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BIBLICAL & THEOLOGICAL STUDIES: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Princeton Theological Seminary
The Faculty of Princeton Seminary, Including Machen, Warfield, Vos et al

This rare volume was compiled to celebrate the completion of 100 years of faithful service to the Church of Jesus Christ in May of 1912. The faculty submitted essays that demonstrated the spiritual atmosphere that permeated that beloved and blessed institution that trained men for gospel ministry from the world over.

Outstanding articles are here from men like B.B. Warfield, J. Gresham Machen, Geerhardus Vos, Robert Dick Wilson, Oswald Allis and many more.

New Introduction and Biographical Summaries by David B. Calhoun

"Here is scholarship at its best, written with a passion for the truth and a deep concern to instruct, nourish and guard the church of Christ. A 'must-have' addition to the bookshelves of thoughtful 21st century Christians!" -Sinclair Ferguson

"Biblical & Theological Studies is an overlooked gem in the world of reprints. I'm grateful it is finally being brought back into circulation. The chapters on seminary training and homiletics are timeless, as is Warfield's moving testimony on Christ's emotional life. This is a must read for seminary students and ministers, and will be of great value to thoughtful believers."- Joel R. Beeke

"Throughout its first century, Princeton Theological Seminary was the only American seminary which any significant number of students from outside the United States attended. The care in biblical exegesis, intellectual engagement, and theological argumentation displayed by the articles in this book demonstrates how that high reputation was won." -Mark Noll

650 pages available in both paperback and hardcover with dust jacket





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Table of Contents
Introduction and Biographical Summaries

Introduction and Biographical Summaries


In 1912, to commemorate the first hundred years of its history, the Princeton Theological Seminary faculty published a hefty volume of Biblical and Theological Studies. It was the faculty's fitting tribute to a school founded to study and teach the Word of God and to set forth and defend the faith "once delivered to the saints." All but one of the fifteen professors had at one time also been students at the seminary.

The first chapter of the book, "Theological Encyclopaedia" by the seminary's president, Francis Landey Patton, asserts the necessity of a thorough theological education for preachers of the Gospel. It is as relevant today as it was almost a hundred years ago. B. B. Warfield is at his best (and that is very, very good) in writing on "The Emotional Life of Our Lord." Here we worship as we learn. Church historian John De Witt sets forth his and Princeton Seminary's appreciation of Jonathan Edwards (He gave this address originally in the Meeting House of the Parish Church of Stockbridge, Massachusetts, at the 1903 celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of Jonathan Edwards' birth). Chapters by Geerhardus Vos and Gresham Machen anticipate their great contributions to come in biblical theology and New Testament studies. "Sin and Grace in the Biblical Narratives Rehearsed in the Koran" by James Oscar Boyd demonstrates the breadth of interest and expertise of the 1912 Princeton faculty, perhaps the strongest in its history, as do the chapters by Robert Dick Wilson ("The Aramaic of Daniel") and Kerr Duncan Macmillan ("The Interpretation of the Shepherd of Hermas"). Practical theology is represented by Frederick William Loetscher's "Homiletics as a Theological Discipline" and Charles Erdman's "Modern Spiritual Movements."

In his essay, "Theological Encyclopaedia," Francis Patton writes:

And so I say to my younger brethren in the ministry, and especially to the young men who have not yet entered it: get powers of expression, get knowledge, get thought-power, get rich Christian experience, get a knowledge of homiletical technique, and then let the sermon be yours--nay, rather, let it be you. Let it be an arrow shot from the tense bow-string of conviction and it will hit the mark every time.

It could be said of the fifteen chapters of this book that they are fifteen arrows "shot from the tense bow-string of conviction." And they "hit the mark every time."

David B. Calhoun
Covenant Theological Seminary
Saint Louis,Missouri

Biographical Summaries of the Authors Found in BIBLICAL AND THEOLOGICALSTUDIES (adapted from the Biographical Catalogue of the Princeton Theological Seminary, 1815-1932 by David B. Calhoun)

FRANCIS LANDEY PATTON--"Theological Encyclopaedia"

Born, Warwick, Bermuda, January 22, 1843; Knox College, Toronto; University of Toronto; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1863-65; ordained, New York Presbytery, June 1, 1865; pastor, Eighty-fourth Street Church, New York City, 1865-67; pastor, Nyack, New York, 1867-70; pastor, South Church, Brooklyn, 1871; pastor, Jefferson Park Church, Chicago, Illinois, 1874-81; professor, Theology, Theological Seminary of the Northwest, 1871-81; professor, Relations of Philosophy and Science to Christian Religion, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1881-88; president, Princeton University, 1888-1902, professor, Ethics, 1886-1913; president, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1902-13, lecturer, Theism, 1888-1903, professor, Philosophy of Religion, 1903-13, president emeritus, 1913-32; residence, Warwick, Bermuda, 1913-32; died, Warwick, November 25, 1932. DD, Hanover College, 1872, Yale University, 1888; LLD, Wooster College, 1878, Harvard University, 1889, University of Toronto, 1894, Yale University, 1901, Johns Hopkins University, 1902, University of Maryland, 1807, Princeton University, 1813; honorary MA, Princeton University, 1896; Moderator, General Assembly, 1878.

