THE SOLDIER'S CATECHISM: Virtuous Warriors in an Age of TerrorA Manual for the Spiritual Fitness of the US Armed Forces Michael E. Cannon, Jr.
 Michael Cannon has served for many years as a Military Chaplain, and has both seen the need for this Manual and acted to meet that need. He has done tremendous research in gathering materials for this "Soldier's Catechism" including the following:
 (1) The Soldier's Catechism used in Oliver Cromwell's "New Model Army"
 (2) The Soldier's Pocket Bible which comes from the same period of time, and contains hundreds of passages centered around themes addressed to the soldier.
 (3) Significant quotations from the Creeds and Confessions of the Church of Jesus Christ
 "The Soldier's Catechism, although not infallible as the Word of God, has become to me alike the protective sheath for the Soldiers sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:17). This daily help encourages me to mediate on the whole counsel of God as revealed in Scripture from the vantage point of one who must prepare and lead Soldiers into both physical and spiritual combat. The Soldier's Catechism emboldens my spiritual expeditionary endurance as I wrestle "against the rulers of darkness of this age" as a warrior in God's Church triumphant. My hope is the Soldier's Catechism will be an encouragement to you as we fight the good fight along side each other." - Colonel Michael C. Cloy, Infantry, US Army
 "I highly recommend this tool to encourage our great American Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardians. In these days of danger and intense service to our country, a means of reminding our troops of their Hope and Joy is very much needed. This time-honored means of instruction is bound to encourage men and women to "glorify God and enjoy Him forever!" - CH (COL-P) Douglas E. Lee, U.S.Army Assistant Chief of Chaplains for Mobilizations and Readiness
 "The Rev. Michael Cannon's Soldier's Catechism succeeds wonderfully in modernizing the classic Cromwellian Soldier's Catechism for use by the 21st century soldier. The updated questions and answers accompanied by the English Standard Version (ESV) biblical text successfully engage the modern soldier, are directly applicable to contemporary military tactics, and address the issues of present-day warfare." -the Rev. Richard M. Edwards, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Philosophy, University of Wisconsin Colleges
 MILITARY GIFT PACKAGE: Just $20.00 Each ($74.00 VALUE)
 For just $20.00 per package you will receive the following-
 THE SOLDIER'S CATECHISM by Michael Cannon (List Price $15.00)
 COME YE APART: Devotional Guide Through the Gospels by J.R. Miller (List Price $25.00)
 THE FEAR OF GOD: The Soul of Godliness by John Murray (List Price $5.00)
 OPENING UP EPHESIANS by Peter Jeffery (List Price $10.00)
 CHAINS OF GRACE: The Story of Peter Jeffery (List Price $12.00)
 THOUGHTS FOR YOUNG MEN (List Price $12.00)

SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $15.00)
SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $74.00)

Additional Information
Sample Chapter
Introduction |
The Soldier's Catechism emerged during the English Civil Wars as part of the "New Model Army", the most famous of the Parliamentarian Armies. In addition to being an Army of expertly trained soldiers led by trained military commanders, the soldiers of the Cromwellian Army retained the reputation of one of the most virtuous Armies ever to take the field of battle due largely to their Puritan religious zeal. The New Model Army was stood up on February 15, 1645 from the existing "Roundhead" forces. Oliver Cromwell removed the existing leadership when he passed a "self-denying ordinance" and replaced it with trained leaders. The tactics of the New Model Army were based on fast hit-and-run attacks against the flanks of the enemy, a revolutionary evolution in strategy for its time. The Army was comprised of 22,000 soldiers, including 11 regiments of cavalry (6600 men), 12 regiments of infantry (14400 men), and 1 regiment of 1000 dragoons. Like our Army today, promotions were based on proficiency rather than social standing or wealth. The New Model Army's victories reflected their virtue. Often against great odds, their commitment to their cause, and their courage, steadied by their unwavering faith in God, drove them on to victory. After the end of the civil war, they fought in Scotland, Ireland, Flanders and Spain. After the campaigns in Ireland in the 1640's some of them retired to settle in what is now called Northern Ireland.
This present catechism represents the first serious attempt to bring the Soldier's Catechism current and apply it to the conflicts and Armies of the 21st Century. The questions have been modified only where necessary to make them relevant to modern times rather than to the English Civil War, i.e., references to Parliament and King have been replaced.
The Soldier's Pocket Bible and The Second Chapter of The Westminster Confession of Faith covering the Trinity have been added resources in the appendix. The Pocket Bible originated in the same historical period as the Catechism; only the biblical texts have been updated to the English Standard Version (ESV). This Pocket Bible was intended to provide a soldier with a conveniently sized bible for reference and encouragement in the unique context of war. (A second edition was eventually published titled "The Soldier's Penny Bible.")
Wherever possible I have sought to retain the sense of antiquity in the language when it did not detract from the modern interpretation.
Michael E. Cannon, Jr.