way of return providentially opened to the Jews on the overthrow of the Babylonish empire by Cyrus 110
![](art/px_trans.gif) 74 Obstacles in the way of the Jews, in building the temple, on their return to Jerusalem, providentially thrown in their way and removed 113
![](art/px_trans.gif) 75 Book of Esther 114
![](art/px_trans.gif) 76 Book of Job 115
![](art/px_trans.gif) 77 Sennacherib sent by God against his people, yet punished for going 117
![](art/px_trans.gif) 78 Destruction of Babylon 119
![](art/px_trans.gif) 79 Destruction of Tyre 120
![](art/px_trans.gif) 80 Famine in Judah 121
![](art/px_trans.gif) 81 Field of Hanameel providentially offered for sale 122
![](art/px_trans.gif) 82 Life of Jeremiah providentially saved by Ebed-Melech 123
![](art/px_trans.gif) 83 Capture and fate of Zedekiah 123
![](art/px_trans.gif) 84 Preservation of Jeremiah and of Ebed-Melech in the capture of Jerusalem 124
![](art/px_trans.gif) 85 The forgetting of his dream by Nebuchadnezzar providential 125
![](art/px_trans.gif) 86 The lot fell upon Jonah 126
![](art/px_trans.gif) 87 Jesus in a storm 137
![](art/px_trans.gif) 88 The two Gergesene Demoniacs meet Jesus 139
![](art/px_trans.gif) 89 The barren fig-tree blasted 140
![](art/px_trans.gif) 90 The death of Christ providentially accomplished 141
![](art/px_trans.gif) 91 Purchase of the Potter’s Field 142
![](art/px_trans.gif) 92 Not this man, but Barabbas 143
![](art/px_trans.gif) 93 Dream of Pilate’s wife 144
![](art/px_trans.gif) 94 Jesus given up by Pilate 145
![](art/px_trans.gif) 95 Adversity no evidence of providential disapprobation 147
![](art/px_trans.gif) 96 Appointment of a watch at the tomb of Jesus 150
![](art/px_trans.gif) 97 Report of the soldiers that the disciples stole the body of Jesus 152
![](art/px_trans.gif) 98 Christ crucified between two malefactors 154
![](art/px_trans.gif) 99 Combination of the Pharisees and Herodians to ensnare Jesus 155
![](art/px_trans.gif) 100 Jesus brought before Herod 156
![](art/px_trans.gif) 101 Cross of Christ borne by Simon 157
![](art/px_trans.gif) 102 Christ’s death by crucifixion 159
![](art/px_trans.gif) 103 The title on the cross of Christ 161
![](art/px_trans.gif) 104 Lots cast for the coat of Jesus 162
![](art/px_trans.gif) 105 The legs of Jesus not broken 163
![](art/px_trans.gif) 106 The disciples pluck the ears of corn on the Sabbath-day 164
![](art/px_trans.gif) 107 Certain disciples minister to the Lord Jesus of their substance 165
![](art/px_trans.gif) 108 The calling of Zacchaeus 166
![](art/px_trans.gif) 109 The enemies of Jesus restrained from injuring him by fear of the people 167
![](art/px_trans.gif) 110 Providential preservation of Peter when he smote the servant of the high priest 168
![](art/px_trans.gif) 111 Providential circumstances leading Peter into the situation in which he denied his Master 169
![](art/px_trans.gif) 112 Providential meeting of Jesus and the woman of Samaria 170
![](art/px_trans.gif) 113 The man born blind 171
![](art/px_trans.gif) 114 The sickness of Lazarus 173
![](art/px_trans.gif) 115 Thomas not at the meeting of the disciples when Jesus appeared after his resurrection 175
![](art/px_trans.gif) 116 The manner of the death of Christians adapted to glorify God 182
![](art/px_trans.gif) 117 Population regulated by Providence 184
![](art/px_trans.gif) 118 Dispersion of the church at Jerusalem, by the persecution on the death of Stephen 185
![](art/px_trans.gif) 119 Tranquillity and prosperity of the churches on the conversion of Saul 189
![](art/px_trans.gif) 120 Means of detecting Simon Magus 195
![](art/px_trans.gif) 121 Herod eaten by worms 199
![](art/px_trans.gif) 122 Contention between Paul and Barnabas 202
![](art/px_trans.gif) 123 Paul protected by Gallio’s enlightened views of the duties of the magistrate’s office 204
![](art/px_trans.gif) 124 Paul preserved by the Recorder of Ephesus 207
![](art/px_trans.gif) 125 Fall of Eutychus from a window in the third loft, during the preaching of Paul at Troas 210
![](art/px_trans.gif) 126 Preservation of Paul from the Jews in the temple 212
![](art/px_trans.gif) 127 Assault on Paul in the temple providentially afforded him an opportunity of defending himself, and preaching the gospel to persons of the first distinction 214
![](art/px_trans.gif) 128 Paul sent to Rome in a providential way 216
![](art/px_trans.gif) 129 Providential character of the standard of the Christian religion 226
![](art/px_trans.gif) 130 Hesitancy in receiving Paul by the church at Jerusalem 228
![](art/px_trans.gif) 131 The incestuous man in the church at Corinth 229
![](art/px_trans.gif) 132 Law-suits unbecoming between Christians 231
![](art/px_trans.gif) 133 Abuse of the Lord’s Supper at Corinth 233
![](art/px_trans.gif) 134 Collection in Greece for the poor saints at Jerusalem 234
![](art/px_trans.gif) 135 Paul’s cloak left at Troas 235
![](art/px_trans.gif) 136 Timothy advised by Paul to take a little wine for the sake of his health 238
![](art/px_trans.gif) 137 Trophimus left sick at Miletum 239
![](art/px_trans.gif) 138 Angels created to minister to the heirs of salvation 240
![](art/px_trans.gif) 139 Christ the Sun of Righteousness 241
![](art/px_trans.gif) Alexander Carson (c. 1776-1849) exercised a fruitful ministry in his native Ireland for half a century. An affectionate and faithful pastor who devoted his entire ministry to his congregation in the little village of Tobermore, Co. Londonderry, Carson also possessed a keen intellect and great logical power, as is evidenced in his writings. He is perhaps best remembered for his treatise on Baptism: Its Mode and Subjects, and for his close collaboration with Robert Haldane on the latter's Commentary on Romans.
![](art/px_trans.gif) ISBN#: 9781848711754
![](art/px_trans.gif) Binding: Paperback
![](art/px_trans.gif) Page Count : 264
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOT NEW MOP BOTPROV BOTCLN
SGCB Price: $12.95 (list price $17.00)
SGCB Price: $28.00 (list price $39.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL THREE TITLES
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=noimage.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | LET'S STUDY MARK, EPHESIANS, PHILIPPIANS & JAMES SINCLAIR FERGUSON
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘The whole unfolding Let’s Study series is a must for every Christian home that is serious about getting to know the Word.’ — COVENANTER WITNESS
![](art/px_trans.gif) LET'S STUDY MARK
![](art/px_trans.gif) When John Mark wrote out his ‘good news’ about Jesus two thousand years ago, his Gospel was a completely new kind of book. No one had ever written one before. In fact no one would have known what a Gospel was…What made the Gospel of Mark unique was this: it was not written merely as the memoir of Jesus as a great man, not even as the greatest man who had ever lived. Rather it was meant to persuade its readers that Jesus was the Son of God…Who is Jesus of Nazareth? What is the good news (gospel) about him?…This book presents us with Mark’s answer.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) LET'S STUDY EPHESIANS
![](art/px_trans.gif) If Romans is, humanly speaking, the most impressive of Paul’s letters, then Ephesians is probably the most elegant. In its opening doxology blessings cascade down upon the reader. In its closing verses the smell of the battlefield lies heavily in the air and through the smoke of war we see Christians, fully clad in the armour of spiritual warfare, still standing. From beginning to end Ephesians sets before us the wonder of God’s grace, the privilege of belonging to the church, and the pattern of life-transformation the gospel produces.
![](art/px_trans.gif) In Let’s Study Ephesians Sinclair Ferguson skillfully leads us through this wonderful letter, explaining its teaching with masterful simplicity and showing its importance and relevance to the church today.
![](art/px_trans.gif) LET'S STUDY PHILIPPIANS
![](art/px_trans.gif) The church at Philippi was Paul’s ‘crown and joy’. But now, in the apostle’s absence, problems had arisen among these new Christians, threatening their fellowship and witness.
![](art/px_trans.gif) How did Paul respond? What did he say to anchor these young Christians in the truth and guide them in Christian living? In Let’s Study Philippians, Sinclair B. Ferguson leads us through Paul’s memorable answers.
![](art/px_trans.gif) LET'S STUDY JAMES
![](art/px_trans.gif) Throughout the centuries, the Letter of James has proved to be an excellent refresher course in what it means to live the Christian life. It is only a few pages long. It can be read out loud in twenty minutes. It is very direct and extremely practical. Several themes run through the Letter of James and make clear what his burden is. He writes about suffering and joy, riches and poverty, faith and works, the tongue and speech, and about wisdom and folly. In a word, he writes about the heart and life of the Christian believer.
![](art/px_trans.gif) James’s bête noire is false and hollow piety; pious platitudes are anathema to him. Faith that does not issue in good works, a holy life, concern for the needy, and a disciplined use of the tongue, is for James no faith at all.
![](art/px_trans.gif) As with other volumes in the Let’s Study series, the value of Let’s Study James is enhanced by the Group Study Guide which follows.
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![](art/px_trans.gif) LET'S STUDY MARK
SGCB Price: $11.50 (list price $16.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) LET'S STUDY EPHESIANS
SGCB Price: $10.75 (list price $15.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) LET'S STUDY PHILIPPIANS
SGCB Price: $9.25 (list price $13.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) LET'S STUDY JAMES (This Volume is Currently Out-Of-Print as of 6/30/23)
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $14.00) (This Volume is Currently Out-Of-Print as of 6/30/23)
SGCB Price: $40.00 (list price $58.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=noimage.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ROBERTS TRILOGY: Thought of God; Christians' High Calling & Great God of Wonders MAURICE ROBERTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE THOUGHT OF GOD
SGCB Price: $8.75 (list price $11.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE CHRISTIANS HIGH CALLING
SGCB Price: $8.75 (list price $11.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) GREAT GOD OF WONDERS
SGCB Price: $9.50 (list price $12.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=noimage.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | WIDOW'S SALE 2.0: PAGE 15, BANNER OF TRUTH HARDCOVER VOLUMES VARIOUS AUTHORS
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE LIFE OF JOSEPH by George Lawson
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![](art/px_trans.gif) BOOK DESCRIPTION
![](art/px_trans.gif) Louis Berkhof’s loyalty to the well-defined lines of the Reformed faith, his concise and compact style and his up-to date treatment have made this work the most important twentieth century compendium of Reformed theology. ‘The work seemed particularly important to me’, writes the author, ‘in view of the widespread doctrinal indifference of the present day, of the resulting superficiality and confusion in the minds of many professing Christians, of the insidious errors that are zealously propagated even from the pulpits, and of the alarming increase of all kinds of sects. If there ever was a time when the church ought to guard her precious heritage, the deposit of the truth that was entrusted to her care, that time is now’.
![](art/px_trans.gif) This expanded edition contains Berkhof’s Introductory Volume, which was designed to be read together with the Systematic Theology itself.