BENJAMIN BRECKINRIDGE WARFIELD--"On the Emotional Life of Our Lord"

Born, Lexington, Kentucky, November 5, 1851; College of New Jersey, 1871; Europe; editor; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1873-76; University of Leipzig, 1876-77; stated supply, Concord Church, Kentucky, 1875; stated supply, First Church, Dayton, Ohio, 1876; stated supply, First Church, Baltimore, Maryland, 1877-78; ordained evangelist, Ebenezer Presbytery, April 26, 1879; instructor, New Testament Literature and Exegesis, Western Theological Seminary, 1878, professor, 1879-87; professor, Didactic and Polemic Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1887-1921; died, Princeton, New Jersey, February 16, 1921. DD, College of New Jersey, 1880; LLD, College of New Jersey and Davidson College, 1892; LittD, Lafayette College, 1911; STD, University of Utrecht, 1913.

JOHN D. DAVIS--"The Child Whose Name is Wonderful"

Born, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1854; College of New Jersey, 1879; University of Bonn, 1879-80; Europe, 1880-81; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1881-83; instructor, Hebrew, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1883-84; Hebrew Fellowship, University of Leipzig, 1884-86; instructor, Hebrew, Princeton Theological Seminary,1886-88; ordained, Pittsburgh Presbytery, April 26, 1887; professor, Hebrew and Cognate Languages, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1888-92, Semitic Philology and Old Testament History, 1892-1900, Oriental and Old Testament Literature, 1900-26; died, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 21, 1926. PhD,CollegeofNew Jersey, 1886; DD,PrincetonUniversity, 1898; LLD, Washington andJeffersonCollege, 1902.

JOHN De WITT--"Jonathan Edwards: A Study"

Born, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, October 10, 1842; College of New Jersey, 1861; law student; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1861-63; Union Theological Seminary (New York); ordained, New York Presbytery, June 9, 1865; pastor, Irvington, New York, 1865-69; pastor, Centennial Congregational Church, Boston, Massachusetts, 1869-76; pastor, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, 1876-82; professor, Ecclesiastical History, Lane Theological Seminary, 1882-88; professor, Apologetics, McCormick Theological Seminary, 1888-92; professor, Church History, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1892-1912, professor emeritus; died, Princeton, New Jersey, November 19, 1923. DD,CollegeofNew Jersey, 1877; LLD,HanoverCollege, 1888.


Born, Providence, Rhode Island, August 16, 1854; College of New Jersey, 1876; teacher; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1877-80; ordained, Boston Presbytery, June 3, 1880; pastor, First Church, Boston, Massachusetts, 1880-83; pastor, Tenth Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1883-92; Stuart professor, Relation of Philosophy and Science to the Christian Religion, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1892-1903, Apologetics and Christian Ethics, 1903-28; died, Princeton, New Jersey, November 16, 1928. DD,CollegeofNew Jersey, 1891.

GEERHARDUS VOS--"The Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Conception of the Spirit"

Born, Heerenveen, Netherlands, March 14, 1862; Amsterdam Gymnasium, 1881; Calvin Theological Seminary, 1881-83; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1883-85; Fellowship, Hebrew, University of Berlin, 1885-86; University of Strasbourg, 1886-88, PhD; professor, Theology, Calvin Theological Seminary, 1888-93; ordained evangelist, New Brunswick Presbytery, April 24, 1894; professor, Biblical Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1893-1932, professor emeritus, 1932-49; residence, Roaring Branch, Pennsylvania, 1932-33; Santa Ana, California, 1933-41; and Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1941-49; died, Grand Rapids, August 13, 1949. DD,LafayetteCollege, 1893.

ROBERT DICK WILSON--"The Aramaic of Daniel"

Born, Indiana, Pennsylvania, February 4, 1856; College of New Jersey, 1876, 1879, MA, 1886, PhD; Western Theological Seminary, 1880-81; University of Berlin, 1881-83; instructor, Old Testament, Western Theological Seminary, 1883-85, professor, 1885-1900; professor, Semitic Philology and Old Testament Introduction, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1900-29; professor, Semitic Philology and Old Testament Criticism, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1929-30; died, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 11, 1930. DD,LafayetteCollege, 1894; LLD,WoosterCollege, 1921.

WILLIAM PARK ARMSTRONG--"The Place of the Resurrection Appearances of Jesus"

Born, Selma, Alabama, January 10, 1874; College of New Jersey, 1894, 1896, MA; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1894-97, 1899; University of Marburg, 1897; University of Berlin, 1897-98; University of Erlangen, 1898; ordained, New Brunswick Presbytery, July 2, 1900; instructor, New Testament Literature, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1899-1903, professor, New Testament Literature and Exegesis, 1903-40, graduate professor, New Testament Exegesis, 1940-44; died, Princeton, March 25, 1944. DD,TempleUniversity, 1915.

