EVANGELICAL TRUTH: Practical Sermons for the Christian Family Archibald Alexander
 Archibald Alexander (1772-1851) was a godly and gifted man whom the Lord raised up to lay the foundation of Princeton Theological Seminary in 1812. Years later, toward the end of his fruitful life, he was asked to produce a volume of sermons that could be read within the Christian family that would set forth the basics of the Evangelical Faith, After wrestling with this proposition for some time, and having sought to fulfill the publishers wishes, he finally decided to gather together sermons he had preached over his ministry and place them in the simplest terms possible.
 Hear his own words:
 "These sermons contain what the author believes to be evangelical truth, in the exhibition of which, his aim has been to render the gospel perspicuous to persons of common understanding. He has, therefore, adopted a style as plain and simple as he could. The sermons are short, and on an average, may be read in fifteen or twenty minutes. And as this is probably the author's last literary work, it is his earnest desire and prayer, that it may be useful in promoting evangelical and experimental religion when his head shall lie beneath the clods of the valley! He invites other Christians to unite with him in this prayer, for the success of the volume now given to the Christian community."
 Of American divines, the names of Jonathan Edwards and Archibald Alexander take the first place. Dr. Theodore Woolsey called him, "The Shakespeare of the Christian heart."
 "I solemnly believe that Dr. Archibald Alexander is the greatest man who walks the earth." - Samuel Miller, fellow professor at Princeton
 This volume contains 37 complete sermons
 1- Obedience to Christ Gives Assurance of the Truth of His Doctrines - John 8:17
 2- The Knowledge of Sin by the Law - Romans 3:20
 3- The First and Greatest Commandment - Mark 12:29,30
 4- The Second Like unto the First - Mark 12:31
 5- The Name Jesus - Matthew 1:21
 6- The Incarnation - Luke 2:13,14
 7- Christ's Gift of Himself for our Redemption - Titus 2:14
 8- The New Creation - Galatians 6:15
 9- Repentance and Forgiveness the Gift of our Exalted Savior - Acts 5:31
 10- Receiving Christ by Faith - John 1:12
 11- Privileges of the Sons of God - John 1:12,13
 12- Deceitfulness of the Heart - Jeremiah 17:9
 13- Wickedness of the Heart - Jeremiah 17:9
 14- Christ our Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption - 1 Corinthians 1:30
 15- The One Thing Needful - Luke 10:42
 16- The Love of Christ - Ephesians 5:2
 17- Love to Christ - John 21:17
 18- Keeping Alive the Love of God - Jude 21
 19- Strength Renewed by Waiting on the Lord - Isaiah 40:31
 20- The True Israelite - John 1:47
 21- God to be Glorified by those Bought with a Price - 1 Corinthians 6:19,20
 22- The Way in which God Leads His People - Isaiah 42:16
 23- Not Slothful, but Followers of the Saints by Faith - Hebrews 6:12
 24- Christ the Believer's Refuge and Consolation - Hebrews 6:18
 25- Returning to our First Love - Revelation 2:4,5
 26- The Blessedness of Trusting in God - Psalm 2:13
 27- Faith's Victory Over the World - 1 John 5:4
 28- The Benefits of Affliction - Psalm 119:71
 29- Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ - Philippians 3:8
 30- Holding Forth the Word of Life - Philippians 2:16
 31- The House of God Desirable - Psalm 84:1,2
 32- The Misery of Impenitent Sinners - Acts 8:23
 33- Spiritual Worship - Philippians 3:3
 34- The Difficulty of Knowing our Faults - Psalm 19:12
 35- God's Grace Sufficient - 2 Corinthians 12:9
 36- The Dying Martyr's Prayer - Acts 7:59
 37- Christ's Gracious Invitation - Matthew 11:28
 576 page Large Paperback Volume
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents |
1- Obedience to Christ Gives Assurance of the Truth of His Doctrines - John 8:17
2- The Knowledge of Sin by the Law - Romans 3:20
3- The First and Greatest Commandment - Mark 12:29,30
4- The Second Like unto the First - Mark 12:31
5- The Name Jesus - Matthew 1:21
6- The Incarnation - Luke 2:13,14
7- Christ's Gift of Himself for our Redemption - Titus 2:14
8- The New Creation - Galatians 6:15
9- Repentance and Forgiveness the Gift of our Exalted Savior - Acts 5:31
10- Receiving Christ by Faith - John 1:12
11- Privileges of the Sons of God - John 1:12,13
12- Deceitfulness of the Heart - Jeremiah 17:9
13- Wickedness of the Heart - Jeremiah 17:9
14- Christ our Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption - 1 Corinthians 1:30
15- The One Thing Needful - Luke 10:42
16- The Love of Christ - Ephesians 5:2
17- Love to Christ - John 21:17
18- Keeping Alive the Love of God - Jude 21
19- Strength Renewed by Waiting on the Lord - Isaiah 40:31
20- The True Israelite - John 1:47
21- God to be Glorified by those Bought with a Price - 1 Corinthians 6:19,20
22- The Way in which God Leads His People - Isaiah 42:16
23- Not Slothful, but Followers of the Saints by Faith - Hebrews 6:12
24- Christ the Believer's Refuge and Consolation - Hebrews 6:18
25- Returning to our First Love - Revelation 2:4,5
26- The Blessedness of Trusting in God - Psalm 2:13
27- Faith's Victory Over the World - 1 John 5:4
28- The Benefits of Affliction - Psalm 119:71
29- Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ - Philippians 3:8
30- Holding Forth the Word of Life - Philippians 2:16
31- The House of God Desirable - Psalm 84:1,2
32- The Misery of Impenitent Sinners - Acts 8:23
33- Spiritual Worship - Philippians 3:3
34- The Difficulty of Knowing our Faults - Psalm 19:12
35- God's Grace Sufficient - 2 Corinthians 12:9
36- The Dying Martyr's Prayer - Acts 7:59
37- Christ's Gracious Invitation - Matthew 11:28