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Objections have frequently been raised against a systematic presentation of the doctrinal truths of Scripture; and also in the present day some are decidedly averse to it. There seems to be a lurking fear that the more we systematize the truth, the farther we wander from the presentation of it that is found in the Word of God. But there is no danger of this, if the system is not based on the fundamental principles of some erring philosophy, but on the abiding principles of Scripture itself. God certainly sees the truth as a whole, and it is the duty of the theologian to think the truths of God after Him.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) — LOUIS BERKHOF in the Introductory Volume included with this edition.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Professor Berkhof died in 1957, at the age of 83. He was an outstanding American teacher and the author of some 22 books. After two pastorates, he began his long career as professor at Calvin Seminary, Grand Rapids, in 1906. Here he remained for 38 years, devoting his talents and immense stores of knowledge to the training of men for the ministry. His Systematic Theology was his magnum opus, being revised and enlarged during his lifetime until it reached its present final form.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) INTRODUCTORY VOLUME
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Idea and History of Dogmatic Theology
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. Names Applied to the Systematic Presentation of Theology 3
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. The Nature of Dogmas 6
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. The Idea of Dogmatic Theology 25
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. The Task, Method, and Distribution of Dogmatics 44
![](art/px_trans.gif) V. History of Dogmatics 69
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Principia of Dogmatics
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. Principia in General 87
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. Religion 93
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. The Principium Cognoscendi Externum (Revelation) 112
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. The Inspiration of Scripture 142
![](art/px_trans.gif) V. The Principium Cognoscendi Internum 170
![](art/px_trans.gif) Select Literature 189
![](art/px_trans.gif) Index of Authors 193
![](art/px_trans.gif) Index of Subjects 197
![](art/px_trans.gif) SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY
![](art/px_trans.gif) Part One – THE DOCTRINE OF GOD
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Being of God
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. The Existence of God: 19
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. The Knowability of God: 29
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. Relation of the Being and Attributes of God: 41
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. The Names of God: 47
![](art/px_trans.gif) V. The Attributes of God in General: 52
![](art/px_trans.gif) VI. The Incommunicable Attributes: 57
![](art/px_trans.gif) VII. The Communicable Attributes: 64
![](art/px_trans.gif) VIII. The Holy Trinity: 82
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Works of God
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. The Divine Decrees in General: 100
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. Predestination: 109
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. Creation in General: 126
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. Creation of the Spiritual World: 141
![](art/px_trans.gif) V. Creation of the Material World: 150
![](art/px_trans.gif) VI. Providence: 165
![](art/px_trans.gif) Part Two – THE DOCTRINE OF MAN IN RELATION TO GOD
![](art/px_trans.gif) Man in His Original State
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. The Origin of Man: 181
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. The Constitutional Nature of Man: 191
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. Man as the Image of God: 202
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. Man in the Covenant of Works: 211
![](art/px_trans.gif) Man in the State of Sin
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. The Origin of Sin: 219
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. The Essential Character of Sin: 227
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. The Transmission of Sin: 237
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. Sin in the Life of the Human Race: 244
![](art/px_trans.gif) V. The Punishment of Sin: 255
![](art/px_trans.gif) Man in the Covenant of Grace
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. Name and Concept of the Covenant: 262
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. The Covenant of Redemption: 265
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. Nature of the Covenant of Grace: 272
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. The Dual Aspect of the Covenant: 284
![](art/px_trans.gif) V. The Different Dispensations of the Covenant: 290
![](art/px_trans.gif) Part Three – THE DOCTRINE OF THE PERSON AND WORK OF CHRIST
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Person of Christ
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. The Doctrine of Christ in History: 305
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. The Names and Natures of Christ: 312
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. The Unipersonality of Christ: 321
![](art/px_trans.gif) The States of Christ
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. The State of Humiliation: 331
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. The State of Exaltation: 344
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Offices of Christ
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. Introduction: The Prophetic Office:
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. The Idea of the Offices in History 356
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. The Prophetic Office 357
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. The Priestly Office:
![](art/px_trans.gif) V. The Scriptural Idea of a Priest 361
![](art/px_trans.gif) VI. The Sacrificial Work of Christ 362
![](art/px_trans.gif) VII. The Cause and Necessity of the Atonement:
![](art/px_trans.gif) VIII. The Moving Cause of the Atonement 367
![](art/px_trans.gif) IX. Historical Views Respecting the Necessity of the Atonement 368
![](art/px_trans.gif) X. Proofs for the Necessity of the Atonement 370
![](art/px_trans.gif) XI. Objections to the Doctrine of the Absolute Necessity of the Atonement 371
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Nature of the Atonement:
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. A. Statement of the Penal Substitutionary Doctrine of the Atonement: 373
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. Divergent Theories of the Atonement: 384
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Purpose and Extent of the Atonement: 392
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. A. The Purpose of the Atonement 392
![](art/px_trans.gif) B. The Extent of the Atonement 393
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. The Intercessory Work of Christ: 400
![](art/px_trans.gif) V. The Kingly Office: 406
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. Soteriology in General: 415
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. The Operation of the Holy Spirit in General: 423
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. Common Grace: 432
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. The Mystical Union: 447
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. Calling in General and External Calling: 454
![](art/px_trans.gif) V. Regeneration and Effectual Calling: 465
![](art/px_trans.gif) VI. Conversion: 480
![](art/px_trans.gif) VII. Faith: 493
![](art/px_trans.gif) VIII. Justification: 510
![](art/px_trans.gif) IX. Sanctification: 527
![](art/px_trans.gif) X. Perseverance of the Saints: 545
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Church
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. Scriptural Names of the Church and the Doctrine of the Church in History: 555
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. Nature of the Church: 562
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. The Government of the Church: 579
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. The Power of the Church: 593
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Means of Grace
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. The Means of Grace in General: 604
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. The Word as a Means of Grace: 610
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. The Sacraments in General: 616
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. Christian Baptism: 622
![](art/px_trans.gif) V. The Lord’s Supper: 644
![](art/px_trans.gif) Part Six – THE DOCTRINE OF THE LAST THINGS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Individual Eschatology
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. Introductory Chapter: 661
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. Physical Death: 668
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. The Immortality of the Soul: 672
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. The Intermediate State: 679
![](art/px_trans.gif) General Eschatology
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. The Second Coming of Christ: 695
![](art/px_trans.gif) II. Millennial Views: 708
![](art/px_trans.gif) III. The Resurrection of the Dead: 720
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV. The Final Judgment: 728
![](art/px_trans.gif) V. The Final State: 735
![](art/px_trans.gif) Bibliography 739
![](art/px_trans.gif) Index of Authors 747
![](art/px_trans.gif) Index of Subjects 751
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOTW
![](art/px_trans.gif) MORE THAN 750 PAGE HARDCOVER VOLUME
SGCB Price: $31.50 (list price $45.00)
SGCB Price: $62.00 (list price $120.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH HARDCOVER TITLES
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=216.jpg)
![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE WORKS OF STEPHEN CHARNOCK (5 Volume Hardcover Set) STEPHEN CHARNOCK
![](art/px_trans.gif) There were theological and spiritual giants in the earth in the days of the English Puritans, and Stephen Charnock (1628-80) was prominent among them. His Works present a feast of rich teaching and exposition, characterized throughout by sound theology, profound thought, and an imaginative style. The five volumes now reprinted from the classic nineteenth-century Nichol edition contain a total of more than 2,800 pages and 64 distinct discourses or sermons. Of these, only one was published during the author’s lifetime, all the rest being edited from his manuscripts and published by his friends, Richard Adams and Edward Veal, after Charnock’s death in 1680. While expounding timeless truth, Charnock’s discourses are strikingly relevant to contemporary discussions.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Then, as now, there were many willing to declare their atheism publicly, who would ‘not only say it in their hearts, but publish it with their lips, and boast that they have shaken off those shackles which bind other men’s consciences’. However, ‘every atheist is a grand fool. If he were not a fool he would not imagine a thing so contrary to…the rational dictates of his own soul, and contrary to the testimony of every creature and link in the chain of creation.’ In the words of J.I. Packer, ‘Charnock has no desire to speculate, but only to declare the works and ways, the nature and character, of the God of the Bible.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME ONE contains a helpful introduction to Charnock’s life and work by James McCosh, and the first eight discourses on The Existence and Attributes of God, opening with ‘A Discourse of Divine Providence,’ based on 2 Chronicles 16:9. In this Charnock sets forth the doctrine of providence with great clarity, and then applies it to instruct, comfort, and exhort the people of God.
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME TWO continues and concludes Charnock’s magnum opus, ‘A Discourse on the Existence and Attributes of God’ with the remaining six discourses. Topics include: the existence of God; practical atheism; God’s being a Spirit; spiritual worship; the eternity of God; his immutability; his omnipresence; his knowledge; his wisdom; his power; his holiness; his goodness; his dominion; and his patience. Each discourse first expounds, then applies, the text of Scripture on which it is based.
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME THREE concerns the work of regeneration, by which spiritually dead sinners are raised to new life in Christ. It is perhaps surprising that present-day Christians seem so often to be confused about what it means to be born again. Whatever the reasons for this confusion, the fault cannot be laid at the door of previous generations of preachers and writers, particularly Puritans like Charnock, who took immense pains to search into and explain the doctrine from Scripture.
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME FOUR contains fifteen further discourses of primary importance to Christians in every age. The first six discourses – all on texts from the Gospel of John – focus on the knowledge of God in Christ as the only way to eternal life and happiness, showing that true and saving knowledge of God is only in and by Christ, that conviction of sin by the Spirit of God is the way to this knowledge, and that to remain in unbelief is to remain in misery under the wrath of God. The Lord’s Supper and related matters form the subject of a second group of discourses.
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME FIVE contains a further nineteen discourses. By way of contrast with the earlier volumes – most of which are based on texts from the New Testament – five of the discourses here draw on texts from the Old Testament Scriptures. Many of the topics addressed are of perennial interest to all Christians: the necessity of Christ’s death, and the necessity of his exaltation; Christ’s intercession; God in Christ as the object of faith; afflictions; mortification; the stability of the church; delight in prayer; the sins of the regenerate; man’s enmity to God; and the pardon of sin.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Author
![](art/px_trans.gif) Stephen Charnock (1628-1680) was educated at Cambridge University after which he lectured at Oxford University. He was appointed chaplain to the Governor of Ireland, Oliver Cromwell's son Henry in 1655, where he soon gained a reputation for preaching. In 1675, years after the fall of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth, Charnock became a Presbyterian Minister in London. His works, mostly published posthumously, have the characteristic Puritan concern for central gospel themes and consistent application of Biblical texts to practical problems.
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOTW BIP BOTS22 clst botn24
SGCB Price: $98.50 (list price $130.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=223.jpg)
![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE WORKS OF THOMAS BROOKS (THE SIX VOLUME SET) THOMAS BROOKS
![](art/px_trans.gif) The scant amount of information known about him comes largely from his writing. Born in 1608, he entered Emmanuel College, Cambridge in 1625. He spent several years at sea, perhaps as chaplain, and was licensed as a preacher by 1640. After England’s Civil War, Brooks served as pastor of London’s Thomas Apostle; in 1648, he preached before the House of Commons. He later became the subject of controversy when he refused baptism and the Lord’s Supper to people that weren’t walking faithfully with the Lord. Thomas Brooks books include a six-volume set titled The Works of Thomas Brooks, with each book also available individually. Other books include Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices (written to help people resist Satan’s seductive power), The Secret Key to Heaven ( which emphasizes the importance of private prayer) and Heaven on Earth, which reminds people there is no greater privilege than to be a child of God.