CHARLES ROSENBURY ERDMAN--"Modern Spiritual Movements"

Born, Fayetteville, New York, July 20, 1866; College of New Jersey, 1886; teacher; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1887-89, 1890-91; ordained, Philadelphia North Presbytery, May 8, 1891; stated supply, Overbrook Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1890-91, pastor, 1891-97; pastor, First Church, Germantown, 1897-1906; professor, Practical Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1905-36, professor emeritus, 1936-60; pastor, First Church, Princeton, New Jersey, 1924-34; died, 1960. DD,WoosterCollege, 1912,PrincetonUni-versity, 1925; LLD,DavidsonCollege, 1924; Moderator, General Assembly, 1925.

FREDERICK WILLIAM LOETSCHER--"Homiletics as a Theological Discipline"

Born, Dubuque, Iowa, May 15, 1875; Princeton University, 1896, 1901, MA, 1906, PhD; teacher, Lawrenceville School, New Jersey; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1897-1901; Newberry Scholar; University of Berlin, 1901-1902; University of Strasbourg, 1902-1903; ordained, New Brunswick Presbytery, December 19, 1903; instructor, Church History, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1903-1907; pastor, Oxford Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1907-10; professor, Homiletics, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1910-13, Church History, 1913-45; professor, Church History, Temple University, 1945-51; died, Princeton, July 31, 1966. DD,LafayetteCollege, 1914; LLD,UniversityofDubuque, 1918.

JAMES OSCAR BOYD--"Sin & Grace in the Biblical Narratives Rehearsed in the Koran"

Born, Rahway, New Jersey, October 17, 1874; New York University, 1895; Butler Fellow, New York University, University of Erlangen, 1895-96; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1896-99, BD, GS Green Fellow, 1899-1900; Princeton University, 1905, PhD; ordained, New York Presbytery, June 3, 1900; instructor, Old Testament Literature, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1900-1907, assistant professor, Oriental and Old Testament Literature, 1907-15; pastor, Church of the Redeemer, Paterson, New Jersey, 1915-21; YMCA, war service, 1918-19; secretary, Arabic-Levant Agency, American Bible Society, 1921-26; secretary, Levant Agency, 1926-44; died, Oneida, New York, August 14, 1947. DD,NYUniversity, 1915.

CASPAR WISTAR HODGE, Jr.--"The Finality of the Christian Religion"

Born, Princeton, New Jersey, September 22, 1870; College of New Jersey, 1892, 1894, PhD; Heidelberg University; University of Berlin; instructor, Philosophy, Princeton University, 1895-97; associate professor, Ethics, Lafayette College, 1897-98; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1898-1901; ordained, New Brunswick Presbytery, September 18, 1902; instructor, New Testament, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1901-1902, assistant, Dogmatic Theology, 1901-1907, assistant professor, Didactic and Polemic Theology, 1907-15, professor, Dogmatic Theology, 1915-21, professor, Systematic Theology, 1921-37; died, Princeton, February 26, 1937. DD,Grove CityCollege, 1935.

KERR DUNCAN MACMILLAN--"The Interpretation of the Shepherd of Hermas"

Born, Mount Forest, Ontario, Canada, March 17, 1871; University of Toronto, 1894; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1894-97, BD; instructor, Old Testament, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1897-1900; licensed, Presbytery Lindsay, July 11, 1899; University of Berlin, 1900-03; instructor, Semitic Philology, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1903-07, Church History, 1907-13; president, Wells College, Aurora, New York, 1913-36; died, Clifton Springs, New York, March 13, 1938. STD,HobartCollege, 1914.


Born, Baltimore, Maryland, July 28, 1881; Johns Hopkins University, 1901, graduate study, 1901-1902; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1902-1905, BD; Princeton University, 1904, MA; New Testament Fellow, University of Marburg and University of Goettingen, 1905-1906; instructor, New Testament, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1906-14, assistant professor, New Testament Literature and Exegesis, 1914-29; ordained, New Brunswick Presbytery, June 23, 1914; YMCA, war service, 1918-19; professor, New Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1929-37; died, Bismark, North Dakota, January 1, 1937. DD,Hampden-SydneyCollege, 1921; LittD,WheatonCollege(Illinois), 1928.

OSWALD THOMPSON ALLIS--"The Transcendence of Jehovah, God of Israel"

Born, Wallingford, Pennsylvania, September 9, 1880; University of Pennsylvania, 1901; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1902-1905, BD; GS Green Fellow, Hebrew, 1905-1907; Princeton University, 1907, MA; University of Berlin, 1907-10, 1913, PhD; ordained, Philadelphia Presbytery, May 31, 1914; instructor, Semitic Philology, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1910-22, assistant professor, 1922-29; professor, Old Testament History and Exegesis, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1929-30, Old Testament 1930-49; died, Wayne, Pennsylvania, January 12, 1973. DD,Hampden-SydneyCollege, 1927.