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 1 Memoir of Brooks by A. B. Grosart
![](art/px_trans.gif) Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices
![](art/px_trans.gif) Apples of Gold
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Mute Christian under the Smarting Rod
![](art/px_trans.gif) A String of Pearls
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 2 An Ark for All God’s Noahs
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Privy Key of Heaven
![](art/px_trans.gif) Heaven on Earth
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 3 The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Cabinet of Jewels
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 4 The Crown and Glory of Christianity
![](art/px_trans.gif) or, Holiness the Only Way to Happiness
![](art/px_trans.gif) (58 sermons on Hebrews 12:14)
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 5 The Golden Key to Open Hidden Treasures
![](art/px_trans.gif) Paradise Opened
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Word in Season
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 6 London’s Lamentations
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Glorious Day of the Saints’ Appearance
![](art/px_trans.gif) God’s Delight in the Progress of the Upright
![](art/px_trans.gif) Hypocrites Detected
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Believer’s Last Day His Best Day
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Heavenly Cordial
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Legacy of a Dying Mother
![](art/px_trans.gif) With a glossary and indexes of texts expounded, persons referred to and topics discussed in all six volumes
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![](art/px_trans.gif) NEARLY 25% OFF THIS BEAUTIFUL SET
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=307.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE COLLECTED SERMONS OF ROBERT MURRAY M'CHEYNE ROBERT MURRAY M'CHEYNE
![](art/px_trans.gif) At the beginning of the twentieth century, James Macdonald of Edinburgh purchased a box of old papers which had belonged to a preacher of around sixty years earlier. The contents might have seemed of little value, but to some they were altogether priceless. They were the notebooks and sermon notes of Robert Murray M’Cheyne, the godly and devoted minister of St Peter’s Church, Dundee.
![](art/px_trans.gif) From these papers, lodged in the library of New College, Edinburgh, Dr Michael D. McMullen has transcribed the sermons found in this set of three volumes.
![](art/px_trans.gif) They are indeed a precious treasure. Whether based on Old Testament or New, every sermon is full of Christ: the sinners need of Him, the fullness of His grace, the happiness of those who come to Him, and the danger of stopping short of genuine faith in Him. They will remind preachers and ordinary Christians alike that to preach Christ aright, one must first know Him, and live in the atmosphere of His love.
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON HEBREWS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Foreword ix
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. So Great Salvation (2:3) 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. Let Us Therefore Fear (4:1-2) 10
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. Entering into Rest (4:3) 19
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. The Rest That Remains (4:8-11) 28
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. The Word of God (4:12-13) 35
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. Holding Fast (4:14-16) 44
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. The Aaronic Priesthood (5:1-4) 54
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. Christ’s Calling as High Priest (5:4-7) 63
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. Strong Crying and Tears (5:7) 72
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10. Strong Consolation (6:16-18) 80
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11. The High Priest’s Character and Occupation (8:1-2) 87
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12. The High Priest’s Offering (8:3-6) 94
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13. The More Excellent Ministry of Christ (8:3-6) 101
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14. The New Covenant (8:6) 108
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15. Established on Better Promises (8:7-13) 115
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16. The Sanctuary (9:1-5) 121
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17. The Holiest of All (9:1-5) 129
![](art/px_trans.gif) 18. The Contents of the Most Holy Place (9:1-5) 136
![](art/px_trans.gif) 19. The Service of the Tabernacle (9:6-8) 146
![](art/px_trans.gif) 20. The Imperfection of the Tabernacle Service (9:9-13) 156
![](art/px_trans.gif) 21. The Perfection of the Gospel Covenant (9:11-12) 163
![](art/px_trans.gif) 22. The Superiority of Christ’s Sacrifice (9:13-14) 171
![](art/px_trans.gif) 23. The Eternal Inheritance: the Believer’s Portion (9:15) 179
![](art/px_trans.gif) 24. Christ Always the Same (13:8) 187
![](art/px_trans.gif) OLD TESTAMENT SERMONS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Publisher’s Note viii
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. God’s Care for the Animal Creation (Num. 22:32) 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. The Cities of Refuge (Josh. 20) 9
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. The Waters Are Come In Unto My Soul (Psa. 69:1-3) 19
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. I Will Praise Thee (Psa. 86:12-13) 29
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. By the Rivers of Babylon (Psa. 137) 39
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. Things That Must Be Done Now (Eccles. 9:10) 45
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful (Isa. 9:6) 50
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. God’s Twofold Dealings with Natural Men (Isa. 28:14-18) 57
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. For the People Shall Dwell in Zion (Isa. 30:19-21) 67
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10. The Day of the Great Slaughter (Isa. 30:25-26) 76
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11. The Silence of Christ (Isa. 53:6) 83
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12. Delighting in the Sabbath (Isa. 58:13-14) 89
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13. The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me (Isa. 61:1-2) 98
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14. The Harvest Is Past, the Summer Is Ended (Jer. 8:20-22) 102
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15. Give Glory to the Lord (Jer. 13:15-17) 113
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16. Can Thine Heart Endure? (Ezek. 22:14) 123
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17. The Way Hedged Up (Hos. 2:6) 135
![](art/px_trans.gif) 18. O Israel, Return (Hos. 14:1-6) 139
![](art/px_trans.gif) 19. Trust Not in a Friend (Mic. 7:5-7) 150
![](art/px_trans.gif) 20. A Pure Language (Zeph. 3:9-11) 155
![](art/px_trans.gif) 21. The Candlestick and the Olive Trees (Zech. 4:2-6) 159
![](art/px_trans.gif) 22. Not by Might, Nor by Power (Zech. 4:6) 167
![](art/px_trans.gif) 23. The Lord Hearkening to His People (Mal. 3:16) 171
![](art/px_trans.gif) NEW TESTAMENT SERMONS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Foreword xi
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. The Marriage Feast (Matt. 22:1-14) 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. Jesus Took Bread (Matt. 26:26) 13
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. The Supper the Sweetest Ordinance (Matt. 26:26) 19
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. The Rent Veil (Matt. 27:51) 28
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. The Sabbath Made for Man (Mark 2:27) 35
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. Be Opened! (Mark 7:31-37) 42
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. Satan’s Palace (Luke 11:21-22) 52
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7) 65
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. Christ Weeping over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41) 76
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10. The Grace of God Seen at Antioch (Acts 11:22-24) 89
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11. Almost Persuaded (Acts 11:22-24) 95
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12. The Work of the Spirit in the Heart (Rom. 5:5) 104
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13. Baptized into Christ (Rom. 6:3-4) 115
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14. Dead to the Law by Christ (Rom. 7:4) 124
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15. I Am Persuaded (Rom. 8:38-39) 129
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16. On Not Loving Christ (1 Cor. 16:22) 143
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17. The Gospel Ministry (2 Cor. 4: 1-6) 153
![](art/px_trans.gif) 18. A New Creature in Understanding (2 Cor. 5:17) 160
![](art/px_trans.gif) 19. A New Creature in Affections (2 Cor. 5:17) 171
![](art/px_trans.gif) 20. Desiring to Depart and to Be with Christ (Phil. 1:23) 182
![](art/px_trans.gif) 21. Peter the Apostle (1 Pet. 1:1-3) 196
![](art/px_trans.gif) 22. Blessed Be God! (1 Pet. 1:3-4) 201
![](art/px_trans.gif) 23. Kept by God’s Power (1 Pet. 1:5) 207
![](art/px_trans.gif) 24. Rejoicing in Affliction (1 Pet. 1:6-7) 210
![](art/px_trans.gif) 25. The Trial of Faith (1 Pet. 1:7) 214
![](art/px_trans.gif) 26. Loving Christ Unseen (1 Pet. 1:8-9) 218
![](art/px_trans.gif) 27. Salvation Long Promised (1 Pet. 1:10-12) 224
![](art/px_trans.gif) 28. Gird Up the Loins of Your Mind (1 Pet. 1:13) 226
![](art/px_trans.gif) 29. Obedient Children (1 Pet. 1:14-15) 228
![](art/px_trans.gif) 30. Calling on the Father (1 Pet. 1:17) 231
![](art/px_trans.gif) 31. Redeemed with Precious Blood (1 Pet. 1:18-19) 235
![](art/px_trans.gif) 32. Christ Foreordained and Manifest (1 Pet. 1:20-21) 240
![](art/px_trans.gif) 33. Obeying the Truth (1 Pet. 1:22) 243
![](art/px_trans.gif) 34. Born Again (1 Pet. 1:23-25) 247
![](art/px_trans.gif) 35. Tasting and Growing (1 Pet. 2:1-3) 252
![](art/px_trans.gif) 36. Built on the Foundation (1 Pet. 2:4-5) 258
![](art/px_trans.gif) 37. God’s Foundation Stone (1 Pet. 2:6-7) 263
![](art/px_trans.gif) 38. Chosen (1 Pet. 2:9) 266
![](art/px_trans.gif) 39. The People of God (1 Pet. 2:10) 271
![](art/px_trans.gif) 40. Beseeching God’s People (1 Pet. 2:11) 276
![](art/px_trans.gif) 41. Christian Behaviour (1 Pet. 2:12) 280
![](art/px_trans.gif) 42. Submit to Earthly Rulers (1 Pet. 2:13-16) 285
![](art/px_trans.gif) 43. Duties to God and Man (1 Pet. 2:17) 289
![](art/px_trans.gif) 44. Masters and Servants (1 Pet. 2:18-23) 295
![](art/px_trans.gif) 45. Christ Bore Our Sins (1 Pet. 2:24-25) 299
![](art/px_trans.gif) 46. Believing Wives (1 Pet. 3:1-6) 305
![](art/px_trans.gif) 47. Seeing the Unseen (1 Pet. 5:7-9) 308
![](art/px_trans.gif) 48. New Creatures in Christ (John 3:4-10) 313
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![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON HEBREWS
SGCB Price: $16.00 (list price $24.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) OLD TESTAMENT SERMONS
SGCB Price: $16.00 (list price $24.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) NEW TESTAMENT SERMONS
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | PURITAN PAPERBACKS: Rare Jewel of Christian Contenment; Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices & The Incomparableness of God Jeremiah Burroughs; Thomas Brooks; George Swinnock
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) THE RARE JEWEL OF CHRISTIAN CONTENTMENT by Jeremiah Burroughs
![](art/px_trans.gif) Jeremiah Burroughs is worthily reckoned as belonging to the front rank of English puritan preachers. As such he played a prominent part in the Westminster Assembly of divines, but died prematurely before the Assembly’s work was concluded.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Burroughs' writings, some published before and others after his death, were numerous, but 'The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment 'is one of the most valuable of them all. Its author was much concerned to promote (1) peace among believers of various ‘persuasions’ (2) peace and contentment in the hearts of individual believers during what he describes as ‘sad and sinking times’. The Rare Jewel concentrates upon this second aim. It is marked by sanity, clarity, aptness of illustration, and warmth of appeal to the heart. ‘There is an ark that you may come into, and no men in the world may live such comfortable, cheerful and contented lives as the saints of God’. Burroughs presses his lesson home with all the fervour and cogency of a true and faithful minister of God.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Biographical Introduction 11
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 Christian Contentment Described 17
![](art/px_trans.gif) I It is inward 20
![](art/px_trans.gif) II It is quiet 21
![](art/px_trans.gif) What this is not opposed to 21
![](art/px_trans.gif) What it is opposed to 22
![](art/px_trans.gif) III It is a frame of spirit 25
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV It is a qracious frame 29
![](art/px_trans.gif) V It freely submits to God’s disposal 31
![](art/px_trans.gif) VI It submits to God’s disposal 33
![](art/px_trans.gif) VII It takes pleasure in God’s disposal 33
![](art/px_trans.gif) VIII It submits and takes pleasure in God’s disposal 35
![](art/px_trans.gif) IX It does this in every condition 36
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 The Mystery of Contentment 41
![](art/px_trans.gif) I A Christian is content, yet unsatisfied 42
![](art/px_trans.gif) II He comes to contentment by subtraction 45
![](art/px_trans.gif) III By adding another burden to himself 47
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV By changing the affliction into something else 49
![](art/px_trans.gif) V By doing the work of his circumstances 51
![](art/px_trans.gif) VI By melting his will into God’s will 53
![](art/px_trans.gif) VII By purging out what is within 55
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 The Mystery of Contentment – continued 56
![](art/px_trans.gif) VIII He lives on the dew of God’s blessing 56
![](art/px_trans.gif) IX He sees God’s love in afflictions 60
![](art/px_trans.gif) X His afflictions are sanctified in Christ 60
![](art/px_trans.gif) Xl He gets strength from Christ 62
![](art/px_trans.gif) XII He makes up his wants in God 65
![](art/px_trans.gif) XIII He gets contentment from the Covenant 69
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 The Mystery of Contentment – concluded 74
![](art/px_trans.gif) He supplies wants by what he finds in himself 74
![](art/px_trans.gif) He gets supply from the Covenant 78
![](art/px_trans.gif) I. The Covenant in general 78
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. Particular promises in the Covenant 80
![](art/px_trans.gif) XIV He realizes the things of Heaven 83
![](art/px_trans.gif) XV He opens his heart to God 84
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 How Christ Teaches Contentment 86
![](art/px_trans.gif) I The lesson of self-denial 86
![](art/px_trans.gif) II The vanity of the creature 91
![](art/px_trans.gif) III To know the one thing needful 92
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV To know one’s relation to the world 93
![](art/px_trans.gif) V Wherein the good of the creature is 97
![](art/px_trans.gif) VI The knowledge of one’s own heart 99
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 How Christ Teaches Contentment- Concluded 103
![](art/px_trans.gif) VII The burden of a prosperous condition 103
![](art/px_trans.gif) VIII The evil of being given up to one’s heart’s desires 109
![](art/px_trans.gif) IX The right knowledge of God’s providence 111
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 The Excellence of Contentment 118
![](art/px_trans.gif) I By it we give God his due worship 119
![](art/px_trans.gif) II In it is much exercise of grace 121
![](art/px_trans.gif) III The soul is fitted to receive mercy 124
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV It is fitted to do service 125
![](art/px_trans.gif) V It delivers from temptations 126
![](art/px_trans.gif) VI It brings abundant comforts 128
![](art/px_trans.gif) VII It gets the comfort of things not possessed 129
![](art/px_trans.gif) VIII It is a great blessing on the soul 133
![](art/px_trans.gif) IX A contented man may expect reward 133
![](art/px_trans.gif) X By it the soul comes nearest the excellence of God 134
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 The Evils of a Murmuring Spirit 136
![](art/px_trans.gif) I It argues much corruption in the soul 137
![](art/px_trans.gif) II It is the mark of an ungodly man 138
![](art/px_trans.gif) III Murmuring is accounted rebellion 139
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV It is contrary to grace, especially in conversion 141
![](art/px_trans.gif) V It is below a Christian 144
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 The Evils of a Murmuring Spirit – concluded 152
![](art/px_trans.gif) VI By murmuring we undo our prayers 152
![](art/px_trans.gif) VII The evil effects of murmuring 153
![](art/px_trans.gif) VIII Discontent is a foolish sin 157
![](art/px_trans.gif) IX It provokes the wrath of God 161
![](art/px_trans.gif) X There is a curse on it 165
![](art/px_trans.gif) XI There is much of the spirit of Satan in it 166
![](art/px_trans.gif) XII It brings an absolute necessity of disquiet 167
![](art/px_trans.gif) XIII God may withdraw his protection 167
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 Aggravations of the Sin of Murmuring 170
![](art/px_trans.gif) I The greater the mercies the greater the sin of murmuring 170
![](art/px_trans.gif) II When we murmur for small things 176
![](art/px_trans.gif) III When men of gifts and abilities murmur 178
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV The freeness of God’s mercy 178
![](art/px_trans.gif) V When we have the things for the want of which we were discontented 178
![](art/px_trans.gif) VI When men are raised from a low position 179
![](art/px_trans.gif) VII When men have been great sinners 180
![](art/px_trans.gif) VIII When men are of little use in the world 180
![](art/px_trans.gif) IX When God is about to humble us 181
![](art/px_trans.gif) X When God’s hand is apparent in an Affliction 182
![](art/px_trans.gif) XI When God has afflicted us for a long time 183
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 The Excuses of a Discontented Heart 185
![](art/px_trans.gif) I ‘It is a sense of my condition’ 185
![](art/px_trans.gif) II ‘I am troubled for my sin’ 186
![](art/px_trans.gif) III ‘God withdraws himself from me’ 188
![](art/px_trans.gif) IV ‘It is men’s bad treatment that troubles me’ 190
![](art/px_trans.gif) V ‘I never expected this affliction’ 191
![](art/px_trans.gif) VI ‘My affliction is so great’ 192
![](art/px_trans.gif) VII ‘My affliction is greater than others’ 193
![](art/px_trans.gif) VIII ‘If the affliction were any other, I could be content’ 194
![](art/px_trans.gif) IX ‘My afflictions make me unserviceable to God’ 195
![](art/px_trans.gif) X ‘My condition is unsettled’ 199
![](art/px_trans.gif) XI ‘I have been in a better condition’ 202
![](art/px_trans.gif) XII ‘I am crossed after taking great pains’ 204
![](art/px_trans.gif) XIII ‘I do not break out in discontent’ 205
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 How to Attain Contentment 207
![](art/px_trans.gif) I Considerations to content the heart in any afflicted condition 207
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 The greatness of the mercies we have 207
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 God is beforehand with us with his mercies 208
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 The abundance of mercies God bestows 209
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 All creatures are in a vicissitude 209
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 The creatures suffer for us 210
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 We have but little time in the world 211
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 This has been the condition of our betters 211
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 We were content with the world without grace, and should be now with grace without the world 213
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 We did not give God the glory when we had our desires 213
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 The experience of God doing us good in afflictions 213
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13 How to Attain Contentment-concluded 216
![](art/px_trans.gif) II Directions for attaining contentment 216
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 There must be grace to make the soul steady 216
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 Do not grasp too much of the world 216
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 Have a call to every business 217
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 Walk by rule 217
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 Exercise much faith 219
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 Labour to be spiritually-minded 219
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 Do not promise yourselves great things 220
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 Get hearts mortified to the world 221
![](art/px_trans.gif) II Directions for attaining contentment- continued
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 Do not pore too much on afflictions 222
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 Make a good interpretation of God’s ways to you 223
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 Do not regard the fancies of other men 225
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 Do not be inordinately taken up with the comforts of the world 226
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) PRECIOUS REMEDIES AGAINST SATAN'S DEVICES by Thomas Brooks
![](art/px_trans.gif) Brooks treated the seductive influence and terrible power of Satan in a way greatly more full and suggestive than in the literature of the present day.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Brooks lists seven reasons for writing this book. The first reason is enough…Brooks says, “Satan hath a greater influence upon men, and higher advantages over them than they think he hath, and the knowledge of his high advantage is the highway to disappoint him, and to render the soul strong in resisting, and happy in conquering.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CENTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Thomas Brooks – a Brief Biography 11
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Epistle Dedicatory 15
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Word to the Reader 21
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introduction 25
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE PROOF OF THE POINT 27
![](art/px_trans.gif) [12 devices and their remedies]
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 By presenting the bait and hiding the hook 29
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 By painting sin with virtue’s colours 34
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 By the extenuating and lessening of sin 38
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 By showing to the soul the best men’s sins and by hiding from the soul their virtues, their sorrows, and their repentance 45
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 By presenting God to the soul as One made up all of mercy 50
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 By persuading the soul that repentance is easy and that therefore the soul need not scruple about sinning 55
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 By making the soul bold to venture upon the occasions of sin 66
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 By representing to the soul the outward mercies enjoyed by men walking in sin, and their freedom from outward miseries 70
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 By presenting to the soul the crosses, losses, sorrows and sufferings that daily attend those who walk in the ways of holiness 79
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 By causing saints to compare themselves and their ways with those reputed to be worse than themselves 89
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 By polluting the souls and judgments of men with dangerous errors that lead to looseness and wickedness 92
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 By leading men to choose wicked company 99
![](art/px_trans.gif) [8 devices and their remedies]
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 By presenting the world in such a garb as to ensnare the soul 102
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 By presenting to the soul the dangers, losses and sufferings that accompany the performance of certain religious duties 112
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 By presenting to the soul the difficulty of performing religious duties 117
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 By causing saints to draw false inferences from the blessed and glorious things that Christ has done 122
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 By presenting to view the fewness and poverty of those who hold to religious practices 127
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 By showing saints that the majority of men make light of God’s ways and walk in the ways of their own hearts 133
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 By casting in vain thoughts while the soul is seeking God or waiting on God 135
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 By tempting Christians to rest in their performances 139
![](art/px_trans.gif) [8 devices and their remedies] 142
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 By causing saints to remember their sins more than their Saviour, yea, even to forget and neglect their Saviour 142
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 By causing saints to make false definitions of their graces 148
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 By causing saints to make false inferences from the cross actions of Providence 151
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 By suggesting to saints that their graces are not true, but counterfeit 154
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 By suggesting to saints that the conflict that is in them is found also in hypocrites and profane souls 162
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 By suggesting to the saint who has lost joy and comfort that his state is not good 167
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 By reminding the saint of his frequent relapses into sin formerly repented of and prayed against 171
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 By persuading saints that their state is not good nor their graces sound 176
![](art/px_trans.gif) [5 devices and their remedies]
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 By causing them to seek greatness, position, riches and security 183
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 By causing them to act against the people of the Most High 190
![](art/px_trans.gif) By moving them to pride themselves on their parts and abilities, and to despise men of greater grace but inferior abilities 194
![](art/px_trans.gif) III DEVICE AGAINST THE SAINTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) By dividing them and causing them to ‘bite and devour one another’ 198
![](art/px_trans.gif) By causing them to affect ignorance and to neglect and despise the means of knowledge 211
![](art/px_trans.gif) APPENDIX
![](art/px_trans.gif) TOUCHING FIVE MORE OF SATAN’S DEVICES 214
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 By suggesting to men the greatness and vileness of their sins 214
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 By suggesting to sinners their unworthiness 222
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 By suggesting to sinners their want of certain preparations and qualifications 224
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 By suggesting to sinners that Christ is unwilling to save them 228
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 By causing sinners to give more attention to the secret decrees and counsels of God than to their own duty 229
![](art/px_trans.gif) SEVEN CHARACTERS OF FALSE TEACHERS 230
![](art/px_trans.gif) [Five reasons of the point added] 240
![](art/px_trans.gif) (3) THE INCOMPARABLENESS OF GOD: In His Being, Attributes, Works and Word by George Swinnock
![](art/px_trans.gif) George Swinnock is one of the easiest Puritan authors to read. He is theological yet his doctrine is expressed in vivid fashion and, while he is practical, his counsel is marked by a keen sensitivity to the doctrines taught in Scripture. Thomas Manton commended his work as coming ‘from one both of a good head and heart.’ In this exposition of Psalm 89:6, which looks at the incomparable being, attributes, works, and word of God, Swinnock is not content to let the truth lie on the surface of the mind. He drives it home to the heart, using powerful arguments, colourful illustrations, and personal applications. His great desire is for the reader to come to know, enjoy and love the incomparable God of the Bible. ‘He who knows God aright is fully satisfied in him; when he once drinks of the “fountain of living waters,” he thirsts no more after other objects.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘The holiness and happiness of the rational creature consists in these two: his holiness, in conformity to God; his happiness, in communion with him. And these two have a dependence on each other. They only who are like him, can enjoy him.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. The Preface and Meaning of the Text of Psalm 89:6
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. God is Incomparable in His Being
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. The Incomparableness of God in His Being. It is From Itself, For Itself, and Wholly Independent
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. The Incomparableness of God in His Being, as He is Absolutely Perfect, Universal and Unchangeable
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. The Incomparableness of God in His Being, as it is Eternal and without Composition
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. The Incomparableness of God in His Being, as it is Infinite and Incomprehensible
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. The Incomparableness of God in His Attributes, in His Holiness and Wisdom
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. The Incomparableness of God in His Attributes, in His Knowledge and Faithfulness
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. The Incomparableness of God in His Attributes, in His Mercy and Patience
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10. The Incomparableness of God in His Attributes, as they are From Him, are His Essence, as they are All One in Him, as they are in Him in an Infinite Manner
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11. The Incomparableness of God in His Works, of Creation and Providence
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12. The Incomparableness of God in His Work of Redemption; He Can Do All Things
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13. The Incomparableness of God in the Manner of His Working: He Works Irresistibly, Arbitrarily
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14. The Incomparableness of God in His Working, He does the Greatest Things with Ease and Without Help
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15. The Incomparableness of God in His Word, He Speaks with Incomparable Authority, Condescension and Efficacy
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16. The Incomparableness of God in His Word, in its Purity, Mysteries, Prophecies
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17. The Incomparableness of God in His Word, as it is Converting, Affrighting and Comforting
![](art/px_trans.gif) 18. If God be Incomparable, How Great is the Malignity of Sin, which Contemns, Dishonors and Opposes this God!
![](art/px_trans.gif) 19. If God be Incomparable, How Great is the Madness and Misery of Impenitent Sinners!
![](art/px_trans.gif) 20. If God be Incomparable, How Monstrous is Their Pride who Compare Themselves to the Incomparable God!
![](art/px_trans.gif) 21. If God be Incomparable, then Incomparable Service and Worship is Due Him!
![](art/px_trans.gif) 22. Labor for Acquaintance with the Incomparable God: Motives to it. The Knowledge of God is Sanctifying, Satisfying, Saving.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 23. The Means of Acquaintance with God: A Sense of our Ignorance, Attendance on the Word; Fervent Prayer.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 24, Exhortation to Choose This Incomparable God for our Portion; with some Motives to it.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 25. Exhortation to Give God the Glory of His Incomparable Excellency; with Some Considerations to Enforce it.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 26. Comfort to Them that have the Incomparable God for their Portion
![](art/px_trans.gif) PBS 5.19
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) THE RARE JEWEL OF CHRISTIAN CONTENTMENT by Jeremiah Burroughs
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![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) PRECIOUS REMEDIES AGAINST SATAN'S DEVICES by Thomas Brooks
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![](art/px_trans.gif) (3) THE INCOMPARABLENESS OF GOD by George Swinnock
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | GENEVA NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARIES VARIOUS AUTHORS
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Geneva Series of Commentaries include historic commentaries on biblical books written by some of the great theologians in the history of the church. Commentators like Thomas Manton and John Calvin are represented in this series. For a biblical, reformed, and historic collection of commentaries, the Geneva Series is unsurpassed. Notable titles in this series include Psalms by William S. Plumer (CURRENTLY OUT-OF-PRINT) and Proverbs by Charles Bridges.
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON ROMANS by Charles Hodge
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON ROMANS by Robert Haldane
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON 1 & 2 CORINTHIANS by Charles Hodge
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON GALATIANS by John Brown
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON EPHESIANS by Charles Hodge
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON HEBREWS by John Brown
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON FIRST JOHN by Robert Candlish
![](art/px_trans.gif) COMMENTARY ON REVELATION: An Exposition of the First 11 Chapters by James Beverlin Ramsey
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![](art/px_trans.gif) **ROMANS 8: Verses One through Four by Thomas Jacomb (1622-1687)
SGCB Price: $25.00 (list price $34.00) Thomas Jacomb tells us that he found by digging into this mine that it was full of rich matter. ’Jacomb simply grips our heart and understanding’, says a reviewer.
![](art/px_trans.gif) **COMMENTARY ON ROMANS by Charles Hodge
SGCB Price: $21.00 (list price $28.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) **COMMENTARY ON ROMANS by Robert Haldane
SGCB Price: $25.00 (list price $34.00) 732 PAGE CLOTH-BOUND VOLUME
![](art/px_trans.gif) **COMMENTARY ON 1 & 2 CORINTHIANS by Charles Hodge
SGCB Price: $21.00 (list price $28.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) **COMMENTARY ON GALATIANS by John Brown
SGCB Price: $22.50 (list price $30.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) **COMMENTARY ON EPHESIANS by Charles Hodge
SGCB Price: $16.50 (list price $22.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) **COMMENTARY ON HEBREWS by John Brown
SGCB Price: $24.00 (list price $32.00) 740 PAGE CLOTH-BOUND VOLUME
![](art/px_trans.gif) **COMMENTARY ON FIRST JOHN by Robert Candlish
SGCB Price: $21.50 (list price $29.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) **COMMENTARY ON REVELATION: An Exposition of the First 11 Chapters by James Beverlin Ramsey
SGCB Price: $21.50 (list price $29.00)
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![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD; DEVOTED TO GOD'S CHURCH & THE CHRISTIAN LIFE SINCLAIR FERGUSON
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD: Trusting, Reading and Applying the Bible
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE BIBLE,
![](art/px_trans.gif) Why should we believe, as Jesus did, that it is ‘the mouth of God’?
![](art/px_trans.gif) When did it come into existence?
![](art/px_trans.gif) Is it inerrant?
![](art/px_trans.gif) What do we need to learn in order to understand it better?
![](art/px_trans.gif) How does its teaching change our lives?
![](art/px_trans.gif) In From the Mouth of God, Sinclair B Ferguson answers these and other important questions about trusting, reading, and applying the Bible.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introduction ix
![](art/px_trans.gif) Part One – Trusting the Bible
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 It Is Written 3
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 Getting It Together 21
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 Is This God’s Word? 49
![](art/px_trans.gif) Part Two – Reading the Bible
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 Do-It-Yourself 59
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 Keys 71
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 Prose, Poetry, Wisdom, and Prophecy 85
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 Gospels, Epistles, and Visions 109
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 For Example 131
![](art/px_trans.gif) Part Three – Applying the Bible
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 What’s the Use? 151
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 Seeds Need Soil 163
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 Speaking Practically 175
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendices
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendix A: John Murray ‘On the Guidance of the Holy Spirit’ 183
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendix B: John Newton ‘On Divine Guidance’ 189
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendix C: Bibliography for Further Reading 195
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendix D: Bible Reading Plan 197
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOTX
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) DEVOTED TO GOD'S CHURCH: Core Values for Christian Fellowship
![](art/px_trans.gif) Being a Christian is not an individualistic or isolated activity. Believing also involves belonging. Being a Christian, by definition, involves belonging to the church.
![](art/px_trans.gif) This is not a book full of ideas about how your church ought to change or what it needs to do in order to grow or to be successful. Rather it is about how we fit into our own church. There are hallmarks of church life that should be stamped on all our churches because they are applicable everywhere and anywhere — New Testament values for any size of church, in any part of the world, at any time.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Devoted to God’s Church will serve to help new Christians understand what it is to be part of a church, and will also be a refreshing reminder to every Christian of what it should look like to belong to the family of God.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introduction ix
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. Family Life OR What Is a Church? 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. What Is Your Story? OR Are You a Christian 19
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. Follow My Leader OR Being a Disciple 35
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. A Glorious Addiction OR What Is a Member? 49
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. Have You Ever Arrived at Church? OR Worship 61
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. Are You Hearing Me? OR The Bible 81
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. Does It Help to Know Some Latin? OR Christian Baptism 99
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. ‘The Christian’s Native Air’ OR Prayer 115
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. The View from the Foot OR Christian Service 135
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10. Is There Anything Special for Supper? OR Communion 153
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11. Home and Away OR Christian Witness and World Mission 169
![](art/px_trans.gif) ENDORESEMENT
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Many people “go to church.” Sinclair Ferguson, with his typical gentleness and wisdom, teaches us how to ‘be the church’ as Christ defines it. This simple, clear, and moving book will be great help for people interested in learning more about becoming members of a church. It is also a good tool for those who wish to inject fresh zeal and joy into the membership they already possess.’ — JOEL BEEKE
![](art/px_trans.gif) (3) THE CHRISTIAN LIFE: A Doctrinal Introduction
![](art/px_trans.gif) Theology that is ‘practical, applying Bible teaching with insight and wisdom to the condition of plain people. Christian beginners will get the benefit and the Lord’s older sheep, grown tough and stringy maybe, will find themselves edified and perhaps tenderised too’. — J.I. PACKER
![](art/px_trans.gif) Christian doctrine matters for Christian living. This is ‘one of the most important growth points of the Christian life’, writes Sinclair B. Ferguson. From this starting point, The Christian Life expounds such key biblical themes as grace, faith, repentance, new birth and assurance with clarity and contagious enthusiasm. ‘Christian doctrines are life-shaping’, explains the author, because ‘they show us the God we worship’. Widely used and appreciated since its first appearance, The Christian Life not only expounds the teaching of Scripture, but outlines its meaning for practical Christian living.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Preface by J.I. Packer
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introduction
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 Knowing is for Living 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 God’s Broken Image 9
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 The Plan of Grace 17
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 Called by God 25
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 Conviction of Sin 35
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 Born Again 43
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 Faith in Christ 57
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 True Repentance 65
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 Justification 75
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 Sons of God 87
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 Union with Christ 97
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 Election 107
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13 Sin’s Dominion Ended 123
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14 The Christian’s Conflicts 133
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15 Crucifying Sin 145
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16 Perseverance 157
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17 Asleep in Christ 169
![](art/px_trans.gif) 18 Glorification 179
![](art/px_trans.gif) Index of Subjects and Names 189
![](art/px_trans.gif) Scripture Index 195
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![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD: Trusting, Reading and Applying the Bible
SGCB Price: $10.00 (list price $15.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) DEVOTED TO GOD'S CHURCH: Core Values for Christian Fellowship
SGCB Price: $10.00 (list price $15.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) (3) THE CHRISTIAN LIFE: A Doctrinal Introduction
SGCB Price: $10.00 (list price $15.00)
SGCB Price: $28.50 (list price $45.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL THREE TITLES
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=915.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE SERMONS OF JOHN CALVIN John Calvin
![](art/px_trans.gif) "John Calvin was a remarkable preacher. In his own day his sermons were eagerly attended by his followers and were printed, widely distributed in a number of languages, and read by many. In our day Calvin's reputation as a theologian and Biblical commentator has largely overshadowed his reputation as a preacher and his sermons have been difficult to find. The republication of Calvin's sermons is a very welcome event. These sermons will help us see again the greatness of Calvin as a preacher, but much more importantly they will be a source of great spiritual blessing to every believer who reads them." - Dr. W. Robert Godfrey
![](art/px_trans.gif) "Calvin was preeminently a preacher, and as a preacher he saw himself primarily as a Bible teacher. Calvin is hardly thought of in this way today. He is best known for his greatly influential 'Institutes of the Christian Religion,' not for his preaching, yet he spent most of his time and effort preaching two sermons on Sunday and usually every day of the week (Monday through Friday) on alternate weeks. It is a delight to have these sermons available again." - James M. Boice
![](art/px_trans.gif) 'It is hoped that the reader of these sermons will seek not just to confirm the sermons' agreement with Calvinistic theology, but particularly to experience Calvin's sincere and profound personal response to the loving and merciful God whose Son is on the threshold of judging with finality the whole world with mercy and justice.' - From the Translator's Preface
![](art/px_trans.gif) John Calvin is generally thought of as the greatest theologian of the Protestant Reformation or as a gifted Bible commentator whose insights into the text of Scripture are still highly valued today. Yet it is not widely known that the greatest obligation Calvin felt was not to his fellow scholars, nor even to his students, but to the ordinary people - citizens of Geneva and persecuted refugees, shopkeepers and merchants, the young and the old - who crowded St Peter's church no less than ten times a fortnight to listen to his sermons in French.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Calvin's sermons have lain for too long in the shadow of his commentaries. In seeking to correct this imbalance, it should be remembered that a sermon serves a very different purpose from a commentary. While explanation and interpretation are enough for students, they are never enough for a congregation of sinners. That is why Calvin's sermons always combine the essential elements of all true preaching - exposition, exhortation and practical application. So let the reader be warned: this volume contains lively preaching! Calvin aims to awaken the conscience and also demands life-changing action. Is it any wonder that such preaching was used by God to bring spiritual renewal on an unprecedented scale to the people and nations of sixteenth-century Europe?
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON GENESIS 1 - 11
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON GENESIS 11-20
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON 2 SAMUEL 1-13
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON THE SONGS OF THE NATIVITY (Luke 1 & 2)
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON THE BEATITUDES
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES (Chapters 1-7)
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON GALATIANS
![](art/px_trans.gif) CALVIN 500 CELEBRATION
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOT SET
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOT STOCK
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOT NEW BOTS botjc
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON GENESIS 1-11
SGCB Price: $28.00 (list price $42.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON GENESIS 11-20
SGCB Price: $28.00 (list price $42.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON 2 SAMUEL 1-13
SGCB Price: $24.00 (list price $36.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON THE SONGS OF THE NATIVITY (Luke 1 & 2)
SGCB Price: $18.00 (list price $27.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON THE BEATITUDES
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES (Chapters 1-7)
![](art/px_trans.gif) SERMONS ON GALATIANS
SGCB Price: $24.00 (list price $36.00) CALVIN'S 43 SERMONS WERE FIRST PUBLISHED IN 1563
SGCB Price: $24.00 (list price $36.00) Calvin’s 48 Ephesian Sermons, preached on Sundays at Geneva in 1558-59, when he was 49 years of age,
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=979.jpg)
![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THOMAS WATSON PURITAN PAPERBACKS (two at this time) Thomas Watson
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) THE GREAT GAIN OF GODLINESS: or Religion Our True Interest
![](art/px_trans.gif) C.H. Spurgeon had a well-stocked library of around 12,000 volumes. However, one rare book was not to be found amongst that valuable collection: Thomas Watson on Malachi 3:16-18. With a note of sadness in his voice he said to his College students: ‘This volume would be a great find if we could come at it, for Watson is one of the clearest and liveliest of Puritan authors. We fear we shall never see this commentary, for we have tried to obtain it, and tried in vain’.
![](art/px_trans.gif) In this reset and lightly edited edition you can now read the book that was on Spurgeon’s ‘wish-list’! The Great Gain of Godliness is Watson’s exposition of Malachi 3:16-18. In it he aims ‘to encourage solid piety and confute the atheists of the world, who imagine there is no gain in godliness.’ This book has all the hallmarks of Thomas Watson’s other writings: a combination of rich spirituality, nourishing doctrine, and sane practical wisdom coupled with fascinating illustrations and a very pleasant style.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Author’s Preface vii
![](art/px_trans.gif) Publisher’s Preface ix
![](art/px_trans.gif) PART ONE
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE CHARACTER OF THE GODLY
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 Holding Fast in Evil Days 3
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 The Godly and the Fear of God 12
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 Reasons to Fear God 17
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 Walking in the Fear of God 19
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 The Excellence of the Fear of God 25
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 Is the Fear of God in Our Hearts? 37
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 The Godly Should Speak of God 62
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 The Godly Should Meditate on God’s Name 76
![](art/px_trans.gif) PART TWO
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE GOOD EFFECTS OF GODLINESS
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 God Regards the Piety of His People 95
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 God Records the Piety of His People 101
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 God Rewards the Piety of His People 111
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 God Rewards His People by Owning Them 119
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13 God Rewards His People by Honouring Them 126
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14 God Rewards His People by Sparing Them 141
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15 The Righteous and the Wicked Discerned 150
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16 A Consolation in Affliction 155
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) ALL THINGS FOR GOOD: A Practical Exposition of Romans 8:28
![](art/px_trans.gif) Thomas Watson’s book All Things For Good provides the biblical answer to the contemporary question; Why do bad things happen to good people?
![](art/px_trans.gif) Thomas Watson, the 17th century minister of St. Stephen’s Walbrook, believed he faced two great difficulties in his pastoral ministry. The first was making the unbeliever sad, in the recognition of his need of God’s grace. The second was making the believer joyful in response to God’s grace. He believed the answer to the second difficulty could be found in Paul’s teaching in Romans 8.28: God works all things together for good for his people.
![](art/px_trans.gif) First published in 1663 (under the title A Divine Cordial), the year after Watson and some two thousand other ministers were ejected from the Church of England and exposed to hardship and suffering, All Things For Good contains the rich exposition of a man who lived when only faith in God’s Word could lead him to such confidence.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Thomas Watson’s exposition is always simple, illuminating and rich in practical application. He explains that both the best and the worst experiences work for the good of God’s people. He carefully analyses what it means to be someone who ‘loves God’ and is ‘called according to his purpose’.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Extract from Preface of 1663 8
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introduction 9
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 THE BEST THINGS WORK FOR GOOD TO THE GODLY 13
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) The attributes of God
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) The promises of God
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3) The mercies of God
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4) The graces of the Spirit
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5) The angels of God
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6) The communion of Saints
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7) The intercession of Christ
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8) The prayers of Saints
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 THE WORST THINGS WORK FOR GOOD TO THE GODLY 25
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) The evil of affliction.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) The evil of temptation.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3) The evil of desertion.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4) The evil of sin.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 WHY ALL THINGS WORK FOR GOOD TO THE GODLY 52
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) The reason why all things work for good.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) Inferences from this proposition.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 OF LOVE TO GOD 66
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) The nature of love.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) The ground of love.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3) The kinds of love.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4) The properties of love.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5) The degrees of love.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Use: A reproof to those who do not love God
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 THE TESTS OF LOVE TO GOD 74
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 AN EXHORTATION TO LOVE GOD 88
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) An exhortation to become lovers of God – twenty motives for loving God.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) An exhortation to preserve your love to God.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3) An exhortation to increase your love to God.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 EFFECTUAL CALLING 104
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) A distinction about calling.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) Our condition before we are called.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3) The means of our effectual calling.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4) The method God uses in calling sinners.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5) The properties of this effectual calling.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6) The end of effectual calling.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Use: An exhortation to make your calling sure.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 EXHORTATIONS TO THEM WHO ARE CALLED 119
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) Admire God’s free grace.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) Pity those who are not yet called.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3) Walk worthy of your high calling.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 CONCERNING GOD’S PURPOSE 124
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1) God’s purpose is the cause of salvation.
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2) God’s purpose is the ground of assurance.
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) THE GODLY MAN'S PICTURE: Drawn with a Scripture Pencil
![](art/px_trans.gif) Few preachers in the Puritan era (or any other period of church history) match Thomas Watson for his ability to combine rich spirituality, nourishing doctrine and sane wisdom with fascinating illustration and a pleasant style. Watson is remembered chiefly for his posthumously published Body of Practical Divinity (reprinted by Solid Ground in One Volume). But his extant sermons also include this marvelous series on the character of the Christian – The Godly Man’s Picture. It is, as C.H. Spurgeon said of his other work, ‘a happy union of sound doctrine, heart-searching experience and practical wisdom’.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Watson is always the essence of sanity and reliability. But in addition, this work shows how attractive the grace of God is. Christians of all stages, reading it for the first time, will feel as if they have entered the gallery of a great portrait painter. As his sub-title suggests, Watson works with ‘a Scripture pencil’ in this priceless sketch of the true believer.
![](art/px_trans.gif) SINCLAIR FERGUSON said, "If a poll were to be taken of Puritan writers who have been especially helpful to Christians in the past fifty years, Thomas Watson's name would undoubtedly appear frequently. His exposition is as attractive as it is easy to follow, and as worship-producing as edifying."
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) To the Reader 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 ‘For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee’ (Psa. 32:6) 3
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 Expounding the Nature of Godliness 7
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 A Reproof to Such as are Only Pretenders to Godliness 11
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 Showing the Characteristics of a Godly Man
![](art/px_trans.gif) (i) A Man of Knowledge 17
![](art/px_trans.gif) (ii) A Man Moved by Faith 26
![](art/px_trans.gif) (iii) A Man Fired with Love 28
![](art/px_trans.gif) (iv) A Man Like God 30
![](art/px_trans.gif) (v) A Man Careful About the Worship of God 34
![](art/px_trans.gif) (vi) A Man Who Serves God not Men 36
![](art/px_trans.gif) (vii) A Man Who Prizes Christ 44
![](art/px_trans.gif) (viii) A Man Who Weeps 56
![](art/px_trans.gif) (ix) A Man Who Loves the Word 61
![](art/px_trans.gif) (x) A Man Who Has the Spirit of God Residing in Him 69
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xi) A Man of Humility 80
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xii) A Man of Prayer 91
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xiii) A Man of Sincerity 101
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xiv) A Heavenly Man 108
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xv) A Zealous Man 118
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xvi) A Patient Man 126
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xvii) A Thankful Man 136
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xviii) A Man Who Loves the Saints 148
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xix) A Man Who Does Not Indulge Himself in Any Sin 156
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xx) A Man Who is Good in His Relationships 165
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xxi) A Man Who Does Spiritual Things in a Spiritual Manner 173
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xxii) A Man Thoroughly Trained in Religion 179
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xxiii) A Man Who Walks With God 188
![](art/px_trans.gif) (xxiv) A Man Who Strives to Be an Instrument for Making Others Godly 198
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 Two Conclusions About the Characteristics of a Godly Man 205
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 An Exhortation to Godliness 207
![](art/px_trans.gif) (i) Let Men Seriously Weigh Their Misery While They Remain in a State of Ungodliness 208
![](art/px_trans.gif) (ii) What Rare Persons the Godly Are 212
![](art/px_trans.gif) (iii) To Strive for Godliness is Most Rational 218
![](art/px_trans.gif) (iv) The Excellence of Godliness 219
![](art/px_trans.gif) (v) There Are Only a Few Godly 222
![](art/px_trans.gif) (vi) Consider How Vain and Contemptible Other Things Are, About Which Persons Void of Godliness Busy Themselves 222
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 Prescribing Some Helps to Godliness 223
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 An Exhortation to Persevere in Godliness 227
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 Motives to Persevere in Godliness 235
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 Counsel for the Godly 241
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 Comfort to the Godly 243
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 Showing the Mystic Union between Christ and the Saints 263
![](art/px_trans.gif) (3) THE DOCTRINE OF REPENTANCE: A Classic Treatise on a Vital but Oft-Neglected Subject
![](art/px_trans.gif) A good case could be made out for believing that ‘repentance’ is one of the least used words in the Christian church today. In a world that will not tolerate the mention of sin, and in churches where it has been defined only in sociological terms, the biblical teaching on repentance has inevitably been ignored.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Knowing what repentance is, and actually repenting are essential to true Christianity. Jesus Christ himself said that if we do not repent, we will perish! It is vital, therefore, to read and study what Scripture has to say about this theme.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Few better guides have existed in this or any other area of spiritual experience than Thomas Watson. He was a master of both Scripture and the human heart, and wrote with a simplicity and directness that keeps his work fresh and powerful for the twenty-first century.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Epistle to the Reader 7
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Preliminary Discourse 11
![](art/px_trans.gif) Counterfeit Repentance 15
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Nature of True Repentance (1) 18
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Nature of True Repentance (2) 39
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Reasons Enforcing Repentance, with a Warning to the Impenitent 59
![](art/px_trans.gif) A Serious Exhortation to Repentance 63
![](art/px_trans.gif) Powerful Motives to Repentance 76
![](art/px_trans.gif) Exhortations to Speedy Repentance 86
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Trial of Our Repentance, and Comfort for the Penitent 93
![](art/px_trans.gif) The Removing of the Impediments to Repentance 99
![](art/px_trans.gif) Prescribing Some Means for Repentance
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1): Serious Consideration 106
![](art/px_trans.gif) Prescribing Some Means for Repentance
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2): Compare Penitent and Impenitent Conditions 119
![](art/px_trans.gif) (4) THE LORD'S SUPPER: A Mirror to Gaze on the Sufferings and Death of Christ
![](art/px_trans.gif) To Thomas Watson, the Lord’s Supper was a visible sermon, a mirror in which to gaze on the sufferings and death of Christ. ‘God, to help our faith, does not only give us an audible Word, but a visible sign.’ But more than this, the Supper was a time in which to partake of the benefits of Christ’s death by faith, to be fed and cherished by the Lord in his own banqueting house, and to obtain a foretaste of the glory which will be fully realized only in heaven. Watson’s aim was to stimulate greater love to Christ in His people, and to enhance their appreciation of the Supper as a spiritual feast for all believers. His fine exposition shows the rich provision made in the Supper for all who love the Lord, while it also lays bare the emptiness of all mere sacramentalism.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Epistle to the Reader vii
![](art/px_trans.gif) Publisher’s Foreword ix
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 The Mystery of the Lord’s Supper 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 The Consecration of the Elements 7
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 The Benefits of the Lord’s Supper 16
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 Christ’s Love Displayed in the Sacrament 22
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 The Broken Body of Christ 28
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 The Blood of Christ 33
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 Self-Examination 39
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 True and False Faith 48
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 Objections against Coming to the Sacrament 60
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 Thankfulness to God 74
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 Comforts to Believers, and Warnings to Unbelievers 79
![](art/px_trans.gif) TWPB STST botx cwrt pbs twsp JOYT tw5
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) THE GREAT GAIN OF GODLINESS: or Religion Our True Interest, A Practical Exposition of Malachi 3:16-18
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![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) ALL THINGS FOR GOOD: A Practical Exposition of Romans 8:28
SGCB Price: $6.95 (list price $9.00)
SGCB Price: $112.00 (list price $230.00) THIS INCLUDES 4 HARDCOVERS AND 4 PAPERBACKS
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=154.jpg)
![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | EXEGETICAL LECTURES AND SERMONS ON HEBREWS CHARLES HODGE edited with Introduction by William VanDoodewaard
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOOK DESCRIPTION
![](art/px_trans.gif) This book has two parts, both of which contain material not previously published.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The first part contains Charles Hodge’s exegetical and expository notes on the letter to the Hebrews. These date from 1821, the year of his ordination, and 1842, when he delivered a series of lectures on Hebrews at Princeton Theological Seminary. Like his other published commentaries, this is an exegetical exposition, following Calvin’s pattern of brevity and simplicity. Hodge skillfully engages the Greek text in a way that enhances the reader’s understanding of the details and flow of the whole. Those familiar with Hodge’s commentaries on other New Testament epistles will immediately recognize his style and method. Broad themes and fine points merge together in a coherent whole, as the commentator allows the text of Scripture to speak for itself.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Also among the archival collection of Charles Hodge’s manuscripts at Princeton are a series of sermon outlines, and some full manuscript sermons, on passages from the letter to the Hebrews, most of which were never published. In 1879 A. A. Hodge included four of these as part of a wider collection of sermon outlines which were published following his father’s death as Princeton Sermons. These four sermons, along with all of Hodge’s other manuscript sermons on Hebrews are brought together for the first time in this volume.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The sermons on Hebrews in Part Two supplement the commentary in Part One, providing the reader with a more expansive exposition and application of numerous key sections of Hebrews. A few are more text-topical in their orientation, revealing Hodge’s masterful ability to communicate the rich themes of biblical and systematic theology with earnest clarity and simplicity. Others are more exegetical and expository, with application aimed at growth in Christian living. Together they display Hodge’s ‘adoring love for Christ,’ and even more, Christ’s love for his church.
![](art/px_trans.gif) ENDORSEMENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘Hodge’s method and matter make him doubly useful in commenting. He is singularly clear, and a great promoter of thought…The more we use Hodge the more we value him.’ — C. H. SPURGEON
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘One always turns to Hodge’s commentaries with great confidence, for in him there is that perfect blending of theology, scholarship and a devotional spirit which are the prime requisites of a commentary.’ — D. MARTYN LLOYD-JONES
![](art/px_trans.gif) botn bots
SGCB Price: $16.50 (list price $22.00) 25% DISCOUNT OFF THIS BRAND NEW TITLE
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=219.jpg)
![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | CALVINISM: Pure & Mixed- A Defense of the Westminster Standards William G.T. Shedd (1820-1894)
![](art/px_trans.gif) Revision (or evasion) of doctrinal standards has been a destructive influence in church life over the last one hundred years or so. W.G.T. Shedd witnessed such a trend in the Northern Presbyterian Church of his own day with regard to The Westminster Confession of Faith. Calvinism: Pure and Mixed expresses the reason for his opposition to that trend. Calvinism: Pure and Mixed is virtually a defense of the reformed faith against many of the most common criticisms levelled against it.
![](art/px_trans.gif) W.G.T. Shedd (1820-1894) began his Preface with these striking words-
![](art/px_trans.gif) "The object of this work is to define and defend the tenets of Calvinism in their original purity and self-consistence, as distinguished from proposed modifications of them for the purpose of an alleged improvement. It has grown out of the proposal introduced into the Northern Presbyterian Church, to revise the Westminster Standards. It contains the substance of a pamphlet which the author published in opposition to this proposal when it was first made, together with discussions of several important subjects that have subsequently come up for examination during the controversy in the Church. Of these, Preterition, Common and Special Grace, Original Sin, Infant Salvation, the 'Larger Hope', and the Inerrancy of Scripture, are the most prominent...
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) Author's Preface Vii
![](art/px_trans.gif) Introduction by the Publisher Xii
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 Inexpediency of the Revision of the Westminster Confession 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 Objections to the Revision of the Westminster Confession 12
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 Are there Doctrinal Errors in the Westminster Confession? 17
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 The Westminster Standards and the Universal Offer of Mercy 23
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 The Meaning and Value of the Doctrine of Decrees 29
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 Preterition Necessary to the Sovereignty of God in Election 69
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 Preterition and the Lopsided View of the Divine Decree 75
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 The Double Predestination to Holiness and Sin 84
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 Common and Special Grace 92
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 The True Proportion in a Creed between the Universal and the Special Love of God 102
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 Infant Salvation as Related to Original Sin 107
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 The Westminster Standards and the ‘Larger Hope’ 116
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13 The Westminster Affirmation of the Original Inerrancy of the Scriptures 132
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14 Calvinism and the Bible 145
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15 Denominational Honesty and Honor 152
![](art/px_trans.gif) Appendix: "The Significance of the Westminster Standards as a Creed" by Benjamin B. Warfield
SGCB Price: $6.50 (list price $13.00)
SGCB Price: $130.00 (list price $290.00) NEARLY 60% DISCOUNT WHEN ORDERING ALL 11 TITLES
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=noimage.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | PSALMS: A Geneva Commentary DAVID DICKSON (1583-1663)
![](art/px_trans.gif) Of all the books of Scripture, the Book of Psalms has ever occupied a foremost position in the experience of believers. For three thousand years it has nurtured infants, guided pilgrims, fired Reformers, inspired preachers, solaced martyrs, and comforted the aged. In those eras when the power of godliness has been most evident, the Psalms have been central in the life of the Church.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The importance of the Psalms is reflected in the vast amount of literature devoted to them. From Athanasius in the fourth century to C. H. Spurgeon in the nineteenth, valuable commentaries on the Psalms have steadily multiplied. The particular value of this work by Dickson is that it is simply written and is a compact size. It is suggestive rather than exhaustive and designed not for the deliberation of scholars but for the meditation of saints. While Dickson aims primarily at giving an accurate exegesis his main emphasis is instructive and devotional.
![](art/px_trans.gif) ENDORSEMENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) ‘A rich volume, dropping fatness. Invaluable to the preacher. Having read and re-read it, we can speak of its holy savour and suggestiveness. We commend it with much fervour.’ — C. H. SPURGEON
![](art/px_trans.gif) AUTHOR
![](art/px_trans.gif) David Dickson (1583-1663) was the son of a wealthy merchant in Glasgow. His early aspirations to enter the family business were diverted through an illness and a subsequently lengthy period of convalescence. The result was that he entered the University of Glasgow (then under Principal Robert Boyd) and prepared for the Christian ministry. Following graduation he remained in the University as a regent until, in 1618, he was called to the parish of Irvine in Ayrshire.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Deprived of his ministry in 1622 by the Bishop of Glasgow for his opposition to the Five Articles, he was banished for a year to Turriff in Aberdeenshire, but on his return was the instrument in the hand of God of numerous conversions. It was out of his pastoral experience that his famous manual of spiritual counsel, Therapeutica Sacra, was written.
![](art/px_trans.gif) In 1638 he was present at the famous Assembly which restored Presbyterian government in Scotland, and the following year was chosen Moderator of the Scottish Church. In 1640 he became Professor of Divinity in Glasgow, transferring to Edinburgh ten years later. During that period he played a considerable part in establishing vital, orthodox Christianity throughout the land. He helped to draw up the Directory for Public Worship, and with James Durham compiled The Sum of Saving Knowledge (a work instrumental in later years in the conversion of Robert Murray M’Cheyne).
![](art/px_trans.gif) Restoration troubles after the return of King Charles II in 1660 hastened his death. As the end drew near, he spoke the memorable words: ‘I have taken all my good deeds, and all my bad, and cast them in a heap before the Lord, and fled from both, and betaken myself to the Lord Jesus Christ, and in him I have sweet peace.’
![](art/px_trans.gif) Dickson is the author of Truth’s Victory Over Error: A Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith and a commentary on the Psalms in the Geneva series, both published by the Trust.
![](art/px_trans.gif) CWNPS
SGCB Price: $28.95 (list price $38.00)
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=465.jpg)
![](art/px_trans.gif) click for details | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | THE CALVINISTIC METHODIST FATHERS OF WALES (TWO VOLUME HARDCOVER SET) JOHN MORGAN JONES
![](art/px_trans.gif) Never before translated into English, these two massive volumes narrate the exciting story of the amazing spiritual transformation that affected Wales between the years 1735 and 1850. Of great value is the use the authors make of eye-witness accounts preserved in contemporary diaries, journals and letters. A truly exhilarating read!
![](art/px_trans.gif) These stimulating and enjoyable volumes narrate the exciting story of how Wales was spiritually transformed and the men whom God used to accomplish that great work. ‘The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it’ (Psa. 68:11). In this first volume, which focuses on the revivals experienced in South Wales, we meet the well-known figures of Daniel Rowland, Howell Harris, William Williams of Pantycelyn; but within these wonderful pages are portraits of many lesser-known preachers such as Griffith Jones of Llanddowror, Howell Davies, Peter Williams, and David Jones of Llan-gan.
![](art/px_trans.gif) What soon becomes evident in reading this fascinating history is the power of the Holy Spirit over congregations. From small beginnings in homes and farmhouses to great open-air gatherings of many thousands, the sermon became the foremost influence in the life of the nation. Whole neighbourhoods were turned upside-down and whole towns were subdued by the sense of God’s presence. The greatest concern of all at that time was the state of one’s soul before God.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The great value of these volumes is the way they take up the words of those most involved in these remarkable events. In journals, diaries, letters and Association minutes they describe a wide range of Christian experience – conviction, repentance, faith and assurance, joy in the Holy Spirit, witness and testimony, conflict with sin and backsliding, restoration and perseverance – all are encountered and described with transparent honesty and humility. Preachers will also greatly value the many experiences here recounted in the work of preaching the gospel – above all the ‘demonstration of the Spirit and power’.
![](art/px_trans.gif) TABLE OF CONTENTS
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) Translator’s Preface vii
![](art/px_trans.gif) Timeline xv
![](art/px_trans.gif) Welsh Place Names xxi
![](art/px_trans.gif) Abbreviations xxvii
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1 The Moral Condition of Wales at the Beginning of Methodism 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2 Griffith Jones, Llanddowror 29
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3 The Methodist Revival in England 50
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4 Daniel Rowland, Llangeitho 61
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5 Howell Harris 109
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6 Howell Davies 193
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7 William Williams of Pantycelyn 207
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8 The First Eight Years of the Revival 250
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9 The Association 275
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10 Some of the Early Exhorters 306
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11 Howell Harris (1743-4) 357
![](art/px_trans.gif) 12 Howell Harris (1745) 413
![](art/px_trans.gif) 13 Howell Harris (1746) 456
![](art/px_trans.gif) 14 Howell Harris (1747-8) 499
![](art/px_trans.gif) 15 Howell Harris (1749-50) 529
![](art/px_trans.gif) 16 The Disruption 568
![](art/px_trans.gif) 17 Howell Harris after the Disruption 600
![](art/px_trans.gif) 18 Peter Williams 652
![](art/px_trans.gif) 19 David Jones, Llan-gan 690
![](art/px_trans.gif) 20 William Davies of Neath, Dafydd Morris of Tyr-gwyn, and William Lloyd of Caeo 715
![](art/px_trans.gif) VOLUME 2
![](art/px_trans.gif) Abbreviations vii
![](art/px_trans.gif) 21 The Beginnings of Methodism in the Various Districts of Gwynedd 1
![](art/px_trans.gif) 22 John Evans of Bala 30
![](art/px_trans.gif) 23 Robert Roberts of Clynnog 48
![](art/px_trans.gif) 24 Robert Jones of Rhos-lan and Robert Dafydd of Brynengan 77
![](art/px_trans.gif) 25 John Roberts, Llangwm 106
![](art/px_trans.gif) 26 Thomas Foulkes of Machynlleth. Daffyd Cadwaladyr, and Others 128
![](art/px_trans.gif) 27 William Thomas, Pyle, and Siencyn Thomas, Penhydd 160
![](art/px_trans.gif) 28 Christopher Bassett, Thomas Gray, and Edward Coslet 187
![](art/px_trans.gif) 29 John Williams, Pantycelyn; John Evans, Cil-y-cwm; and Morgan Rhys 212
![](art/px_trans.gif) 30 Thomas Charles, B.A., Bala 239
![](art/px_trans.gif) 31 Thomas Charles, B.A., Bala (continued) 268
![](art/px_trans.gif) 32 Thomas Charles, B.A., Bala (continued) 299
![](art/px_trans.gif) 33 From the First Association at Watford to the Ordination (1743-1811) 343
![](art/px_trans.gif) 34 The First Ordination and Its Consequences 378
![](art/px_trans.gif) 35 The Clergymen Who Remained 432
![](art/px_trans.gif) 36 The Clergymen Who Remained (continued) 463
![](art/px_trans.gif) 37 The Clergymen Who Withdrew 494
![](art/px_trans.gif) 38 Ebenezer Morris 515
![](art/px_trans.gif) 39 Thomas Jones, Denbigh 575
![](art/px_trans.gif) 40 Thomas Jones, Denbigh (continued) 597
![](art/px_trans.gif) 41 John Elias 633
![](art/px_trans.gif) 42 John Elias (continued) 681
![](art/px_trans.gif) 43 Ebenezer Richard, Tregaron 754
![](art/px_trans.gif) BOTW
![](art/px_trans.gif) GREAT PRICE FOR A 1520+ PAGE HARDCOVER VOLUMES
SGCB Price: $49.95 (list price $65.00) THIS IS CURRENTLY OUT-OF-PRINT
![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | ![](_thumb.asp?dw=130&dh=140&filename=949.jpg) | ![](art/px_trans.gif) | JOHN OWEN ON THE CHRISTIAN LIFE SINCLAIR FERGUSON
![](art/px_trans.gif) CURRENTLY OUT OF PRINT
![](art/px_trans.gif) John Owen has long been recognized by evangelicals as one of the greatest of all English-speaking theological classics. Like Augustine, whom he so admired, Owen’s thinking touched both the depths of sin and the heights of grace. Many of his readers have come away from reading him on such themes as temptation, or indwelling sin, feeling that Owen knew them through and through.
![](art/px_trans.gif) The truth is that Owen had come-by intensive and constant study of both Scripture and the human heart- to know both himself and God. It was out of this rich experience that he preached and wrote on the loftiest themes of Christian theology.
![](art/px_trans.gif) Because of this background, Owen’s teaching was always pastoral in its concern. His aim, said his assistant David Clarkson, was ‘to promote holiness’. Consequently his work has survived through the centuries and is now more widely recognized and appreciated than it has been for many years. His writings address the fundamental issues Christians face in every age: How can I live the Christian life? How am I to deal with sin and temptation? How can I find assurance, and live for the honour of Jesus Christ?
![](art/px_trans.gif) John Owen on the Christian Life expounds Owen’s teaching on these and related themes. The first book-length study of any aspect of Owen’s thought, it also stands on its own as a study in pastoral theology. Ministers, Christian leaders, readers of Owen, and those who are daunted by the sheer voluminousness of his writings will find this book an ideal companion.
![](art/px_trans.gif) INTRODUCTION x
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. JOHN OWEN AND HIS CHRISTIAN LIFE
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. The beginnings of his ministry 3
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. The Congregationalist 4
![](art/px_trans.gif) iii. A Wider sphere of influence 6
![](art/px_trans.gif) iv. Dean and Vice-Chancellor 9
![](art/px_trans.gif) v. The Congregational leader 13
![](art/px_trans.gif) vi. Last days 17
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. THE PLAN OF SALVATION 20
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. The Doctrine of the Covenant 20
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. The Covenant of Works 22
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. The Covenant of Grace 24
![](art/px_trans.gif) iii. The Covenant of Redemption 25
![](art/px_trans.gif) iv. The Covenant at Sinai 27
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. Union with Christ 32
![](art/px_trans.gif) 3. GRACE REIGNS THROUGH RIGHTEOUSNESS 37
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. The Effects of sin 39
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. Regeneration 41
![](art/px_trans.gif) iii. The Use of the law 48
![](art/px_trans.gif) iv. The Structure of sanctification 54
![](art/px_trans.gif) v. The Progress of sanctification 56
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) Negatively considered 61
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) Positively considered 63
![](art/px_trans.gif) vi. Restoration of the image of God 65
![](art/px_trans.gif) vii. The Christian’s duty: 67
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) To honour Christ 69
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) To mortify sin 71
![](art/px_trans.gif) 4. FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD 74
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. Communion with the Father 76
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. Communion with the Son 77
![](art/px_trans.gif) iii. Communion with the Holy Spirit 92
![](art/px_trans.gif) THE ASSURANCE OF SALVATION 99
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. The assurance of forgiveness 100
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. Practical rules for assurance 108
![](art/px_trans.gif) iii. Hindrances to assurance 112
![](art/px_trans.gif) iv. The seal of the Spirit 116
![](art/px_trans.gif) 5. CONFLICT WITH SIN 125
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. Sin’s dominion ended 125
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. Sin’s presence continued 130
![](art/px_trans.gif) iii. Temptations abound 141
![](art/px_trans.gif) iv. Mortification required 145
![](art/px_trans.gif) 6. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE SAINTS 154
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. The Nature and Government of the Church 156
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. The Lord’s congregation 158
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. Order in the church 164
![](art/px_trans.gif) iii. Ministry in the church 165
![](art/px_trans.gif) iv. Unity of the church 170
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. The Individual in the Church 172
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. Valid church life 172
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. The charge of schism 175
![](art/px_trans.gif) iii. Church membership 178
![](art/px_trans.gif) iv. Discipline 181
![](art/px_trans.gif) 7. SCRIPTURE AND MINISTRY 184
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. Scripture 185
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. Inspiration 186
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. Authority 188
![](art/px_trans.gif) iii. Preservation 190
![](art/px_trans.gif) iv. Attestation 192
![](art/px_trans.gif) v. Understanding 196
![](art/px_trans.gif) vi. Influence 199
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. Ministry 201
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. Gifts and graces 202
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. Extraordinary gifts 204
![](art/px_trans.gif) iii. Ordinary gifts 208
![](art/px_trans.gif) 8. SACRAMENTS AND PRAYER 211
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. Sacraments 211
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. Baptism: initiation into covenant life 215
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. Lord’s Supper: covenant seal 220
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. Prayer 224
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. A covenant privilege 225
![](art/px_trans.gif) (1) The matter of prayer 226
![](art/px_trans.gif) (2) The manner of prayer 227
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. A Scriptural duty 228
![](art/px_trans.gif) 9. APOSTASY AND ITS PREVENTION 232
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. The Danger of Apostasy 232
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. Apostasy from gospel doctrine 238
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. Apostasy from gospel holiness 242
![](art/px_trans.gif) iii. Apostasy from gospel worship 244
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. Spiritual Mindedness the Preservative 248
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. The objects of spiritual thoughts 250
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. The nature of spiritual mindedness 254
![](art/px_trans.gif) iii. The development of spiritual mindedness 257
![](art/px_trans.gif) 10. PERSEVERANCE AND THE GOAL 262
![](art/px_trans.gif) 1. Perseverance 262
![](art/px_trans.gif) 2. The Goal 269
![](art/px_trans.gif) i. Christian character 269
![](art/px_trans.gif) ii. Eternal glory 275
![](art/px_trans.gif) 11. POSTSCRIPT 281
![](art/px_trans.gif) INDEX 1 (Names and Subjects) 283
![](art/px_trans.gif) INDEX 2 (Biblical References) 291
![](art/px_trans.gif) sbf bots
SGCB Price: $26.00 (list price $30.00)
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